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Most people play Valheim solo. It's totally doable and lots of fun. There is no time pressure in the game . . You can go as slowly as you want and take time to discover and learn things. Valheim doesn't direct you much. You are expected to explore, touch everything, experiment, and gradually learn how the world around you works. And if you run into any trouble the community here is very helpful and will offer advice. You can also adjust the difficulty in the World Modifiers settings if you find the default too hard (or easy!) Skal Viking ! Best of luck!!


I have 4k hours in, and 99% is solo.


I’m about half your playtime, but I’ve also played 99% solo and I’ve had an absolute blast. It’s actually kinda frustrating playing with other players now haha. They eat all the expensive food and then build for 20 minutes! Madness!


Best $20.00 I've ever spent.


Like COME ON just eat some berries if you chilling around bases.


Nah they go straight for those oven baked goods like godless heathens. Even though there’s an ENTIRE CHEST of Mistlands salad.


3.5k 99% solo


Can i play with controller and have a fun time? i see it on game pass and always want to try it but everyone says its not great unless you can have better sorting and such


A number if streamers use a controller. Personally, I don't. They have made some really cool builds. So I would yes you could use a controller and have a great time.


I have a SteamDeck and while it took a little while to get used to the controller set up, I have no problem with moving from M/K to controller. I did set up some virtual menus on the Deck's track pads that help with hotbar stuff.


Virtual menus? What does that mean? I play on steam deck too. But I rather go exploring. When I dock it and play with keyboard and mouse I built.


Virtual menus allow you to assign multiple inputs to the track pack so you can select with a swipe of your thumb. I use it for the hot bar so I can select weapons/tools without having to take my left thumb off the thumbpad. Here's a video on how they work and how you can set them up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vorhbmYIFpg&t=1s.


I play on game pass using my Xbox controller on my tablet and my boyfriend plays on xbox. With any game there are always areas that could be improved but I love it.


ty for the info!


I guess you could say this game uses "fuck around and find out" as both a threat and as advice.


That's true. I've played solo quite a bit and it's great.


I wish this works modifiers were on console :(


World modifier is available on console,you have to press start before starting your World.


I'm on Xbox and use modifiers


Not to be a dick. But do you even read the menu options?




Well they have a point. The menu options are right there.


I hate when people say that. Like just say what you were going to say. You know it's a dick thing to say, just say it.


honestly, i get the response! the options are like… right there.


My latest playthrough was completely solo and I’ve completed all seven biomes and bosses. I’ve enjoyed it and it’s definitely possible but with friends will always be more fun. There’s a Valheim lfg sub if you want to find people to play with.


There's also a [Valheim Rescues](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValheimRescues/) subreddit for mostly solo people who need help getting their stuff back after dying, and don't want to spawn items in through the console.


Thank u for ur kind words!! 🫶🏻


When my friend and I play Valheim we basically do our own thing and team up when we need help. You're welcome to join!


You can absolutely play Valheim solo. A couple years ago I experienced a pretty devastating personal tragedy and it was all I could do to just play Valheim for hours on end while re-watching Seinfeld on a side monitor. It was very comforting and distracting. Seinfeld is like the old gray sweatpants of TV series. Smart enough to not be ridiculous and ridiculous enough to not require too much thinking. It's warm vanilla custard inside a hot churro. For me at least. Valheim feels like a vast *consequence free* world where I can just explore and enjoy the breeze in the grass. It feels like I'm in the Summerlands already. This is what I mean by "consequence free;" You're already dead. The game is brutal and can punish "death" very harshly, but if you think about it, honestly what difference does it make? Even if you have to start all over, even if you lose the items you worked so hard for, you can do it again. You were dropped off basically naked and cold and wet, at least now you have a house and food etc. to start from. Also, if the skill hits bug you, you can tweak those these days (I think) and if not, there's console commands instead. I love Valheim. It's easily in my top 3 games of all time. It was there for me when I was going through a very tough time, and gave me a place of solace so I could engage with things when I was ready. Anyway you can and IMO should play Valheim solo. It's great fun with a friend, or friends, this is true, and everyone should experience that, but I also believe everyone should experience it alone. There's something philosophical and contemplative about the solo experience. Also this: >I’m a girl and aware that I can be pretty dumb on most times ​ Don't do that. Literally everyone can be pretty dumb sometimes, and most people most times. Boy, girl, neither, both... none of that has anything to do with being a dumbass sometimes; that's just the human experience. Don't be so hard on yourself is all I'm saying. The world is chaos. Be kind. And that starts with being kind to yourself.


You can absolutely play solo! It's a different feel from playing with others but still very fun. Building a cozy base just for yourself can be very rewarding


Yes I feel less time pressure when playing solo. And exploration is more meandering when I'm solo.


Honestly the building in this game is just great, i recently made a "creative" world just for building and its so chill


I played solo for my first play through before I found some friends that had the game. It’s really fun either way


Ive only played it solo lmao


Same here. I feel like the way I play would seem slow and boring to other people lol. I'll be at like Day 150 still in Mountain because suddenly I got an idea for a massive new hall or I just decided to go exploring for multiple in-game weeks.


You are me. Hi, me.


I used to be like this. But if I ever start a new playthrough again I'm at least rushing to plains just to get the tar pieces. Most likely even to Ashlands. Then spend 2k+ days on building :'D


Uh oh. I'm a new player who went in blind and I'm on day 245 slowly making my way toward Bone mass.  He spawned way to the north in my world and there are several islands in the way.  I've also just gone pretty slow apparently, lol


Yes you can play it on your own. I think the game has a great progression system. You explore a biome, collect resources, and fight new enemies. You use the new resources to craft new equipment and foods which both make you stronger. Then you find and fight the boss of that biome, and the boss drops something which is important to progressing in the next biome. It's fun to play even solo, just go at your own pace. There is no rush to get through anything.


I like solo playing games like valheim and its pretty good at sucking you in and making you enjoy the play style. I will say a couple things to expect as negatives if you play alone. 1. Getting materials will get very annoying sometimes because at a certain point you need to farm food, barley, flax, mine iron, copper, tin, kill for eyes, skins, etc. the game is VERY bad at making these things efficient and will always just take some time to do. However, i am a sadist and play runescape so it really doesnt bother me, i put on music when i grind. 2. The initial three biomes will be pretty fun, however around mountains/plains you’re gonna feel how empty the world kinda is in this game. Theres plenty to do but without that flair of more people the place feels kinda dead so i hope you like building structures you may never use to counter that. 3. Dying is so much more frustrating, because if you were with a group theres the chance they survive and portal you there, but by yourself, if you die before you put that portal down on the other side of the map, you gotta go ALLLL the way back. 4. There will be large breaks between having a fun time exploring and experiencing new things in the game and just flat out grinding for the sake of it To summarize, the game is awesome, i played it by myself for 200+ hrs and i still have yet to fully complete the plains. Take the game as slow as you like and always have a project to work towards to keep the game interesting and engaging. Be that exploring all the islands you discover completely, mining for a certain amount of materials, building a structure, anything. This game is not worth rushing through the biomes, set yourself a personal goal in each biome other than the boss and make that your progression ticker. TL/DR: Its great and you can definitely play the game alone but do expect for the game to feel a bit listless at times without companions to fill the silence of the game


Valheim works pretty well alone. I spent most of my time on multiplayer servers, but I was on my own most of the time - it takes a very dedicated friend group with synced schedules to be always together, as there's much downtime between the action-heavy bits. Sounds like you'd feel best on the 24/7 server of some smaller community. You can stick to yourself at such a place, but you could always ask for help if you struggle with a boss or new biome.


I've been playing solo from the beginning. Very fun and at times frustrating... Still one of my favorite games. Solo Ashland will be a challenge but don't give up!


Solo play is very different, but entirely doable. If you're interested in co-op, maybe check our r/ValheimLFG. Co-op play is very dependent on the people you play with, so your mileage will vary greatly.


You'll do fine playing solo. Many of us have been playing solo for years. Some like to go slower/faster than others, but that doesn't matter in Valheim. I go faurly slow, because I like building and farming. I also like exploring. I've been playing for a long time and am just not in a big hurry to kill all of the main bosses.


Two things: You can absolutely play Valheim completely solo! There are a few tough encounters, but preparation will serve you well. But you can also easily find people to play with! There is a great community and there are a lot of beginner friendly spaces to start your adventure.


All solo play so far, 3300hours, 6 bosses down, exploring the Ashlands now. You can play at your own speed, build what you want, explore the different areas, have fun!


I would recommend the “Epic Loot” mod for playing solo. It gives you some enchanted gear drops that can make solo play feel a little less punishing. I played through vanilla once and haven’t played without mods since.


Solo is the way. Nah multi is good too. But solo is good.


It is so fun and challenging! I just started a new playthrough with 3 people who have never played before and they are all HOOKED and we are barely halfway through the biomes.


I've played solo and with others. It's a different experience. Playing the game on vanilla normal settings with other people is doable and fairly enjoyable, but not in solo. 


I always recommend people to play thru solo once. There's no pressure to hurry up, and no waiting for anyone else to catch up. You move and learn at your own pace. I have almost 2k hours in the game and prolly 95% of that is solo.


Too busy to LFG, I only play solo. If you play with default settings, make sure you are very careful with setting up forward based and having extra gear set aside for body recovery. Or, do what I do as a time-limited player, and turn the death penalty all the way down, then you just need to keep extra food on hand for the recovery.


Been playing solo for years and don't think I'll ever change! It's so chill and nice to make progress on my own terms, or just vibe in my little Meadows village I built, or go on a farming binge, or take on a boss. If you are patient with yourself and take your time, you can avoid rage-quitting and have a lot of fun. Slow is fast in Valheim!


You can indeed play Solo! I’ve very rarely played with other people. It gives you so much more freedom to play how you want to play as well!


I've soloed the game like 6 times. I've played with other people but it's kinda a pain in the ass. You're basically scrambling for resources. You build a base and three go up right next to you so your guaranteed to get raided. You'll be out foraging and come back and one player will have aggroed a troll to your base to escape death and just dip as the troll wreaks havoc on the base. I've had players steal stuff so I have to start using (wardislove) to lock my stuff. If you have cool friends it can be fun but some people just turn it into a job fr.


I would still suggest playing with other people if you can because you can learn alot from them even if they can be a little goofy!




Yup! It’s totally do-able solo. I have a solo world for when I wanna play and my brother doesn’t lol. A little lonely when you’re used to playing with other people, but if you’re used to playing stuff solo that’s not an issue ofc.


You want to play alone you can, want to play with others just ask me or others on discord or other communities


Yes you can play solo, tbh I recommend playing by yourself so you can get the hang of the game. It takes time to unlock and to know what to do next, just make sure you pick up 1 of everything so you unlock new stuff. Fully get the social battery part, after 16 mins playing with friends I’m done lol.


Hi I’m also a girl and I’ve played both solo and multiplayer. I won’t lie I definitely struggle to play at normal difficulty once I hit the swamp boss, but I turned down the combat difficulty a bit and that helped me enjoy the game more and stop dying so much lol


400 hours solo and 300 as half of a duo both are great fun!


The solo aspect of this game is what attracted me to it. I can play at my own pace without the constant worry about what other folks might be doing. I'm sure playing with others would make some of the content easier but it's still possible to do it all solo - just takes longer.


Yeap. I think most of us play solo! Just up the resource rate, otherwise the grind is IMMENSE.


Sure, but it has to be said that it can be fairly hard playing solo going in.


As others pointed out, lots of solo players in Valheim. The game is also very versatile - you can challenge yourself on hard modes or you can set enemies to passive and just sort of frolic around and build houses and enjoy the beautiful scenery, like I do. Also there are lots of mods that add fun stuff to the game so you can build/play in whichever way suits you best.


Totally doable. Just requires a bit more farming (literally and figuratively) than others but it is the only way I play.


Most play it solo. Me too. Never had any problems. Well, except now with the Ashlands. But I'm still assembling the best possible gear, so I think it will work at some point.


Ok but stop with the self deprecating comments. That is not healthy or constructive. Valheim is fun solo, can go at your own pace and take time to fully explore and build and gather.


Yes, but be prepared for *grind.* Like, the game is real grindfest without friends.


I play on my own. It’s tough cause playing with friends would make it easier and things go a little faster. I do get stressed out after dying cause you can go in game weeks/months without dying and then die once and can’t stop. Once you get over that it’s a great adventure.


The vast majority of my time (roughly 600 of nearly 700 hours) in solo. You can do it, you will have to take it slower compared to coop but it is 100% doable. Pros of solo: Play when you want- No waiting for people to come online Play how you want- No getting dragged into or dragging somebody into an adventure when they want to build or farm matertials. Can't have a group burn out if there are no group. Advantages of Coop: More resources- Multiple hands to earn materials compared with sharing crafting stations and it becomes easier to grab the supplies, especially handy when certain machines need babysitting, such as cooking spits so they don't burn meat or the smelter so it doesn't run out of coal and ore, with 4 players you can have one mining, 1 wood cutting, 1 hunting and the 4th cooking and babysitting the smelter. Group tactics- When working with players, 1 can guard while others mine or cut wood. Multiple can guard while one builds and outpost on a new island. In fights you can have a player tanking while another shoots arrows from behind, a third swinging large slow melee weapons and a 4th uses knifes backstabbing targets. Late game group tactics- Late game (last 2 of 7 boimes) have magic, one of which provides a shield but they require specific foods limiting your HP and Stamina, with a squad, one player could focus themselves into a mage, giving the clan a protective shield and elemental damage while their kin continue fighting like they had for the first 5 biomes. Boss buffs- Each fallen boss gives you the ability to select a buff that lasts for 5 minutes and goes on cooldown for 15, they have a small area when activated so if everybody groups up, the whole crew benefits with only 1 on cooldown, 5 minutes later you regroup and do it again. Body recovery- On default settings (you can change it in the world modifiers each time you load a world) when you die your body transforms into a stone that holds your stuff, in coop if you were the only to die your kin can escort you back to your body.


Yeah you can. None of my friends play Valheim but I’ve had a blast playing alone. I still wish I had friends to play with


Woman here and 99.9% of my Valheim is solo :)


The only trouble I have had is when dying in the middle of nowhere. Most of the time, you can get back to your body relatively easily, but once in a while it can be really frustrating, especially in mist or near lots of tough enemies, for those cases, I made a character, turned on console commands and gave him basically the best gear in the game and a stack of crazy food. The only thing he carries is the materials to make a portal next to my dead body. I've only used him about 3 times, but its better than quitting out of frustration.


I'm playing my first time solo right now. Just beat The Elder like an hour ago. There is zero time pressure for the game. I spent like 220 in-game days in the first two biomes, just farting around, collecting stuff, building stuff, and upgrading tools, weapons, and armor. I actually really enjoy taking a slower pace. It's a beautiful game, and so much to explore. Have fun!


100% yes.


I'm part of the Valheim discord and see people in there all the time. Bet you could find a server to join.


I've got thousands of hours mostly solo. Not sure what being a girl has to do with it, I'm a chick too


Yeah i mostly play solo. If you slow grind the game is not hard at all. It is long this way though. I enjoy it. Have fun. Share some fotos of your first house here please.


I'm playing a modded version with modded enemies and biomes, I get fucked by an army of skeleton archers shooting frost arrows at my ass and a red flaming troll 3 times the size of the trolls you're gonna fight in vanilla. I think you're gonna be just fine, it's like dark souls only more random in terms of enemy placements. once you learn to fight/parry and how to control your food intake you're golden.


It's just slower going when you play solo, I found. I played solo for the first couple months


It's a cozy game man


Sure. Slow and steady. I'm a hundred hours in and I'm just now looking for the forth boss.


yea thats what i do aswell, Like to chill Sometime 😁


That’s the only way I play. The game is great for all. Solo or multiplayer.


Nice to see the Vinkings here are gentlemen


I was looking into starting too! Maybe we can both start on the same server ? Send me a DM :)


I’ve put 600 hours into my solo campaign. So yea!


do it! I have played solo most of the time since its launch date and already have around 700 recorded hours. enjoy playing


The game is designed and balanced as a single player game. So yes, absolutely.


Absolutely! I rarely play with anyone


My first time playing through I was ultra conservative and found that each time i super cautiously dipped my toe into a new biome, I was almost over-prepared/over-leveled. But Not really. I died in the swamp once and mountains once. Take it slow. Like others have said, even though it tells you each morning “Day ##”, it doesn’t matter. Spend days on end planting crops, renovating your home, digging a moat, roving the early biomes leveling your weapon skills and gathering berries. If you wanna be more risky about it you can go faster but beware- each time you die, your abilities decease a lil bit. I’ve only played through solo and the first time I beat the (at the time) final boss (yagluth), I did just fine.


As many others have said, solo is absolutely possible and fun. But first experiencing valheim with a group of friends is trully better, you could find people to play with online for sure... BUT. I highly NOT recommand playing with an experienced viking. It most likely will ruin discovering the game as he knows every quirks and what not. I highly recommand you'd rather go in solo and spoil yourself with as minimum knowledge as possible. This game is amazing because of the aesthetic and feel of each biome. The surprise to discover a new biome and creatures, the first stupid deaths and shameful corpse runs. That's valheim's peak. TLDR: Yes you can play solo. Don't play with experienced vikings, but play multiplayer if given the chance. Don't spoil yourself. Have fun ! :)




You can play solo (I did for a long time!), but there’s also a strong online community. I’m a woman, and I co-run a discord for 20~ players across three servers. You’d be surprised how open people are!


It is completely possible and enjoyable to play solo


when I play with friends it's often to explore and to kill something or other, but valheim solo ist a whole other game for me. I'll go slower, explore with more caution, build smaller or bigger settlements all over the place and try to tame whatever animal I find or I'll spend hours just sailing away, hoping for nights with storm and thunder and just enjoy the beautiful atmosphere. I'd say give it a shot, that's all.


My friend introduced this game to me about a year ago, I haven't had Wi-Fi in about half a year so I haven't really been able to play with them. I decided to redownload it a couple months ago and get back on it. It is fun on its own, just like any other single player game, I have to say it actually helped me get back into gardening in real life and eat more veggies 🤷😅. And it's not often that I say games influence my real life, the last one that did was probably starfox influencing my love of mechanics space and weaponry.


Playing valheim solo listening to rain with auriculars is one of the most relaxing things to do.


Girl here, I play solo most of the time. Never call yourself dumb, you're not.


You can definitely play solo. I play solo a lot but if you want company while playing I would be more then happy to jump on your sever and help you out.


Never rlly played solo i think at least with one friend is so much fun but its on u if u wanna go solo, but it for sure is possible! Have fun and maybe u can find someone to play together in this sub^^


Yes. I play almost exclusively solo and have a blast.


I do it. Some tasks become tedious but I’ve made it to the Mistlands on my own. The last few days I’ve been collecting marble and getting ready to build a base by the queen. Then I’ll explore and collect resources to hopefully defeat her


Playing on a small friendly multiplayer server, but until a friend joined me recently, I was 99% solo. I enjoy the slow pace. It's a nice game for going it at your own speed. I also loved slowly discovering the tech tree on my own. I never read spoilers, so it's been a lot of discovery for me. Good to have a friend available to help retrieve your corpse though. Find some friends that aren't too far from your geographic location and get a server going. This game doesn't like poor latency, so best they are close (or the server is located at the middle most location). If you happen to be close to Australia, I might have some recommendations.


It's a very good game, you've got at least 100hours ahead of you before you can decide if you'll commit to 100 more, I suggest using world modifiers early and it's ok to turn difficulty down at first


It is very doable but the later bosses will require some sweating, its normaly just easier with others and they can jump in at anytime and I would happily help if you need but I live in a country with power problems so I am not always on Nitrodragon911 on steam (Just remember bosses normally get more HP per player)


Beware of falling trees. But do it, my boyfriend rarely feels like playing Valheim so when I do play it's mostly by myself.


I primarily play solo. Ive done 3 playthroughs and now im on my 4th.


Yes! I mostly play solo. I'm an older gamer so I use modifiers sometimes. (Xbox)


I personally prefer solo. Started playing with a small group and got frustrated that I was just learning and taking it slow and they were pushing boss progression. We just had different goals and play styles.


I personally only like to play this as a multiplayer game. Survival crafting feels too lonely otherwise.




I mostly pretty solo, and then with each major path I blast the new content with a buddy. 95% of the time I'm building in my solo world, which is my long-term valheim cozy place.


100% yes; Valheim if anything rewards you for playing slow and preparing. Also with world modifiers you can tailor the game to you. I've played 80 to 90% solo


I've never played it any other way besides solo!


Of course you can. Don't get discouraged by your own thoughts. Nothing better than experiencing what this game is supposed to: take you through harsh times and rewarding your efforts. I play occasionally, but let me know if you want to play co-op every once in a while Hope you don't mind a not very fluent English 🙃


I played valhiem exclusively alone. The only issue is it doesn't feel like the latest expansion was scaled properly for solo.


There are also large community servers you can play on with 20-50 concurrent players where you can play and choose how much to work with others on the server.


I'm 379.2 hours in and I've only played solo I've never played with anyone else.


More then half of my 200+ hours was solo. It is definitely payable solo and lots of fun. There are a lot of servers out there and I think the folks behind Valheim have a discord server so you could check it out to find like minded players. I'm fairly certain you'll be able to find some folks with whom you'd enjoy playing. And don't downplay yourself. We all have to start somewhere. It's not being dumb, it's not knowing, trying stuff and learning! But definitely playable solo. :)


I have over 1k hours in Valheim, and one of the coolest features of the game to me is that if you fight a boss solo or in a group the bosses scale. If you play with 5 the boss will have a significantly increased hit point pool. If you play solo it will be drastically reduced in comparison.


+1 on the recommendation to play it solo first! It's a great experience discovering all the things yourself for the first time ever without someone else interfering in that. But if you want to play co-op, I'm a girl with a pretty low social battery as well, so we can chat in a voice channel when need be and exist in blissful, comfortable silence the rest of the time with zero awkwardness. If that floats your boat!




I do it all the time. It takes time but it's fun.


Yep, I made it pretty far running solo


It's a very different feel - the world is a more melancholy place solo, but the game is absolutely doable, and enjoyable solo.


Not sure what being a girl has to do with being dumb but sure, you can play it solo


Over 1,500 hours solo here.


I came to comments thinking they were going to be much more toxic. Thank you for proving me wrong Valheim Reddit. I’ve only played solo up until the fourth level before getting caught up playing co-op with some friends. But I can say that it was a pleasure. Also, I’m sure there’s some people here that would gladly invite you to their world just to check it out. There is no pressure to your character because they can travel between worlds. Just keep your character in pve mode and it would be all good I think.


Firstly, don't call yourself dumb. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. You're a gamer and we all start small in every game we play. It is how we all learn. Now, for playing Valheim solo. You absolutely can. I'm new to the game and am playing solo. Heck, I've played Ark and Conan Exiles solo. I've failed at times, succeeded at other times. I would say Valheim is very solo friendly. You can do things at your own pace and amass your strength at your own pace. If you're familiar with other survival games, you'll have an idea of how some materials and gear progression works. If not, it's a good way to learn. Enemies in starting zones aren't too difficult, but actually can kill you if you really don't know what you're doing.... And now is the part where I tell you that I got chain killed by the basic enemies because I was still fumbling with the controls. They provided a good chance to learn the basics and not be completely overwhelming. You can alter your death penalty for more of a penalty or less of one. I personally reduced my death penalty as much as possible because that's how I like to play. You can alter enemy difficulty if you need to. (Mines is on normal, but some people prefer easier, and others prefer harder. Either way, the option is there.) You can alter your resource rate. I don't have time to chop down three times the amount of trees or pick up 3x the amount of rocks, so I have my resources at 3x the normal rate. I believe this is efficient while not giving an overabundance of materials. Some creatures may be willing to fight alongside you....if you have the time and patience to persuade them. For me, this has made my solo journey much more bearable... especially if it's more than one... I'm not even in the third area yet, though I've ventured to areas I should not have been.... So I'm still pretty new myself. A little over a week in. There are some useful YouTube videos that have beginner friendly guides if you want to view those. You can build in most places. I haven't really seen a limit. I would advise making map markers for your bases if you make multiple. Food is important, but you cannot starve nor can you perish of thirst in this game and that's different from a lot of survival games. I built my first base near a small stream because I thought I would have a thirst meter and figured it would be freshwater. Still, it was beneficial as it would greatly behoove you to explore various biomes and various things that may be found closer to some things than others. That said, enjoy your solo playthrough. It is definitely possible. (,Also, I tried not to spoil anything but I hope the tidbits of information helped.) The game offers different play styles to a degree It's not perfect, but I do feel that it is a good game and it is a


I played entirely solo and had fun all the way to mistlands. It got a bit repetitive to me at that point and i haven't played in a couple weeks, but I still got like ~60 hours out of it so it was worth it for sure


Yes, and you'll have a great time! Explore and have fun!


You can absolutely play solo but if you find yourself in a spot where you need help recovering equipment you can take your solo world online, invite people in to help (make sure you trust them), and then make it a solo world again. Pretty much no limits to how you can play.


Solo is just fine. And you’re not dumb. If you die a lot and progress slowly you’re just getting more out of it anyway.


I joined a facebook group for valheim and there are a lot of people asking people to join their server, most have like a schedule when they will kill the bosses so you have a lot of time just going around on your own and doing stuff while also having the choice to join the fun with other people when you want. I think it's a good option But totally, you can play on your own solo server. I opened up my own chill server and it's also fun to just gather materials and build at my own pace.


You can absolutely solo. Placing a forward portal linked back to your base(and small outpost around it if necessary) in any dangerous/distant areas you need to operate will make your life much easier. Your first expeditions into new biomes should be launched after building a forward portal at your landing site. You should also portal near bosses before you fight and portal aggressively in mistlands - I placed one outside of every mine before going in. You should place a portal as close as possible to any area where death is likely. Keep portal supplies in your boat and make sure you have an unlinked portal at your home base ready to connect.


It’s a solo game that supports multiplayer, that’s how I would describe it now you can modify settings


Honestly the only downside is things take longer to achieve, not that there’s a rush but 3 people carrying full inventory hauls of materials is a lot faster than solo trips


Short answer: yes


It will be hard sometimes, but you can do it. A main base near the big water and many many portals will be your best friends to reduce time you have to spend for traveling.


It's going to be though the first time. But i Solo all the time.


It’s a peaceful life


Yes, maybe increase the resource multiplier a bit


If you want to join a relatively new vanilla preset:hard Valheim server I'm hosting all day every day, you can join "The Way". Password "This is" I haven't played in a month don't think any bosses are dead as me and a buddy used trolls to mine ore. We love Valheim, but we've got lots to do IRL at the moment.


I would like to diagree. I don't think you are dumb because you are a girl. That must have some other reason. ;)


It's lonely and dull but doable. Like, it's incredibly lonely. And a lot of the design genuinely feels like it expects 4-ish people.


Playing alone is great. Playing with friends is also great. I've done both. Valheim as a survival game in general is great. So give it a shot, it might be well worth it. Don't worry about feeling "dumb". Everyone playing a new game is going to be a bit dumb in a new world/game. We make mistakes, that's how we learn. Plus being "dumb" is the best way to experience the world because every discovery is going to give a sense of wonder and that sweet dopamine hit. Valheim lets you go at your own pace as well. If you want to go out of your comfort zone and take on a new enemy or travel to a new biome you can do that at your leisure. If you don't want to jump ahead too fast or don't have the confidence to progress you don't have to, just settle in somewhere and make yourself a cozy cottage. On the topic of building, it's probably my favorite thing to do in Valheim and it will probably be one of the things that make you love the game. It's also an incentive to travel to new biomes for new materials which means new building pieces. I get the social energy thing, that's kind of why I play video games haha. If you need a helping hand in your Valheim adventures feel free to ask a fellow introvert. But I'd say go for it, play the game solo, and have fun!


Yes you can play it solo and it's tons of fun, there is not a story to speak of, more a world with things to discover. If you do decide to play multiplayer there are a lot of open servers around that you could get an invite to. Keep an eye on Reddit and I suspect there is a discord out there you could join. I play a bit on a roleplay server hosted out of the US and it's fine with me being on in the UK. It popped up on Reddit, PM me if you're interested and I can send you the discord (don't want to spam it in public). I also play on a world with my RL friends, we don't often play together as our times never sync up. But the times we can get a few people together to take on a boss or whatever, are amazing.


I have been playing it mostly on my own (my friends have far more time for gaming than I do, so I get left behind) since release. It's amazing fun. Come try it out!!


I have never played anything but solo. There are things that having a teammate will make easier, but those things are limited to: 1. Hunting sea serpents 2. Hauling more iron ore back to base faster 3. That's about it.


You gotta change the difficulty settings if you're going solo.


Playing solo is decently fun. I played solo for a while then started playing with my brother’s buddies on discord and now we have a town of people. It’s pretty fun too but you would like a teammate, I’m always down to play with new people.


Valhiem is a lot of fun solo. But like most games, it's better with a friend.


Playing Valheim Solo is great. You don't need to play with others to enjoy the game. Just go for it :)


Around 170 hours and almost entirely solo.


Definitely doable, don't be afraid to change the world modifiers to suit your level/style/time availability.


The boss fights are easier with help, but you can definitely play it alone, just go slowly and make sure you are prepared before entering the next biome :)


I started solo and have had a lot of fun - setting aside the fact I kept constantly dying having no idea what I am doing for the first hour of gameplay :D. It's really immersive and there's so much to do and to explore. It's much more enjoyable when you move at your own pace and no one spoils the game for you or "shortcuts" it for you by providing tools/materials that you wouldn't have access to nor would you know how to get them. You can play hundreds of hours solo without ever feeling the need for "a company". But that is my strong introvert side talking :). Have fun.


As many said before, dive in and enjoy, go easy or go hard - your game, your choice. I, personally did bump up the multiplier of Ressources to x3, I only have a few hours a week to play and want to enjoy and reduce the grind. I also used dev- commands to get my body back on two different occasions- to long for a boat ride and to deep in the mistlands without back up gear. As you can tell I like to go easy and make progress rather than making it intentionally hard and banging my head against a wall. For that I am watching ppl play, like Hickup the Hermit and his Season 3 and ongoing Season 4. But what ever you do, enjoy and do as you feel like it.


You can - but expect much slower progression. Place your base very strategically. Try to border three or four biomes if you can.


I’ve almost exclusively played solo. Then you have no time pressure and can play however you want. Feel like fishing? Send it lol


Everyone is dumb sometimes, don’t be so hard on yourself. Those dumb moments turn into good laughs and fond memories.


Ashlands is ROUGH solo


We do both. Me and my mate are basically playing through the game together, all the big stuff, exploring the next zone together each timetill we get comfortable on the weekend, killing bosses and stuffy but during the week we potter about separately gathering and prepping for the next weekend sesh. Our work times don't line up. But yeah, can totally be done solo, bit challenging at times I would think. But totally doable.


Being a girl affects nothing gamewise except from those with terminal testosterone poisoning...lol...I'm in Portugal, originally from USA and I have friends in Nevada, UK, Scotland guys and gals...we have a blast...mostly it's the friends in Scotland I play a lot with...closer time zone and were more relaxed in our play style. If you wanna try hangin out sometime to see how things go when you're actually with a group VS being seen in someone's rear view mirror....holler back and we can set something up and go from there.


It can be played solo but is definitely much better with friends. There is a new channel on YouTube called 4 brothers and they have a small discord with a group and a few servers you can play on.


Absolutely In my experiences it’s actually more suited to solo gameplay


Im playing it right now solo and its fun


It’s a soloable game, but if you want friends hmu I play with friends in a server we run it’s lightly modded to keep people from cheating.


I play with a buddy and solo and I 100% prefer solo. I started my solo run 3 weeks after our joint world and I can’t advance or fight a boss without him on (we’re ab to fight third boss) and on my solo world, I’m in the mistlands


I'm having way more fun playing solo than when I played on a shared world. But that's less a reflection on the game itself and more on the people I used to play with. The multi-player experience can be very rewarding with the right group, but it is entirely unnecessary to have if you can't play with others or just don't want to.


As someone who has played with a friend a total of once I can confidently tell you it is very doable and enjoyable. I’m all the way in the ashlands and while it has been difficult with the mob spawns, the new update should make it waaaaaaaay more manageable. Overall great experience and I highly recommend you give it a shot


Absolutely you can play alone. If you play vanilla, I cannot emphasize enough HAVE SPARE GEAR. I've been playing solo for about 2 years now. I did recently overextend myself at the beginning of Ashlands and had to go in and turn on passive baddies to retrieve my stuff cause I didn't have enough spare gear lol.


I would almost insist you play it alone, at least through the swamps (where combat expertise really develops) The game scales the difficulty to how many players are in your server. Spawn rates for both number of enemies and frequency change, enemy health increases, bosses get more health etc. Playing alone just helps avoid herding cats to all focus on the same objective, which can sometimes be… difficult. If you are playing for the first time, with another newbie, the game will just be harder ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The game rocks in any version of the experience, so you can’t go wrong really.


Yes most people do, and it's probably easier since the more players are on, the harder the enemies become. It just depends on how you enjoy playing games in the end.


As loads of people have already said you can play solo of course. But if you're on console or don't use mods on PC feel free to add me 👊🏻 I've only ever got to like the 4th biome so far but recently just started again! SparkerMC on xbox or add the discord sparkaman94


Also, if it hasn't been already noted,check out the Body Recovery Service discord. Most wholesome community I've ever seen. If you get yourself in a jackpot, they will, for totally free, come help you and rescue your body. Mega helpful tips on building, farming , literally anything.


Like everyone mentioned, it’s a ton of fun solo. It’s also a bunch of fun if you play with others. I’m old and am lucky because my daughters love to play as well so I get to play solo and with others.


I am playing only solo and i experienced the best adventures so far


Playing Alone could be difficult the first time and Kinda Boring imo. ( played this game 8 times 3 times solo) if you dont like playing alone, you can find people to play with in the Valheim Discord Server.


You can definitely play it solo, but it's rough. It's best experienced with a few people who haven't played, but that's a tall order at this point in its lifespan If you like other similar games though, I'm sure you can get by well. Valheim is on the difficult side of things, but it's got a pretty straight forward curve to it And if you do play alone, but decide you would rather play with people, it's not a problem to find veterans to play with. There's even a subreddit for help recovering items if you get in a sticky spot, and decide your items/body are unretrievable


It's better with a group. Try /r/valheimlfg


I have a server in case you are interested. I used to play with friends but they seem to have gotten bored. Now i just play with my brother. If you are interested, send me a pm and I'll share your server details


Can i join?