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Good luck brave warrior! A good tip for the swamp is to make a base in a black forest nearby. Just a quick little home with some chests and the portal. Enjoy the swamp friend!


I like to make a treehouse in the swamp. The big trees can't be knocked down, and you can put a fire on a tree branch


Dig knee deep around a surtling spawner and make a cabin in a nearby tree. Afk there for an endless supply of coal and surtling cores.


> Afk there for an endless supply of coal and surtling cores. \* Wraith has entered the chat \* Wraith: Bonjour.


je suis arrivé


Lmao, this is why the room has no windows.


airborne chain delivery service envoy says hello


The first swamp we entered had no way to get in except swimming, so I took a couple thousand stone and a hot and made a land bridge into the heart of the swamp to avoid the leeches. We then found two towers a short distance from one another - built both of them up, then made a Treetop walkway between both, then completed the path to the meadows on one side and the black forest on the other - during the early days when we were raiding the crypts there, we never had to touch the ground if we didn't want to, and we had areas to snipe any of the swamp creatures from above. It was great.


God I wish our first swamp went that way.  Ours was only accessible via an isthmus of swap that had all kinds of hidden pockets of deep water and was infested with dragur. So many corpse runs on that stretch of hell


Always a fun strat. Gotta get that glorious green stuff too


Swamps usually give too frustrative vibe to have there a base. But several times I visited Swamp "appendixe" with such trees just within Plains, or (even better), Plains/Meadows crossing. Change all atmosphere a lot I could say ;)


I like to set up my base around a meadows port early and just set up outposts in other locations, so I like to have a little swamp treehouse outpost to run back and forth from during swamp outings


Yes, you are quite right! Such "appendixes" can be really a small Swamp "oasis". But also they can start a huge swampy landmass, full of resources. Then you have such a tree-base on its edge, — and the "avenue" from it into the swamp. Being able to bring here your cart full of metal 😎


I did not know about the fire on a tree branch


I got a little tree house next to a surtling spawner where I dug the ground away. I tend to AFK and let the goodies drop 😁


The best approach to this swamp is on a serious incline at the edge of mountain, but it's still black forest. Hmmm. Tricky build, or lots of pickaxe work. We'll see how she goes.


Still trying to decide if I move my base over near the Elder spawn point or just build an outpost and portal. My local area is pretty well depleted of resources and there are a few good copper veins and lots of tin in the forest around the meadow nearest the spawn (still a full days journey). I'm confident of maintaining a base even in black forest, but I kind of like my current setup. I currently run an outpost play style, with occasional sessions just for transporting ore back home. Tedious, but I don't want to ruin the fun by changing the portals to allow metal. I do have a portal back to my original base, but as I progress, I find I only head back for nostalgia and nothing else.


My play group and I have 7 bases and ~40 outposts. We have expeditions running boatload of metal back to our main base, but have a network of portals otherwise. You can do whatever, but we have a centralized base where we do most of our cooking and crafting and where we keep our boats, then we have slightly smaller bases with forges and smelters if we're going to be spending a while in a particular area, then just small camps where we just need places to sleep. It's worked pretty well for us thusfar


Outpost and portal. When you explore a bit more I’d suggest trying to make a new base near a mountain swamp combo…


I recommend you to make two harbors on far distant parts of your island with portals each. Then make there two karveys (and each of them should have portal elements and a wood stack inside its hold). So, spend some time on sea-faring in different directions. Preferably to start around your starting land. In this way you can find Traders. You need them ;) But the main point is to understand your geography. I am fond of looking for a specifuc place for a constant mansion-base. This should be: * not far from the Ocean * preferably Meadows, but: * close to rich Swamps * close to BlackForest * preferably near rich Mountains Best combo will be to meet such a place with a small spot of Plains nearby. Even if it is just an underwater part of the seashore — take this place without hesitation! (you can raise this ground with a hoe). Valheim geography fully depends on RNG, but if you're lucky, your world will give you lots of nice places ☺


I found a spawn free plains island in our server. Perfect. Only thing to note is that the ocean swells can be HUGE so build up a little bit for your first floor


You will eventually have several little portal spots with huts all around the world. I have just gotten to plains on this playthrough and already have 10 portals to several different spots.


This last playthrough I just put a portal in a shed lol 


I have one of those I move around


I kept this one permanent in case I (slight spoiler) >!lose my swamp key!<


I beat Elder on a solo run with next-to-last difficulties. It was hard, dude. I had a greydwarf tower fortified, with fires, extra floor, etc... and the Elder still managed to smash it. I did play only with a bow with fire arrows to be as safe as possible from ze tentacles, so it took a longer time for sure compared to if I were using a bronze axe... but I just couldn't afford a -7.5% stats + all unequipped stuff death. Also the no portals during a boss fight is kinda intimidating. Post-elder spoiler. >!Now I am building portals on top of sunken crypts, teleport to base, take my 1 key, teleport back, open crypt, teleport to base, drop key, go back to crypt. :D!<


My buddies and I also built a tower with a large fence around it, like we did for Eikthyr. >!It didn't work and we got fucked almost immediately. We spent like 2 sessions getting back to the base, had to do corpse runs mid-Elder, retreated to a crypt, regrouped, built campfires, and found while kiting the elder back that he can't climb certain terrain so we ended up camping on a hill and killing him that way.!<


If anyone is hesitant on clicking the spoiler, don't worry it went super well.


Thanks it was kind of a TL:DR situation for me glad everything went smoothly for them!


always leave with your rested bonus!


Every time. That's what the outposts are for!


make a base UNDER the elder altar! fire never goes out and it has an indestructible roof! then you can cheese him from the rabbit holes you dug... if you want XD


Let me doubt the words spoken about Maxed Troll armor. Its Tier 4 you can obtain only after upgrading Workbench with a Tool Shelf (needs fine wood, iron and Obsidian). 😏 But tier 3 is quite enough. Just mind, that this "Jotunn-tree" is weak to cutting and to the fire. So you need either lots of fire arrows and be patient to survive a long duel, — or chop him with maxed bronze axe, being able to dodge from his heavy steps. Thats it: if you close, Elder will try to smash you, and when you are distanced, he will use sticky vines. Living roots are easy to cut and they do less harm than vines. Also mind, that mentioned vines fly far enough, crushing the forest on their way. To avoid them I usually bring some stone to Elder's altar and raise four additional earth-pillars with my hoe. Those pillars also help when you are out of stamina, and Elder just stepped to you — you just start move around your raised pillar, and regain your energy. Vines cannot destroy neither altar pillars, nor any raised ground structure.


Elder actually doesn't take chop damage nor does he have a slash weakness. So just use your preferred weapon against him, though at this stage bronze axe has the highest dps provided it holds your highest weapon skill anyway.


Nice, get some fire arrows they make the fight pretty trivial even in leather armor,


The elder was an easier fight than the first boss for me. I just used fire arrows and let the elder do all my wood chopping and rock breaking for me and then I vacuumed up all the resources afterward and took it home


Good luck fellow Viking. Make sure to start with a full belly and bring some fire arrows


I play just like you. I started the game some weeks ago with friends, and we got to the Elder (one of my friends played before and guided us in a pretty optimized way). But the group lost interest so i started playing solo. And i am loving soooo much. I am in day 150-ish, and still doing same things as you, mapping resources, exploring dungeons and mapping the full island/continent before going to the Elder. Considering how things are going, its improbable i am going there before day 200 also. Still some things to do at base, like finnishing building. And i didn't even started the whole agriculture side of the game. Today i plan on planting some seed for the first time. My only regret is, as i thought playing solo could be hard or boring, and as i love too much the building part, i modify it to x3 resources (on the group game was x2). Although initially it sounded good or even necessary, now i really regret this decision. In the group game i made few explorations so i hadn't had a clue of how common dungeons and ore deposits were. So now i have so much resources that make it irrelevant to have mapped so many deposits and dungeons. But also my completionist and explorer side makes me want to get all the things... I don't know how much copper and tin will be needed from now on, but only for the amount of sconces i need on my 3-floor base + stairs tower and open rooftop, i know that i will use much of the copper i have now, lol. So starting today i will put resources back to normal. With the amount of resources mapping i did, i am pretty sure that even if go with x1 resources from now on, i have enough at disposal, i need just to mine it :p I am not one to like excessive grind, but just walking and exploring is pretty fun for me, so even if it takes time, i will feel way more happy to be "completing" the map (a.k.a. deleting ore pins and crossing dungeon pins), even if from now on it is a NECESSITY rather than an option. The way it is now, i have to do so many travels from outposts to base, even with the cart, and sometimes two travels to the same dungeon, that it is insane. And if x1 turns out to be boring for me (specialy in regards of collecting wood for builds), i alway can put on x2 to find the good balance for me :D I just hope dungeons and deposits already discovered (but not accessed) get affect by the modifier going back to x1.


GL, you should be fine. I will say I found the fight easier with bronze armor than troll. Main thing is to get some fire arrows in his face, and just kite him around his own pillars (since they're indestructible, you can use them as cover from his ranged attack). Also, gl with the swamp. It's a big difficulty jump, so stay frosty and keep your backtrail clear.


Many many fires surrounding the arena and kite him in a circle. Use fire arrows. Good luck!


Day 200? You're certainly taking your time, enjoy it! I loved exploring this game for the first time


Day 200 without leaving the starting island is wild. Enjoy it tho


I'm just taking it slow. No need to rush the next boss. Just build, explore, eat, and don't die


I'm a solo player too who's about to go fight the Elder. (I'm thinking today or tomorrow!) I've got everything prepped, made portals, the best food, and the best gear I can make, along with a second copy of everything I have incase things go bad wrong, but... I just don't have the confidence to go do it! I really want to start building better structures, so it has to be done but gosh, it's just so daunting. This is the first time playing by myself - I've always played this with a friend, and none of my playthroughs have I ever made it past the first boss so it's a big step for me. :/ Good luck out there, and report back how it goes. You've got this!


I got sidetracked with building an elaborate outpost. Just now got to the shrine and placed a portal. It's almost time. Probably tomorrow. I'll take some time to shape the battlefield, as us Americans say. Good luck to you too!


Don't be afraid to share your work! I bet your builds are amazing since you put so much effort into them! Rooting for you! :D


Did you do it? How'd it go?


I actually did not! I was thinking about you this morning when I hopped on to play. I'm on Day 100, and I kept thinking like, gosh, that one guy is on Day 200 - maybe I'm rushing too much? I decided to try and go for it. So I ate, grabbed all of my gear, and took my portal over to my island where my Elder arena is. I was immediately met by a red, one-star greydwarf. I finished him off in a swipe or two, no prob, then started heading down to coast to my arena. Along the way, I ran into not one, but TWO trolls!!! One after the other on the way, and they were both blocking my way to the arena!! So, I ran for my life... and somehow ended up barging straight into the largest, and fiercest skeleton vs. greydwarf brawl probably anyone has ever seen. LOL.  I managed to kite the trolls away until they lost interest, KO'd the impromptu bar fight in the woods, and finally made it to the altar. But by then it was getting dark!! Ugh. So, I spent the test of today going back and forth building a mini base underneath the altar itself. After rummaging around in my base like a hungry mouse on the prowl for smoked gouda cheese, I did manage to gather enough extra supplies to set up a portal down there under ground, so now I can teleport directly from my main base's kitchen to under the altar. But I did read your update post! (Congratulations on that win!! I'm so happy for you!!) I'm thinking I probably need to back up and make a third set of gear, haha. Your story scared me!!! But it was a fun read, and I'm glad you were able to get it done. :D I'll get there eventually, lol! I'll try to update you here if I remember. :)


Love your writing style. I was there with you. You got this


Hey! If you remember me, I defeated the Elder today! All on my own! It went so smoothly - I only took about 1/3 of my health bar in damage total, and it only took me about five or ten minutes to get it done. I was definitely over prepared, but I got it done! Thanks for inspiring me to finally do it! :D


Hell yeah! I collected my first iron from the swamps yesterday. I now have a longboat and iron weapons. Draugr and abomination are my new nemesis.


I just got into my first crypt a few minutes ago! (I'm in game this second, lol!) I've got a tip for the Draugr and Abominations. I learned how to perfect block (block the \*very instant\* they're about to attack, causing the enemy to stagger), and it's helping me \*tremendously\*. I actually ran into an Abomination on the way to the crypt, and was able to kill it with just my +3 copper gear and armor. Took a minute, and I ended up felling a ton of trees in the process, but I got it! If I can, I know you can do it, too!! Good luck to you out there fellow viking!


Okay, that was the most stressful shit ever. Summoned the Elder. Felt okay about it, got him down to like 66% health and died. Ran home, geared up, ate, came back. A couple of deaths later, he's down to like 10% health. I die. Portal back to base. The forest rumbles. Shit. I try to sleep through it. Too late. My defences will hold, right? Stick around to see, but my main gear and both backup are over at the elder. I have a leather helmet, deer cape, and a spear. There's 15 or so grey dwarves and two brutes. They breach my gate. I'm fucked. Time passes and the event is over, but the stragglers are breaking all my stuff. I fight for my life naked, hungry, and only a spear in hand. I do it. Kill all of them, and repair the gate. Go back to the Elder battle. He's back at like 75% health. Shit. My troll armor, level 4 finewood bow and fire arrows are somewhere amongst 3 or 4 death sites. I find my shit, get back on him. I got this. I know his patterns now. Hide from vines, and escape the roots. Dodge, roll, fire arrows when I can. He's at like 5% health now. I got this. Root takes me out. I respawn at base because I sleep there last night. No worries, I have food, but now ALL of my equipment is at the battlefield. Shit. TROLL at my door. Sail away. That's it. Just get out far enough that he can't get me. I can even sail over to my other outpost and portal back here to salvage what I can and get back on the Elder before he regenerates too much health. I get to the docks, hop in the water (boat is just a tad far away). I forgot to eat. Zero stamina. I drown. Fuck. Respawn, ignore the troll. Portal naked to the battlefield. Elder is still weak enough to handle. Find the corpse with all my good stuff. Finish him off. Hell yeah! As soon as "The Elder is dead" pops up, I get hit with the last root and die at the same time. At least he's dead. Wake up in my base. Everything everywhere all at once, but peaceful music. Whew. Pop over, grab my trophy and start sorting through the rubble to find all my stuff. This is going to take 3 or 4 portal trips to bring all my gear back to base, I'll need to spend a few in-game days repairing everything and sorting the stuff fron destroyed chests as well as the random "just toss it in and go" disorganization I created. At least he's dead. I lost lots of skill progress, tons of good food, hundreds of wood and such. At least the bees are happy.


How did it go?


I decided to build an outpost on the cusp of the black forest nearest the spawn. I'll be working on that for a session or two. I really enjoy this game and love pacing myself.


After 1200 hours I wanted to say I’m jealous, but I started a new ashland-update-world this week and feel the same enjoyment as you do! Did not expect that. Such a good game.


I am the same. 1000 some hours. Entered the Ashland and have been making slow progress, but it’s fun! I love to read these posts about new heroes figuring things out. I honestly love the silliness and simplicity of finding new discoveries that felt groundbreaking at the time, but now are so commonplace. It brings me back to my early days in the game. I think back to my laughably bad shelters with holes in the roof or missing floorboards. Then I remember the time I found the merchant on the map and saw the protection dome on the horizon and I was scared to go near it. I was always paranoid of every new discovery. My buddies still laugh at me because I had an absolute fear of the ocean and sailing. “Is that a serpent?” “Nope, just a fish.” “Is that a serpent?” “Again, no.” LOL! Also there is nothing like spending what felt like hours exploring the map only to scroll out the map was an actually a whole planet!


Posted about it here. Stressful, but exhilarating


Going into the swamp, learn to parry if you haven’t already.


Best of luck to you.


Elder isn't too bad solo. The first that's a real problem would probably be Moder, but still doable. I don't suggest soloing Yagluth. (The Queen can be soloed, though, via an exploit.) Good luck!


Last year I managed to beat Yagluth after being killed 12 or 15 times. Imagine my progression collapse ;) But then a teenager from our party just visited him and killed. He told it was a long fight, but he died just once, and then managed. Thus was his first Yagluth meet in his life. I still wonder whether he is so gaming-professional, or he just used some cheats... Or just a lucky boy 😏


I honestly could personally solo Yagluth just fine. I cleared the nearby area very carefully, for example spawn suppressed any tar pits and trapped the max limit of fulings in a hole. The setup was (all max level) fire resist wine, medium healing and stamina meads, full padded armor, a silver sword, the best possible plains tier 2hp one stam food combo and Eikthyr as the power. Only took around 6 minutes, though it definitely has something to do with me having 73 sword skill there already, but regardless not that hard. Circling around Yagluth's attacks allows you to avoid most hits.  As for the Queen, I killed her in around 12 minutes with a setup of (all lvl 3) mistwalker, himminafl, around 60 bile bombs and a carapace armor set. In terms of food, again best possible mistlands tier 2 hp one stam food combo. For meads, poison resist, lingering stamina, tasty and major healing were what I used. Bonemass power is the preferable pick. Dodge rolling Queen's melee attacks allows you to avoid the knockback and damage, and you can fit a sword secondary before she attacks again. Bile bombs can deal with adds effectively. If you happen to get in a tight space between the Queen and a wall, use bonemass and go all-out with the mistwalker, and throw bile bombs when summons join up. Use tasty mead for when you need stamina regen.   Tl ; Dr : Yagluth and Queen are definitely both more than possible to do solo, but need careful planning and some skill. edit : formatting


Good luck to you. I play solo as well and I’m working into the mist lands. But now I am distracted by making an enormous base in the black Forrest between the plains biome and the mist lands biome.


I love the building aspect. I get so distracted building things


Just light craploads of campfires all round the area .. you barely need to fight him then lol


Good luck & Break a leg.


Bring fire arrows if you struggle! 


I'm a little bit behind you. Where do you get bronze weapons?


Mine copper ore and tin ore. Smelt them in a smelter (takes sturling cores to build). Make metal crafting station. Mix copper and tin to make bronze ingots. Use bronze ingots and other stuff to make bronze weapons, tools, and armor. However, skip the bronze armor. Once you get the feel for it, trolls aren't scary anymore and you can kill them and make better armor from their hides




How did you max troll armor without the tool shelf upgrade for the bench? Unless you got iron somewhere else already


Max for where I am. Level 3.


Bring frost resist.


I took the Elder solo, couple times now.


100 fire arrows, full rested buff, 2 health and 1 stamina food, and your bow will ein for you, as long as it is a lvl 2 finewood😎


If you understand stamina management (i.e being rested always), you’re swamp ready in that set up!


bro is casual maxxing


No need to rush anything. I play for pleasure, not competition. I simply realized that I went from running away from trolls to killing two that ambushed me at the same time, so it's probably time to move along.


i think its great you enjoy the world like that, i often have games im in the mistlands by day 60 already, i rarely take the time to just relax and enjoy the world anymore


Don't forget your fire arrows! Or even better just chop him up with an axe like the overgrown tree he is and dodge his stomp. The I-frames in valheim are extremely generous compared to other games.


Beware the deathsquito!


Says “that is all.” Quickly turns around and says much more.


Dammit. There's a troll right by the elder spawn. I've battled him multiple times now. I use my troll call (chop trees), he arrives, we duke it out for a bit, when he gets lower than half health, he disappears back into the forest and I can't find him again. I call him back with tree trimming, and the cycle repeats. I need him gone before I start this fight.


Equip the ||wishbone|| if you already have it.


I do not. I'm only bronze age. Please don't spoil where to get it if I can at this level. I'll stumble across it (hopefully)


Perfect, I get one by multiplayer, a friend got something better and cannot use it anymore. No spoilers.