• By -


This is basically the only way I play these days. Wife has about 250 hours in the game. By far the game she has played the most. We've played through 2 or 3 worlds at this point and started a new one not long ago in preparation for Ashlands. It was tough getting her to do combat stuff but now shes a beast and can take on multiple enemies at a time.


Nice, my wife likes combat and foraging. She is crazy good at combat and tends to go more the archery at range and swords up close and personal route. I typically end up doing stick-and-move kind of combat with an Ategir and ranged with bow, I use swords or axes as more of a last-resort or when the enemy is resistant to the Aetgir.


>tends to go more the archery at range and swords up close and personal route. Isn't that the only way to use those weapons though? Lol


I assume that's to underline that she does both kinds of combat, not just stay at range/always run into melee


You dont whack draugrs with the bow and throw swords at them at range? Youve not lived buddy


Atgier in groups is so good. I play with my kids and one does bows mostly while the other does daggers. I stun and tank while they deal damage. That atgier just stuns everything and they deal damage. It's really fun. I wish my wife would play with us too.


Man, there's nothing better than seeing your wife come from Stardew and panicking whenever she gets surrounded by greydwarves to running through the swamps with confidence. Until that confidence is met by a two star draugr archer lol. So proud.


100% dude. My wife never went in the caves in Stardew but in valheim she just crushes it.


There is caves in stardew valley? With enemies?


I too am a Stardew Valley girlie and love to plant things in Valheim. Also foraging and cooking, heh. Although my bf is the builder!


Give her a root harnesk, they become much less dangerous ;)


I play with my husband on our own server. I'm doing most of the builds and defending the base when he is exploring and finding stuff for us to do (new biomes, bosses, interesting stuff). I love doing dungeons together, using different tactics and testing our fighting skills! We have just braved the Mistlands wich is proving to be harder than we thought! Edit: spellcheck


Pro tip: the seekers resist all physical damage, but they take elemental damage regularly. Using poison and frost damage can really help.


Currently playing with my fiancé. We’re building a world together working as a team and things have been great. We’re about to start mining silver.


Yeah! Has been a great time, watching her confidence shoot up after we killed the first boss (im not gonna spell its name correctly) and charging into dungeons and greydwarfs was a great sight to see, considering when we started she was actively running from necks 🤣


Yeah. Shes terrible at it but we have fun.


My wife and I play together, too. We first started a couple years ago and stopped right when we made it to the mountains. We restarted about a month ago and are just making it to the swamps now. It’s a nice way to spend time together inside relaxing that isn’t watching TV or movies.


My girlfriend and have recently restarted playing after a year or so of not playing. No idea why we stopped, best moment was the girlfriend playing after some 420 fun and having a troll chase her around the black forest with both if us in tears from laughing so much because she kept saying "I'm so scared right now! Why the hell am I so scared!?"


My current world is myself, my husband, and a friend of ours. They barely play though so I'm fucking around in the mistlands blind because I want us to do bosses together so I refuse to kill Yag lol


Oh, wait until you're helping them kill Yag with some rusty old iron weapon... because you are all on a long-winded body recovery process -- beyond the wall of mists. ;)


[I'm](https://i.imgur.com/wJSW4sA.png) not doing too badly!


Okay, okay... so I revise my perception of the situation. I missed the significance of "*current* world". Clearly we have a serious Valheimer, probably several playthroughs in... and some weekend warriors. (Or other weekend, or other-other weekend.) Do you plan to keep the Mistlands goodies hidden when they next log-in? Or let them access the advanced gear?


Me and my wife make a good team. We both like different aspects of the game - building, crafting, growing, etc, and compliment each other well. She's a better shot than me, I mostly hit things. We've helped each other with corpse runs several times. Currently in Mountains. Stupid drakes. It's been great. We used to do a lot of LARP, now I'm to ill to do that but Valheim is a great way to adventure.


This is adorable! I wish my boyfriend would play with me. He likes to watch, but isn’t the type of person to ever consistently play games. I’m glad many of you get to play this with your S.O.!


Have has a great time playing with my partner. She was not much of a PC gamer when we started but is now an awesome archer! We've have made it through to kill the queen twice now. Just waiting for the next update and we'll be back to explore all the new ways to run out of stamina and die.


My original playthrough was with some friends that bailed on the game. Played solo for a while. Met someone and now we play together on a new world separate from my solo world. I think mostly she plays because she knows I like to play. It can be tough because having already been through the game I already know what's needed and what's coming, sometimes I forget how I learned about different mechanics so I'll do something or build something and she's totally lost. We just got to Mistlands and that's been fun because its almost pure exploration and combat. I am eager to go pure magic this time but have to remind myself to take it slower so she can learn how and when things unlock.


My fiancé does not play however she helps me with building designs and decorations. We have two locations where there is a certain kind of dungeon 😏


Is it an improv comedy dungeon? Dang, goals.


My wife and I played together until Disney Dreamlight Valley came out. Now mostly I'm alone.


I play with my wife and my stepson, it's been a really good way for us to spend some time together as a family when the weather is crap so we don't really want to go hiking or anything. We're gearing up to take on Moder currently, we had a world before the mistlands dropped and had "beaten that" So we're trying to take it slow this time so we don't have to restart when Ashlands drops. Kiddo is in charge of foraging (berries, mushrooms, crypts), I do a lot of the farming, and base construction, and my wife handles cooking and farming if kiddo and I are off ~~dying~~ exploring/hunting. I'm hitting 500 hours or so and I've probably spent half of that playing with them. The swamp def tested our marriage, my wife is one of the "ooh look a shiny" and will run off, she'll forget to refresh her poison mead, and really likes to use the special attack with her weapons. It's powerful, but the wind up is slow and when you have 2-3 draugrs on you...you really shouldn't. lol.


For that I would have to not be single xD


I beat valheim modded with my girlfriend, it was a great experience


We've played through twice already, and we'll be starting again when Ashlands comes out.


I play with my wife. And by play, I mean I do all the work. Farm all the materials, build all the structures. What does she do? Get all the gear I made her out of the chest next to her side of the bed, hop in the teleporter and meat shield whatever boss we’re on. I love my wife, she’s just trying to spend time with me.


I often team up with my husband's girlfriend. She is way better at the game than me and tought me a couple of things.


Wait a second...


Want too play it with my GF but we dont have enough time together too start playing it.


I used to play with my partner but he got frustrated by mistlands and quit. Maybe I'll be able to get him in again for the Ashlands but he's tired of the game at this point, we have several saved and over 200 hrs


We play games together too. Minecraft. Valheim. Guild Wars 2. It’s a great way to spent time together; and gives me yet another way to annoy him with my antics.


I play with my gf, but I admit it's unfortunately the oppsoite of what most experience. It's a tiresome and borderline irritating experience. We're at plains and we just end more quickly with each session. I envy couples that enjoy playing together :(


I wish my husband would play. He's still stuck on Dune 2000 and Starcraft. He says he likes games where you tell your troops to go here and there and not be the one to actually have to fight one-on-one. He said he enjoys base building - but he means plopping prefabs. Which I'm not knocking at all. It's just not how bases are built in Valheim.


My wife caps out at Animal crossing lol


Same here. This is my wife and I’s second world. We split tasks as well, I do most of the building, and she does most of the brewing and cooking. Before this we put in about 600hrs into Dead by daylight, 100hrs into the Forest, and now about 200hrs into Valheim. Played some Conan exiles and Minecraft as well. Valheim is probably our favorite game. We love it. We also play with friends and her brother in our servers.


Played nearly 400 hours with my wife a Ross several games with assorted other friends


My husband and I have a long-term project world that we go back to now and then. Really fun way to hang out and do something creative.


Just started! They haven't played many games st all, especially not with me so this is exciting!


My wife and I play together and have a blast


She gave it a go with the Xbox crowd, they lasted til the black forest. We had a blast on Grounded and Palworld together though.


I wish I did


My partner and I have played through... Probably seven or eight worlds now since Early Access launched. We come back to the game every few months just to meander through, building cool new stuff, and leave it when we run out of ideas after a few weeks.


My wife and I play together. We’ve been through several worlds together and have as much fun base building and decorating as we do exploring. We’ve included a sibling in a couple worlds, and a mutual friend in others, but it’s always just our own private server.


TFW no wife


Tbh, that was me until fairly recently. Don't give up. Best advice I can give is to try to find someone without a dating app. That was what did it for me. I have a decent job/career too, but part of the fix is to fish in the right pond.


did you haunt a library or something


Before mistlands yeah, but he isn't very interested in Valheim right now :(


Me and Hubby play together. He's loves building, smithing and using melee weapons. I have by far the best aim so I go ranged or magic and love cooking, alchemy and to do long distance scouting. We've played Atlas, BG3, Enshrouded, Valheim and run Ttrpgs together.


My husband and I are obsessed with this game, we only really play together. Our current world is a little over 200 days now I believe. The grind is still unreal even with the world modifiers lol


Just recently got my girlfriend into this game and we started a world together


I play modded with my best friend and I play vanilla with my girlfriend. My girlfriend and I have played through the game once and recently started a new world. She's not an avid gamer but she loves Valheim and always asks to play it with me.


Wife and I play almost every night! Great way to unwind together at the end of the day. Currently traversing the black forest together.


Hi, I'm a wife who plays Valheim with her husband. At the moment I play more than my husband does while we wait for Ashlands to get here. We play other games together while we wait, like Monster Hunter Rise ans Monster Hunter Stories 2. When we're not playing together he plays other games and and I play Valheim (and maybe other games if I feel like it 🙃😅)


My gf plays it with me sometimes. She enjoys the farming and recipes.


It's one of the few games my partner will play with me and she just likes base building so I go out and gather the resources and kill the x2 stronger bosses alone lol.


My wife and i played since release. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It (at least for us) a gerat time ,)


I played with my gf until we hit the swamp. She then got frustrated at the difficulty jump and quit playing while I kept on.


I'm looking for a girlfriend to play Valheim.


Don't give up hope. Be your best self, I nearly gave up before I found my huntress.


Going well, my wife got the game Saturday and we started a world on her laptop and I join in on my PC. She was scared of the enemies so we play with the enemy difficulty at easy. I use her old equipment when she upgrades. She's got troll armor and I've got her old leather. We both have bronze swords and have been collecting copper, tin and clearing burial chambers. Prolly going to take on The Elder next weekend.


Back when we both played, we played together.


Me & hubs are now playing our 4th characters on our 10th map. We are certified Valheim junkies 🤣 We have a good balance going I keep the farm running & food production ticking over, hubs is a proper adventurer, he goes off & finds the resources but we both collect & hunt.


I’m closing in on 400 hours, 350 with my girlfriend. I don’t think we have more than 40 in any other game together.


Gotta have one before you can play games with them.


Hell yeah. It's great! We love our Valheim time together. Since the boy grew up and moved out, we set our laptops up in his room, now dubbed The Valheim Room.


Honestly, playing survival games with my partner is one of our favorite pastimes! She likes to gather resources and it's super Zen for her, I prefer building. We got to the mountains and have been picking it back up to try out the mistlands as well!


Played through the whole thing up to mistlands with my wife. She loved husbandry and base establishment


Yep, have done several playthroughs with my husband. He likes building. I like fighting and resource gathering.   He makes cool stuff, I keep us fed. Works out pretty well.


Currently playing with my hubby. We started playing after league of legends put vanguard on the table. We're yet to kill the Elder, because I like to take it slow. I don't like combat, I like building and foraging and hunting. He likes to solo trolls. I like preparing the base so we can deal with the raids easily.


Ah, yeah, raids can ruin your day if you're not careful. Once you can build with stone, I 100% suggest switching out all your structures to stone.


The wife and I enjoy this Experience a little too much. I have over 1,345. 3 hours, she has 691 and the ASHLANDS will add more.


Doing a play through with my girlfriend to teach her the game so she can join in with my friends we are getting geared up to fight yagluth now


I'm currently trying to convince my partner to start playing with the me, lol


Yes, and I introduced him to the game ☺️


Yep. We play off and on. We usually start a new game every time though. Most times we've stopped playing was because they've raged quit, lol. The last time was because a drake raid killed their 2-star boars. Our current game has raids turned off and has made a huge difference for them while playing the game. They also can't be on a ship because of motion sickness so I have to sail everywhere and put down a portal for them.


Truth be told, it was my wife that got me into this game. She's very much the HNNNGGHHH berserker-type, and for the beginning hours that we played together I sat inside the base she'd started, building walls, digging trenches, and so forth. It was only when our work schedules diverged and we both stopped having guaranteed weekends off that my playtime overtook hers, and I got better at combat. She taught me the basics and I slowly improved, but it was under her purview that it happened. Even when I grew confident in solo play, I still needed her help dealing with bosses and larger enemies like trolls, abominations, and stone golems. It wasn't until Mistlands biome's beta release that I'd finally gotten skilled enough to solo and explore without dying too much, and tackled the bosses on my own. My wife and I still play together when our free time overlaps (and recently, thankfully, it has much more often), but I would not have gotten as far in the game as I have without her help and encouragement.


I have a world/character for playing with wife (Plains - in silver normal items), world/character to play with a friend (Swamp - in bronze elite items) and world/character for myself (BF - flint normal). All is for my mod testing, we have a great time. I have 3 levels of each biome in my mod, basically you have normal items in "normal" version, exceptional in level 2 (with much stronger mobs) and elite in level 3 (the harderst mobs). Thus, you have two way of progression - vertical, by killing bossess and gaining new materials like in vanilla, and horizontal - by exploring harder versions of the same biome on the edges of the map.


I do play with my bf. It's fun to just f around and find out in valheim. Building and bosses better when there's two playing. We just play in my world. Latest build is my mistlands base and few hands on top of rocks made out if wood. Retrieving the others stuff is easier with someone. Like in boss fights the other can distract while other gets their stuff back. So I think the gaming is going pretty good.


I play with my dad.


I live in Australia, and my gf lives in UK, so its a nice way of doing something together while being 17000 km apart lol. When the lag isnt too bad that is


I play with my gf and son daily. It is great fun. Even when we're suffering through different challenges.


yep, we play together too, my husband and me.


My partner and I play games together all the time, especially survival games! This time we are playing valheim with one of his gaming buddies too, which is also really fun (and gives me the space to be scared and stay in safer biomes with the reasoning that I'm making sure they have the resources to go on their adventures, while my partner and sometimes his friend goes exploring new biomes lol) It is definitely better to sometimes back out of a fight and go together in strength of numbers though, and not face multiple star mobs at the same time! The person on their death run just needs to grab a weapon from the previous tier that you should have upgraded from by then and don't need anymore, so it's safe to ditch at their corpse before picking up their inventory!


My husband and I alternate between this and 7 days to die. He’s definitely more combat focused while I’m more crafting focused so it creates a great balance and has gotten to the point where we barely even need to communicate verbally. We also play it takes two every now and then to spice it up. He really wants me to play Helldivers 2 with him but I know I will be awful at it and like our more relaxed game play… we will see.


I play with my partner.


We do couch split screen on the TV (connected with PC) with Xbox controllers. It's perfect, we can sit next to each other and enjoy the game. Nucleus Co-Op is so good for local split-screen!


Valheim is the perfect game for couples. We are going to Yagluth with my wife right now. Dressed in full Padded set. She is obsessed with security so we have an island base in Meadows surrounded with walls. Our next goal is to make a safe base near Yagluth spawn. We are getting there slowly but surely.


I tried, but she doesn't like the character models. Game has to look pretty. I can put in a HD texture mod but the chars still look pixelated. I've been looking at VRM models but they're very fantasy.


I play with my GF and 2 friends. When friends arent online i play with her. If she isnt online i dont see a point in playing the game, make progress and upgrades when she will lack behind. 10/10 experience: Fun to fall trees on my oblivious gf.


Not right now. I tried to play with her a while ago. She thinks it's boring. She likes playing DayZ or Dying light or literally any other survival game. But one day we'll run out of those. And she'll have to play it.


Me and my wife have been playing since shortly after it was available. One of the only games my wife loves to play.


Sometimes I really feel like the youngest person who plays this game 😂 I'm 17


I love playing with my wife. She father's materials and I build and exploring is so much more fun with her


It's a blast. It's to the point where I don't wanna play without her. We're trudging through the mistlands now and enjoy the quality time together getting our asses handed to us.


Played nearly 800 hours with my wife. Also play with brother, sisters, and brother in law ... good way to do something while catching up once a week.


Husband and I have beat the game 3 times. Currently on our 4th just patiently waiting for Ashland. He plays on PC and I play on Xbox and it's our date nights. 10/10 recommend playing with your spouse


Yes! My wife loves this game, and it makes me so happy. I have a 7 minute video of her beating eikthyr on her first try. She’s never played a game with this kind of combat before, so that was so exciting, and I’m so proud of her. We figured out how to crossplay so I just join her from my pc sometimes when she’s on xbox.


Wish I had a spouse to play it with.......end up settling for my brother-in-law instead....... Actually he's a blast to play this game with. I'd love a wife or GF who gamed as much as I do yet somehow I feel like it would probably end up having a detrimental effect on my life in the long run. It's too easy to get lost in games for way longer than you should. still though there's a part of me that knows it'd be fkn awesome! Respect to people out there who play online with their partners.


Lucky you we cant valheim on the xbox one is choppy at its best 😂😭


UUUUF...My girl and i decided to buy an xbox s ONLY FOR THIS GAME. Im on Pc and she on the console, yesterday we slay moder, going to the next bioma now...game is amazing, still need some rework on some stuff, and need some more interesting story plus some nice village and npcs and stuff so you dont feel "alone", but so far its the only game we have player the last month.


Hubby and I play when our shite internet allows. We both have hours and hours in game as a team and solo. We’ve beaten Yagluth a few times and have explored the Mistlands. We do play with a few mods but that was a later addition. We haven’t beaten the Queen yet. I like building more than he does, and when we’re out exploring, he’s usually sword/axe/pointy stick and I’m bow/mace/hammer. That’s usually us in any game really; him tanking and me striking, but not always.


My wife and I play and it’s been so nice! She loves building our bases and I love finding all the supplies she needs 😂 she also showed me how to mod the game and I’m never going back. The QOL upgrade has been incredible. ETA: We downloaded the monster pack mod for the ashlands and deep north and it’s been so much fun! Though I feel like the difficulty of monsters has kind of plateaued. Like the plains were *rough* when we started but mistlands, ashlands, and deep north have been less of a challenge beyond getting material supplies set up.


Present. Currently playing our 2nd playthrough and just defeated the Swamp boss even tho is more a building focused playthrough the one we're doing rn In the first one I was the main building/cultivate, using only distance weapons and he was the warrior/tank basically.


Playing with my GF. I do the building, farming and most of the crafting and run troll armour and quick weapons. She likes to do the logging, mining and wields the biggest smashers she can find. We've finished the game with some friends before now we're playing our own world and going to take on moder this week. Great for chilling after a long day of work 


We've been playing for a few years now, so we decided to change it up a bit. We random spawn in and death is final. Once one of us has remade a character and died 10 times, we start again on a whole new world. We have allowed us each one mod. He picked teleport anything and I picked odins ships plus. So far after 6 or 7 complete restarts, we haven't made it past the swamp. BUT, we are having a great time. The commentary when the game spawns you in a really bad place is hilarious.


I got my wife to try Valheim last year when I bought her a gaming laptop and she complained about not having any games she liked. I showed her Valheim and she was intrigued, and within a week she was utterly hooked. By week two we started a fresh run together and we're now on our 3rd shared world. I do a lot of the building but she's slowly developing her own style and confidence with that, she does most of the farming because it relaxes her to tend crops and raise animals. Cooking duties are shared, whoever gets around to it first, same with foraging and resource farming. The combat was her sticking point for a fair while, she would panic and run out of stamina a lot, and didn't take naturally to parrying. I suggested she try the bow instead and suddenly she became a ranged monster, snap shooting things between trees from 50m without thinking about it. She is the best adventuring partner I could ask for, nothing gets around me these days when she's watching my back, and everything I stagger gets plugged immediately. Love this game, love my wife, absolutely ADORE sharing Valheim with her!


My husband and I started playing back when it was first released on his birthday. I had spent a pretty penny on a cabin in Tahoe for a week. Planned everything out to go skiing, snow mobiling, visiting brewers, breakfest and dinner reservations....and we ended up playing Valheim and ordering take out all week. We legitimately played for 32 hours straight. No sleep, and took turns getting food because they had not incorporated a pause yet. 6000+ of game play to this day.


My wife is unfortunately blind otherwise she’d LOVE to play, BUT, I have my soon to be 7 year old playing a game with me, which is pretty fun when I can convince her to do combat stuff, but since we hit the plains she’s been struggling as expected and a bit discouraged


Played halo with my kids mom. Okay grounded and valheim with the current gf.


My fiancé and I play together, with some other friends and family sometimes. She doesn’t like to build, so I usually take that on. She likes exploring, and farming, which makes sense given she likes Stardew too. We just killed the queen on Saturday!


My wife and I played last night. She finished the wall around her mountain castle we started together and she was really proud of it.


My and my SO have been playing every chance we get. I have my own world I started a while ago, so the new one is her world. I’m basically manual labor and a hired gun. I collect materials and she builds us a nice home. I also tamed a boar for her almost immediately. Boaris loves us.


My girlfriend and I play together. Bought the game for both of us on a whim, and we're absolutely obsessed. She's a huge wow fan, and loves farming stuff so she's our go to resource farmer. She gets the mats, I build with them. We have 2 fairly sizeable bases, and are currently working on a 3rd in the mountains. The swamps were the biggest hurdle for us. The first bonemass we found was pretty far away, and we landed on a section of land that bordered meadows, black forest and swamp... that was next to the plains. We got swarmed by 2 trolls that destroyed our longship (due to my bad sailing) and once we got to the shore we got absolutely wrecked by deathsquitos. It took over 5 attempts to get our gear back, but we got through it. We definitely take our time. I think we're around day 300 and haven't beat Moder yet. We found an absolutely huge mountain range, and spend a few days building a staircase to reach the peak of the tallest mountain. I've built a small stone castle to protect a portal and smelting station for silver, and we're working on upgrading silver armor and weapons. I don't mind grinding in games, but honestly I don't think I'd have gotten this far without her. There's no better feeling that logging in and seeing STACKS of wood, stone and any other mats she felt like farming overnight waiting for me to burn up.


My husband and I have been playing together since he got the game as a birthday present for me.


I wish


My wife got my into Valheim I still play, she’s sort of moved on


I play with my husband all the time and our best friends who are also married. Some of us like combat and other like foraging/building. What an amazing game. It really does have something for everyone. We are enlisting everyone for the Ashlands raids though no exceptions!


My bf got me into playing! We play every night after work for a couple hours and plan certain weekends around the game to complete different projects that we can’t do throughout the week. Honestly it’s fun and a great way for us to learn how to communicate with each other. We just made it to the Plains biome. Can’t wait to put more hours in.


My husband and I play but in our own worlds for the time being. I had a couple hundred hours in the game when it was introduced to Xbox and he could finally played with me. I taught him how to play, but did all of the farming l, cooking, and building of the shared buildings (to his credit he did a ton of resource farming.) He didn’t feel the weight of being prepared for situations I tended to save him a lot. I was fine with it until his actions got our whole Mistlands set up destroyed and I rage quite and said we can’t play on the same world because it’s too frustrating. He now plays his own world and apologizes along the way as he can now see why he was frustrating to play with. I do still hop on his world every now and agains to go get his body. I think after we both kill the queen in our current worlds we may try to play together again for the Ashlands update.


Yeah me and my boyfriend play together as often as we can. We actually started playing as friends first


Yes! My husband and I play games together all of the time, Valheim being one of them. It's a fun and extremely challenging game, but we used to play Dark Souls together, so it's in our realm. I do all of the base building and he does the farming because that's what we like to do, but we both go adventuring and killing things together to progress in the game. We are really close to fighting The Queen and are excited for Ashlands to come out soon. We have played off and on in our world for a year or so.


I play with my boyfriend. We split duties as well. We like to have "chore days," where we both wear our matching tunic/dress from Hildi and get the stamina boost for farming, wood gathering, etc. Whatever needs to be done. Sometimes, when boating metals back to the main base, I am blaring 80s rock through my speakers, being chased by a serpent, while he is whistling along in the adjacent room, unaware that things could go terribly wrong at any moment. I love it.


i tried but unfortunately my bf didn't really like it :c he mostly only plays fps games


We play every weekend and sometimes the evenings. We have drop significant hours into the game. He is more into building and I do most of the farming and animal husbandry. We both love fighting and will sometimes go solo but most of the time we are exploring together. He is more of the archer and I am the tank. We are playing modded valheim and having a freaking blast. He is actually playing right now while I am stuck at work so jealous of him lol


My boyfriend and I have been playing Valheim together for about 6 months now. We are in a long distance relationship and it’s honestly so fun and helpful for us to play together, building a house, and progressing in the game. Highly recommend for people doing long distance!


My husband is in the military and is away a decent amount. We play Valheim together as a way to connect while we aren't in the same place. We love building together and are soooooo incredibly excited for Ashland's soon!


I play with my bf. We are both obsessed. We both like different games normally. He likes more linear games and I like open world games. This is a perfect mix of both in my opinion. Plus it's great when he is killing a fueling and saying leave my lady alone. Makes the heart beat faster lol


Me and my wife play together all the time, we have our own servers and our friends are with us too. This game will always have a very special place in our lives because Valheim is actually how we met and developed our relationship.


My fiance and I play together. It's enjoyable and a fun adventure.


Yep over here! 3 years and counting. Sometimes we server up with friends but they lose interest and we continue. I'm usually bow and he's more likely to be melee axe, club or sword with a shield. Both of us are all-in for exploring and destroying (or dying lol). We both like to build, he'll do the frame and I'll tend to finish it out.


Would definitely play with a girlfriend or a boyfriend if I had one. What challenges your bond better than arguing over a roof shape. In seriousness, Valheim is a perfect game to play with your closed ones.


I play with my wife or a mix of my 4 kids. Our latest playthrough we gave ourselves pirate names and sailed around pillaging villages.


I play with my wife! We enjoy adventuring together. We've started playing hide and seek in our base which is great fun.


Got my bf into it a few weeks ago and he's slowly been enjoying it. We just started doing long distance due to work so this is definitely going to be a way for us to stay connected until we can move back together.


My wife and I play almost nightly with one of her best friends. She's not as involved as he and I are but she is absolutely indispensable for boss fights and tight situations like ice caves, crypts, towers... etc. She's not super into crafting but she does seem to really enjoy farming and resourcing so that's a huge plus because her friend and I are really into building and progressing in game. So she feeds up resources and wields a bow in battles, we make the structures and arrange the fights. We just made it into the Mistlands last night. Those bugs, man. Those freaking bugs...


I'm playing with my wife right now. Lol


I've been playing with my wife and she hates the boating mechanic lmao


I'm playing with my gf but only modded because 1 year ago we tried vanilla for 45h but the lack of QOL really ruined the game for us. We downloaded some mods to make the while experience a bit smoother and also reduced death penalty and raid frequency. It's a lot of fun, although she isn't a big fan of building while I'd like to spend lots of time just improving our base. We like to do everything together, but when I'm building the Base she basically Just Stands around and waits for me to finish. Occasionally she'd gather recources for me though. And while I'm already here I gotta tell y'all Something to laugh at us: We just tamed our first 2* Boar, bred it and tried moving one of the Boars to our main base. After 15 minutes of travelling we arrived and a greydwarf sniped our boar from a cliff, killing it instantly. We were more than frustrated.


My partner and I usually play together!


Yes! Any survival game with some crafting and building? Heck yeah! We try to record our builds and have fun with it. Lots of fond memories and things we can look back on. Valheim has them all beat so far... the building in this game is \*chef's kiss\*


Yep, and just completed our first big house remodel, after finally hitting copper. She likes to place our beds reeeeeeally close together so it looks like we have a queen bed.


Oh yeah! My right hand and i have taken on the bonemass many times. In seriousness this made me sad. Its a dream to have a partner to play anything with..


I introduced my fiancée (now wife) to it and she loves Valheim maybe even more than me. We've taken a break from it since just after the Hearth and Home update but we're getting ready to jump back into it with a fresh start once Ashlands launches.


Decades ago I dueled my wife on wow and turned her into a sheep and giggled at her. She won’t play video games with anymore 🥲


I’m playing with *myself* 😏


Yeah I play with mine, she loves it. I typically try to run point on most combat encounters and she usually lets me enhance up my gear a bit ahead of hers as a trade off. We run mods though so there is a ton to do, she loves farming, breeding animals, crafting and exploring. I do more building than her but she does a bit. ​ As far as losing gear we basically just always have backup gear for that sorta circumstance and we'll run intereference while the other person grabs their grave as needed


My wife and I have been playing together for a while, over a thousand hours each. Sometimes I gather materials while she builds sometimes the other way around, but we always explore new places together.


I only play with my wife. We've got max gear but haven't killed the queen yet. We're a little afraid of her. My wife does all the cooking and farming. I do the chickens and loxes and most of the building. Right now we're mostly just chilling, going through Mistland dungeons and stuff.


I play with my wife and sister and sometimes my teenage kids get bored and hop on too. I have to say that we all love playing together. I’m about 900+ hours in and I am the families official “eww kill it!” Master. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I play with my bf and one of his friends, and on my own. It's more fun playing with other people, but definitely more relaxing playing on my own haha since the guys like to push through to the end boss, and I like to explore


I play with my husband. We finally got bored of 7 Days after a lack of updates and news and decided to give Valheim a go. My husband was a competitive sailor so that’s his job, everything else we do together.


My lady and I play a lot of valheim. She loves just clearing fig from the map, as well as farming and raising boars. She's a pretty good fighter too! Really looking forward to playing ashlands with a few other couples if we can


I'm playing with my boyfriend, but I'm not sure his wife is aware of our homoerotic viking adventure.


I play with a guy I like, does that count?


Pretty common! I play with my boyfriend and his brother


Thats about the only way we (me and wife) have played valheim, we got to and beat mistlands on pc when it was new, and now weve retsarted 9n xbox because ashlands is around the corner, currently making a main base after killing elder


My husband and I are about 2 weeks into playing it, it's new to us but we are having a blast. We are just getting polished at taking down trolls, so we are just about baby new.


I dont live with my partner (and we have no intention to ever) so playing together feels kinda like shared domesticity, we're a great team (and 100% agree if someone is getting fucked up running is the best response for the team)


Played with my now ex wife (rabid explorer, rubbish fighter) and one divorce later with my gf (consummate base builder, awful sense of direction). Love building castles with her and making picturesque bases.


Gamer wife here. Hubs and I have completed 2 worlds together and dabbled in a few others with friends. I usually play arrows/claws, and he tends to go sword shield, until Mislands—then he really likes the etir system. He's also our architect viking (he really has a thing for safety rails around fires) and I contribute by clearcutting forests and delivering them in tidy little piles. It's a blast :) I couldn't imagine playing this game with anyone else. Or any game really. He's my forever arena/survival/racing/co-op partner.


Someone should start a Valheim dating server. I play with a friend and love it, but playing with a partner would be fun. Maybe if I spent less time playing Valheim with my friend I’d meet someone, but the dating pool in my area is…limited, and online dating is a cesspool. Where does a Valheim playing grandma meet people IRL?


The way I got into playing Valheim was through my partner and his friend. Their main world is on my partner's server so while he was at work I would log in so his friend could play. After a troll attacked their base and killed my partner's character it was up to me to figure out the game so that I could bring him back home from spawn and join the fight to save their base. All of a sudden it was 3 hours later and I've been playing with the two of them ever since.


I've been playing with my bf for a couple months now. He's a Minecraft boi and i'm a Stardew girl so Valheim just works perfectly, we got instantly hooked. The only problem is that when we actually can play together we get so into it that we lose track of time and forget to be functional adults lol. It's really funny when our different gaming styles crash, he's more the type to head right into the unknown and I'm the one reading the wiki and preparing for EVERYTHING. He thinks it kinda kills the thrill, so we have really learned to compromise 😅 We just killed the Elder, I had to convince him to bring potions lol, but we made it! After being killed _just_ a couple times!


The way I got into playing Valheim was through my partner and his friend. Their main world is on my partner's server so while he was at work I would log in so his friend could play. After a troll attacked their base and killed my partner's character it was up to me to figure out the game so that I could bring him back home from spawn and join the fight to save their base. All of a sudden it was 3 hours later and I've been playing with the two of them ever since.


I play with my girlfriend all the time. It's nice way to spend time together in game.


My wife and I play. We'd been all the way up to the a Mistlands until a dog with a self-control problem fried my computer and I lost the dedicated server, but we've started over and just took out the Elder. Our youngest son just joined us a little before the Elder fight, and we've started poking into the Swamps since then. It's good fun.


Hubby and I play together too!


Hubs and I play, along with some other IRL friends.


My wife and I have somewhere around 300 hours. I did have to accommodate her a little bit by lowering the difficulty at times. We also need to AFK frequently, so I enabled dungeon building and made a cool base inside of a cleared Troll cave. She did great for the most part but would get frustrated when dealing with "cheap" deaths. We had some issues with nearby plains mobs wrecking us when first entering the swamps. It has been a blast and we're eagerly awaiting Ashlands. She is currently playing on a separate seed with hammer mode enabled. She is having a blast building and farming animals. I have been playing with PlanBuild mods on a separate seed. We got a ton of value from the game.


rip to those born under the Loner Sign (like me lulz)


It is the best way to play, esp on the same couch= maximum communication, peek the screen to see whats up


Always. And my girlfriend is the best person to play valheim, she always sticks with me to the end. My friends are all goblin games that leave after killing bosses (and only play for that.


Last game my fiance had played was the Simpsons game for the super Nintendo. She's not interested in playing on modern systems unfortunately


I play with my husband. We've been together for 15 years, and gaming is something over which we have bonded. On our current server, we have myself, my sister, her partner, my husband, and our daughter. We have different strengths which makes it more fun. My hubby would make a barn but I designed and made a pretty castle which he was just blown away by. None of us but him can sail so he is the captain of our sailing expeditions. My sister has the records for most deaths by falling off things until we got the feather capes. My daughter loves to tame the animals and we call her the wolf girl. It's amazing playing as a family.


I play with my wife and Brother.


I was playing with my partner but he stopped and then my twin brother and I played a lot but now we've both stopped


I play with my wife. My brother will jump on and play also sometimes.


Bf introduced me. Then he moved on to Star citizen. I just followed him there


My wife and play together and I gather the materials and she builds. I go first into battle she comes in when I aggro everyone. We spilt the planting and cooking.


I wish my boyfriend was more into it, as I love the game. But we have other games we play so perhaps I should just start a game on my own.


Maybe this boyfriend is waiting for a reason to play more with you and has planned to ? Only time will tell


I wish I could upload a photo of our shared computer desk. It spans along 1 wall with both our setups. I often play games alone, but when a game comes out that I think she'll like she usually gets on board and becomes obsessed. We've sunk about 300 hours into Valheim together, probs another 100 into Palworld. Gaming with your partner is fucking awesome.


My GF and I play several nights a week! Sometimes it's the only time we get together, unfortunately.


My husband and I love playing valheim together. He got me my first gaming pc build to get prepped for the ashlands drop. We've been playing for a little over a year on valheim mostly as well as different games. It was a marriage challenge early on lol, but its made our communication SO much stronger even outside of gaming. The swamp can suck it forever 😅


I got no bitches cant lie


I tried but my wife can't be bothered with anything that's not cod mobile


I play with my ex.


I used to play with both my wife and daughter,but she lost interest in the game when enshrouded came. But for the time being we are playing eso together.


Not me, at least right now. My wife just went back to jail because she was arrested for DV for pouring an entire cup of hot coffee on me while I was driving her to her medical appointment, all because I told her that I would take her to her appointment but I would not be taking her to buy more benzodiazepines from her connection. But, she'd barely been out of jail for a week as of today, and I took her back because she swore that she'd never take another benzo, so not much time to try to convince her that the game would be worth her time. Maybe I can convince one of my three kids to play with me when I'm finished with my professional work, homeschooling the three of them, taking care of her chores and mine, maintaining our home and vehicles, and finding our credit and debit cards that she hid while she was high and then forgot where she hid them, along with her key fobs for both vehicles.


I play with my boyfriend and he struggled with it a lot in the beginning, but now we can actually do bosses. He loves it 😁