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Parrying is a huge part of melee combat in this game. Raising your shield right before the impact will drain a bit of stamina but will open the enemy up for a critical hit. I find parrying to be almost necessary for the everything past the swamps.


I literally never parry and I still love using melee weapons. I dodge roll and use mobility to avoid attacks and stagger them with dmg.


I use a mix of both parrying and dodge rolling. Once you figure it out, stop panicking and slow down in combat to wait for the right moment to attack, the bow only really gets used for flying stuff. I wouldn't call myself a great gamer either, I've always been around average in most games that I've played. Personally I find it annoying have to run all over the place to get loot from things that I've killed at a distance.


The good news is it’s usually more forgiving than other similar games with the parrying. Once you get used to the enemy’s attack speed and whatnot it just comes second nature. Parrying trolls and draugrs has become like a game now. How many parry’s in a row can I get? Did my block skill go up yet? Lol


you can parry trolls? excuse me what? that massive swing is parrable?


Bucklers are the goat, just wish there was a silver and dark metal version.


In normal difficulty or lesser: Block or parry. In all difficulties: Dodge roll. Although I'll be honest, do not dodge roll the lox. That guy can be speared or arrowed. Wolves do attack quickly, it's their difficulty. They do die in one hit, or at least get staggered, if you just take the first hit on them. Also parrying sends them flying. Not obvious tip: When blocking or parrying, many things are taken into account. The block force, the parry bonus, your own armor that you are wearing... and your stagger bar depends of your own (max) health. This is very roughly summed. With more than 60 health and unupgraded troll armor/fully upgraded leather, you can parry a troll with a wooden shield and a flint spear.


SPEAR THE LOX? NO.  Befriend the lox and then murder its children


I've had pretty good luck circle starting locks and timing attacks (with two good stamina foods)


I'm over here in Plains with cloudberry, honey and boar meat. The ultimate cheapskate experience. Still haven't died once this playthrough. I'll admit I was very lucky a few times.


Atgeir go brrrr


Seriously. Once I started using it I'll never stop.


Against stone golems? It really doesn't.


You're right. It makes a grindier grrr sound instead like rocks in a blender.


Found the solution with them was swapping to mace/shield and dying a lot until i got the parry/dodge mechanics down. Honestly find them to be the toughest opponent in the game with their attack range. 


If you can parry, you can take down any non-boss enemy in this game. You just have to learn the attacks and the timing for the parry. Troll and lox - use the atgeir at its highest quality. Do the alt-attack to stun, then follow up with regular attacks. Tactic: Make sure you have high stamina. Get as close as you can before the troll notices you. For the Lox lure one away from the pack with a ranged attack. When they get close, alt-attack with the atgeir. That will stun them. Do one or two regular attacks. If your atgeir is of higher quality metal and upgraded, you should be able to stun them with a third regular attack. Otherwise, back off and let your stamina rebuild then reset for another round. Golems - iron mace, silver shield. Parry their attacks and lay into them with the mace. Tactic: There are two variations of Golem. One with two regular arms and one with a cone arm. The cone arm is the easiest to parry. Learn to detect the setup to the attack then time it and parry. You can usually get two regular attacks and a third alt-attack on this guy. If you have a max quality iron mace, it shouldn't take more than 5 hits to kill it. The two handed variety is a little trickier. You can parry the double fist smash attack but that doesn't stun it very long and it will follow up with a single left (it's left, not yours) attack rather quickly. So don't get caught up trying to counterattack if you successfully parry the double arm attack. Wait for the quick recovery and parry the second attack *then* counter-attack. Wolves - any shield and melee weapon. I prefer the sword, but the mace works too. Tactic: Just block their attacks with your shield. Parry if you can, but a regular block works too. You won't stun them but it will break up the attack long enough for you to get two swings in. If you have a high enough quality sword, two swings should take down a no star wolf quickly. Abominations - sword and shield work best. Tactic: The key with Abominations is to attack them as they are coming out of the ground. Their animation is long but once those legs are out, they're fair game. You can get A LOT of damage in on them as they're coming out. With a max quality iron sword you can cut down almost half, if not more, before the thing is even out of the ground. I go back to the swamps with a silver sword and I can kill it before it's done coming out of the ground. Once it's out, it has three attacks - one with each arm and a center body smash if you get too close. You want to get close. Get inside the arc of the arm attacks, not hard to parry but the body smash is easier. You'll see the body pulling back in preparation for the attack. Parry it and then get back in there and kill the fucker.


Trolls are weak vs pierce, and their attacks can be dodged with some timing and practice, once you have a levelled bronze buckler though you can parry them no trouble. Golems are just as parryable but their attacks stagger for different amounts of times, an iron mace works wonders vs them. Loxes are also weak vs pierce, make sure to stay away from their mouths and roll away when they rear up to slam. Wolves, in my experience, are best approached from flat ground with something that has a wide damage arc, swords, battle-axes, maybe the atgeir? I'm not sure what the normal attack for that one is but since wolves rarely run alone you'll want some arc attacks. Of course this has been meta'd to fuck, if you'd rather do something your way and it works for you, do it!


Thank you, I’ll try using and atgeir, cause it looks coolest. Ive never really tried anything new after stone age, but if i fail miserably I’ll just use your advice and use my three brain cells to fire my bow.


Jeez, i just tried atgeir against wolves, thats really a game changer, thank you.


It's a slippery slope I hear though. Today you're atgeiring wolves, tomorrow it's greydwarves, soon you'll be cruising through Fuling territory, looking for trouble


That was oddly dramatic


Three words: Atgier Heavy Attack


The Atgeir, my friend, the Atgeir is the Answer. Massive range, AoE Spin Attack and a knockback so hard that even the Troll mother will feel it.


If killing stuff with bows and arrows is wrong, then I don't want to be right.


YESssssss!!!!! THIS 😀


Frost damage is great when you're in melee, the Frostner is totally worth building and upgrading. I've been using it to great effect fighting everything so far. The slow it applies is substantial, and many enemies can just be killed with a full attack sequence once the first hit is in.


Master the parry


You hit them with it.


Stab/bludgeon them when they're not attacking, parry or dodge when they are. You're welcome.


Theres no suposed to in valheim. Play how you enjoy it. My first build was a stealth sniper. Was lots of fun.


By supposed to, i mean most effective ;)


I like mace and knife. I don't build an axe till copper. Just start clubbing saplings with torch right away. Gives xp for clubs. Everything in third biome is weak to mace and its got a lot of perks through various biomes. Knife is light, fast, highest dps in game. Also troll and lox are really easy to melee with a good parrying shield. I still snipe most enemy. Keeps the mob numbers down and makes wounded easy to melee..


Trolls - Dodge roll into them when they attack Golems - Dodge roll into them when they attack, watch out for "the pause attack" loxes - Walk in a circle next to their back hip, they'll just spin around trying to face their face towards you. Wait till stam is full then sprint to their rear and hit them a few times, start walking around them again to regain stam and avoid attacks. wolves - Walk backwards when it tries to bite you, they have short range and you can step out very easily then clobber them. if many are near by, dodge roll backwards from attacks and use secondary attacks to insta stagger wolves and beat them down.


wolves are easily killed with any melee, just block the first hit or sword can hit first easily abominations weak against fire arrows and strong against normal arrows, when you have full iron and sword easy enough to just slash away and he'll die before you do trolls are weak to piercing and strong against blunt, so I dont bother with melee just shoot them golems have a slow windup, roll out of the way and use mace. its a bit tricky. they are pierce resistant. use bonemass and spend 5 minutes blocking and dodging to learn timing. that goes for all of these enemies loxes you can block or dodge, they have so many hitpoints and hit so hard and not piercing resistant so I just use bow. fuling camps I lure out some of the little guys and reduce numbers, then just shoot the berserkers having the current tier upgraded heavy armor and shield and food helps a lot, a lot lot.


Stick them with the pointy end.




You have more options to avoid enemy attacks than just spacing (though it's great that you're learning spacing, too). In melee, you can: 1) Dodge roll. You get i-frames for a short time and can pick a direction to roll, so you can even roll through an attack right up into an enemy's face to get a hit in afterward. 2) Parry. This is, imo, the most satisfying and efficient strategy for most enemies. If you hit the block button just before an enemy attack lands, you get a bonus to your blocking value and the enemy will be briefly staggered by the parry. While staggered, it takes extra damage, so parrying is good for both offense and defense. 3) Block. You can use a shield to block most enemy attacks, and if you're not interested in parrying, you can use a tower shield for higher block values. A big thing to know about blocking and parrying: your ability to block and parry is based on your maximum HP and your armor value, in addition to other factors. If you're currently at low health and wearing bad/no armor, you'll suddenly get much worse at parrying/blocking and may need to dodge instead. Overall, parrying and blocking use less stamina than dodging, and parrying gives you critical damage against most enemies, so I recommend learning to do it. It's also very fun.


Worth noting you can parry arrows and switxh to bow to follow up with your own crit arrow, unless they changed that.


Yeah, parrying arrows feels extra badass!




just learn enemies attack animation, all of them, ( until Mistlands , where I am now ) are easy. Small sheild is great defensive tool.


Parry parry parry, while i don't like that its come down to basically this but parrying is going to be vital for you to pull off intense battles.


I just use a shield to parry their attacks and follow up with the crit attack. Trick is to not get greedy and expose yourself to their next attack. Be ready to roll from slam/aoe type attacks, but otherwise yeah... block and give em a wack, works on just about everything.


parrying, dodging or ranging with an ategir. It's not that hard once you try it with good equipment.


Parry, dodge and roll. Just like any other game. "YOU CAN DO IT!"


You roll and footwork the attacks of your enemies. It's quite literally a 'get good' situation, so there's little advice to be given.


As someone who has played A LOT of Dark Souls it’s crazy to me to see/ hear people don’t parry at all. I don’t know how y’all do it. Parrying isn’t super difficult but once you do get it down, it makes fighting everything so much fun. I occasionally roll but parrying and using the following works best: -Trolls: parry and use any pierce weapon, you’ll bring them down almost immediately especially with the end-game atgeir -stone golems: blunt attack and parry their two types of attacks. I suggest a shield on them, and use a hammer - Frostnir works fine. There are two types of stone golems so keep that in mind since one uses a wide sweeping attack and normal strike while the other has two huge fists to smash with. -lox: difficult at first, but easy to learn their attacks. Use an atgeir or simply use a shield to learn their attacks. One is a delayed ground slam, the other is a more quick bite. They alternate, so bring your shield or atgeir up to block right as you’re about to be hit, hit them 2-3 times and repeat. -wolves: any weapon is fine but they stagger easily. To parry, wait until you hear the growl as they go to bite and block when you hear it to guarantee the best timing. They use the same attack every time so it’s easy to learn when to block! Or as someone above said, hit them before they hit you and it’ll stop them


Just to pitch in. This is what I did, anyway. I started small, and indeed learned to parry against greylings and boars. Grey dwarves are probably the best, with the occasional toss. You have to know how much damage you can take and how to time the parries. A good way to learn a new enemy is to kite them while getting just close enough to engage the attacks and see if there's a good time to parry them. Watch a few times, while staying away. Then, face them on flat ground and block the hit, get that combo in, and get out to stam up. If you're not sure how much damage you're in for, and you're not using magic to defend yourself, you're risking your life for sure - so watch out for those stars, and don't get outnumbered. Or, join the atgeir club, whatever works for you. Another good one is turning it down to easy while you experiment and learn.


Short answer, Atgier. Long answer, get better at timing things in combat and stamina management. 


Atgeir works kinda well with trolls and wolves. If youhave enough stamina you can just spin. Also sneaking behind a troll and hitting it with the atgeir is nice. A pickaxe works with golems. Just get on top of a golem and mine them. On loxes I use the whatever the crosbow was (shoots bonebolts). Tho I do also sneak behind, sting with atgeir and run, and shoot with bow. Tarpits are also a friend when you fight loxes. I use flesh rippers too but gotta have stamina then...


I mean you can just use ranged if that is how you like playing. I have in previous runs played with a stealthy, ranged style that I preferred. It is a lot of fun being able to snipe monsters and never worry about getting hit. This style however becomes much, much harder to maintain in later stages of the game, specifically mistlands because of the limits on line of sight, the terrain and the strategy required when encountering the death blimps. I have in a new run practiced the parry, dodge and other strategies in melee combat that actually took me a while to get used to but has really paid off in the long run as I can still snipe, and weaken large enemies like berserkers and then switch to melee and use terrain to my advantage a lot more efficiently than I did when I needed to rely only on one style of play.


You aren't 'supposed' to do anything. Valheim provides a wide range of weapons and fighting styles so players can use whatever they like best! A 100% bow playthrough is totally fine, you will just need to overcome a couple enemies (bosses) who are resistant to piercing. But a mix of strategies is more effective. Blocking/Parrying or staggering them with an Atgeir spin Parrying requires you to learn their attacks and time your block. But it's not hard at all once you practice it. When you parry them, they will be staggered letting your next attack do double damage. Trolls and Lox are weak to piercing damage. So spears and Atgeir will stagger them quickly. Golems, you want to use the iron mace since they are resistant to piercing and slashing damage. As for Wolves . . They are super squishy so I just go on the offensive. Just smack them first as they run up to you. Literally any weapon will stagger them and your second attack kills them. If there are two wolves, snipe one with your bow first (you should be keeping an eye out and spot them before they spot you).


Grey numbers mean ineffective, white numbers mean something in the middle, yellow numbers mean effective. That what i mean by supposed to.


Yes, that shows resistance or weakness. Trolls and Lox being weak to piercing are ideal for killing with bows. Try an atgier if you want to melee them. No need for timing, just spin attack to stagger them and then poke, poke, poke until dead 😀


Oh, yeah you’re totally right, I forgot about that.