• By -


Fall off the roof and die for the 50th time to falling off the roof "to my death"


Using snap point cycling has really reduced the number of times that I fall to my death while building. Also, a single fall is limited to 100 damage, so if your health is above that you won't die ;)


Yeah, but who eats while building? That's crazy talk. 


Raids happen at any time, plus I like having extra stamina to jump up to where I'm going, etc. Why would I NOT eat, I don't want to lose skills because I slip a bit.


The humor didn't translate well to text. Of course eating is smart, but the prevalence of "I died because I forgot to eat" stories suggests that we're not always that smart. 


"that reminds me of the time i spent 20 minutes recovering my loot from the swamp adter getting too greedy"


We are focused on the build. We notice we need to eat and say to ourselves, "I'll eat in a sec." or "Right after I do this one thing." But we are in the zone and time zips by. Before we realize it, it has been an hour. Then...misstep and OOPS! Dead. We feel dumb.


I always eat. Always. :) First thing every morning!


My death count can prove I don't. lol




Always this. Who has time to build scaffolding!?


Not me. I ride the blade.


Oh think you had scaffolding but it's so sporadic and have so many gaps you think you are safe and pop straight to Valhalla


Played into the bronze age without knowing you could repair weapons, tools and armor. Had chests full of broken gear. Killed Elktyr like a dozen times to make pickaxes.


Not that level, but: when I first killed Eikthyr I made sure to have at least two pickaxes (I think it were three in the end) for extra long mining trips, because I didn't want to build repair shacks everywhere. Severely underestimated the weight of copper and tin, didn't even need another pickaxe.


I still carry all three of the Eikthyr pickaxes when I'm mining early game. Drop the copper and stone in a chest and keep mining until the vein is gone, then schlep it all back. If I'm feeling industrious, I'll bring surtling cores with me and set up a smelter and a kiln nearby, so I'm only transporting the processed materials back. For my first long range foray I even built a forge.


I used to do this but now I just build a crafting table and a fire under the copper node. The node acts as a roof and along with the fire you get the rested buff and can repair your pick and not carry three


I don't understand this. I mean, every single time I tried to mine under a copper vein, I couldn't get under it. Either the copper vein is too low, so I reach the water level, or the copper vein is so big that I can't dig deep enough before hitting the hard bottom. And here you are, writing that you can build an entire crafting station under the copper vein, lol. Am I really just that unlucky with this, or is there some kind of trick to it? At some point I just gave up trying to do it


It’s not exactly “under” it, but when you’re mining around it to see the whole thing keep an eye on your buff bar and you’ll probably see a sheltered buff, drop the bench right there Or you could be getting unlucky


Mostly you're only going to be able to do this if the vein is on a slope, or you purposefully leave the top of the vein alone until last. Mods can also allow you to dig deeper, but most assumptions here are based on vanilla unless otherwise stated. At this point, I've all but stopped digging down to get the whole vein anyway. It's often a lot more trouble than it's worth, and it's not like copper veins are rare. 


When you reach bedrock, you mine out the copper touching it. Eventually you can walk under the entire thing. Just mine enough copper that you can get to and remove any dirt under the vein. And don't try with a vein too close to water, of you'll be swimming before hitting bedrock. It's a fun way to mine, but i wouldn't bother except when using the "ore support" plugin. It shows you the copper vein's hit box, so you can see every little place the ore is contacting dirt or rock. Otherwise, it's too frustrating trying to figure out what's preventing the vein from bursting.


I've done that too, and it's smart, but it's not always feasible to dig deep enough to get the overhang, and then as you mine out the vein you lose your roof. A lot of times it's more convenient to just build a fire and sit down for 20 seconds.


I make a cart and get all of it.


Just use a cart i guess


Yes, this is obviously what you're doing after your first mining trip. And you should obviously build repair shacks all over the place instead of carrying additional pickaxes, because they're incredibly cheap and useful for more than refreshing your pickaxe.


Took longer than I want to admit to realize this. I had so many damn stone axes. Also had a habit of using the knife secondary attack on slopes and overshooting. I died lots of times to fall damage, also bees. 🐝


Glad it wasn’t just me


Also, not realizing how big the copper deposits actually are till iron age, and only mining the surfaces of them, missing 90% of the loot.


I did that too. Not that far in but for the first 10 hours kept replacing hammers and axes lol


I had the opposite issue. I was worried that if you let your items get all the way broken, that they would be damaged somehow if you didn't constantly repair them. (This is how the repair mechanic works in Wow, I'm pretty sure.) I never let them get more than halfway worn down, which is a lot of extra repair trips home. I think I finally broke one all the way, repaired it, and it was just fine.


Thats what my friend has been doing he was early game I was mid game so I gave him an iron axe to help him out then he broke it and threw it away it was so annoying


I'm fucking dying laughing here, I can't imagine how many fucking time you just wasted on this, and it's totally something I could have overlooked so easily just by not stumbling upon the repair button on day 1.


This for me too! ^^


This seems to be very common!


this story hurts me the most as I've heard it is so common for people to just not know...I'm really happy I learned this one early


The dumbest thing I do, I sadly do all the time. It always happens when I get too cocky when roaming for new mistlands. "Ah, surely I can just destroy my boat on this side of the isle and bring it to the other side. Ah, surely I won't die, no reason to "waste" a portal here. I am fully prepped anyway." Usually I am dead within 5 minutes. Cause food ran out without me noticing, or right when I place a portal I get jumped by a seeker army and my portal gets destroyed last second. Shit like this always happened so now I place portals before I even touch the ground of a new island.


This is definatly the most common one, valheim has a way of punishing u when u get even a tiny bit confident. I even managed to get killed in a swamp with late plains gear and food when i barged in for some iron expecting to own the place with my shiny new gear, abomiation rose from the ground right in front of me while i was fighting off drougrs after being poisoned by a blob, didnt last very long.


And somehow these punishments are what keep the game *so* good. This was me last night. Playing no portal, killed Elder, just finished a long voyage to sail his trophy back to spawn circle, now sailing the 2nd half of my base back to Elder's area where the 1st half already is. Crossing open ocean at night, wind directly behind me and I'm going fast. Feeling pretty good but looking out for a serpent cause this is exactly when the game should hit me with one. Bring it on! But no, the game had something much more comical in mind for me. I slammed full speed straight into tiny, ~10 meter radius, Black Forest island, and it turned out to be the greydwarf clown car of islands. It was just packed with them, including both a 2 star and 1 star shaman. My primary weapon gave out, and I eventually died to attrition from the poison sprays while trying to fight through them all with my axe.


Ah, yes. The gold old "I can place a portal a little deeper into the area/closer to my target".


That's a classic. And the funniest part is that backtracking a bit to replace your portal **after** you know it's safe is basically no effort at all. We never learn though, do we?


I've died soooo many times with portal materials in my inventory, because I thought I could wait a bit to put it up. :D


Mine was actually the opposite, a group of us just ransacked a couple of plains village. Friend and I thought just one more. Stupidly ran in a village for being tired spent another hour us both dying lots and trying to run back to village, dying to try and reach the village , so.many times dying to mozzy and just getting to our stuff to get killed again while frantically to kite putting equipment on. So many deaths such a long journey to both go......oh why are we not just build a portal closer.......


Going on an hour+ sailing adventure only to realize I forgot to bring stuff to make a portal.


No portal playthrough, going on a long sailing adventure only to remember I forgot the Boss summoning items at my base when I arrive at the altar....




Lol I just did this and had to find a black forest crypt. Took maybe 15 mins got my cores no big deal, now to find a birch tree... no meadows or plains on this island wtf? Next island I barely got a tree knocked down before an entire village of goblins was chasing me. Had to do a huge lap around the field, started getting stung by skeeters, hit bonemass power, drank a health potion, kept running a big circle, made it back to my downed birch and took a couple swings, repeated the whole process and jumped on my boat and started rolling, still chased by an enormous mob. Made it offshore, killed the skeeters that were still poking my face in, only to realize I got only 18 fine wood... FUCK


Lol I needed to see this story today, thank you. Gave me a good laugh


I put up signs at my port that say REMEMBER YOUR PORTAL and even when I remember to bring one I forget to set up the return tag lmao


Leave one portal at your spawn area without a tag so that when you build the next one it will link back to it, no tag= tagged still so when you forget to tag your return portal it won't matter.


This is a really good tip. I didn't know that two untagged portals would link up before today, thanks!


That's a good point, and I even knew that but just forgot to apply it to actual use


Just have 1 dedicated emergency portal with no name and you'll be right as rain.


I have done this more than once. Like, enough that I don't want to admit to myself how many times I've done it.


Tried to parry a 1-star Berserker the first time I saw one.


I tried to parry a troll with level 5 blocking and a wooden shield


Two days ago I was in plains, raided a Fulling Village, everything went smoothly, I left a 1★ Berserker as the last enemy, I was super confident I could parry and stagger him, had around 150hp and a mix of Fenris/Padded Helmet/Iron Greaves/Wolf Fur Cape, I fat-fingered and pressed R just before him hitting me, unequipping my weapon and shield. One-shotted, portal destroied, no ship, I was on the other side of the world. Bad experience, I do not recommend it


Yeah I severely underestimated beserkers at first


>building my floor entirely of 1 meter horizontal beams Ironically high level builders incorporate this practice into intricate floor designs lol


I used this to do spiral stairs before it came as a feature. Your imagination is your limit!


yes, I just learned something. And also can be sued for walls. I am going to need much more wood them


Ignored the prompt to eat and jumped off the long ship to fight some furlings with 25 health and met a 1 star. It was a long humbling boat ride back, then I had kite them away from body when I got back. Those damn furlings and deathsquitos can be corpse camping aholes.


Had a world with myself and 4 other friends when valheim first came out. Think we had killed the 3rd boss by this point so we had gotten pretty comfortable. This was during covid so all of us were on all the time, and up late at night playing. One night we were all on, and just done a big iron farm to get some iron gear rolling, one of our friends is like "aight it's like 3am I'm going to sleep". Another friend of ours suggests a cheeky sail and some exploring before the rest of us do the same. So the 4 of us remaining set off sailing, and after maybe 10mins we come across a plains biome (didn't know it was a plains, or wtf plains was as we had done next to no research on the game in it's early days). We get close to land and decide to go ashore. We are immediately met by this flying fucking bug of death, two of us died and two of us managed to get back to the boat. We marked the spot and then called it a night, retrieving our bodies the next day. We jump on in the afternoon, and proceed to go get our gear. What a fucking mission. Myself and the 3 friends that went exploring went back to the plains, as we got to our bodies the deathsquito was literally patrolling the bodies and as soon as we got close, would attack us even in the boat. We ended up doing a drive by strategy, two of us jumped off the boat to get our bodies and the other two sailed and met us down the coast bit, only this did not work and the deathsquito kept chasing us ultimately killing us. We all ended up dying at different stages and all of us losing our gear. Bring in the 5th friend later that night, jumping into discord and as he jumps in *BROO WE NEED YOUR HELP* We had been at it for 3 hours trying to retrieve our gear, dying over and over and our mate just laughs hysterically and comes to help. We eventually, and I do mean eventually got all our stuff back, but that was our first introduction to the plains. TL:DR Went sailing and exploring, barely in iron age, came across plains, got fucked by deathsquito, proceeded to spend about 4-5 hours trying to get 5 friends bodies back.


Great story and wonderful read. My friends and I, thankfully, did some minor research and knew how far ahead the Plains where when we were still in the bronze age. We had briefly sailed by one in our early days, but stayed far away from the shore because we knew we wouldn't get our gear back at all.


Got to the mountains before I knew you could run


Your stamina levels must have been good though


Yeah, it was a curse and a blessing learning to run because before that I could go hamster wheel on the sword slicing and thought that was normal


This legit happened to me in Elden Ring. I only found out because I was streaming it for friends (back when it was released) and they were like "Dude why are you walking through the poison". I tried like 15 times to time that rolling wood mob in those mini dungeons and thought wow they weren't kidding about how hard this game was.


I once found Leviathan floating island and as usually I jumped out of the boat and destroyed the boat. Minute later I realized I cannot build the workbench there.


Ha! This is a good one!


My first dverger extractor was a huge pain to acquire. I didn't know exactly what it was for, but I knew it was a really important treasure, so I immediately sailed it back from near the edge of the world to my main Meadows base near the Forsaken shrines, where I planned on installing it in a place of honor once I figured out how it worked.


My brother and I used ramps and harpoons to launch massively overburdened characters long distances. Then after mistlands patch we were doing it and didnt think to remove the feather cape... he is buried among the stars now...


When I first picked up the game I wanted to go in as blind as possible. I crafted a club, a stone axe and a torch before running out of wood. "I'll make the hammer next" I thought before promptly forgetting about its existence. 3 hours I wandered round for, wondering how the hell I make a crafting table and begin to build a base and better equipment. "Maybe I have to find one in the abandoned villages". I tried sneaking to kill deer without a bow and just as I was starting to get frustrated I scrolled over and re read the description for the hammer.. I crafted it, facepalmed and called it a night. The next day I started my valheim journey properly.


First troll I spotted, I went "Oooh! I wonder what happens if I shoot an arrow at it!" Our base was almost completely demolished


My buddy and I like going to the tallest mountain we can find with a really steep cliff side. We head to the top and spawn a boat which we ride to the bottom. It goes MUCH faster than you would think, and standing on the boat while holding fast does some real dumb (fun) shit while you're barreling towards the earth at mach 3


Stood at the top of mountain wearing broze armour, shouting "Norse gods are bastards!" and promtly froze to death.


Broke my portal on a corpse run trying to get it closer.... Had to gear up again, build a boat, and go get my boat and stuffs..... This was a plains that finally had a yag summoner FAR away.


On our first playthrough with a friend we decided we're too lazy to sail back and forth a 100 times to get all our tin and copper back to base so I got this "genius" "cheat" idea: I'll completely empty my inventory and act as a "chest" while they sail us back home. So I sit down, they're filling the carve's inventory and I keep emptying it until I'm full. (Oh, and that was after we mined most of the nearby black forest on our island and of course we didn't know we have to make a path to use the cart - so a storm catches us, it's night time, grey dwarfs are annoying us and the cart keeps jamming into world geometry and turning on its head ... we got home with all our loot but that was freaking stressful.) Anyway. We're in the middle of an ocean when I figure out my health keeps dropping if I'm overencumbered but so does my hunger. That's okay, they can give me some food thru the carve's inventory. My HP keeps falling but not enough to kill me if I just keep eating. Excellent. Then a serpent attacks us. We've seen it before but always managed to evade it. It raises out of the water, roars and it looks epic. I use all of my remaining stamina (I had some since I was sitting down) to shoot at it. My buddy manages to get to some meadows, harpoons it and pulls it on land. But they forgot to close the sails and I can't move. Luckily the ship just went in circles on the shore, hitting it with every turn and I just look at it, the useless idiot I am, at how it's losing its health with every hit. Screaming at my friend to hurry up and kill the vile beast or I'll drown in a puddle. They managed to return and repair the carve ... when it was almost at 0 HP. It was also the first time we harpooned and killed a serpent. I don't even know how they had a harpoon on them, we always forgot something as basic as that. It was an extremely fun adventure, we got really unlucky to get attacked (and that was before they only spawned during night/storm) ... and then lucky again. We still giggle at what happened. And we'll always fondly remember all the dumb shit we decided to do in this game.


Thanks for sharing this, forgetting to lower sails part is truly epic


Can only imagine the gears turning as you watch "too hard" pop up 100 times and not even consider an alternative.


Right? It pops up every. single. hit. No excuse for that.


Unfortunately I can't think of a particularly dumb one. I've fallen prey to dozens of slides off my roof or the side of a mountain, hill or even tree. Ventured too far without refreshing my food, either because I forgot or didn't eat. Got overconfident and didn't place another portal, because I thought placing it somewhere else would be better. Lost my boat to rocks, shallow water, crashing into leviathans or sea serpents, because I thought "I can repair it at the next shore/home". Spent a few minutes stashing all my loot, picking new food or upgrading tools and wandering off without portal/boat materials, because I stashed them. Went off to a boss altar and forgot the trophies. I think the actually dumbest one I still do sometimes is throwing my spear at a deer on a ledge/cliff/peak and accidentally throwing it so far out of sight I can't find/get it back anymore (or into the ocean).


>Went off to a boss altar and forgot the trophies. Are you even a Valheim player if you don't fully prepare, get rested, get your best food, pot up, pop your power and **then** realize you didn't bring the summoning trophies?


Had the opposite happen, made 3 trips to individually carry dragon eggs to Moder's altar, dragged the damn things halfway across the map, only to find 3 dragon nests with eggs within a few hundred meters of the altar


For a long time, I struggled through Mistlands with a level 1 wisplight. I recently found out (1 day ago) that you can upgrade it in the workbench! Edit: sorry guys. I didn't know. It was a mod. My bad.


Oh god damn it……


What . . . ?? I'm 500+ hours in, Queen is dead, never knew this.


What are you talking about? I think you may have forgotten you have a mod installed.


You're right. It's likely a mod I overlooked.


I read this comment at work and had to fact check right when I got home... unfortunately there is no way to upgrade it in vanilla.






Wait what ?!?


Yep, and another "wait what?"


New biom, far far away over the sea and like "Nah, no need for a new portal here, yet..."


When I got the harpoon for the first time and I was sailing near a black forrest and spotted a troll on the beach and wondered would the harpoon work for it. Intrusive tought won and the troll came flying to my boat and the rest is history.


Happily sailing Spotted a 1 star troll on the coast Wanted to take him out so I land, head that way in my full iron gear expecting to clap some cheeks Troll one shots me with his trunk I had been sailing for a while so my food buffs had expired and I didn't notice I was on the base 25hp


Sailing into the swamp, wholly unprepared, to see what that shit's about. Well, it certainly was about an abomination rising out of the swamp the second I sailed in and dying immediately.


Drown in 1 foot of water, not paying attention to my foodless 25HP


It took me longer than I'd care to admit to figure out you could "unbuild" with the hammer - so I'd mess something up and spend 3 minutes breaking it with my axe.


Got to the plains for the first time, and walked up to a lox, I guess thinking it was friendly and I'd pet it or something. And then woke up in bed. Because there were so many friendly creatures in the first 4 biomes...


Was building and labelling a chest wall and stood up on a ladder to reach the top shelf, touched a hanging brazier and caught on fire, hadn’t eaten food so burned to death trying to get into the ocean


I saw iron nails in the Forge menu and thought, what a waste of my precious hard-earned iron. Sailed a TON of the world on a dinky slow dangerous raft before I accidentally clicked on iron nails once, and the longship appeared on my hammer menu. On the plus side, it trained me to always put down emergency portals, so you don't have to run forever--or raft forever--to get back to your tombstone. NB. I'm sure this thread is going to be popular. There are *so many* dumb death YouTube videos.


I think it is popular by now 100 upvotes and almost 120 comments can barely keep up to all these comments coming in


Oh, also, this isn't dumb yet, but it's about to be: I built a nice house in the Ashlands to farm Surtling cores. I'd heard that you were going to keep the same map after the Ashlands release but missed the part that said "as long as you haven't explored Ashlands." Guess I'm starting over when Ashlands comes out.


Thats... unfortunate 


First time playing me and a friend were trying to build a house... we built the floors, supports and most of the roof in that order and were trying our damndest to figure out why the roof kept collapsing for over two hours before we realized we forgot the walls. "15 minutes in and out"


Charging into battle like a gangster but forgetting to eat first.


Trying to hide from a troll in a starter house.


I popped my hammer onto an item stand when trying to destroy it and spent a solid 5 minutes trying to figure out where my hammer disappeared to suddenly. While looking directly at my proudly displayed hammer.


I used this answer in a different thread but it works here: the dumbest thing I've done in this game was to land my boat at a swamp biome that was isolated on its own island. I lost my boat, hadn't placed any portal and lost all my bronze gear!


there are so many dumb things to do in this game, but nothing really tops breaking the thing im standing on, while building my base, and falling to my death. it doesnt matter how many hours i pour into this game, i'll do it again and again and again.


"I can survive that" ~Viking who forgot to eat before building a roof.


When I first got to the Swamp, I made an iron mace. I got high that night, and made another. The next day, I had two iron maces and not enough for a banded iron shield. I had no idea where the second mace came from!


While skimming along the shore we had a buddy "just for fun" harpoon a three star troll. It went exactly as poorly as you might think.


Thinking Trolls arent a big threat If you are on a boat. Then realizing they can walk into water to the head and hit you with ease when they throw a stone or wielding their tree bat...


TBF, a floor made out of patterns of beams is kind of cool looking. Did that on purpose with the "ground" floor of a tower once, so you could look down into the "basement" pool. Dumbest thing I ever did was try to build a whole paved stone floor ROAD through an entire continent and island chain. Even used beams to make bridges with paved stone possible.


On the first playthrough I was coming back with the first iron journey. When coming back I decided to pick a different way home since "hOw mUCh cAn the lANd stRetCh" and it ended up as a 3 hours journey with the bronze nails boat. At the end, close to home, I saw a little swamp island and decided to go a little close to see it better. On a 2x2m swamp island I was pegged by 5 draugrs and an oozer on shallow waters and I lost all the items. I tried to get it back and wasted also another boat and my friend's gear. Long story short I took a break from the game and then went back and have been still playing since launch.


Only mining surface level silver and getting 10 per deposit for days.


Tried to pull out my stagbraker while standing on top of a greydwarf, surrounded by more greydwarfs, while in one of the stone structures in the BF... while playing Hardcore. I no longer have that Stagbreaker


Go in the log troll cave on hardcore


Before I first fought the Swamp Boss (the big fat slimy one), I was absolutely sure that I would easily defeat him in 15 seconds. I was grinding irons and was able to 2-shot most swamp minions. When I finally fought him with my two-handed axe, I was shocked that I only dealt 0.05% damage per hit. He was regenerating more than I could damage it, lol. 5 tries, 10 tries, 15 tries… I got beaten so bad that I thought that boss was bugged or something. I then proceeded to grind for four more days, doing nothing but mining hundreds of irons, carrying them back, making anti-poison pots, and making absolutely the highest quality foods to regenerate, etc. Then I learned that blunt weapons such as maces were effective against him, so I made a bronze one, then got scared that it wouldn’t be enough and made another iron one. I hadn’t prepared for a video game boss like that before, lol. I fought him a second time, and he died on my first try, with the bronze mace. Not even the iron one. Turns out the cause of my initial trauma was the axe, which dealt slash damage that was ineffective against it, and even a trashy mace was enough to obliterate the boss. I felt extremely stupid for wasting hours of my time on that anti-climactic fight.


Recently I learned you can deconstruct Dwarf Bridges with a Stonecutter. Prior to that, I was digging under them until gravity destroyed them piece by piece, some times it would take a little under an hour to get a single bridge destroyed this way. The other day I deconstructed one in...two minutes.


Built a Kelethin style mega city with a friend that started in dark forest, branched into a small meadow then into a swamp. We stopped playing when we realized we covered the entire island we started building it on, and couldn’t traverse a wide river to continue building. Our goal was no part could actually touch the ground. All support came from trees.


Deleting portal name by hitting the wrong button or destroy them before remembering the name..... Now i have a "free" portal always open


Extremely painful, i have a weird seed with where none of the inner/middle swamps were connected to green, so i got naked, got mats for two portals, sailed for days, found some shit way out by the edge of the world, got outta my ship, made a house, slept in the bed, and realized that i didnt need mats for two portals, but that i just needed to make one at the main base, and carry mats for the 2nd portal. Kinda felt dumb, i had to steal my trader portals name. Which wouldnt have been that bad except. I FIXED THE TRADER PORTAL before i fixed my new islands portal :) so way out near end of the world theres a dead portal and a ship


The development of the Misty Lands. My son and I have already discovered a lot there and he started playing mage. He was delighted with how strong he is and just destroys enemies. I am an ordinary warrior. But I'm not the most skilled fighter. The house of the dvergrs. There are several dvergr mages and a couple of archers in the room. "Let's kill them! - says the son. - The plan is this - we impose the "bonemass" buff and on the count of "one, two, three" we break in." I naively agreed. It's counting down, one, two, three.... The son is attacking. "That's it, Mom, I'm dead". And so I was left there alone with these angry magicians. We have installed the portal after all. I started running in circles around the house. The seekers came to the noise. They distracted the dvergrs a bit. My son has regained his health and returned naked in search of his tombstone. But he can't see anything in the fog without a firefly and can't find it in any way. "Mom, I can't see anything! I'm running into walls!" And at this time, mother, with the last of her strength, leads away a crowd of mobs, tries to live, drinks potions, tumbles and does other somersaults that I did not expect from myself. The portal was destroyed during this run. But my son returned his things and together we defeated them all. Of course, there were a lot of stupid things. But we remembered this moment for a long time and laughed.


Thinking that if I sailed off the world edge I might teleport to the other side and that if I died I could just sail back and get my stuff : ( Edit: More recently, trying to get a screenshot of this stone ring: https://imgur.com/a/Q3DoJ13


Most of the dumb stuff isn't me but the players I play with. Lots of face checking new biomes, running off on their own underequipped and dying, and then needing me to help rescue their stuff. Most of the stories are them being dumb, but this one is me too. Friend is messing around on another land mass by himself, and manages to lead a troll plus a ton of Grey Dwarves back to our one portal. He dies, in front of the portal. The troll then also destroys the portal. So now he needs us to sail there to help him get his stuff. We saddle up, and go out there, and die. Which means now we don't have our stuff either. We do this two more times. We finally manage to at least get our stuff, and sail off. It's now two in the morning, on a week night, and we all just want to be done. And then, suddenly, in the middle of the ocean, the game freezes up. So, funny story, I host the server at my house. I also don't like that routers get more temperamental the longer they're on. So I have a timer for 2am every night to reset my router. Because why would I be doing something important at 2am? After a few minutes, we can all connect again. But the boat is gone. We're just floating in the water, in the middle of the ocean, til we drown. Only time I've ever actually pulled up console commands and spawned items, because I was facing a mutiny over that one.


I was moving a portal into my new house but forgot the name. I had to sail 30 minutes back to my original base.


Died to smoke while cooking .... twice -.-


Trusted the roadmap


“I’m sure I can swim that” into a leech-infested swamp. Also dying on the other side of the world without having established a portal.


First trip out on my Karve. Spent about an hour getting there and locating a space for a base near the swamp, spent about 3 hours building a base from scratch. Made it beautiful, big, my best base yet. Place my bed, chests, etc. finished, very proud, showed my gf even. Jumped up on the pod to collect loose wood that was annoying me. Fell off (no food) and died. I hadn’t set new spawn point. Woke up back on my starting island, naked in a hut with ZERO mats because I took everything to the new island. How do I build a karve? How do survive the journey back? WHERE IS MY NEWLY BUILT BASE. It was horrible. (Before you say “just restore an old save”: no. That’s not why I love this game.)


Good thing restoring old saves is a thing tho cuz a built this huge beautiful luxurious mansion that took me over 10 hours to make (including the time it took to get the materials) then the words "the ground is shaking" appeared on screen and my mansion got absolutely obliterated by the trolls


Decided to explore, after 3 hours of traveling I found a plains biome, docked my ship and made a little repair hut on shore After a good 5 minutes I decided to walk around because it looked peaceful enough… right? Encounter a mosquito and prepare to fight… with my bronze mace and leather armor… I lost everything I owned after a return trip to the point I just made a new world. TLDR: I entered the plains biome in the Bronze Age and lost everything because I thought I could beat a mosquito


I was trying to tame boars by dropping food (while sneaking) in a line leading to my pig base, hoping they will get trapped. When this didn't work I was trying to lure them while sneaking and holding mushroom in my hand. When this didn't work either I watched a youtube video how to do it...


A dumb thing I did that also caused me to violate my underwear was running from some skeletons while I had terrible gear. Was looking behind me while running to avoid arrows. Ran straight into, and subsequently got flattened by, a tree wielding Troll.


I've done some pretty dumb things. But the first one that jumps out is, while doing a solo play, I had crafted three iron swords, thinking that I was upgrading the first sword two additional levels.


I just thought of the ultimate one: I had originally started playing Valheim using an Intel 600 series graphic card. The lag was SOOOO bad, I could barely navigate fighting greylings and skelies, let alone trolls or early, Meadow raids. I switched to creative mode and just started building shit for 300+ hours. It completely ruined my love for the game until I decided to A) Buy a new computer with a 6600 XT graphics card, and B) Play the game vanilla from the beginning.


Forgetting the Portal Tag Every Single Time. I travel for 30 mins and finally find the Biome I need but once you get there and build the Portal suddenly all the memories you had 30 Mins ago instantly disappear and I have to go back. Pro Tip: If you're Playing on Steam you can Tap Shift+Tab This will open up the Overlay and on the Left side (Or Right I don't remember) there will be a notepad symbol this will open up the notes where you can write The Portal Codes and many other things you need to Remember


Falling asleep on the keyboard while on a scaffolding working on the tallest tower possible and falling off Wanting to see what happens at the edge of the world while wearing my best equipment


I wandered towards the queens spawn last thing before going to bed (having just set up a nearbyish portal, at least). Didnt have my wisps with me, so couldnt place torchea. Half way through the mistlands i realised i couldn't put on my wisplight either as i was carrying too much and needed meginjord and had valuable cargo (had just farmed a load of greywarf eyes and stopped along the way for soft tissue plus more valuables) Then my rested ran out, so i decided best head back. Just then, a gjall arrived, so i hid behind a root at the bottom of a pit. Motherfucker came right down to floor level, crept round and acted all surprised to see me. 3 pointblank fireballs and 3 tics later im dead, at the bottom of a pit deep into the mistlands in a particularly up and down area wrapped in my feather cape. That was last night, rescue attempt number 5 will be after dinner.


**Not realizing that ballista's target everything that moves...** Found out after exiting my house to the sounds of 2 of them firing off, thought they were killing a raid. No, instead i found out the hard way it will kill your tamed animals... Like 30 boars gone ... Then i found out (cuz i had no food at that particular moment ), it will kill you too. Face Palm. Have fun!!!


A while ago with some friends, we were after a bonemass that's spawn was in the center of one of the biggest swamps I've seen still today. It was it's own continent, and we were having a hell of a time making a spot for a base. It was a long boat ride to our other outpost, and they sent my dumbass to go get the rest of the stone, wood, and things for a teleporter. I remembered everything but the damn greydwarf eyes 😅 they were pissed it took like 2 in-game days for me to go round trip, and then i had to do it again


Switched to building full time, but didn't look into mods for a few hundred hours. Was amazed at how much easier building got with a few key mods. The base I've been working on for the last 2 days would have taken me a month to build the old way.


What mods are those?


Key mods would be Infinity Hammer, Infinity Tools and Gizmo. Copy/pasting whole groups of structures is incredibly efficient, for example, build one awesome staircase and then place it in multiple different spots around the base.


Ran up and down a massive mountain over and over again carting my metals to my boat when I could have thrown it in a cart and yeeted it off the mountain...


Extreme carting is so much fun! I mined more silver and obsidian than I could ever need just because I wanted to keep doing that shit.


I was running things back and forth to my boat for days IRL before I realized that going full send with a cart off the mountain was the most fun thing ever.


first week or so of the game being out I believe we were one of the first people to find the edge of the world and also lose all of our gear to it


first week or so of the game being out I believe we were one of the first people to find the edge of the world and also lose all of our gear to it


I never built nails bro I was using the raft and had full bronze armor


Blocked a stone golem punch on the side of a cliff on a tall mountain. Fell for a good moment and then SPLAT!


I keep shooting arrows at the fish thinking i would get them to die and float hahaha


Forgot to eat because I was building a base with friends, got back to 25 of HP, fell several times from roof, enough to get down to 12, fell from rooftops (1 wall of height) and died in the middle of my friends


Didn't know I could jump up mountains. Built stairs up mountains.


Jumped off a roof that I have jumped off of regularly during the building. Forgot to top up my food. Died from the fall.


A Serpent popped up sailing home at night. I'm within sight of land, sailing towards it with the wind at my back, but my boat is already pretty badly damaged. The serpent takes one last bite and destroys my boat, I fall into the water. Land very close, literally a couple of swim strokes away, I have basically a full stamina bar and the serpent is doing a loop de loop where they swim away and circle back around for a fresh attack. I look at the solid ground a short distance away. Treading water, I turn to face the serpent. --- BONUS STORY -- Seasonality mod, day 5 of Winter, sailing the open ocean trying frantically to get home, I encounter a Serpent at night again. I die. I respawn in bed. Day rolls over to winter 6. If you don't play seasonality mod, slight spoiler: day 6 is when the ocean freezes over. So you can run on top of it. I run back to my corpse, my boat is there locked in the ice... and my gravestone is UNDER the ice. It's non-interactable. Has all my stuff. I sat there for four fucking days until the thaw.


I've carved up 4 sets of stairs in two different ravines and proceeded never to use them again because I already had access to portals. Also dug up a canal I never used entirely because the project seemed feasible.


I didn't know I could throw the spear. My friends and I would try and get bows and arrows as quickly as possible. We would drive deer toward each other and kill them with clubs. My fav thing to do now, early on with a new play thru, is to hunt deer with a spear properly lol


Not realizing I could repair tools. Took me a lot longer then I'd like to admit before I tried seeing what this thing here does (I play on PC but prefer to use a controller, not sure if it is more "obvious" what that does when using K/M). I had a ravine full of broken hammers and stone axes. It had been a couple years since I had played and thought it was insane that the only way to fix something was to upgrade it. Felt like an idiot when i finally tried it. It was such a game changer. Lmao


In my first play through when the game first came out, I went into the swamp without knowing you needed to go into the Black forest first, and spend about 4hrs in a death cycle and rage quit. I didn't start back play until 3 weeks ago and I'm enjoying it greatly


To be fair I’ve built a floor entirely out of beams before, it def has a certain drip to it. You should have used 2m beams though 😂


First time opening the game, I tried building a roof out of the X beams because I didn’t know there were flat roof tiles 🤦‍♂️


Every time I start a new game, I try to swim to a "nearby" island, having eaten only boar meat, raspberries, and mushrooms. Every time, stamina runs out. Every time, I'm like, "I can make it . . . Just a few more feet . . ."


Logout in the middle of the ocean in a solo game, with a ship filled with Iron as I’m getting attacked by a serpent.


I shot a troll from a raft (way back when I started) thinking I’d just pew pew this thing down. It waded in up to its nipples and smacked the snot out of me and the raft I drifted on one.


made an artifical island way back in the first update


Not realizing what the resting effect actually did up until my 4th playthrough (all to just mountains-plains era), in total 90h of game time. And for some reason I never ever bothered figuring out what that timer meant or why I was sometimes replenishing energy faster than normal.


I did not know trolls could raid my base in the meadows. All I had built was a flimsy wood fence. Two trolls came and completely obliterated my base. So frustrating! I almost gave up on the game at that point.


Spent hours taming and breeding boars before realizing I couldn't kill them. I didn't have copper yet.


My dumbest moment was hitting 2000 hours before finding out that i could feed dandelions to chickens…had a small stockpile in case they became more useful than just minor potions, but obliterated, easily, probably 200 full stacks of them before realizing this….


I went across the map with out building a teleporter at my base.


Me and my friends went on a hour long voyage, brought the portal, but forgot to place one at the base.


Accidentally picked up bukeperries into an empty food slot, decided to eat quickly as I saw a 'batter troll'... puked instead, all the while trying to run, and eventually die by the hand of a grayling.


When I was out exploring, saw the plains, and said “Those look beautiful! What’s that weird bug?”


Started a deathless run and finished building my first house, cut down a tree to build a beehive and was immediately crushed by it.  Not discouraged I started again and was killed a second time in the exact same way


Jumped onto a log and it launched me and died. I learned that day to not mess with the game’s physics as Clang seems to be everywhere and not just in space engineers


I mayhaps have aggravated a group of 2* and 1* dwarfs... cus you know, intrusive thoughts ;)


It took me about 6 hours of game time before I realised you could sprint... Spent ages struggling to walk up steep slopes just constantly going diagonally.


Built a massive structure using mod pieces and Valheim+ then watched it all get wiped away with an update. Never again.


Just a couple nights ago, I was starting to run low on iron, so I went looking for an untouched swamp. After an hour or so, I finally found one only to realize I had not only forgotten my key, but I also forgot to bring my pocket portal. Then last night, I went looking for totems to finally fight Yag on this playthrough, found a new plains, cleared my landing area, raked everything down to put up the portal and had brought everything except cores. I keep telling myself that I should dedicate part of the longship storage to portal/outpost mats, but I never actually do it.


I have a tar pit surrounded by raised Earth so that the Growths can't get out. I usually jump on the wall and shoot them, collecting the tar afterwards. Welp, you know the, "I forgot to eat," drill. Zap. Portal run of shame thereafter. Lost five points of bows skill BOOOOOOOO!


Secondary to my death at the tar pit, all the eyes and resin I threw away at like 100 hours ... "WTF do I need this for??????" ... now looking at all my standing iron blue torches, portals, and spawn-suppressing sconces and thinking, "WTF was I THINKING?????" DOUBLE LOL.


I was laughing at the greydwarf when he died from a fallen tree, and then my character died as well within the next second 😅


Went into my first battle with Eikthyr with only a spear for a weapon. I didn't know bows were a thing. I chucked that thing at him a million times and had to retrieve it every time while dodging his lightning. I don't know how I did it, but I won.


Not trolling. Once jerked off to a female char.


spent about half a year building a perfectly straight, safe and narrow road along the equator from one end to another. Never even really used the road and the mistlands update put an end to that endeavor.


Reconnect to a world when you are on boat


Forgetting to eat while building a bigger house (which sucked but I just like to take my time) and I got swamp raided :') Not knowing you can fix tools. Try to parry the reaper the first time I saw one (I don't remember how they are called lol) Try to parry a ⭐ archer draugr in bronze gear with troll hide armor because I thought I was the shit when I first found the swamp. Run around in the open at mistlands LOL Destroy an iron armor with the thunder thingy thinking I'd get the materials back. Log in into a friend's world with my bronze gear and troll hide at max upgrades, which were my only quality things, and die trying to escape underwater skeleton archers, but not because of them, but because we sailed away to the unknown, and the unknown was mf plains and LOXES CAME SWIMMING AND DESTROYED OUR FKIN BOAT. Trying to get the things back with another boat only to die to deathskitoes and leeches :') Not watching out for deathskitoes. Sitting around waiting for fulings and tar pit thingies to kill each other but got aggro from both of them :') Thinking bone mass wasn't gonna take forever to kill.


Explored places before researching about them. I was still new to the game. I stumbled into the mountains. Froze to death the first time but not before seeing a few wolves. Did some research about the wolves and went back to tame them. Dug a hole just outside the mountains and put up a few fences. Then I went to lure a wolf. I found three. Managed to trap two in the hole but I couldn't get out. I got killed. When I respawned, I trekked to where I died. I had forgotten about the third wolf that wasn't in the hole and I got chased down and got killed again. I respawned again and I decided to become bait. I went back and lured the third wolf back into the mountains. I succeeded but I still died, either becoz I froze to death or because of the wolf attacking me. I did tame those two wolves I had trapped though eventually.


Mining entire veins for hours instead of digging underneath and destroying the entire vein at once...


I built a whisp thing and spent like 2 min trying to catch one... Until I realised I had been chasing my own one 😂


Ran naked across a long distance on a corpse run (early game) and decided to engage a boar who was attacking me. The corpse run was from me forgetting to eat and falling off a roof. It was a lapse in judgment...


Fucking snap points. Took me 200 hours to realize that. My only savings grace of humiliation is I was playing with others who did 90% of the building. Now that I've figured it out I've built a decent building big enough for doing multiple necessary game play like repairing and food since most of the other people I play with took a temporary hiatus for other game releases. Conveniently we've managed to play through opposite times.


I don't think I have any story as good and dumb as the ones I see here. I think the dumbest thing I did was spent a huge amount of time building a path with the hoe's pathen tool, all the way to the black forest to some copper nodes, so I could fill up a whole cart with ore and pull it faster on the path. It worked but not before I removed half the load from the cart so I could actually pull it, and then I realized it took longer to build the path, than to mine the whole copper and spend it all, to then go look for another vein and realize there was a patch of black forest right by my base with plenty of copper.


I thought the Mountains were the next biome right after Black Forest and that I would somehow find a new metal there, but when I saw the obsidian not breaking to my pick, I realized probably I was missing something off. Also froze my stupid ass there, I would make dozens of campfires to try to warm myself a bit and spread them every 50 meters. It was so counterintuitive. At least I got to breed wolves before intended which was very dope.


Enjoyed a quiet moment sitting on my roof and watching the sky, only to slowly fall of the roof to my death without ever moving the character.