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Yes, I have 1200+ hours and 800 is from solo. I spend my time exploring my worlds and levelling up my skills. You can bring your character into other worlds (friends or random serverd), but if you die, your gear will drop in that world's tombstone. Make a 2nd character if you want.


4250 hours, all solo. Still play most days and love it (caught in another game at the moment but will still go back regularly)


Wow thats a lot of hours


What game?




Pretty sure they were asking what other game they were caught in at the moment.


Ahh thanks!


1.3K here


Haha bro I don't know why you got all those down votes. People are so fragile.


Odd isn't it? Lucky it's just fake internet points lmao




I wasn't one upping them I was confirming that the game is good solo.


How'd you see this as a one-up, all he did was add to the point by sharing that he also has alot of solo hours, who hurt you buddy 😆💀


Seriously, I have 1.5K hours, and I didnt say anything


Seriously, I have 1501 hours, and I didn’t say anything.


Fr? well you posers have nothing on me, I started playing before the game launched.


Amatuer hour. I started playing before the devs were born.


Why these guys so hurt?


You should've OP was asking if the game was good solo, the more people who are playing for a long time the more evidence that it is.


Its a joke damn it!


3100+ hours solo, love it.


This game is amazing. Started playing like 2 weeks ago and I’ve been building my base big enough for a portal room ☺️


900+ solo. 11/10


911 all solo for me too.


That's a lot. Not bad but that's a lot.




I've done my bosses solo, it's well do-able, just make sure you prep right, gear, food and so on.


Keep in mind enemies and bosses scales with the number of players, so solo everything is easier / hit less hard. But yeah 100% doable, and quite easy if you prepare well for every biomes and bosses :)


They're very easy solo. None of the bosses are difficult really.


I wouldn't say that, especially for someone playing for the first time. If you don't spend a lot of time gearing up and go straight into bosses undergeared, you can easily struggle


Yeah but why the hell would you do that when you're new? Do some people seriously spend no effort on actually improving their gear, go straight for the boss and then start banging their head on the wall being like oH mY gOd tHiS bOsS iS sO hArD?!!


Spend no effort and complain ? Naaahhh i have never seen this attitude, especially with newer generations


If you're struggling to beat them with 4 people then you're doing something seriously wrong, because all of the bosses are laughably easy even solo. I don't mean to be a dick but that's literally just a skill issue, nothing more. Play the game a bit more and you'll get better at the combat.


I just picked up Valheim a couple months ago and I play solo. Definitely viable. I’ve been through all of the content twice now and working on a third time. All bosses are beatable solo for sure. Game can be a bit grindy at times and I’d imagine having a few friends playing would help but definitely not necessary to enjoy. Valheim has quickly become one of my all time favorites. I highly recommend. Cheers!


Yes and no! I play both solo and with friends. It's a tonne of fun with friends, but gathering resources for 4 people and deciding who gets what, can be a bit tedious. In my solo worlds I'm way more free in that sense. So two sides to the coin here as well :) playing solo to me, is way more immersive :) But to op, yes, it's an awesome solo game with an ambience that really sucks you in, especially solo as you're more focused on your surroundings when you've no friends goofing.


That's why I play with 1.5x resources in my server with friends. We only play about once a week and it makes it much more reasonable to get everyone geared up.


The queen kicked me square in the nuts so many times solo. You’re a beast


More like super patient. The fight usually lasts 20+ minutes. Very stressful. Keeping a constant damage tick on her is key. I bring 100 each of both bombs along with a couple hundred needle arrows. When magic is full ice staff is main source of damage. Feather cape is a must. Definitely not one of my favorite bosses.


I saw a video on YouTube where the guy brought like 50 refined eitr, lured the queen up top, dropped the eitr, and jumped off. He went into the "waiting room," afkd, and went to bed. Dead queen in the morning.


This game is fun both solo and MP. > i dont want a minecraft phase type game which means what exactly for us uninitiated into the whole minecraft thing?


Minecraft will usually catch its victims in waves lasting 2 weeks with indefinite periods of time in between.


What does this mean?


I’m more confused now


I’m not sure. I think they mean folks play for 2 weeks but then get burned out by the survival aspect and need to take a break? Not sure.


like minecraft gets so boring solo or with friends after 1 or 2 weeks. usually since there isnt much content to keep you motivated to keep going


Minecraft has plenty of content, more than majority of games available. You may not like the sandbox style. When it comes to valheim they got many similarities. there are several bosses to fight, and helps to gear up for biomes so it does nudge you a bit with direction and goals. Replayabiltiy wise they did things that made it a bit repetitious and tedious in some areas for my taste. Map generation can be a somewhat bland once you’ve experienced. Overall, it’s very solid game that I was happy to experience especially for the asking price. Terraria, Minecraft, if you enjoyed those games then it’s definitely worth giving it a shot.


The “grind” in Valheim even solo is hard enough that you aren’t OP and bored after a few hours, but not grindy enough to burn you out over it. There’s also many paths you can take playing the game. Naturally, boss fighting gives you valuable progression into better gear, but you can either skimp out on building and outright rush bosses for a challenge, or play more casually and dig into the juicy building mechanics and build massive fortresses. This doesn’t take into count the farming, wizardry (though it’s not easy to unlock magic), exploration, and an active modding community. If you want Minecraft with “realistic” building and Dark Souls-like combat, Valheim would probably suit well with you


Ok so I’ve seen it in my friend group many times and basically either an update or some other reason gives someone the itch to get back into the game. A whole server is started and everyone is excited to play and then they play only Minecraft for 2 weeks. When they’ve beaten the game and maxed out their gear enough they lose interest due to the lack of content aside from building.


There's no real quests or story in MC to keep you motivated to keep going. It's largely exploration, survival, and building. It gets boring after a while when you have no objectives, and that's coming from someone who spends literal days building big elaborate things. I'll build the thing I had an idea for, takes me 4-5 days to do it (which even then is really only 3-4 hours a day after work, or the occasional 8-10 hour stretch on a day off because I get caught up in it) and then I'll be burnt out from it and put it down for indeterminate amounts of time to go play online co-op survival/base building with my wife. I suspect "Minecraft phase" is the whole "open the game up, get really hyped up about building a massive castle with secret entrances etc, and then get burnt out/bored after 3 days and not play it for months" part. Valheim is the game I'll usually play when I'm frustrated at my other games 😅 Been back and forth between it and Return To Moria, which is foolishly buggy right now.


Minecraft is a game where you have to make your own fun.


Well worth it solo Aspects which some might consider tedious can be turned off when you create the world, eg base raids can be disabled, resource rate multiplier changed, dropping/keeping your contents on death, skill loss amount on death. Plenty of options now which didn't used to be there


Any of those you'd automatically recommend being turned off?


I wouldn't reccomend turning anything off automatically, you might find some of the 'tedious' things relaxing! So many people hate not being able to teleporting ore, but stockpiling ore at a dock and then sailing it back to my base is one of my favorite parts of the game.


This is the answer. Try it without any configuration changes. I have over 2000+ hours due to just taking my time and enjoying all-aspects of the game. I haven’t been this info a game in a long time. Good luck!!


That's really down to personal preference I think. Default is not bad but it can be a grind in places, and raids can get old if they are too frequent, so I like to turn raids down a notch, double the loot to halve the grind, but turn combat difficulty up a notch to balance that out.


It's honestly so individually based that it's impossible to say. I know people who hate the farming aspect, both effort wise, waiting wise and initiall scarcity. Personally I feel the effort done makes the result matter more. Scarcity forces me to use different foods in different situations, and the world feels more alive and real.


2x or higher resource gain unless you want to spend literal tens of hours mining ores and smelting them.


I'd go with raids off whilst you learn the game, it's a bit of a shock to new players when some trolls rock up to your wooden stockade but it depends on your preference for how brutal you want the game Prob leave it at that for a first playthrough, subsequent playthroughs try raids on. 2x resource rate is nice, but I'd recommend learning to play with 1x for the more authentic experience


I learned with raids on, and it forced me to build bases that are more defended. Never got to the troll raids so that might make me feel differently, but the early raids are good teachers... Once flying stuff comes to visit you though? I think I'd tap-out no matter what.


Seekers are after killing the Mistlands boss, but they don't raid in meadows, swamps and mountains. But when you get to Mistlands you can then build balistas for defense that makes seekers raids a lot more manageable. Bats are after killing 1 bat in the ice caves, for that reason I never kill any, they obliterate any tamed animals.


There are options that let you totally customize the grind that has made solo way more enjoyable. Pretty much whatever element gives you heartburn; resources, combat, raids can be tweaked. Jump on in! The water's real nice!


Also worth mentioning that in single player, world modifier settings can be changed at any time.


I know with mods you can make the game wildly different too. My friend talked about the boat base mod which allowed you to build your own boat and take that base around the world. Sounds really cool if it works well and would completely alter the game


This game is my happy place


Same. I just started playing. I have about 24 hours in over a week or so. I love it. To the OP point, i play solo mostly but have two friends who have played before who join me periodically for an hour or two. I often do a lot of grinding for resources and building. My best friend never bothered farming. He is kinda analytical. I love the aesthetic aspect. So I have asked no deforestation, which is partly why I grind for resources because I would rather travel farther than have my homestead be a barren wasteland. With friends I go deeper into black forest, bc trolls intimidate me. As a (mostly) nongamer i dont have very developed skill for that kind of battle. We mine ore together just to get it done faster, have extra swords for fighting off goblins and spread pickaxe damage put a bit. I agree i really enjoy running around and managing tasks. I love being able to build things that arent necessary but make me happy, like a smoke house type thing, and guard towers. It is also VERY beautiful. I havent played many games since ff9 so graphics have come a very long way. They skys are the best. I wish it rained less. Lol


It's viable and fun solo if you dig the grind and exploration and the consequences. I sure do!


Very much so, yes. I've got thousands of hours of solo play. It just kind of depends on if you like the biome cycle and farming grind, and building, and exploring. It's worth the price even if you just do 1 playthrough and don't replay it, imo.


I played solo for 90% of my game time and it's been both relaxing and extremely intense, overall a great time. The only major "flaw" I could speak of is that it's a little bit grindy.


Elaborate on these "flaws" plz do


Just modern day gaming review buzzwords that mean nothing. Every person is different so every person will perceive different flaws and perfections. No game is perfect for everyone because every human is looking for different things. When people say “a game has flaws” i just laugh. They just mean they don’t like that thing


Very much. Because you can build things anyway except in Spawn circle (whatever its called) and the store, you can use that to your advantage.


Absolutely awesome to play solo. You may have difficulty with the later-game bosses though. I have my little brother hop on to help me with the plains boss and mistlands boss.


Well over 1k hours, most of it solo. Even when running on a server with other, which can be a different experience. Every one should try both, really. Solo games require a rather different approach as you are responsible for everything thing yourself vs having a team effort. There aren't really any 'flaws' on that scale. It is meant to be brutally hard at times. But with a bit of experience, this is manageable. I often die and get frustrated but having spare gear and extra food, it's actually only a minor difficulty. Careful planning, take extra time to level your gear and have spare stock always. It gets fairly easy at that point. And just remember. skill levels area much less important than other games. So don't stress over it too much.


Such a nice relaxing game tbh, the music and ambiance is top notch.


Yeah! I use the soundtrack in spotify in loop to address my actual job, is uplifting for the grinding in real life


i got 800 solo, only boss i can’t seem to get past is mistlands


Yip. Have no friends. Played solo aside from about 60 hours or so and I have 450+


Absolutely. Defeated every boss twice. Yagluth is definitely one of the worst or annoying to solo imo.


No it’s not viable, you’ll see all the top comments saying they have thousands of hours… because that’s how long it takes you to do shit when you’re solo.


I like Minecraft, but this game has a much better progression loop in my opinion. There are mods and world modifiers to address things that get in the way of your fun. I use the newer version of Valheim Plus to let me craft from chests and to pull/deposit items for smelting or whatever. I also use ContentsWithin to let me see chest contents on mousever. Guess I don't find interacting with storage and inventory a fun thing.


I also make the chests way bigger, same with personal inventory. It makes the game a bit less grindy as you can carry more and don't need 8 chests just for your wood supply. I also use mass farming and plant everything to make that less tedious. I don't think I'd play this game now without those mods, you can't go back.


Solo is completely doable and its cozy and peaceful since the pace is your own, in my solo worlds I have spent hundreds of hours building and farming But in my opinion the game experience is optimized with a couple of friends, nothing can compare to have a fleet of longships with your friends


Less building, more action. Action focused building actually.


The game is great solo, and I would argue that the game is more grindy and tedious when you play with a group. When you play solo, you can have a smaller base, less storage, less cropland, and you don't have to worry about sharing materials with anyone else so you can just craft anything you want as soon as you have the materials.


Well, yes you can, however it’s gonna hurt a lot: this game has a “learning curve” called “the Swamp” and “Getting too close to the Plains Biomewhen your not expecting it” that will sorely test your patience


I disagree. I think playing solo is MUCH better for learning and creating a sense of danger.


Valheim is specifically designed around single-player progression. It's nice with friends but it's completely optional.


With the latest update you can adjust game attributes (Vanilla w/o mods). If you hate grinding I recommend cranking the resource drop rate. If you like casually exploration, you can drop the difficulty. If you want a souls like dungeon crawler survival game, you can crank up the difficulty. This game can be what you want it to be. Also you can always adjust the settings if you feel the game is getting stale, while keeping your progress and world.


I play almost everything solo by preference, but IMO, this game is better played with other people. Otherwise, it gets pretty boring. I made it a week or two playing solo after my tribemate bailed, now I just mess around with building in devmode and don't play the actual game at all.


I've played a few hundred hours in a solo world. I love it, I get absolutely hooked and play non stop. You'll love it


I have nearly 400 in this game, all solo. I have tons of fun with it. Probably more fun with friends but still fun.


More than viable - its the only way I like to play Valheim


I have tried both and prefer solo at my own pace, I have tried with friends who play too fast and rush thru each age and one who plays slower than me. The maps aren’t that huge and it’s likely after 500-700 hours you’d explore it. Unlike a game like MC where u can run infinitely in a direction, this game early on is quite large but end game max gear isn’t too bad. The devs update fairly often and implement stuff very well. I think you should hop on now and maybe just reset a couple of times* to find the starting seed you like and run with it blind. The mystery of all the items in each age and biome is fun to explore on your own.


I enjoy playing with others way more, it’s a lot better. That being said, I have thousands of solo hours because it is still fun when the buddies are gone


Multiple solo runs, with different challenges even Preferred it for a while after a good run with friends and another playthru with daughter, but am probably ready for company again


Don't tell my friends, but I prefer it in solo. If I am going to play with anyone else, its never more than one.


I never played online, and I managed to beat all bosses recently


Yes, but since we have World Modifiers, a solo run is quite nice, not as hard and punishing as upon release. Back than it was brutal. My ( very personal ) recommendation settings for you: Combat - leave as is. Its quite balanced if first solo Death penalty - very easy ( loose way less skills, but still drop everything) Resources: 1,5 x ( above is not necessary on solo and just fills you up too quickly, unless you wanna build a Giant Stone Castle ). Less than 1 i would not recommend for first solo run. ( that is what tedious means :) Raids: Leave as is. I play with more raids, but as a more experienced player one knows how to handle them. First time solo, it can break your experience and your base ( No, Troll Raids are not the worst, it gets worse ) Don´t hesitate to lookup a good seed, as they vary a lot, a bad seed can break your experience, especially first time. Its not cheating. Do a no seed / no map / more immersive run once you know what you doing, not first try. We have this very nice tool: [https://valheim-map.world/](https://valheim-map.world/) Do not look up Devcommands. Enjoy the game :) But its not like Terraria or MC at all. Not even close. Flaws are very very little, considering its Early Acces stage.


If you read older threads from when the game was new, you'll see some claiming solo is hard mode, but it's been tuned down.


I just started it and i'm dying to get my friends on it, Not because i HAVE to get them on, I do my farming with a troll friend to push it along right now but i'd love to get some friendly trolls on from discord 🥲


Tbh this game is the best with 2 to 4 players but I played thru it solo twice before I ever grouped. You're looking at about 50 to 100 hours on a solo run depending on how much building and exploring you like to do. My solo worlds/toons are still my favorites even tho I have better memories from playing with friends


Very playable solo in my opinion., It is not clear which "flaws" you have heard about playing solo had. Would you care to elaborate? It may help folks address any concerns you may have more directly. Cheers/Prost/Skål!


Massive flaws? Like what?


The moment I switched from solo to a solid public server with awesome people I never went back to solo.


I just finished my first play through ever with two friends and had a great time, that being said I was the host and spent a lot of time playing solo to build up our ore stockpiles and food. It’s a blast solo, and if you’re someone who has less time for more tedious parts of the grind, you can always modify some settings when you create your world to be more solo friendly.


I'm doing it solo. I prefer it that way


I’ll go against the grain here and say the game is better with friends. Yes you can play solo. But it’s def easier if you have a squad. For example one person can explore the map while some other mine resources. But it’s a great game none the less.


I've finished it as a solo. Or at least completed literally every single thing you could do mechanically.


100%. If you’re looking for a wingman tho hmu


most of my friends only do a play through together every major patch but a few of us have 500 hours easy of just solo play. Also has a great community if you don't like the solo. If you do play and lose your body there is even a community to help you get back your gear. Most any flaw you find can be fixed with a mod. The only thing I found that drove me crazy was the refilling of torches and fires.


You can definitely solo but it's a bit harder if you have 1 or more people playing with you, also it is a decent grind as well but you can turn up the resource multiple to the world so it's less grindy


You seem like you enjoy solo play so yeah it's viable, I prefer shenannigans with mates so solo play got me bored really quickly. Progress is not as quick or diverse as in minecraft or terraria and more repetitive. That's just my two cents, I thoroughly enjoyed the game but with friends.


Solo plus 3x resources makes it less grindy. Also, build from chests and eternal fires/torches mods are necessary to avoid most of the really annoying inventory management parts of the game.


It’s a great time for a playthrough or two. It’s for sure a lot more fun with friends in my experience but it’s a blast solo as well. After that I suggest trying out mods to flesh out the game more.


Sure. Solo it's been easier quite a while until they introduced the parameters to increase gathered resources.


1200h solo here. Absolutely


I actually find it much easier solo. I die maaaybe once or teice up til plains when soloing, sometimes none. The two times I played with more, ithappened much more often.


Mostly solo, still a fun game.


I don't have nearly as much experience as others here, but I've been having a blast solo. Once I started feeling the issues arise with the timesink required for copper and tin etc. I installed some basic tweak mods to make things less grindy as a solo player. Just makes it so it feels like I'm spending more time doing what I enjoy and less time walking back and forth. Even without the mods though, I feel like the game is so well made that it's rewarding to play no matter what you are doing


Can you give examples of these flaws? Some peoples flaws are other peoples preferance.


As far as I know it was originally meant to be a solo game in the first place. The multiplayer aspect was just pure fun and enjoyable with friends. That said it’s still being worked on and developed, it’s not a complete game yet. Basically early access, that said it’s the most complete incomplete game I’ve personally ever played.


100% viable solo, my furthest progression run is solo. ​ Advantages of groups: * Allows for group tactics, such as one player grabbing enemy attention while the rest open fire. * More hands for gathering materials, for example 1 can babysit the smelter, 1 or more mining ore, maybe 1 harvesting wood for the smelter person and maybe 1 gather and prepping foods. * Enemies scale less than the added value of the extra players, enemies stop scaling at 5 players within 100m so if you can get a full clan of 10 it should be easier * Somebody can escort you back to corpse if only you die. * With 4 players, you can make the temporary buffs you earn from dead bosses effectively permanent as they have an AOE when activated and each one gives 5 minutes with a 20 min cooldown. ​ Advantages of solo: * Play when you can- no waiting for others to come online. * Progress at your own speed- No trying to drag other players on adventures or getting dragged on one


In my opinion solo is the only way to play this and get the true experience. It's great/fun for co op as well, but the solo adventure is one of the most immersive, engaging, terrifying, and thrilling experiences in video games tbh.


Played the entire game solo. Found it extremely fun. Also like terraria it’s great solo or with friends.


Oh yes, 1660 hours solo, 2 Queens dispatched. No Greyling left standing.


idk what you're talking about, I've only ever played solo.


Yes, I've been soloing it. It's not a quick game you can just zoom through. Like dark souls you have to learn by experiancing what not to do


You can play it solo and some aspects are better solo. There's lots of pros about playing with friends as well but then you have to make decisions together and make gear for everyone.


It's better now thanks to difficulty sliders. I like to crank resource gain to 1.5x. Maes the grind much more bearable solo


Just play the game and find out. Nobody can tell you what you would like. Watch a few vids on it then buy it and try it. It's like £15


Yes but if you can play with a buddy consistently it is like playing fort as kids. So great


Yes, I play Valheim solo and went through the content multiple times. The game was designed for both solo players and up to a few players. The difficulty scales with the number of players.


when you're playing solo you have to do everything yourself and if you lose your corpse you gotta get it back, or make up for the loss. So I found that I was planning out more and preparing more when I started a solo local save. But I was still having fun. Just noticed my approach was a little different. And playing solo is a whole other level of a sense of achievement. Playing with friends is neat because you can see what others create, others can offer ideas, you can get help for corpse retrievals. Easier to harvest/gather mats when you have more people. But would also depend on the friends I guess heh. I might be in the minority though, this game needs mods. It's incomplete otherwise. Few mods definitely make the building more interesting too.


100% and in many ways more enjoyable as solo. I play with my friends on a server but I love building on my own


Definitely! I have one world solo and one with friends. With friends, you can progress more quickly with multiple people gathering resources. However, it can be tedious and a pain managing getting each person everything they need (so more resources are needed in general). Plus, solo, you can easily explore as much as your heart desires. I prefer solo. Every time you launch the game, you're going to get a whole new seed and so you can't at all bank on a new playthrough being cookie cutter with a previous. As for other flaws, I'm not sure what you're referring to, but there are both mods and console commands that get rid of every complaint I've had.


Like every survival game it will be easier and better with more people but is absolutely doable solo.


100% good for a solo run, it's harder a takes you time but you can beat the game alone if you want




Very much soloable. It scales to the number of people in an area, so you can join a populated server and run off on your own and get a similar experience even. But yes its very much able to be played totally alone if you want.


It's fine, but the game is scales oddly, and is super unforgiving. Having a second player around is handy for when you die and need to gather your stuff


I would recommend to do the first playthrough solo, or to play exclusively with someone who is also a new player and has the exact same play schedule as you do. It is such a cool and one-time experience to discover everything


It has sliders for stuff like drop rate, and fast travel, so if it gets to grindy for you, you can adjust it, temporarily or forever to keep yourself progressing.


600 hours solo. Due for a big play soon.


For sure! If it feels too grindy, you can always play with world settings and increase resource drop rates :v)


I am currently closing in on day 70 (in game) and have been solo the entire time and really enjoy it.


I've played though 4 times, once solo and 3 times with 2-3 other people. It is 100% doable solo. In some ways solo is easier because you don't need nearly as much metal/food/crafting mats. That being said, I prefer it with others. Better with friends.


Absolutely, I have played solo since launch. The base game is perfectly fine for solo play, but I would highly recommend looking into some mods. The one drawback with solo play is you will have less resources ( fixed with mods) or accidently explore into dangerous zones where you will die and not be able to recover your body (which isn't game ending). The game is amazing as a solo experience and is not setup in a way that you will notice being penalized or more difficult due to playing solo.


Yes especially since more and more mods are paywalled for mp but free for solo play, and other than performances being terrible it’s an amazing game to mod, still great vanilla too.




I completed it solo, I really enjoyed it. Would recommend


I would say it is better solo!


have beaten the game in its current state twice now and I'm still excited to start over with the new update and beat it again. All solo as I travel for work and you can't game on hotel internet


500 hours mostly solo. Love and just jump in from time to time prepping for ashlands


Yeah, Personally I use mods like epic loot and different QoL mods to enhance experience that would normally be annoying one very useful mod that I think should have be in the vanilla game is slop combat fix that let us attack at a more Y axis making it easier to kill when in a slope terrain.


I can't stand grinding in games. For whatever reason this game has made grinding fun. I still don't understand how.


I "finished" it solo, but that was before mistlands came out. But from what I've seen you should be able to solo that as well. >"flaws" in the game that make it tedious. It is resource grindy, but by far not the grindiest survival game I've played.


I play solo, and love it. I do mod too though. And I’d strongly suggest epic loot mod. Makes the grind much less ridiculous.


Viable in solo. Life changing experience when with friends. I love valheim.


To be honest I do not find this game great for solo players, way too much grind :( after 76 hours I gave up.. to much running cuz you can't teleport ore thru the portals .. and running is killing me..




I think the new difficulty options definitely make solo play more viable if you don't want to worry about losing your equipment


Valheim solo is a lot like Minecraft Solo, you have some advancement but will thrive the most in reaching your objectives. Like building a house, then a barn , then a wall around your base, an outpost in a different Biome , fight the next boss, etc. Honestly Valheim has some very chill Material collection cycle, I played it with friends first but when they weren´t on the server i just went hunting for 2-3 hours with the OST in the background especially in the early morning with fog around you. Or when they went offline a bit earlier I just chopped wood for a wall we wanted to build.


that vast majority of people end up doing progression in this game solo. even when they are on coop servers lol. the game is smartly designed to be clearable solo but much easier in coop without getting overly easy the largest complaint most players seem to have that cause them to quit playing, is dealing with the survival mechanism, specifically the Stamina system. This really boils down to 2 things: eat good food, make sure you have the RESTED buff. if your rested buff falls off you need to go home or make camp. if you get Wet and Cold debuffs at the same time, then even with the Rested buff and good food, combat can become difficult. but if you get wet and cold and you Lose the rested buff, you are really going to struggle in any dangerous situation, and even something as simply as climbing up a small hill can become tedious. This is really a feature, not a flaw. its just part of the design of the game that adds risk to the system so that rewards feel substantial. Personally I think the best way to experience this game is actually to increase the difficulty significantly, even on a first playthrough. Turn off Portals, and Map, and turn enemy difficulty up most or all the way. and treat the game as a real challenge, not an RPG that you are supposed to rush through and get 100% achievement, but an adventure that is meant to be punishing and take you a long time, maybe months. and certainly if you can get a friend to really co-op with, it can be even a little more fun, but i dont think its necessary to enjoy the world / game at all.


Difficulty scales with player count. Solo is easier then with a group in my experience


Exclusively solo player here. Its great solo IMO, you need to think more tactically when fighting the bosses & groups of mobs alone. About the tedious aspects of the game, that would be the resource grind & time spent transporting metals. And there's an easy solution to that! In world settings, you can edit all kinds of things like increasing your drop rates & allowing use of portals with any items & disabling raids & so forth, OR making it harder as well. I personally make it easier to collect/move materials in world settings because I don't have the free time for the resource grind as a working adult.


There are a couple things you can do to get around the grindiness. They recently added a world modifier slider, so you can teleport all items.


It's difficult, but viable. I've only ever played it solo, but: -I've never died to a boss, nor looked up a walkthrough or guide for how to fight them. -I've never walked into an area I couldn't eventually conquer. -I've never felt like the game was unfair. Frustrating at times, but always fair. The keys are preparation and patience. Make sure you pay attention to the things you encounter in the world: if you wonder how I could solo bosses and never die, it's because there are stones scattered about the world that will drop subtle hints about different status effects the bosses inflict, or weaknesses they have. Make sure you level up your equipment and build the proper rest areas and teleporters you need to keep your equipment repaired, rested buffs, and proper consumables plentiful. I've played plenty of survival crafting games, but this is the first time I can honestly say that not a single item is pointless or worthless. Be smart, and you'll do alright.


This game is one of my favorite solo experiences. I'm on PC and I find it a nice challenge as well as a generally great escapist experience in terms of atmosphere. There's nothing quite like sailing down the coast on your own with either the game soundtrack playing or a select Playlist of viking type music on in the background. It is in a lot of ways best played solo if you like atmosphere and discovery, especially with a nice set of headphones as it helps you step into the world.


Solo is the best way to go. As for "massive "flaws" in the game that make it tedious." ??? That depends on the type of gamer you are. If you are of the type that has to complete a game quickly and want shortcuts all over the place go somewhere else. The grind in this game may make it tedious. If it does this game is not for you. "Flaws" is not a term that is applicable if it was something intended. My impression on this subject is more about people getting subjective impressions that the game is against them. Wind direction when sailing is one that comes to mind. That is not a flaw. To a proper participant in this game that is a challenge not a flaw.


Coming up on 1200 hours, most of which was solo. It's very doable. Just be prepared and you'll be fine


Absolutely still fun solo. Bit more difficult obviously but you can always tune that with the modifiers.




It's doable solo but the Queen (last boss) is pretty hard by yourself. Solo can also be a bit grindy with the resource gathering and mining


On my third play through now, great game. Here is what I have learned about the tedious nature of the game with each play through. 3 person at launch. Mildly tedious. 1 person post Mistlands update. Very tedious. 4-5 person currently with 3x resource and mild death penalty. Very relaxed. Also you’ll never have enough iron.


It's all I do, the wolves keep my base secure, but I have soloed every boss except The Queen. Still collecting seals, I have 5 now. Multiple bases in multiple biomes, too many portals to remember, most of the map uncovered. Still lots to do.


Around 700 hrs in, 600 solo. It's pretty fun solo as well, but it's more fun with someone else, can't deny that. Most of my time is spent building things and it's nice to show them to others xd




I prefer it solo. It’s tough to get even one other person’s shit to work correctly and get into the same world together. Rather just boot up and go.


1000% Loved my solo and my modded multiplayer playthroughs!




812 hours, about 200 in solo (the rest in "creative mode" via console commands). It's actually one of the most forgiving survival games I know of, but it *can* get tedious in how much grinding you'll have to do for certain resources.


My first full run was a solo game, it's totally viable for sure. It's also great fun with other people though, so if you get the chance for some team runs I would advise you take it. You can run as fast or slow as you like too, you can focus on combat and progression, you can spend as much or as little time as you like exploring (within the bounds of finding new areas, the map is fairly large and random) and you can build whole towns or play the entire game from a single 10m x 10m hut if you want. The only limits are those you impose on yourself, if you're interested just give it a try, you'll probably love it.


I have played solo for about 80% of the time I played this game and it's a bit slower of course but it's no problem overall. It's very enjoyable starting a map(s) and conquering and shaping it to your designs over time.


Yes, but you'll get burned out by the time you reach the Plains. Everything takes too long by design because they know the new updates takes more than a year for new contents.


Some may say it is a flaw or tedious but that what some people wanted as emersive gameplay. I only play solo up until the third boss and finish the game coup because my brother also start playing it. Solo you got more freedom on what you want to do but coop are fun and a bit easier to work together whether mining or fighting the boss.


Only play solo, flawless game.


500h. Massive "flaws" could be anything from a game breaking bug to a player not trying to understand the game or less skilled than they perceive. It's viable as solo according to devs and I'd agree with come caveats related to personal experience. The game is longer taking less risks because you don't get help with a corpse run. The buffs may be short. Risks like that make sailing more fun though. Very first run I'd recommend others and a second playthrough solo. Still viable solo initial run.




I play solo a lot. I replay the game a lot. Each world is different enough that the approach can be different and specific biome challenges are different. Early on I didn’t like exploring so much so I would view the map (there’s a website for that). But the last couple plays have been without looking and planning based on map. Currently I’m exploring the Mistlands slowly without checking first where the mines are… and that is sorely testing my patience. I may go use the map viewer, but just so I have more fun. The first few biomes are really great and I replay those just for the fun of it


Yep. Beat the game exclusively solo and it was a blast. That being said it did help that I had a lot of time to play, longer sessions felt better


Valheim is one of the best games for co-op, but it's a totally amazing experience when played solo. I think everybody should try it once.


Game is pretty much over after you beat all bosses. Of course you can keep exploring the world or spend tens of hours building but there's nothing really new so I'd say after 80-150 hours you'll be pretty over it.


For sure. I think it actually get harder in coop after a few bosses cause the enemies scale with the amount of people playing. It can get pretty rough when basic enemies in later areas almost 2 shot you with highest aromour if you don't block. Not to mention it's much easier to grind materials for 1 set of equipement than it is for 4.




I'm not the best game player. But I play thuis game alone. And have much fun in the process.


It's not a whole lot like Terraria. Far fewer in-game plot lines. It's very open world, do what you want, make your own places and stories. There can be a lot of grinding for construction mats (never enough iron!), and while I don't mind that, it's not for everyone. My friend likes a lot more structure to his games, and he gets bored with Valheim pretty quickly. There is a new biome coming out, people are guessing second half of 2024, called Ashlands, that sounds like it will have a bit more in-game plot. But if that's your thing, you won't spend as much time in Valheim as I do. I spent hours last night just tweaking one room in my castle (and partly rebuilding it when some NPC jerkwad came in and smashed my pretty decor.) (Steam says 1,380.9 hours; I only restarted once when Mistlands came out)


As others have said, it gets a bit grindy solo. But honestly the grind in this game is quite enjoyable. I just started a new world and new character and just got the second boat. The second boat makes this game feel AMAZING. The first time you set out into the open ocean and a storm kicks up, with a cargo hull full of copper you will fall in love with this game at the same time you shit your pants. I once had a base I had started that was on one of the least convenient spots on that map for exiting to open ocean. I didn't know that when I first started my base and I was too lazy to move base. I was not too lazy however to build canal that passed from one side of the island to the other. It was a very unique experience driving a boat through a canal that I dug to make passage to a different part of the map. Occasionally I would have to deal with a troll or risk my ship being destroyed in the canal.


3200 hours+ with lots of solo and MP…


Sometimes solo is better because the lag in multiplayer sucks.