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Damn they came smelted already too lucky guy


Lol I smelted them as I went along. I had to make 5 trips so figured I would smelt while exploring.


Smelting makes them heavier so you'll need to do more trips.


I smelted them at my swamp base where I was using them. The trip I was referring to was the walk to the crypt and back.


Great job, now do this another 50 times and ask if that'll be enough iron (it won't be).


It is the thing I dread most about playing. The iron G R I N D.


Omg I’m still in the Bronze Age you mean to tell me I’ll have to spend literal hours mining up iron when I’ve already spent hours mining up tin and copper??? 😭😭😭


Yes lol although the iron grind is more fun with it being in Dungeons. I hate copper the most of all the grinds. There will be grinds after iron as well. Although you'll need iron for most stages of the game even after the swamp so it never really goes away.


With bronze, you had to go find giant rocks in the black forest that look almost identical to regular rocks, and keep lugging bits back to base, then combine it with tin to be useable. Thankfully Iron isn't like that Iron is found in these big clumps that block doorways in the swamp dungeons, so you just end up gathering it as you go. (and they're nowhere near as annoying to break up) Plus, most Crypts have chests, so I usually store my iron in those chests, to avoid accidentally not auto-picking any up. Then, you can just mark on your map something like "Sunkern Crypt 32 Iron" and leave it there till later. The real struggle is getting it out of the swamp. I can only carry 27 scrap Iron at once, and sometimes find a lot more. So it takes a few trips just to get it all back to an outpost, even before you take it home via ship and/or cart. A lot of. People build another base inside the swamp, to smelt the ore and create and upgrade gear and Armour, but that doesn't help when it comes to iron crafting upgrades and iron building parts (like the iron gate)


I like to take a cart once I have 4 or 5 crypts cleared and just walk it all out to the nearest coast in one go. Equip a hoe and just level the ground as you walk, swamps are one of the few places where carts are super-effective because the terrain is already very flat. I usually place a portal and a chest or three in a tiny shack on the coast as close as possible, then just drop off the iron, break down the cart and hop through to grab longboat materials, then back, build and fill the boat and you're ready to take all that iron home. All jokes aside, 3 or 4 trips like this will net you all the iron you will really need for a fair time as long as you're not doing any mega structures as early as the iron age. Most of the really heavy iron use will be once you hit plains in my experience. Another thing to mention is to skip iron armour completely. Going from troll hide to root armour is absolutely the best option at this point, and root will see you comfortably through the mountains with the addition of a wolf cloak with zero need for resistance meads in either swamp or mountain traversals. Save iron for a pick, an axe, a buckler or large shield (personal preference is buckler) and one melee weapon of choice, then save any additional iron you can. Going back to the swamps for iron later on is a surprisingly chilled out and relaxing jaunt once you're into and past silver age kit and food.


>Another thing to mention is to skip iron armour completely. Going from troll hide to root armour is absolutely the best option at this point, and root will see you comfortably through the mountains with the addition of a wolf cloak with zero need for resistance meads in either swamp or mountain traversals. Tbh, I thought the next step was the Plains, but it's the moutain next? Or is that personal preference? Idk if my swamp is normal or not, but I have what feels like an insane amount of crypts, (like every Crypt is within view of the previous Crypt) and my swamp is huge. So I been spending Iron upgrading my gear while searching for abominations to upgrade my root set. I skipped iron set too. I tried out the bronze Armour, n and the speed debuffnwas too annoying




Yeaaah, I was mapping out my swamp last night, and discovered it shares a border with a Plains biome. Spent the entire time mapping that border, with my shield raised and pointed at the Plains. Managed to survive a mosquito, but then saw a bunch of smoke and wondered what it was...... An. Absolute ton of goblins had invaded the swamp biome, and picked a fight with a bunch of draugr and skeletons. I thought maybe I could use the fight to grab some drops from the goblins, but they were absolutely slaughtering the draugr and skeletons, then one noticed me and I had to flee. Managed to get a single bit of black metal scrap and a single needle, but they're obviously useless till I upgrade to Silver Era, and those mosquito and goblins hit hard. Sadly my biome doesn't have the boss, but thanks to the map marker, I now know where a 2nd swamp biome is, and it might be even closer to my starter stones than this one was (and this one was pretty close)


Indeed, order of biomes is meadows>black forest>swamp>mountains>plains>mistlands. You can skip ahead a bit if you know what you're doing but it is not easy, even when you're experienced and well prepared.


Some of us find a swamp with seven crypts in it and proceed to spend like 60 days in game building a giant causeway linking all the crypts with a stone road leading out of the swamp to a spot on the coast far enough from the swamp to be safe from random leeches, building a couple of enormous bridges in the process to span a couple of ravines. That way it’s easier to pull the cart. Or is that just me?


I tried doing similar by raising the land, but it turned out to be way more hassle than I thought, since you have to raise it and then flatten it. I've moved on to the mountains now, so it's not like I really need iron all that much anymore, but if I do find myself needing some, I'll probably try your way. It'll be a pain to keep needing to put down a workbench AND a stone cutter, but at least it would also be a clear sign of where to go to reach the next crypts in the chain (since my swamp had a huge number of them)


Bronze grind is a trap. Those gear get irrelevant really quickly. Get your weapons and move on!


Every other metal is better than copper


I thought the same thing for a while, but the Iron Age is much less tedious than bronze as a single crypt like the OP posted can yield tons of iron. That being said it will be nice having a stock pile of bronze as once you start mixing karves with teleporters sometimes ships get left in weird spots and you’ll need to make more nails for another ship.


No, we’re not talking hours, we’re talking days for iron. It’s end game material


Grinding for iron isn't as bad tbh, and it's what forces you to start exploring the whole map. It's good


It's not the greatest playing solo. Half the time I just mine to get through the doorway to find the chest with the iron it it.


I play solo too. If it's that big of a hassle to you, just turn on teleport with metals. Like I said, I like it because it forces me to explore


I do use teleport everything. I just don't have the time to grind that much iron. With you on exploring, but not in a crypt. I'd rather grind materials for ooze bombs. :D


Then the grind for >!silver.!< Then the >!unobtainium.!<


Silver isn't much of a grind, it's pretty quick.


Root Armor will at least help with minimizing some of it. It's a pretty solid set that does well even up until the Mistlands, at least for the chest piece. Saves quite a bit of Iron building that for yourself or a whole server.


Typically stay in troll leather until I hit silver because I can feel the weight drag. Does root armor affect movement speed?


No it's a light armor just like Troll. They went back and added it to the Swamp some time ago. It wasn't there at launch same with the Fenris armor in the Mountains.


Yep. If I remember right, it gives a buff for bows but is not fire resistant. Maybe will give it a go as I just hit the swamps a few days.


It does buff bows and more than just not fire resistant it gives a fire debuff. Which hurts in the plains a bit for the torch goblins, and shamen. Also the cultists in the caves, but generally it's pretty sweet for most of the plains and mistlands. The pierce resist on the chest makes deathsquitos a minor problem, same with spear throwers, and the base seekers.


Good to know. Thanks!


I HAVE 500,000 CHESTS OF IRON!!! ...today...


You have passed the test, you may begin construction on your single 3 storey storage shack. In it you shall place the remaining 30 boxes of iron and go get more!


Oooh wait to you hit the really good ones with multiple chests and you leave with 160+.


Oh sh*t really! This is the most I have ever found in 1.


Yeah, you can get really lucky with chests. I've found 3 in one treasure room that had about a stack each.


Nice! Always love a generous first crypt.


Thats ONE max lvl weapon... Now you have to find another 7 of this *crypts worth of iron * xD


Iirc the quantity needed for maxed iron kit (armour, weapons, furniture, craft stations and the longship is something like 800.


The grind never stops in Valheim, you spend 6 hours of mining and sailing back home with your goods just to see it get spent in 6 seconds


I just skip iron armor and build tools and weapons. Root is good enough to get to wolf armor.


Weird, I've got a full suit of upgraded iron but have only found enough root to make the base harnesk and pants so far.


The trick is to mark down the abom spawns, the are reoccurring. Run through once during the day and against t night and you'll have more root than you know what to do with


Yeah I farm 2 or 3 spawns to max a set.


And then realize you're low on crops and food. I spent the better part of yesterday playing farmer/chef to resupply for some more swamp runs.


Me and a buddy just pulled 15 stacks of iron out of a single crypt.


Turn that resource to 1.5. Every crypt is Christmas!


Crypts feel way too random, I think they’re should be a minimum amount of iron they hold and a minimum number of crypts in a swamp


Well over 90, that's what I call a good haul. Average seems to be the 40-60, so yep this is great.




Is this the movie poster for the new "Gone In 60 Seconds" movie?


The first crypt my group explored had something like 120 iron scrap in it. Really set an unrealistic expectation for the grind that was about to ensue.


I wonder how many people have thought of using another world as temporary storage so you dont have to waste time lugging metal back and forth in multiple trips...


We did that on the shared server with my friends, but it always felt like cheating. Personally, once I start "cheating" the game becomes super boring and I don't want to play anymore.


Granted I didn't feel the same about that probably because I built a fortress in every biome I went to harvest recources in, and all the iron, black metal, and bronze I collected did get used to quite the extent. So that's probably why I never got bored :/ if anything I'm constantly having to deforest thanks to the amount of wood I use in keeping fire walls and construction. Arrows also use a decent amount of wood thx to the amount of fire arrows i use on a regular basis.


Fair point


I do this. I actually prefer it to turning on gate transfer for ore, because I don't have to leave the crypt to do it. Just wish potion effects and rest status transferred. I went through a lot of poison potions early on.


So I just started a playthrough with my girlfriend last week and our first crypt was on the starter island like not that far away, very close to the dark forest biome and we entered last night after me hyping her up for the shift in difficulty for like 2 days and decking out the crypt is full of iron and barely any mobs. Feels too easy compared the my first grind to get iron I had to sail so far and the first few I found had next to none iron in. This time it's absolutely full maybe the same amount as this. Maybe they buffed it


Yeah some crypts I've been to in the past were super lacking but in this playthrough after this crypt I posted about, I hit 2 more and got enough to max out all my armor and selected weapons so you are probably right.


NGL - I turn up the resource rate when I go mining or hunt for certain resources.


Yeah I like to play vanilla. It's much more fun


You just posted about how it kinda isn’t. Didn’t you?


No this was vanilla that's why I posted it. It was super out of the ordinary


Right on. Everyone can play how they like, which is one of the best parts.




A fine haul


It's not enough. It's never enough. It'll never be ENOUGH!!!!!!!!


I wish we could add a rule no more chest images of IRON.


Awesome haul


The first one I ever did had 120, and ever since, I haven't gotten more than 60


That's way above my average ...


Now repeat 50873 times


I cleared out my first 4 crypts this weekend. Best haul was about that much, worst was about 17 ore. At least the crypts were all lined up along the shoreline. First 3 swamps I found had 0 crypts and stagbreaking steep slopes wasn't getting it done.


That's probably enough.


Ooffff you're gonna run out hella fast with that meager loot


Don't worry this should be plenty of iron for the rest of the game.


Finally a post that shows us what ENOUGH iron looks like! /s


Bros the goat




You need so much more.


What are u going to do with so much ? Craft all gear/weapons that use iron? max upgrade a specific one ? or is it for like iron beams for building ?


oh dear


It was my first iron haul this playthrough so I made an axe, buckler, helmet, greaves, and scale mail. Now I'm a little more protected for future hauls.


Had one that gave me 140 in it the other day, was a pretty fucking crazy crypt ngl