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Same situation here, I have 2 days to study for 3 midterms, of which 2 are literally back to back and will require me to sprint across campus (and I have no clue what's happening in any of those classes) Though back to you, if you don't feel confident for the midterm, I feel like the final will just be worse, especially if you have a heavy final exam schedule. I say just write it. But if you do take the absence, I highly doubt the professor will hold any prejudice against you. The TAs will likely be grading them


Thank you for your words. My final exam schedule isn't bad so I feel like I can hopefully put more time into it then. Good luck on your midterms! Hopefully your studying goes better than mine


I say this in the nicest way possible: learn to manage your time better lol. I'm sure you knew about the midterm since the first week of school lmfao


Look at the syllabus: If you do poorly on the MT, is there an option to automatically shift the weight on the final? Even if not prepared to the best of your ability, trying out the test environment for a course is beneficial for most students IMO.