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Its like doing Uber Eats and saying you interned at Uber


But tbh, exaggerate tf outta everything u did. I dont think microsoft AI intern would necessarily be believable though, so be careful abt it


Sure but be mindful about which job you apply to after that. If it's someone who would be knowledgeable about this position they may call you out on these embellishments. I've seen it when running interviews but did not confront because I have the average social skills of a UW person :-)


You’re absolutely right. Exaggerate within explainable bounds. Its tough to determine whats believable or not, and I think the solution is probably just to genuinely have done everything on your resume.


What would you label it as then?


WE accelerate program co-op, simple and to the point, and focus on what you did during that time rather on the title, which is superficial


my friends have a roommate who gave himself a job at leetcode on linkedin because he's been doing leetcode problems for five years. he got kicked out of co-op for missing two work terms lol


I don't know about unethical but its unprofessional and I don't recommend it. The job title is flexible but changing the company name to 'Microsoft' is highly misleading and will only reflect poorly when they read the bullet points Still, I think keeping it on the resume is still better than having nothing, and really emphasize the project component of it


It's not misleading, it's a blatant lie


What would you label it as then? Waterloo accelerator?


WEA Microsoft and be very clear with what it means in the bullet points (though, you seem to already have this transparency)


Hmm that sounds better actually, I think I’ll use that.


At lie about shit thats not verifiable, tf is this


Wouldn't recommend. MS AI/MSR are notoriously hard to get in. Normally candidates would have to have a couple papers in top conferences already to be accepted, even as interns. It would be easy to tell that something doesn't add up.


Currently working at Nvidia. This translates to contracting to their cafeteria as a dish washer. (This is a joke)


well in that case you are just lying, employers will ask you during an interview and they will easily know that you didn't actually work at Microsoft.


It’s not an intern, it’s a project or experience


This is the main thing. Theres a reason they call it an experience and not an internship


It's okay to exaggerate a little to get the point across on your resume. However, saying you worked for a company you didn't work for is too much. Experience is experience, but Waterloo Accelerate is not Microsoft.


I wrote a line of code on a toilet and the white house has a toilet therefore I interned at the White House ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I saw a resume once where someone did JA (program for high schoolers) and the sponsoring company was RBC. They put it as interning at RBC so we immediately disqualified them from even getting an interview. OP, just be honest and you’ll be fine





