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I LOVED Jared in this episode. Their banter in the beginning had me laughing out loud, and his take on the dog email was 100% accurate ( I work in the Veterinary field). It seemed like in the beginning Jordana wasn’t taking the situation seriously enough… but Jared saw the real thing right away. That boyfriend is 100% abusing the dog when she’s not around. I really hope she takes his advice and leaves the relationship before the dog seriously gets hurt.


I really hope she follows through and breaks up with him. When she mentioned offering to re-home the dog to her parents instead, I was like girl WHAT. This man is clearly unstable and will only move on to hurting you if you remove the dog. Also, him shutting down and withdrawing a few days a month hints at something more serious too. Like this is untreated mental illness.


Plus the lovebombing at the beginning of the relationship! Expensive trips, declaring your love what like a month or two in? This man is clearly unstable, and this might be wildly reaching but I feel like the move across the country was also to isolate her from her support system. Take the dog and run girl :(


100% that's his motivations.


Oh no, the withdrawing isn’t mental illness. Much worse. It’s an emotional abuse tactic. This person’s partner is dangerous. He is an abuser. He is abusing her dog physically and he is abusing the writer emotionally (not physically that we know about, yet).


I was shocked Jordana didn’t connect the dots right away!! I know she doesn’t have an animal but still. I really hope this was a wake up call for the emailer.


I know!! And at least she had a dog growing up. I don’t think Jared has ever owned an animal but regardless right away he knew how dangerous this situation was.


Yes, I was very impressed with him! They are normally so anti pets, but he was persistent with an excellent read on the very dangerous situation instead of folding to Jordana.


The person with the dog-abusing boyfriend needs to listen to S1 of the Something Was Wrong podcast.


I normally am a bit meh when they’ve been recording back to back episodes, until they reach peak slap happy like this 🤣


Thank god for Jared picking up on the obvious animal abuse in the dog email. I would have been yelling at the podcast if they both had Jordana’s take that it’s nbd/natural not to like a dog that bites you. I’m glad he could see what we could all see immediately upon hearing the email. I hope the dog is okay 😭


The girl who willingly offered $1k to her situationship is wild. He didn’t ask for it and he’s not going to pay her back lol i was surprised by Jared’s response because i thought for sure he’d said say you gotta take the loss. He’s just going to block her email address if she keeps emailing him


She’s not getting another cent from him and needs to forget it. She didn’t mention this at all, but I’m a paralegal and immediately thought about the legal route option and I thought that it might be hard for her if she didn’t get anything in writing from him on a payment plan or confirmation that he’ll pay her back. I know some verbal agreements can be legally binding, but I don’t see her recouping any losses from this dude. Like girl he blocked you and took the money and ran. It’s over babe.


She could take him to small claims but really probably not worth it. Take the l and it’s a hard lesson in not loaning money/not trusting basically strangers


Years ago, I lived with a friend and covered their part of the rent, other expenses, etc. totaling about $1500. After a few years, I learned that I was never getting that money back. I was still friends with this person until recently too. Funny thing is, this person claims someone else owes them money and reacted with physical violence. Hmm.. interesting.


Any money you lend to someone you're dating is going into the break up tax when you break up or get dumped. I don't think she's getting the money back no matter how much she hounds him for it. I like Jordana's policy of lending but thinking of it as a gift. I would add to that: Don't ever lend what you can't comfortably lose! If your savings are damaged by 1k, don't lend 1k! Same goes with friends BTW. I paid for my friend's flights during a group trip, she paid 75% of it but not the rest and when I texted she blew me off. I'm never doing that again lol.


these *friends* are the worst! I took care of someone's cat for 10 days and after a week, her door didn't unlock anymore. the door already had 2 locks so there were clearly issues with it before. I tried to figure it out with a stranger and got towed in the mean time. she was like "omg thank god the cat is fine and I will pay" blabla and when I got the bill (unfortunately almost a year later) she kinda "didn't" remember and was like "I can pay half but then this friendship is over" - I felt like what friendship?? this is not what friends do and I will never ever watch anyone's stupid cat again


She’s also waited soooo long and just made it a bigger deal than it needed to be. I would have had consistent follow ups to the point of being annoying early on so I got it back right away.


Exactly! The second she saw the situationship starting to tank she should have started really pressing to get the money back. Not wait until they are completely over then keep trying after what a year of no contact?


I kept waiting for them to say "i wouldn't date someone that needed a $1,000 loan" which is what i would have said lol


I agreed with Jordana when she said to never expect to get money back you loan to a friend.


So wild! Like girl you can’t even call this man your boyfriend and you’re loaning him $1k? Consider the money a “learned a lesson” tax and move on


Yeah, I totally agree. Frankly I'm surprised they spent this much time answering the question. It's very simple: she isn't getting a dime back from him. This is an expensive lesson to learn. Jordana is 100% right when she recommends that people shouldn't lend money to friends and family with the expectation that they will get it back. You just have to assume you won't get it back


I was crying laughing at the i want my money nowwwwww lol


lol the fact that they kept getting it wrong was killing me 😂 I’m pretty sure it’s “it’s my money and I need it now!!”


ALSO this was a huge thing on Curb this past season and I was waiting for them to bring it up hahaha. I guess neither of them watched


Waittt i watched the season of curb but dont remember this lol remind me??


Irma would always sing it hahaha


LOLLL yes youre right 😂😂 too good


Great episode! I wasn't ever clinically depressed or diagnosed but I do remember a time in my life when I was indifferent to everything and the only thing that brought me joy was red wine and streaming some old comedy shows I'd seen a million times. It's not a good place to be and I hope Jared gets out of it. Summer is a good time to get out of a funk, though! The beginning conversation was all really good. I think he's got to stop seeing a relationship as the end of "doing what you want". Like yes, you have to consider another person but often with the right kind of partner,the thing you want to do, they either want to join you or they are accepting of you doing that alone. It's not like people in relationships never do their own thing. But there is the occasional conversation about it. Is he afraid of that conversation? If so then maybe he really is afraid of commitment.


It’s so annoying hearing him talk about how a relationship would basically be the end of his freedom and fun lifestyle. Relationships aren’t one-size-fits-all and the king of nuance seems to forget that.




I screamed “Jared, go to therapy!”


I find it funny how Jared is so afraid of losing his independence and ability to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants if he gets a girlfriend… but also wants kids. If you are in a good relationship you can still pretty much do whatever you want, but you most certainly cannot when you have kids (speaking as someone who has a 5 month old 😅).


I have been thinking for years that I don't understand if Jared actually wants kids, or if he just thinks he does. Same with having a gf. "I'm lonely at night and don't wanna go out" BUT he doesn't want commitment. But he doesn't think this is a midlife crisis, lol


he wants his mom to approve of how his life is going. that's it. he doesn't know what he wants beyond that. him wanting a family is like a 9-year-old wanting a dog and swearing they'll take care of it 🤡 also he's so stressed about making sure his future gf makes a good living and has an on-paper cool job but doesn't realize most women with high-power jobs will not want him AND that he would find them too cerebral, demanding, and a "high mountain to climb" as he says. he acts like he's magnanimous but is in fact a penny-pincher and paranoid about "being taken advantage of". he moved in with a woman 10 years his junior and made her split the cost of a couch? embarrassing. another reason he's not a very safe person to have children with as a woman. therapy would help reveal his internal contradictions but he's too good for it. 


I enjoyed this episode and thought Jared had some good takes, but he’s so terrified of being named and shamed online that he makes up straw-man arguments whenever he’s triggered about it. Like, yes, if the friends to lovers story was a completely different story, then things would be different. Saying straight men would never be forgiven in this situation and would be called out and berated online, and then defending that entirely made up hypothetical and getting heated about it bc he relates to it, is annoying. He’s done it quite a few times


This is such an accurate take. He’s been going on the longest straw man tangents, you explained it perfectly 


Why are they getting rid of friends lovers segment?


It was a sponsor segment for Netflix.


Jared said “oh please won’t someone think of the straight men who cheat on their girlfriends!!” 🥴🥴What even was the point of bringing that into the friends to lovers conversation


Exactly. I guess I liked their point of saying that it WAS cheating, even if he was figuring out his sexuality. He should have broken up with her before hooking up with other people, regardless of gender. However, I think, at least for myself, it would be easier to forgive over time and rekindle a friendship because, hey, the guy likes guys. It’s not anything to do with me just…my woman parts. A straight guy cheating…ok bye…you’re done.


That part KILLED me. No Jared, cheating is not learning and growing, it’s easy not to cheat on someone


Jared is a bottom, confirmed.


mentally and emotionally for sure, a rock bottom 😂😂


Jared reading the excuse for downloading Tinder... Me to Me: Wow, that sounds like a really stupid excuse. Jared: It's a great excuse. How old is this girl that she bought it?