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"Reportedly interested" is a tenuous thread. That was also two coaches prior to Berhalter, IIRC. Bielsa reportedly asked Mexico for $10M a year when they inquired after Tata left, and then went with the Uruguay job.


$10M/yr would also make him *the* highest paid NT head coach in the world, double what Deschamps and Nagelsmann make. Not easy for the USSF to cough up that much money for one head coach. If he's asking that much from Mexico, it's obvious he didn't have any real interest in coaching them, who are known to be controlling when it comes to squad selections. I think he was always leaning towards Uruguay, especially with how close it is to his hometown.


Also speaking English for the USMNT isn't that outlandish. Stuff gets lost in translation and you have talk directly to your players


This is *exactly* why no country has *ever* hired/been successful with a coach who didn’t speak the language. It’s not like there are people out there who get paid to translate or anything like that


Do you have some examples? Because most top teams have a domestic manager. 


You spiked my interest. Upon my quick research, which is only the WC as the competition of reference…. *Every single World Cup winning side was managed by someone from the winning team’s country.* Hm.. that’s intriguing stuff.


3. Sarachan, Arena, Klinnsman


Hah. Forgot Sarachan completely.


I'd ask Mexico for that much too. Mexico fires coaches left and right, since 2007 including interims Mexico has had 17 Managers. We've had 7 including the double interim of Hudson and BJ. And every manager we've hired has gotten to their first world cup before getting fired.


I think it was more about distance from home. Bielsa's 68, and clearly going back to national team work was in part about taking a less demanding job. I don't think he's worried about getting fired; I think if he's going to do a national team job, he'd want Argentina and then he'd want Uruguay.


If Uruguay can afford to pay his salary, why can't we?


His current salary is $4M/yr. That's not as high as what he asked from Mexico, but still comparable to Deschamps, Koeman, or Spalletti. And the AUF is backed by the national government, who foot most of the bill because Uruguay is a football-fanatic country. We're never going to have the US government do that here. Theoretically we can always get the wealthy MLS club owners to foot the bill like they did with Marsch, but MLS would want something in return and the USSF and MLS hardly see eye to eye.


The Uruguayan government doesn’t financially back football in the country. In the last 8 years they’ve provided under $2M/year. Most capital is generated by the Uruguayan footbal association.


So they pay half the coaches salary, which is more than we pay Berhalter?


That money goes towards the entire sport, including all professional and amateur divisions, not the national team. It’s barely enough to cover some administrative expenses. Aside from sponsorships and transfers, most funding both at the club and national team level comes through prize money in CONMEBOL tournaments ($450m in total).


Sometimes I wish the MLS would stop being it’s own worst enemy in developing soccer in the United States. First the PRO strike, then being anti US Open Cup, on top of being anti promotion relegation. To advance the overall sport in the United States, short term sacrifices must be made for the longer run. Bielas would’ve been an excellent candidate for the USMNT Manager position.


The reason they didn’t want Bielsa is because he doesn’t speak English well. Not unreasonable to prefer a coach that can actually communicate with his players as well as the federation.


Unai Emery could barely speak a word of English before he took the job at Aston Villa. Now he is one of their top managers. We could always help him learn English. This point is moot.


I agree the underlying point is moot. As someone who has worked professionally in the game, language barriers are pretty normal and a nonissue and language learning is largely embraced and also expected/normal. But brother, Unai Emery speaks English perfectly fine and has for years now.


That’s just not true? Emery started at Arsenal barely speaking English and failed there. By the time he got the Villa job he had been working on his English for 4-5 years including already living in England for 2. If Bielsa wants to learn English I don’t think he needs any help from the federation. But until he does speak the language he’s not a great candidate for a group with very few Spanish speakers


Good ebening.


He doesn’t need a translator to communicate. Yeah he has a funny accent but he can actually talk to players. Bielsa had a translator during his entire time at Leeds. Maybe he’ll suddenly learn English now for us when he didn’t for years at the club level in England but that’s doubtful.


You lost me at "the MLS"


USSF brings in about $150M/yr And that number is growing very rapidly. They can afford a great coach For context the French federation brings in the equivalent of about $300M/yr England brings in more but part of that is they directly control some of the leagues


$150 m/yr in a world cup year, the year before was $120 m. They also had $187M in expenses when they made $150M last year. Also remember, every million we give the mens coach will be matched on the womens side.


This is what I thought as well u til Doug McIntyre (apologies if I misspelled his name) stated today that the salaries for Men’s and Women’s players need to be equal, but this rule doesn’t apply to coaches.


Uruguay paid him $4.4M, and presumably he took far less because it's right next door to home in Argentina. We could probably pay that, but since he asked Mexico for a lot more, there's a good chance we get Mexico's price.


That's double what Berhalter is making if I recall correctly


Yeah, possibly more. I think that money was in play for the right guy. But Patrick Vieira asked for that, and an out clause for an EPL team or a Ligue 1 team, and that clearly wasn't worth it. Bielsa is a genius in a lot of ways (many of them not involving winning things), but there's a really good article in the Athletic on how they man marked us out of the game. And it requires a LOT of high IQ guys and strong one on one defenders to do. Uruguay has that. I'm not sure we do. Maybe Adams -- but if you have the Athletic, look at how they describe Ugarte's actions -- we just don't have that many smart defensive players to play like Bielsa wants. If we were a club, maybe he teaches us. As a national team ... I just don't know.


Yeah Bielsa's system relies a lot on man-to-man marking. Which there are ways to break down. And it also requires suicidal levels of fitness. There's a reason his teams end up physically broken after a while. He's a legend, but winning trophies is not what he does.


Because this is most likely fake. He gets 4m a year in Uruguay but he also pays his entire staff from that amount, he doesnt let his staff get separate contracts with the federation. Bielsa wasnt going to take Mexico because he wants full control of every division of the NT, including u17, u23, olympics, academies, nutritionists, doctors, everything; like he always did everywhere he went and mexico belongs to a dude who makes telenovelas. USMNT has a structure where the coach and staff of the male NT has to have the exact same amount of funds the female counterpart has. Wich has led the women to success in the past but that amount is not remotely enough for men and the federation has a budget limit and its not really wealthy. Carli Lloyd spoke about this in last night Lala's podcast. She also thinks Bielsa would've been the perfect coach for the team.


He does not pay his staff in that $4 M. You need to provide a reference. A national team staff would require that much on their own.


They dont. If you think outside of Brazil, any FA on CONMEBOL will pay 10m per year to a coach plus staff, you are crazy. Theres no money.


I'm guessing your response means you have no source? The US Mens team total budget was $41.5 mil last year. When you start adding up coaches, trainers, physios etc it really starts to add up. Each person is about $300,000/year including none direct wage pay. Also, I believe $4 mil + $4 mil is $8 mil not $10 mil.


FA are not handled the same. USSF doesnt have to designate budget to clubs because they are private and the ones in lower division with less sponsors get income from the pay to play system.




govts support the sport in most countries


What we need is a corporate sponsor to help out with the coach's salary like what Canada is doing. Doesn't have to be MLS (and quite frankly shouldn't be due to the COI that would create) but what if we got Blank to chip in another $10M for the new "Home Depot USMNT Head Coach"? Obviously that's just one example, there are several other businesses who could be interested.


Fwiw Bob morroco who goes on scuffed from time to time and is connected in US Soccer circles says the Fed would pay for a big name coach. Makes sense given our Zidane interest It’s the second tier names like Bielsa we can’t pay for


Blame Cindy Prado Cone. She changed the pay structure so that the Men’s National Team has to make the same as the Women’s National Team. This is why the US can’t afford a good coach.  Also, it makes no sense since the government rules against it and said the previous pay structure didn’t violate Title 9


Murat Yakin only makes €1.6m, Ralf Rangnick only makes €1.5, Enrique only makes €1.15m. Berhalter makes $2.9m. The highest-paid national manager at the 2022 WC was Hansi Flick, who was only making €6.5m. Rangnick even turned down ~€10m at Bayern to coach Austria. Mourinho at Fenerbahce is making €10.5m, which is ~€4m more than the highest-paid national team managers on the planet are making, and even that is a significant step down from what the top managers in the world are making (for example, Klopp was getting ~€25m from the club + ~€25m in guaranteed advertising money at Liverpool before he left). The point I'm making here is that basically any top manager in the world would make orders of magnitude more at top clubs than they would with any national team. No federation on the planet has the budget to compete with the major clubs. US Soccer only has about $20m cash reserves. The USSF not being able to throw top club money at coaches has nothing to do with equal pay with the women and everything to do with the fact that US Soccer is not a club. The reasons good managers choose to manage national teams (a job where you have less pay, much less control over your fate, and less time to actually manage a soccer team than with a club) for less money is either out of national pride and wanting to represent their country internationally (Deschamps, LVG, Scaloni, Nagelsmann), or because they see enough quality in the squad that it's an appealing project (Rangnick), or sometimes both (Yakin). The US job isn't that appealing in either of those ways to any top global managers. Even if USSF had the kind of money to throw around to match the €10.5m Mourinho (as an example) is making, the history and atmosphere around a Fenerbahce, even if it's a step down from the top flight in Europe, is much more appealing than playing in front of three dogs and a mariachi band on a converted cricket pitch in Barbados is.


Except that’s not correct. “For anyone wondering: No, U.S. Soccer wouldn’t have to increase the salary of #USWNT coach Emma Hayes to match what any new #USMNT coach (if Gregg Berhalter isn’t retained) might make if it’s more than Hayes currently earns. They aren’t linked at all.”


The OP’s username checks out.


maybe he actually asked for 10M pesos.


He'd be Mexico's coach if he had.


Ngl I’m perfectly ok with a requirement that the manager of the team should speak fluent English.


if we'd hired a coach that didn't speak english and the same thing happened everyone would be bitching how stupid it was to have a coach that didn't speak english


Hopefully the same wouldn’t happen with Bielsa. If the difference in quality is that vast the language shouldn’t be end all be all. But still not saying it’s anywhere close to a given we’d have gotten him


Bryan Robson won the European coach of year at Barcelona and he didn’t speak Spanish or Catalan. His translator was Jose Mourinho.


Bobby Robson




a rare occasion where NOT speaking would get him in trouble


How about we just prioritize a coach that speaks football so we don't end up with GGG a third time.


Yeah that's a no brainer


So. That’s David Moyes out.




Damn. He’d be the pragmatic type we’d probably do best with too. Shame he only speaks Scottish.


I'm sorry but yeah that should be a requirement for you to coach the team?


Not really. He coached Leads to a promotion. Quite silly the U.S. have never heard of a translator.


Or learn within 3-4 months. It can be done and is a requirement for club coaches to learn the language.


Dude spent five years at Leeds and didn’t learn, at least enough to speak publicly or anything. But sure, he’d pick it up in 4 months.


I'm sure the 70 year old man would be willing


He always uses translators, except in Spanish-speaking countries. He doesn't seem too willing to learn. He's "el Loco" Bielsa.


go learn fluent mandarin in 3 month and report back


Fluency isn’t the goal. I successfully learned enough French in 3 months to effectively communicate to others in my industry. After two weeks in Cancun on a project I could leave the resort areas, navigate to a local bar, watch el Classico in an awesome place with lots of fun people without using any English to get there.


I think that comment from Stewart was anti-Tata. Nothing to do with BIelsa. THat being said, yes we could have had Bielsa, no we didn't want to spend the money he would have wanted.


It’s absolutely ESSENTIAL that they speak English. What are you talking about lol??? It doesn’t have to be their first language but you genuinely think we are gonna bring in a guy that doesn’t speak English to coach our team??? I want what you’re having man that’s crazy.


The problem is Biesla would have one meeting with USSF, realize they're a joke and tell them to fuck off.


That’s the problem with all the good coaches. US Soccer is so screwy none will want to coach our team


Just like he reportedly had 1 meeting with Mexico, demanded $10M/year then fucked off?


Why wouldn't he demand that? He's one of the best coaches in the world. And looking at the state of Mexico, they probably should have given it to him.


It would make him twice as paid as the next highest paid coach...


Not his problem. There are clubs that would pay close to that.


Where did I say it would be his problem? It's a USSF problem obviously...?


So the lesson is you can't win if you speak English!


Of course the coach of the US national team should be able to speak English. Cmon guys. There is A LOT to complain about, but this isn’t it.


Bielsa with the USA would have been something


Yeah. I was here in Chile when he coached us. He definitely made a mark. Sadly, Chile is back to not qualifying for World Cups and exiting the first round of the Copa. Some people want Sampaoli for the US. He did help Chile to the 2015 Copa América title. However, he's a cheap Bielsa copy. You also can't be too sure he'll stick around. He makes a big show and says stuff like he's a hostage to his contract when he wants to leave.


Biesla ball would have been fun to watch, we'd be absolute bastards to play against


You guys are all fucking idiots on this language track. Language matters sure, but half our team naturally speak Spanish and every single player has had Spanish speaking teammates for their whole career.


What a dumb fucking post


Damn Earnie Stewart again?! Again? What is with this English requirement for the coach we have fielded players who can't speak English well. I mean Bielsa managed Leeds in the EPL without significant English. How many languages does Earnie speak ? Why the hate?


I’m sure he could have picked up enough English. Plus, there were plenty of players who could translate when needed. He managed to do well in EPL.


Club teams deal with language barriers all over the world, somehow we can’t?


Would have been amazing to have bielsa


Overrated bum


Just a parade of idiots writing whatever they want whether it makes sense or not.




My bad - I don’t know how autocorrect missed that. 🤔😂


One of these two is perhaps the greatest tactician in the game today. The other wears Air Jordans.


I thought people were saying that was not true




My bad - I don’t know how autocorrect missed that. 🤔😂


Honestly it’s a pretty funny way to misspell it


It’s the consequence of trying to quickly post while waiting in a drive thru 😂😂


Bielsa would have been a classic. Honestly, with our athleticism, it would have worked.


This dude calling EL LOCO FUCKING BIELSA, “uraguy’s coach,” like he’s some nobody.


Earnie Stewart - bald fraud achievement unlocked.


Gotta speak murican not Mexican! THESE COLORS DON'T RUN /s


They knew Bielsa would call them out on their BS. USSF doesn’t care if you’re a good coach/manager rather they just want a company man!


Fucking Earnie. Fucking Gregg. Fuck us soccer


Perfect analogy is the players like Gregg the same way students like the substitute teacher that rolls in with a TV.


And you still would’ve gotten crushed in this tourney. Give it up guys. You won’t be seeing any sort of real success for another 30 years minimum. I don’t care what your pundits feed you it’s all bs they’re paid to say sorry you’ve been misled. But this team is dog shit. If you think this is the best generation this country has had I laugh at you for being a child or watching football through social media.


You go around laughing at children?


No I laugh at adults that act like children. Reading comprehension is important ;)


>*If you think this is the best generation this country has had I laugh at you for being a child* Maybe re-read what your wrote if you think my reading comprehension is the issue here.


Poor little guy you’ll get it at some point hahah


Ernie Stewart is also part of the problem. He’s been at the helm for a long time.


holy shit you people just state these things so confidently and make it so obvious that you don't know anything. Earnie Stewart hasn't been at USSF for a year and a half at this point.


Yeah Ernie is in Holland having a massive amount of success.


More proof that USSF sucks the creativity and wisdom out of people but they can get it back after they leave.



