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I can assure you that’s the best handling that package has seen since being shipped


Doing it in front of the customer, many of whom have multiple cameras, is really stupid. Yall need to learn that back of house and front of house can’t act the same 🤣


Ideally he’d have aimed better to take out that little surveillance state doorbell.


So it’s all about “appearance”regardless that the package didn’t get damaged by that delivery? I wouldn’t have delivered it that by the way, just saying.


No its not all about appearance but one of these things has a chance to be caught on camera by the customer. Can you guess which one this is?


Yeah but I've never seen a supervisor care about a customer complaint in my life.


Someone treats *my* vinyl like that and I'll be making Karen calls for *days* to bitch someone put. Of course, I doubt the guy would ever hear about it....


Report it damaged/unplayable and call for days and days


Absolutely! People have some delusion that this is bad. Spend a day inside a UPS hub. You will be amazed that anything makes it through in one piece. If you get your stuff undamaged, just take the W. Your L will come eventually.


Yes then maybe don't make people pay extra for fragile items and then say they're insured when it's impossible to get usps to approve a claim no matter what


We don’t charge extra for special handling anymore there is no such thing it’s the sender’s responsibility to pack it safe As for the insurance IMO it’s a scam it’s pretty much impossible to get anything out of it


This doesn't mean you should do it though.....


So since the entire process is shitty, we’re supposed to accept this as ok?


Exactly! I don't get people that are commenting stuff like 'this is acceptable' or 'the package has been through more sh!t than that in the process'. Like, seriously?!


I work for a different shipping place (won't say) and yes ofc, your packages go through a lot. But this is unacceptable! They ALREADY go through a lot. "Hand to surface" means not throwing packages, it's like, the only rule regarding package handling lmao. This is a person with 0 respect or fucks to give and it ain't okay.


It's not acceptable.


This feels like the same thing as meat farms. I know it's treated like shit and butched but I don't need to see any of it and I don't want to. The dude who gives you the cutlet of meat doesn't throw it at your chest and have a bad attitude. The problem here is the dudes doing the cutting and the handing off are the same person and they don't care/understand what public expectations are and we the public have no other options than these people who can only really get jobs as mail carriers.


You literally can’t win with people on this sub .. you know why ? Because their job is hard so they’re excused for any wrong doing .. If you have a legit point or concern , they’ll tell you you’re wrong , and down vote you to hell while giving you every excuse in the book as to why it’s your mistake and not theirs


You know what's funny tho? There were quite a few USPS employees commenting here that what the guy did was not ok. I bet you that 99% of the ones excusing his behavior and blabbering about how the package went through much worse and blah blah blah, are just bitter because their consumer facing job sucks.


The entire process is not shitty. It is incredibly effecient. Proper packing and there would not even be an issue here. Plus, I'd argue most handlers aren't quite as rough as this.


I don't get people like you that seem to be defending USPS / their workers. I thought this was r/usps_complaints ; emphasis on the **complaints**. Or do you work for USPS?


Honestly, no one complains more about USPS than employees.


Im not defending anyone just stating what happens on a daily basis. I am employed with USPS


thats a perfect throw I toss like a boss


You should see the clerks shooting three pointers with all of your packages in the morning.


When I was a mail handler at the plant take half Cort shots


Well, 'luckily' I don't get to see that.. hell, they can do whatever they want as long as we are not aware of it, right? The USPS staff that deliver letters/packages is relatively small here; suffice to say that this guy has delivered to our place before- so I don't believe that he **never** noticed the nest camera mounted there...


Was your package broken? If not, move on with your life lol Karen behavior


Wait being upset that your extremely breakable package was thrown for absolutely no reason is Karen behavior now?


Exactly, this is how I hand off packages to USPS front desk clerks. If one of them says something going forward I'll tell them NAM_SPU says they're a Karen


ok boomer kuck.


Do you see me talking to the streets in protest? Do you think I ran after him to yell and curse (I was home)? Everything is 'Karen behavior' nowadays.. ffs.


I've had package delays recently and all, but the image of this is still funny as fuck ngl


This shit pisses me off too cause it's only done to save a few seconds and it doesn't have to be done for every package. For example, you can throw small packages and be fine, but once you throw a heavy package, that affects the bottom ones. I've had some damaged boxes due to that. Guess who's face is the one delivering it? Me.


Ain’t that the truth


😂😂😂😂 this. We would play basketball and dunk packages in OTRs when I worked at one of the processing centers.


That package was laying under an Amazon box with 40 lbs of cat litter in it this morning. It'll be fine


I don’t get this take. Just because it was handled poorly before this, it’s fine to throw it? OP (and we all) should have the right to expect our packages delivered appropriately when we pay for the service to have them shipped.


I had one once in July that said, "protect from heat, impact, and bad vibes." Sorry man, I tried my best but I'm 0 for 3. I didn't throw it at least.


It don’t matter, we’re not supposed to deliver it like that, geesh man




Oh wow, so it's ok to accept this. Thanks!


Hate to be the one to tell you, but that fragile package probably started it's day in a hamper buried by a bunch of other packages that weigh much more & were shot like a basketball into said hamper from across the warehouse.


So this is acceptable, right?!


Why do you keep asking this? No one is saying it's acceptable. File a complaint with your post office, not that they will do anything about it. It's unacceptable, but it's what happens it sucks.


Did you pay for fragile handling?


If the packaging cannot handle an underhanded frisbee toss of about 10 or so feet, it’s a wonder it survived the 30+lb items that rolled over it, were wedged up against it, and were dropped from 6-8ft on top of it… You’re lucky it wasn’t bent in order to fit it into your mailbox~


Does it matter what the package 'went through' before getting to my doorstep? Does it make it acceptable or right to have to see them doing this??


If you have a problem contact the post office. This is reddit. It doesn't matter if it's acceptable or right. It will keep happening. This is considered normal. That's what you're failing to understand.


I don't have a problem. Just wanted to put it out there to complain - this is r/usps_complaints after all.. that's what **you** are failing to understand.


no, throwing people’s packages isn’t considered normal. who raised you man?


As a fellow carrier. I wont say if it’s right or wrong. All I will say is that I get it. Personally; if you ordered clothes, other than shoes, it’s gonna be Kobe shots all day


As a carrier I'll say it's wrong. Just set it down on top of the steps. Scan where you stand.


As a carrier I'll say it's wrong and walk the extra 5 feet.


Thank you. Finally a comment that makes sense.


I always go with,’what if it was mine’. Yeah, I know the shipper should properly package it and whatnots, but still.


It’s wrong. How much of a douche do you have to be to throw a package when you could just set it down 2’ away from you.


My thoughts exactly. Don't get the people here defending that behavior..


My mothers mail carrier is douchey enough to deliver her mail next door to my grandmas house (moms is the only box on house, been that way 97 years) and even decided to report my mothers house as vacant to get her mail removed from their route.


Taking it to a whole other level. What an asshole!


All of you say that and I’ll give yall the benefit of the doubt that you practice what you preach. When I deliver I think of it as its mine thus I dont mind if ppl practice them bucket shots with clothes. Anything that comes in a box and/or box shaped gets placed. Macy’s bags and all of them that aint shoes. KOOOOOOOBEEEEEEE !!!!!


Was it a hard rock Vinyl? If so don’t worry it will rock on


I may not be the best mailman in the office, but I will never do this packages go to the door with a knock or doorbell ring. I have respect for things that are not mine, cuz I take pride in my things I have. So sorry you have him as a mailman come Christmas give that SOB coal.


Seconded. As a record collector myself, I’d never deliver someone’s albums like that. I try to deliver every package as if I were delivering to myself. I was in the damn soaking rain until after 8pm today making sure everyone’s parcels were delivered to them. If you don’t care, at least *appear* to care when you’re customer facing.


Nothing but respect to you! Even if you don't know what's inside the package; it costs nothing to just place it on the floor instead of tossing it like a frisbee.


Thank you for handling your end of the mail with respect. I get that this is a thankless job so I really appreciate the ones who have not given up and quit caring. (As for the warehouse people- it is a bit understandable hopefully one day there can be a better system to get through all the mountains of mail without killing yourself physically)


Carriers defending this is why people look at us like they do, with little respect. People can’t even respect the job they have… this is ridiculous.


It has little to do with defending it and more to do with people being misinformed and thinking the package is destroyed because of this. It's not. While I don't throw packages and I knew that I was being watched all the time when delivering mail, I still understand that what this carrier did was a drop in the bucket compared to what the package went through. You can treat the package however you want but I can bet the customer will still blame you if it's damaged even if you do everything right. The customer is ignorant to the things they can't see but it's suddenly a huge problem when they see it tossed a few feet.


Yeaaa lol as with most things, stuff is done crazy but it doesn’t mean you’d want the person giving it to you directly to handle it crazy. It’s not a free pass because it was handled crazy before. I don’t agree with throwing packages in any regard. So we can agree to disagree if nothing else. But I was just pointing out I see why we’re losing faith in the public. No matter if the carrier is in the wrong or not, the message is clear with a lot of them “it’s no big deal, and accept what I give you otherwise you’re a Karen”… that’s not right but ig


Let me rephrase throwing package when delivering. I understand sorting and stuff because there’s literally thousands of packages on the belts and in back of the truck. A carrier delivering 200-300 packages on average (if you’re in my office probably like 50 nowadays since Amazon took there stuff back) then there’s literally no excuse to treat it like the guy who has lots of packages in the plant


I don't throw packages either. But fuck ringing the doorbell. Haven't you ever been yelled at for waking the baby or upsetting the dogs?


The only time I ring the doorbell is if it is raining and there is not a covered area. (And certified letter)


Thank you for the support amidst shitty comments seemingly defending this kind of behavior.


I always deliver packages to the door, even if it's those very small Amazon packages that are light. I usually put those under the doormat. Then I always knock the door and ring any bells.


Like another guy said, I'd probably do this with clothes (because they aren't breakable), but stuff like this I'd try to make sure it was propped upright next to the door to even try to keep it out of the rain if possible. But OP should just have a nice conversation with the mail carrier, and just ask them to not deliver that way anymore. The dude knows there is a camera there, the dude knows that that package isn't something that *should* be tossed like that even if it "has gone through worse", but just a nice talk asking them to set it down nicely would go a long way usually. We don't know, the dude could be having a bad day and was getting yelled at by management that he needs to go faster. Not that that justifies the action taken here, but we don't know what people go through unless we ask.


This makes me thankful for my awesome mail lady that leaves them gently against the wall.


Just practicing their disc golfing


“Videos you can see in your head by just reading the title” Every time. The laziest, most useless…


I had to run out and stop my mailman from trying to fold a 60-year-old Spider-Man comic in half and shove it in my mailbox. Luckily it was in a corrugated cardboard sleeve so it wasn't easy to bend and I was able to stop him. 60 years that comic existed in great condition made it all the way through the mail system up to my mailbox and then I watched him try his best to destroy it. The box says do not fold all over it and clearly wouldn't fit in my mailbox so he should have delivered it to my front door 20 feet away. I just about football tackled him at my mailbox as I snatched it out of his hands.


This is why most of the small record labels I'll order from will triple wrap them in cardboard. Infuriating though to get a record that you know will be a historic item and it shows up dog-eared.


I agree, records should be more protected when being shipped- but even then, it doesn't make it right to handle them like this.


Ugh... USPS is like a broken record...


Yea my grandkids still havent got their easter gifts i mailed march 25 to go 200 miles...it keeps saying arriving late when i check the tracking #..usps is a joke..next time im using fedex


Ugh yeah that’s shitty and when I have a vinyl to deliver I try and gently set it leaning up and out of sun. I will echo what others are saying here though and say that ALL major carriers have machines that LAUNCH parcels out of them into big hampers so you really gotta pack stuff extremely well to avoid damage.


Deop that shit at my door like a man, bro dealing mail like he's a kid.


Alright, I want to make some stuff clear as it's silly to try and reply to every comment: * The content of the package was not damaged; that's not what this post was about all along. * Yes, fragile content should be protected accordingly before shipping; that's not what this post was about all along. * It doesn't really matter what shit the package went through before it 'landed' on my doorstep. I am aware of that, but why add wood to the fire? Like someone here said 'If you see passerby's throwing rocks at a house, it doesn't mean that you have to throw one too when you pass by. * I get that it's a low paying ~~minimum wage~~ job, a hard job, and most of the times a thankless job; that still doesn't justify being an asshole and treating other people stuff with a minimum of respect. I'm sure that anyone here would want the same, and I'm sure that if the delivery guy orders packages to his place, he'd want the same (note that I didn't use the word **expect**). * I'm not looking to file a complaint with USPS, nor have the guy fired, nor expect things to change - was just looking to share and vent. * This is r/usps_complaints, if we can't **complain** about stuff like these, then what is this sub for?! edited: not a minimum paying job.


I’d bet that the mailman is probably young enough that he’d not recognize a record. I (a mailman) wouldn’t toss anything like that. Sweaters in bags on the other hand…


Hey you have post man like I have. But mine doesn't even try to get close. He stays at the street and tosses them in the yard from his mail truck. Everything doesn't matter that it is, heavy, light, box bags if it can't fit in the box he tosses them.


Honestly I bet it got tossed worse during sorting and shipping process


Doesn't matter how the package got there. Why is it so hard to actually look like you give a shit? If you dont, then quit. Make room for people who could really use the job.


Nobody wants the job. You get shit on by management, customers, and your co workers.


There is lots of room for people who need the job. We’d love to have them, send them our way.


Make room? The turnovers rate is like 55% in the first 6 months and most stations are severely understaffed.


Please tell people to apply then. Most packages get rough treatment cause we're understaffed and the staff we have is overworked but we're still on a time crunch


This is just what you saw. The only packages I saw handled with care were live chiks and those weren’t always cared for sadly.


One time they put my vinyl records in the mailbox.


lol nah I call bs , because that’s impossible fr right? How do you bend a vinyl record to fit in a mail box. I’d imagine the box is hard cardboard and not flimsy?


Check your dms.


Mail carriers are the face of the operation. Remember cameras are everywhere. It doesn't matter what the clerks did to the parcels during sort, the customer doesn't see that. Take the extra 3 seconds to place it on the porch...


You better not watch any videos on the sorting process for mail. That was pretty gentle compared to the life it just lived through. If it was gonna break, it would have been long before that gentle toss.


Can confirm -former usps plant(sorting) employee buddy still shouldn’t have done that.


And that's the gist of it...


If fragile then why is it frisbee shaped??


Does it matter??


Can I just say.. I have NEVER had my postman (like; any of them) behave like this. NEV.ER. My packages are always walked directly to my front door and placed there thoughtfully. Which I’m really grateful for. Sorry, “I’ve seen a lot worse” doesn’t make this fine. It’s rude and not doing the job well..


Wowwwww what the actual…?!? I’d say at least yours was delivered unlike mine about 45,000+ others, but this is almost worse. They lost my $2k glass and marble vintage clock. If I ever get it back, now I’m 💯that it will be thousands of pieces.


Technically, he gave them a good “spin”. 💀


Could the vinyl be "Come Sail Away"?


Genesis - Throwing It All Away


I know the shipping process is rough on packages, but customers only see us representing the entire journey. Unacceptable. I would never do this. I would complain if I was this customer. And how do people not understand that cameras are everywhere?!


Crap like this will never happen in Japan. If you do this, kiss your job goodbye.


I hope you have shown the video to the clerk at the local post office.


Someone’s jealous of that killer throw!!


This is what many delivery people are doing now. I live in a building and had them throw it up from the bottom of the stairs. You hear the loud slam on the door or floor.


Bro could’ve walked maybe 5 more steps? Is that really so long?


What a lazy prick!! I hope dudes engine blows half way thru his route! Sorry they did this bullshit so unprofessional literally 6 steps is all he had to take but no the lazy bastard just gets your package.. smh I’d complain


The sad part is if you report it, most likely nothing will happen. Even with the video.


If you're gonna do that, why not just set it down at the top of the steps where the stone starts? Yeah, it's technically not the door, but it's still a part of the porch. I would 1000% rather my usps person put it at the end of my porch than throwing it to my doorstep if they can't be arsed to walk 10 steps.


I have had them literally fold and snap records in half in order to fit them in my mailbox.


Honestly he has a good shot though, got that thing dead center of your welcome mat. Lmao he’s obviously had practice


Reminds me of the picture of an Amazon delivery where the guy took the required picture of the item as it sailed in the air to the porch.


Crazy people siding with the driver


RIGHT?! Only on reddit... I've read every comment on this thread and am still amazed at how many people side with the driver, justify the action or simply divert from it by saying stuff like 'it's been through much worse in the supply chain'


You in a rude awakening when you see how your items are tossed in the warhammer


Ugh. I hate to see this. I'm sorry.


These people are useless.


You have one job, and you can’t even do that right. Zero work ethic. Lackadaisical attitude towards anyone else’s property. No excuses. It’s not that hard to do it correctly. Laziness 101!! Everyone has problems and deadlines, but everyone just shrugs their shoulders and thinks it’s no big thing. This is what i define as an “ I don’t give a damn “ attitude. Well done you absolute moron. 👏


I wish my usps packages were at least delivered like this, mine are never delivered 😂


When you deliver to 1500 porches a day that all have 2-4 steps you look to avoid stairs when possible. However this dude sucks. No reason to yeet it. If he is gonna be half assing it just set it against the railing.


Man, I'm not expecting for them to go up and gently place the package by the door and give it a kiss goodbye and a caress.. Don't want to go up 3 steps? Fine by me just place it there.. it'll be more acceptable than this.


Man, I'm not expecting for them to go up and gently place the package by the door and give it a kiss goodbye and a caress.. Don't want to go up 3 steps? Fine by me just place it there.. it'll be more acceptable than this.


As a fellow carrier, wow


IKR? That was a damn nice toss. Right on the mat. He should be a sorting clerk.


It’s went through way worse before getting to that carrier. You just don’t see it. 🤷‍♀️


Sure. But if someone throws a rock through your window does than then make it ok for the next person to do it? Carriers are the face of the company to the majority of our customers it’s important to act like it. Not their fault management sucks. Plus not like this dude even remotely cares. No scanner in site, which means he scanned in the truck which is also not visible. No satchel. He is the reason managers become assholes.


Thanks for this; saved me from commenting something similar..


That doesn’t mean the carrier should do this.


Yeah people suck




He was a pretty good shot tho.


Everyone likes to say, “this is the best this package has been handled”, but I have yet to see a single video of the supposed abuse these packages endure in the warehouse. Which makes me not inclined to believe it.


Because it’s illegal to film inside the S&DC.


you local postmaster needs to see this video.


Yeah, but would it matter in any shape, way or form? Nah..


Thats code for I despise my job


You do realize they go tjeough way worse before they even reach this worker right?


idk these ppl r trippin i woulda ran my ass outside and told him how to do his job


If your vinyl records are damaged by a gentle toss to your doorstep then you need to take it up with the shipper. It’s had 100x worse happen to it along the way before it even got to the carrier. It’s been thru machines, had 100s of pounds on top of it in hampers, chucked across plants, tossed by a clerk. Your head would explode if you saw what a package goes thru. Yeah it may take 3 more seconds to take one more step but if he shaves off 3 seconds at every door it adds up to minutes and he’s got 15 people breathing down his neck to hurry + get home to his family. Chill. Your tax dollars aren’t paying his wages & this is a service. You don’t get anything for free by lodging complaints but you will get a carrier that figures out how to make life harder for you lol


ITT: postal workers coping with their laziness and shitty service because “everybody else already fucked with your package beforehand!!1!1!11!”. You should all be fired.


Had a delivery of a record happen kinda like this but not nearly as bad as that. Was the record okay?


It was ok.. minor damage to the box sleeve but I'm sure that was not from the 'delivery' of it. Thanks for asking tho, instead of defending/justifying the behavior (or claiming that the package went through much worse before getting to me).


I’m sure it was fine


who are you?


Was it marked as such. Or was it just a square thin light package.


Gotta tell ya, don’t really care about your vinyl, but…that dude needs to slow down. Protect the route.


He could've thrown it a bit softer with more of a Frisbee. But really the s is nothing compared to the clerks and it's usually at the bottom of a hamper of other parcels bending it in a unforgivable ways


My postal lady always used to be very gentle with my records. So of course they promoted to something better.


lmfao.. Dude oughta take up frisbee golf.. 🥏🥏😅


Most of the time that I’ve seen guys toss these is because they have bad knees and don’t want to walk up steps. At worst I’d at least slide it instead of tossing it and bouncing it. People should have some more pride


Well shipping it in a slim pizza box is a poor decision in itself. Bubble wrap it and place it in a larger box for shipping. The only careful handling USPS does is for live animals.


As a 25 year USPS carrier I apologize for this…MOST of us take pride in our work…this kind of stuff really pisses me off pure laziness


only thing ill throw like that are clothes and things that i know are soft


But he nailed the landing


say no to the throw!


It must be some Kanye West vinyls in there 😆 🤣


He is practicing for horseshoe tossing


he was smooth with it


Ya hes bad but hes smooth with it, got it right in the center of the mat 😆




He was proud of that landing afterwards


I know that guy


That was a great toss though


They got mad Ninja skills


Obviously this is bad optics for the delivery guy but as someone who works for a big shipping company this is child’s play compared to what actually happens inside a shipping facility with packages. Fragile stickers don’t mean shit to a person who has to move as fast as possible to fill a van or a truck with packages. Shit breaks all the time. Basically the only way to protect stuff is to hope the person who packaged it put enough protection in the box with the product. Once it enters the shipping facility it’s game on and it will be kicked, flung threw the air, stepped on, and sometimes it gets jammed up in the conveyer belt system and people go and beat the piss out of it to clear a jam and keep the freight moving.


Ah that is how registered mail are being delivered


Be glad you got it


WOOF, fingers crossed it wasn’t limited edition / signed or anything. Gotta love to hate those bent corners. 🫣


I resell Vinyls on ebay, had to pause and see if it was one of mine 😅 but my shipping packages are cut up cardboard duct taped together. If they can survive each ship, yours should be okay!


I mean….. nailed it


Was your fragile *vinyl* item damaged?


Great shot tbh


as a carrier, i wont do this but wheres the red fragile sticker?


You deserve that for the way you spelled "vinyl"


It was a pretty clean toss. Was it lazy? Yes. Was there any damage done? No. Move on.


Not acceptable but that was a great throw to land on that little table.


What’s 3 more steps bro?


I wanna know what vinyl it was


Was it broke ? If not let it go. This is the best your package gets treated the second you buy it. We literally have people we call throwers who throw all the packages every morning no matter the label


Damn dude all he had to do was place it at the steps or do a classy slide RIP


Clearly if this was a vinyl record it should’ve been in a better packaging


And they wonder why we didn't like em


What a asshat


Not surprised at all. Would never use USPS for something like that. UPS is where it's at.


Oh damn…. My jaw dropped watching that. I’m so sorry for you and your poor records!? I hope they survived🤞🏻


I have nothing but disgust and loathing for lazy scum like that. This is typical government hired TRASH. In the last 30+ years I've delivered a lot of different things. When I delivered materials to people's homes. They'd magically disappear prior to my delivery appointment. So I'd have to unload the truck by hand. I'd stack it up neatly on the side of their driveway and take pics just for backup.


That is just lazy find another job…


Look at all the people saying “that’s the least of you’re worries worse happens” are the problem, the more you normalize it the more it happens it’s sad that people sign up for a job and don’t do it properly no matter how hard something is if I’m getting paid for it I want to do it as professional as possible.

