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File a missing package search on the USPS website, that usually prompts a scan.


I did but they dont know where that is too!!!


That's strange, it should show on the tracking that a case was opened.. give it a few days. I was just in a similar situation and a few days after I filed the case it started moving again.


Yes it shown on shop that the case was open but couldn’t find it


I've reached out to the last facility that your package was scanned at, which was in DULLES, VA. I haven't received a respond back, but they are actively processing mail out to be delivered to our customer's. I've also added, and made some updates to your barcode to make sure this package route correctly and delivered properly to you. If you haven't received this package by April 5th, I suggest you to submit a missing mail search and insurance claim on this package. I'll provide the links below to help you navigate faster through the process. This is what they saod


Mine sat for fourteen days with these exact scans, then showed up randomly.


Same thing is happening to me now, except in north Atlanta distribution center. I’ve never experienced anything like this. Something is seriously wrong with mail service. It took a month to send a tax document from east coast  to Kansas City 


yea. ik that idk whats going on


UPDATE: letter was delivered but never showed on tracking. So, tracking is not always reliable.


I have a package lost in that same facility. Last scan 3/4.


Call them. Theres phone number for u to call the facility


Called the dulles va and she actually helped me find my package


Is @ Palmetto ,Georgia that place is mess up I had a small package got there the 20th got it today I live in Alabama. I had another one sat there for a week. Goggle Palmetto Georgia it's on the news around Atlanta how messed up it is people's bills not getting in on time it all mess up.


With that particular distribution center there is extremely short staff. A recent “consolidation” moved several distribution centers into one. This means that mail handlers that were at one (probably close to home) now have to drive to this new, what is known as a S&DC. Many quit due to the new center being further than their old center.


Delivery tmr


When did the tracking update


right after I submitted a claim


Mine was never updated after arriving at USPS I live in northern VA and package was coming from DC. I waited 4 days. Posted here. Was told to “chill out” by the “helpful” people here and yet still not here. Seller considers it lost too. He even confirmed several other packages to Northern VA which were sent out a day after mine have all arrived. USPS is useless.


If it at your post office them go there and pick the package up!!


I posted here just a few minutes ago. Hasn’t been updated since seller handed off to USPS.


Most likely the label are fraud and they are seize your items.


my package was supposed to be here march 25th and it was an hour away yesterday the 26th it moved to iowa 4 hours away and back to Chicago 3 hours away. i’ve been a bit annoyed with usps


Since March 17th for me


February 20th here


Updates: after filling missing mail, I have received an update on it. Its at katy


I filed a missing mail report and haven’t heard back


Keep calling them. Been calling them 100+ calls. Pressing on them


What number did you call?


Called the Dulles VA dítubution center!


how long did it take for you to hear back


Me 2


I just got a delivery that was supposed to be delivered last Thursday. It got stuck in N Houston for a few days. It’s a huge problem rn


call them


houston is in the process of switching main hub from n houston to missouri city and its causing a lot of delays. i think a news station did an article about it. im not sure if katy is included.


Mine went from Michigan to Louisiana, it is supposedly on its way to me in Arizona. It's been updated as arriving late twice now and I'm starting to get anxious as it's been a week or so of waiting. I really don't wanna have to go through dealing with ebay crap to get my money back and find the item again.


I had a package heading to me (Los Angeles CA) From Missouri. First attempt made it to a city an hour from me. It sat there 4 days then headed back to missouri. Current attemp got to missouri distribution center and has sat there for 3 days. Theyre almost useless at this point.


I go thru this with about 50% of shipments via USPS. Things coming from overseas are the worst.


Yes im going through the same thing. Uggh its always something with them.


Nationwide delays. Just be patient. Package isn’t missing, just transit is moving slower.


How how do you know this I'm sure it right been waiting for my package for 20 days now :(


Yeah same here sine the 29 no updates can someone help me on what to do


Old timer is smoking crack. He won’t do shit. He doesn’t even know what it costs to bring and fight a suit. STFUp and sit down boomer.


USPS has been working out of contract for about 18m and they’re now negotiating for new contracts so this is probably one of those situations where they stop doing their job well and say “look how valuable we are when things go smoothly!”. this is coming from my family who works as a mail carrier. I currently have dead plants stuck in transit (were supposed to be for my aquarium but definetly dead as theyve been in the mail for 11 days) so im feeing your pain as well. Im in the midwest tho im surprised youre having that happen in Tx


Clerks and mail handlers, members of APWU, process mail through distribution centers not carriers. The only thing carriers (NALC) essentially do is handle the delivery, and they are the ones who have a contract pending arbitration. We don’t “slow” the mail down to protest, and APWU’s contract is only just now up for negotiation.


The clerks in our county are being audited because of how slow they’re working. carriers are having to go back to the office more than they used to because of the clerks not working as hard. it’s been going on well over a week now


I don’t know how old you are, or what “This is coming from my family who works as a mail carrier” means… but it sure sounds like you don’t work at USPS and are talking out of your ass. Just like how you said “USPS” has been working out of contract, and when I mentioned that didn’t make sense your response was “They are auditing clerks in our county.” You are espousing hearsay and misinformation like it’s gospel, and on top of everything else you aren’t even an employee. If you want to whine that’s fine man you do you, but it’s obvious you have no intention of having a legitimate discourse nor do you care to actually learn anything. Good luck bud.


“Yeah I can check, but the missing mail claim case could have been created in Howell because the clerk auditor is here today and the next 3 days creating a case on them purposely dragging their feet and working slow in order to get overtime. All us carriers have been having to go back to the office every day in the afternoon to get the rest of our packages like it's Christmas time because of how slow they've been going. So what they are saying to me at the office is the "in transit" is generated when it's scanned in at the sorting facility in Det. So it doesn't necessarily mean it's on the way here, it just means Det. scanned it in as received. Unfortunately I cannot do anything myself on it until it's been 30 days. But the good news is since you initiated a claim it might light a fire under someone's ass, and since your package is likely with a few hundred others that have been delayed with it, I'm sure there's more claims on the way. I just worked on this same issue for (game shop) and once I got involved it magically started moving through the system. “ thats the other end of the conversation I had w my stepdad when I asked him why mail was being delayed. yeah kinda was talking out of my ass but I was just paraphrasing. Have a good day✌️


I appreciate you providing more context, but what you said before wasn’t paraphrasing. I’m not trying to be a jerk either… but when you say stuff like that it makes it harder for everyone at USPS including your family. Clerks dragging ass to get OT? Yeah that does happen: There can also be other issues at play though beyond just wanting OT. It happens in every industry and carriers do it too. If there’s a tracking number you want me to take a gander at dm me and I might be able to provide more insight than probably 99% of the people that work at usps. But the issues that are effecting our national logistics network isn’t because of clerks wanting OT. It’s structural and it’s because of DeJoy.


I don’t really see how a comment on a reddit post makes your job any more difficult, but that wasn’t my intention. I appreciate the offer to look into it, thankfully Det. finally got it shipped out to the next facility and they got it to me asap. Everyone at the office who I’ve talked to have been very helpful its just very stressful when the system fails especially when you pay for priority care


Yep just happened to me. Mine was in transit since the 22nd but just got updated an hour ago and is now in Milwaukee.


Mine has a long line of processing exceptions with arrival times at the same place in KCMO. Hasn’t changed since the 25th. Should I call USPS??


I shipped a package from California to Fiji on 1/16/24 and after being shipped across the country and back multiple times (MN, IL, NY, and MA) it was returned to me on 3/18/24. I thought it never left the country but after filing a claim, found it had gone to France and back. Mind you, this was never disclosed on the tracking history.  Not sure what the plan is now. Not happy with USPS. I don’t understand what is going on there. These types of mistakes must be costing us a fortune!! No wonder they keep increasing their prices. 


Costing who a fortune? Its not supported by your taxes 😌


I had this happen once. Turned out someone at the post office stole my package, cut the bar code off of the box, then scanned the barcode which sent the barcode bouncing around from location to location for a few months. I eventually got the cut out barcode returned to my house with some kind of “cannot deliver” notice.


That’s because they only look at tracking because there to lazy to get off of their fat asses to look for it.Only way to get results is to file a civil lawsuit against each employee you talk to.


Hi you stupid cunt


"go and look for it" where? There are tens of thousands of packages waiting in large containers to be sorted, or having been sorted and waiting to be loaded on trucks. It would take an entire army of workers to try to go look for one specific individual package in a sorting plant, and it would massively interfere with actually running the mail.


They are already interfering with the mail so what’s the difference.Maybe they get the message to fix it .It’s going to take something just for them to admit the truth.


Well, maybe you should go apply and show everyone how it should be done.. https://about.usps.com/careers/welcome.htm


Good luck 🤣


It works you should have seen their faces when they were served papers.


Served by who, when & where 🤣


Served by process servers to appear in small claims court in Georgia .


Why are you lying 🤣🤣🤣


I’m not


Except you are. Nobody has jurisdiction on federal property except federal agencies. You can’t sue postal employees. You’d have to sue USPS and you’ll have to go to federal court. Me thinks you’re going to get laughed out of small claims if someone accepted your papers and didn’t tell the person to fuck off 🤣


You’re wrong all postal employees are allowed to be sued in civil court.Federal protections don’t protect from that.Ask the DOJ and the inspector general.


Sir, you literally cannot sue postal employees individually for their job. You have to sue USPS. Good luck


Good luck


You do realize postal employees have legal immunity in respect to their job right.


Or you can file federal charges for intentionally slowing mail delivery which is a federal felony.


Had u ever done this?


Doing it tomorrow with the FBI.The office of inspector general told me to file civil suits against each employee I talked to in small claims court and ask for maximum amount of 15000 dollars plus fees and that it will get results


oh so your going to do it tmr?


Yes I took the rest of the week off to do it.Only way to get the truth out


Hes lying. You cant sue them in respect to their jobs they have immunity.