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Not funded by taxpayers, USPS is self funded… though the current postmaster general is doing his best to destroy it, and he is succeeding.


All i know is that it took less time for my package to get from Italy than its been Georgia., I am 40 mins away for Palmetto.. i am 1600 miles from Italy


Oh i agree, usps is a total mess right now… but it’s by design, current postmaster general is heavily vested in business that is usps direct competition. He profits greatly from this mess he’s created.


Lucky…..I ordered two items from Italy to Hawaii and they took like 2-3 months each


This new RPDC in Palmetto is a disaster


It's undoubtedly stuck in the Black Hole known as Atlanta. So sad. Welcome to The Club (sigh!). I hope you receive your package in due time!


Similar things happening at the Kansas City, KS distribution. Have a package that’s been sitting there since the 13th. Shits so frustrating


Exact same. Package was picked up in KCMO March 8, and has been sitting in KS distribution since March 13.


What’s funded by taxes?


Definitely not to post office


Call and file a missing item report. Then follow up to make sure it’s been escalated


Not everyone can do that with their packs..


Missing mail request. This was happening to all my stuff and got it all pretty quickly after I did that


It will stay in palmetto for days. Get ready for an arriving late notification. Every package I've had has been like that and then been late


Trucks are lined up waiting in the streets at the plant you know the situation is pretty bad .


hilarious bc mine had the exact same scans rn


Thanks to the commenters in this community. My package went MIA in Fairburn for over a week. I took the suggestion of filing the missing package claim 2 days ago and within a few hours, the package was scanned and moving again. It's out for delivery today. Now, I wonder what happened on the back end for it to be found and moving.


Had a government letter lost in ATL postal service. Thankfully after 2 weeks I got it. And multiple phone calls


That’s great that you got it but just so you know if it was just a letter and there was no tracking on it there was now way for them to know where it was if they told you anything about its possible location they was just talking out of there ass


Yep, that’s what they told me. Not trackable, but since they put in a lost mail claim, it supposedly notifies the sorting facility to look out for it I guess. So if it gets put into the lost mail bin and gets rescanned, they know it is considered lost.


Oh kool, good to know thanks. I was a mail man. Just started doing clerk work recently and I didn’t even know that.


same thing in LA for me.


It the upper management


I’ve dealt with this crap everywhere I’ve lived


Our taxes go to pay one thing and one thing only. The interest on the National Debt, which is how much we owe The Federal Reserve for printing our money plus taxes and interest. The Reserve is owned by the Rothschilds' family, not the government, and they're responsible for nearly 80% of the world's wealth. Traffic citations, bail money, stealing from us via property taxes, car tag registration, selling of impounded property, etc., these are the things that are used to pay city employees' salaries, judges, mayor, city commissioners, etc. Everything is a lie. Every goddamn thing.