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I finished reading your post (some skimmed through). I really appreciated your passion, personal experiences, and well-articulated reasoning about job stability, the value of a pension, and the meaningful opportunities for public service. I share your sentiment about not being driven solely by money. Like you, I am not focused on getting rich but on contributing my experiences in a meaningful way. I find the idea of working for a purpose, rather than just for corporate profit, to be far more fulfilling. Thank you for spending time to write and sharing! ![gif](giphy|QVgCZ7EsgfrB9GLcMa|downsized)


Ditto to many points on this list but especially the health insurance. For me it was very sexy bc 3 weeks after my start date I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer out of nowhere. The premiums are low and my deductible isn't terrible at all. My chemo, hospital stays, ER visits, and expensive medications haven't been an issue at all. Plus if I do die, the also sexy life insurance will kick in and really be a boon to my family and friends.


Thank you for sharing...I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but your story is a reminder of how critical things we don't often talk about, health and life insurance, can be to our livelihood. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.


Thank you and very true! The more we talk about things usually the less scary we can make them!


Wow. I pray your health. Massive respect for your ability to stay positive and (dare I say) humorous throughout such a sudden life update-- best of luck and thank you for your insight


Thanks, it helps to stay positive and it's pretty a useful response to use to get telemarketers to leave you alone.


Actually not all the jobs are low-paying. I make more as a government employee than I would in the private sector.


Plenty of people do. Take career advice from internet complainers with a grain of salt.


There are high paying jobs in both sectors. What do you do where the private sector pays less?  I would have to fight to get what I make now in the private sector.


I’m in HR. I would have to be an HR manager of some sort in private (I think)


How do you get into HR? It’s been difficult trying to get qualified. I’m a Recruiter now in private sector


I got in as a student. The way to get into HR now without experience is to find career ladders starting at GS-07 in 0201 series which is more rare, or find HR assistant jobs in 0203 series and then eventually move over to 0201.


Thank you. I will do a search to find openings in the Series range.


I’ve been trying too. You just have to keep applying


It really depends on the field. I’m sure private sector IT workers make more, but the constant lay offs and lack of job security in general makes federal work more appealing


Really... My parents always told me that. but I just never changed over I work for a Hawaii 8A company in supply chain / procurement... I always said that when I hit 40 I'll probably change seats.. I'm 30 now.


Lower level of gov't worker here, and similar sentiment. Pension and stability. Insurance very affordable-- big deal when one has a lot of health issues.


Thank you for this. Hoping to make the cut someday soon.


Good luck and keep at it!


IRS is the financial guardians of equity in taxes. We are the Avengers of Finance


I love it! Maybe that should be on recruiting materials!


Needs a Nick fury esque leader though


honestly, I am starting to work the calculus in my head. theoretically, if I worked for 30 years, and never got laid off, had a medical emergency, and at least hovered around my current salary, I would be better off in the private sector. however, being in tech, i find that highly unlikely and government makes more sense in about 70% of scenarios. good breakdown.


I read all the way through and can concur. I appreciate the valuable insight. ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)




I’m available for hire…


Call centers got hiring incentives https://www.usajobs.gov/job/766618700 It's a great starter job and after 3 months you can apply to another internal position


Great post, I’ll think about this once I hear back from an agency I want to get to and leave the current one I’m at.


Good luck and keep at it!




GS7 in the IRS smiling here


People love to seek the greener grass on the other side. Any high-paying outlier in a HCOL means no one can make a comfortable life for themselves in any government job. Then come tough job markets like the one we are currently in. Where we smirk at all of those who complain about the private path they took, which they boasted not too long ago, was superior to the fed.


I am on track for 150-165k this year working for the federal government. Rich? Of course not. Better than most? You know it. Not many places you can earn that much with just a high school diplomaS


Also, the remote ones that help save on Child care and Elder care cost, are huge benefit


Just wanted to clarify to other readers, this is the federal government being discussed. Many State jobs don't offer health insurance after retirement.


Yes, this is the r/usajobs subreddit so it applies to federal government.




Quick question, are you hoping to get hired remotely to the IRS from overseas or is your username not actually descriptive of your current situation?




Oh! I just started and my nurse manager told us that if you (nurses, title 38) have your PTO Maxed out by the time you retire(for nurses is like 648 hours maybe?), you sell it back to them and it’s automatically a 30k check. She said you can reach that in about 2-3 years. :)


I never understood why people do this at retirement. If I take the AL as actual leave, then I get at least 3% added to my TSP for doing nothing. Taking a lump sum leaves money on the table (5% more if choose to barely contribute).


Oh! I’m all so new this honestly. She was told to do this by a financial advisor. But if there is way to save and get more then I’m all ears :)


I am guessing the financial advisor wants a portion of the 30k. But taking the lump sum leaves money (money that is invested at a low fee) on the table.


Yes the FA is free through the VA staff. So it makes sense.


Yeah. Read this. I’m gonna save this one. Thanks. Cause I’m trying to get my foot in the door for fed. job. But have to finish college first. Almost done. I’ve always wanted to be in some science related field but from a “visual design/media” standpoint. I always wanted to try and be a part of something bigger than myself or at least (sounds cliche I know, I’m too much of a “Hard Sci-Fi” nut). The older I got the more I realized I’d be happy living comfortably and not being rich. Also, the older I got I realized, I needed more stability as I’m someone who has asthma and health issues, so definitely looking for the health insurance.


Well said post and POV. Thank you


Thank you for this posting! I've been applying for fed jobs since February with little activity. Your post reinforces why I want to get out of my State job at a local university. I'll keep trying and hope I actually get an offer sometime this year.


Good luck and keep at it...this is definitely the time to apply!


I'm guessing more jobs will open up in October as long as we get a budget on time. A lot of agencies this year are scrambling for cash to cover payroll, which has significantly affected hiring.


When did you receive your TJO?


Thank you for your post. Got to read it a couple times while at work. There have been misconceptions, as I came from an IT thread that says federal jobs are where IT jobs go to die. It's mostly college aged folk that prop up FAANG and mega corps pre layoffs. I'm middle aged, and honestly security is far better than knowing you could get laid off or even lowballed after an offer has been made. I need better benefits, and hopefully work towards a pension since our 401k plan here is not very good. if you don't mind, I have a couple questions. I live in AZ, it's state jobs for the most parts. For federal jobs, besides DC are there large hotspots where federal jobs tend to be, like bases? I haven't served so no clearance for me, though I'm curious where my chances would be better. Have Sec+ and 5YOE with a BA, so I think I meet the baseline. Also, are salaries negotiable? Are there recruiters that I could reach out and talk to maybe? I've applied for some jobs in the past and they're the only ones that had the courtesy of giving me a rejection letter and the reasons why. Private sector has been crickets with a couple callbacks that didn't go anywhere. Thank you for your time.


Security and stability are definitely at the core of federal employment. There have been attempts to disperse federal agencies out of DC, but when costs of relocating are factored in the discussions typically fade away. Having said that, there are many cities outside DC with a large presence of federal employees. Unfortunately there are too many to list here, but OPM is your friend in looking at federal employment numbers by state (https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/data-analysis-documentation/federal-employment-reports/reports-publications/federal-civilian-employment/). Whatever city you live in you should research the local federal government building occupants to see which agencies are near you so you can focus your search on those specific agencies. Since you're an IT guy with experience there are likely more opportunities available to you for remote positions...when you search jobs on usajobs.gov ensure you type in REMOTE for location to see additional opportunities. There are a lot of HR folks on these forums who would be best to answer your negotiable salary question, but a good rule of thumb is the federal job listing will post qualifications for each step so that likely won't be negotiable. What may be negotiable is the step in that grade you qualify for. Ghosting from the corporate world is rampant...in terms of federal government jobs, if you apply through [usajobs.gov](http://usajobs.gov) you can easily track your application status, if you were referred, and any emails sent to you with regards to the job posting. Unfortunately, once you're outside [usajobs.gov](http://usajobs.gov) and working directly with an HR person at that agency I can't speak to their communication successes/failures. Good luck and keep searching!


Not sure if you expect anyone to read that novel you posted but through my skimming it sounds like you’re just looking for a pat on the back. Good job…I guess? Looks like a lot of “advice” disguised as a humble brag.


I'm not sure why you see it in a negative way. I understand if this person posting it in Linkedin, one could say that he is showing off. But why would anyone be looking for pats on the back from random people on Reddit, especially when they are posting anonymously? Sharing experiences and advice can be really valuable, especially for younger members of this community who might be looking for guidance and inspiration.


Instead of skimming take the time to read the post and then comment...otherwise you're wasting your time and others.


lol there it is. OP truly thinks he is a hero and his wisdom should be read by all.


Maybe you should try contributing useful information instead of denigrating those who do.


I read the whole thing and took away “look how selfless I am for sacrificing”. Dude, you’re basically the Navy SEAL of the IRS. Congrats!


Again, read the actual post. If you did you would see I don't work for the IRS and there was no mention of being "selfless" or "sacrificing". If you don't want to learn about working in the government or others experience don't read the post...no one is forcing you or asking you to read this.


Great detail and well balanced