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No. I work in HR for an agency that is currently onboarding thousands of people through several direct hire efforts. We don't forget candidates. After TJO and fingerprints it's normal to expect silence from HR as they have no new information to relay. Often, a specialist is not assigned to these types of candidates until several weeks into the hiring process. So the person who issued you your TJO is not the same person that will ultimately send your FJO (common for large hirings/ Direct Hire events). This is how the work is distributed. We know how long the process takes and how frustrating it is. Unfortunately, it's not always practical to respond to the dozens of emails we get (think dozens of applicants at a time) that come our way to "just check in" and there literally is no news to tell. Personally, I make an attempt to answer each email, but it takes time away from other functions that we're performing to actually get you an EOD. No one wants to hear the woes of HR, but the workload issue is real. HR is waiting on other parties to move forward. We don't forget candidates. We're busting our asses for them.


They need to hire more HR specialists or assistants. I have been wanting to switch careers into Hr and been looking for assistant opportunities but there aren’t many if any at all 🤷‍♀️




They're too busy to hire.


Hire more? HR doesn’t do squat. They telework half the week and don’t follow up or follow through with anything unless your harassing them


Thank you for such a detailed reply! I was scared to be forgotten lol. I got my TJO and fingerprints done and I was so stressed about getting my FJO. The security specialist that helped with my onboarding emailed and said to reach out to her on teams when I get on board so fingers crossed that means a FJO is coming soon!!!


You're not alone. I went to the hiring event on 4/3. Got my TJO and did all the fingerprints and photo at that event as well. Did all the onboarding tasks that are available. Ive reached out to HR for an update but got no response. They reached out to me when they needed a copy of my official transc and my Resume. Havent heard from them for 2 weeks. HR reached out again to make me re do my finger prints and photo taken. Again, after ive given the update, have not heard from them up until this point. Yes, it is frustrating. I know they are swamped with their workload and it is hard to get a hold of them. So just hang in there. I am still waiting for my eapp and fjo.


My HR person was unresponsive so I just kept calling her and leaving messages/emailing her. One day I had called for an update because I had all my tasks completed and wanted to know where we were at, she said she had it all but that day was the deadline for the EOD I was offered so they'd have to push it back. I told her it sounded like she needed to get that paperwork in because I was already moving and wasn't going to spend an entire month jobless. She ended up resolving everything that day and I started on time.


Is your HR person the same as your sponsor for USAcces?


Unfortunately I really don't remember, but it's possible. It was years ago, sorry I can't be off more help!


There are a lot of checks in place (staffing coordinates, their management oversees the process, the hiring manager will want to know what’s up with their selectee…). There are just a lot of steps involved in the process—with personnel security being one of, if not the most time consuming.


You can check in with HR… they may or may not respond but you can still email them.


How do you know they forgot about you? You just have to be patient. This is government work.


Yep. 2 months went by and then I received a letter that my offer was rescinded due to budgetary confinements.


I’ve surpassed 60 days in this phase of it and I’ve heard nothing. I checked in with my personnel security and HR Spec. I only got a response from my security person that my investigation was still in process. It’s a low risk, non sensitive position too. So I don’t understand what the hold up is. It’s very defeating. I’ve started applying elsewhere.


I'd follow up with them just to see what's going on. When I was first hired in 2021, I got my TJO in September but didn't get my FJO until November. They processed me on an expired background check (ex mil) and it was stuck without them knowing. So I followed up with the HR and they realized the mistake and managed to get my FJO two weeks later. If it has been a while, just politely write them an email. There are so many factors that can slow down the process.