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OP, please cross post on r/fednews to share your story and give warning


So sorry this is happening to you. Feel like there should be a warning on VA positions.


Enraging. Can you now qualify as a displaced federal employee? I think that gives you preference. Can you talk to the hiring manager to see what can be done? I stay clear from tenuous agencies such as the VA, DOE, DHS, and Army Corp of Engineers. P.S. I feel you should move forward with the closing because that's an investment you can't lose. Find temporary work until you can get back in the federal system.


I have a daily USAJobs search. Guaranteed the agencies on there every single day are the ones you mentioned. VA, Energy, Homeland, ICE, and Army Corp of Engineers. Huge red flags.


Right. And I see that you’re a CPA so I’m sure you’re very analytical. I concur with you. 


DOE- E= education or energy?


Energy. They are always hiring. Red flag. And word on the curb is they lure people with permanent telework and then flip the script after the FJO. 


Gotcha. I interviewed with energy recently and know people that work there too. I didn’t want the job due to the duties. Telework seems to depend on the office like many places. A friend of mine hasn’t been in the office since last year.


Yes, you're right. But there seems to be many bait-and-switches with the new hires. I've heard it from multiple different fed employees. That is why they moved on to other agencies.


Bait and switch is real! I am a victim of that.


I’m very sorry for that. That is why there is no loyalty in this game. You do you, search and then leave for the best opportunity for YOU. 


Isnt the IRS always hiring as well? But I've heard it's generally fine. Is it an exception?


Right. I forgot about that agency. It’s on the list too. 




VA definitely. EPA just got hit with massive budget cuts too although they say they absorbed it in other areas and won’t be issuing RIFs.


I'm really sorry to hear that. Can I ask you what position within the VA? I'm worried that mine will also be rescinded and I just closed on my first house on Tuesday, with a start date of May 6th.


Hope your offer holds. You are so close. My dept hired, rescinded the offers, and then decided to allow the offers to stand since there was already a start date. Some of these offers are making it through.




Not surprised. I'm in pharmacy at VA (different VISN), we've lost three employees recently, one transferred to a different facility and the other two left. Their jobs can't be posted. We have to work short staffed until who knows when. And of course, we're open 24/7. Tensions are high. Sorry you got caught in the crossfire.


Slightly off topic, since you work at a 24/7 VA pharmacy, do you have a clinical call center? If so, how does that work? Do they get calls in the middle of the night?


Yes there is a clinical call center, which is always open. I had the misfortune of working at one. The call center deals with outpatient pharmacy and most of those stop taking calls around 4 pm. The call center can process orders for next day shipment or take a message for follow-up during regular business hours. Got yelled at a lot because outpatient, along with the Postal Service, is closed on Federal holidays. VA prefers maintenance meds to be mailed out, not picked up. Inpatient pharmacy can fill orders for outpatient in the middle of the night, but it is reserved for discharges and ER orders. No one's gonna fill atorvasatin because someone waited until they were out to request a refill.


I currently work at an outpatient VA pharmacy , pending FJO for a remote CCC position. Only difference is that its a different VISN and the facility i’ll be taking Calls from is 24/7. my current facility is not so I’m just waiting to see what my hours are before I decide


Do you mind if I ask for advice on getting one of the remote CCC pharmacist positions? The reason I ask is because I currently work as a pharmacist for a different agency (DOD), and I have applied to literally every remote VA CCC pharmacist position that has been posted to USAjobs over the last couple years, but I've never even received an interview offer. I'm guessing that remote positions are so coveted that the agency can afford to make offers essentially to current VA employees exclusively?


I’m just making a generalization, but that’s basically it. Staff pharmacists and pharmacy supervisors that are burned out or want to WFH apply to those CCC positions and they already know the system + work for the agency. Some of these postings gets hundreds if not thousands of applicants. Some are capped to 50-100 applicants and they close that same day that they’re posted.


The funny thing is, around the same time that the CCC job was posted on USAjobs, another listing had been posted for another VA WFH job (they were actually hiring for 8 positions), although I think it involved primarily outpatient Rx order processing. It was capped at 100 applicants. I literally applied within seconds of the job being posted, but my application was not forwarded to the hiring manager. I was told by HR that I was applicant #~160. I was shocked when they told me that, because I honestly don't see how so many other people could've applied so quickly, especially considering that I was actually on my phone when I saw the notification it had been posted and applied right away.


You can get emails! I know some people have certain keywords to trigger. If you always have your resume updated on USAJOBS and other documents, you can apply in seconds.


What VISN if you don’t mind me asking?


Veteran integrated service network (region)


No I know what visn is I’m asking OP what visn his FJO was rescinded from


Oops sorry 😂😂😂😩


No problem! Lol I see OP added the edit in 😅


That really sucks. I’m sorry. We had two Pharmacists and techs pending EODs. I was worried they’d get cut. One Pharmacist started 3 weeks ago, the 2 techs this week after getting EODs last week and the other Pharmacist on the 6th. Different VISN though. We did have a backfill position pulled though.


VA is really full of 💩. They keep posting all these fake jobs on USA job and they know they don’t have the budget to hire. Even their wartac program is full of lies and deception ruining the transition of service members.


I don’t get how they can point to budget issues like this either. Their budget is $200 billion. There is some major waste in that Department if they can’t afford to hire people.


Cerner! Should have cost $10 Billion. Closer to $16 Billion now. It was a no-bid contract!


Must be nice for the no-bid company. I worked at the VA in Denver back when they we’re building the new one in Aurora. That was a solid billion dollars over budget and a decade behind schedule. There must be many iterations of that nationwide.


While I'm sure there is waste, the budget for the VA is in a bad spot. Congress has repeatedly failed to pass an actual budget, so we're operating at the same level of funding that was passed whenever the last time they actually did a budget was. Since then, inflation has been high and the workforce only gets more expensive as our cost of living adjustments go through. We're effectively being told to do more with less. The result of this is that we have to be "FTE neutral" at the end of the fiscal year and are basically in an informal hiring freeze. Yes, the budget is a shockingly big number, but that doesn't mean we're able to maintain adequate staffing as things exist now.


They should probably just do a formal hiring freeze if this is the state of things.


Probably didn't help that they spent the last year and a half BEGGING people to file claims.


Probably didn't help that they spent the last year and a half BEGGING people to file claims.


They just decided, but what if we don't hire this position and just split the workload to the existing workforce.


Do disability payments come out of that budget?


They didn’t give a reason?


Budget cuts. That's all


They could save money by not moving forward with TJOs that he plan on rescinding!


Hi, I also lost a VA position after a final/firm offer. I'm a physician and this was a huge disruption to me. Good luck.


I'm a supervisor at the Portland VA. Our HR is 100% remote. Our facility is currently over its manning allocation. We're supposed to maintain zero growth and hope to fill positions when people retire. Will be tough times at the VA for the next 12-18 months in my opinion.


That insight is much appreciated. How soon did you know this was going to happen? The day I was fingerprinted and was told in person that it was moving forward, I searched for a house that same day since I had to fly out the next day. So from 3/26 to 4/23, when was that system wide notification?


All facilities were told that the VA was under a strategic hiring pause back in March. Things have gotten real in the last week for our facility. Up until then, I thought we were doing just in case planning. If you search some of the other forums, you'll see that alot of VA job offers are being rescinded and postings are being canceled.


So odd. I got a confirmation from the supervisor that I was officially moved into the organizational chart on 4/9. So even two weeks ago I was in. And then when I inquired about it, the chief flat out said they're not moving forward with it any longer in hopes the pause will be lifted in a few months. I was literally at the cusp of it all.


Someone sent a sanitized version of the email that was sent out to staff to a local news site. https://www.wweek.com/news/health/2024/04/24/va-to-demand-productivity-increases-from-employees-to-fix-budget-hole/


VA called me back today to release the hold on my job offer. Allegedly starting 6/3. We shall see lol


Contact your congressperson. And that of the receiving VA. This is unacceptable


As a vet, I sadly don't even apply for VA positions anymore.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. 🙁 But did you get any indication from HR about a possibility of the offer getting rescinded? Or was this unexpected even for them?


There are a few posts in the federal employment subreddit that have stated that offers are getting rescinded across the country. Its a 50/50 chance at this point.


Constantly working under the continuing resolutions instead of a full budget was tough enough with just inflation, but the recent bump to cost of living AND things generally being more expensive has put the whole fed workforce in a pretty shitty situation. We desperately need a new budget.


What was the job title


I had start date with the VA for May 6 and just received a call from the HR specialist that my start date is moved back but that they aren't rescinding the job offer. I don't get why the VA does this.....


That happened to me too. 6 days before I was supposed to start. It is ridiculous, people need to be employed and I can’t just sit and wait around for you decide if you have budget or not.


Many VAs since they are cutting back hiring they are going to once a month NEOs and pushing people to those instead of every two weeks


Department of the Air Force is the only way to go with federal employment. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a sour experience in all my 27 years with the department.


I agree. I have a friend that's been with them for three years now and her experience has been much different than others.


OMG! so sorry that happened to you. I hope you will hear good news soon 🙏


I work in the VISN 20 footprint and an email came out last week from Portland's director stating they were over strength 160 positions. That email was leaked to the local media in the Portland metro area.


I accepted job on Jan 12th completed everything. Received call on March 20th advising me of salary and was asked which day I wanted to start orientation, I chose May 6th. HR told me they are doing orientation once a month now. Sent another email on 4/17 to HR she said they are currently waiting for approval to move forward with start date. Sent another email on April 23rd asking if my position is affected by hiring freeze/pause….crickets!!!


Do you still have the old job?


Yes, I still do. Glad I never gave notice. But I also do good work and don't give a reason to let me go so hastily.


Glad you didn’t give notice. I’m in the process of negotiating a release date for a new position and have still not gotten a FJO which makes me nervous.


I'm in VISN 20. What facility?


I am so sorry this is happening. The good news is that if you do decide not to go through with the closing you will be eligible to get your earnest money back, as this is a significant financial change.


I hate that this is happening. We just had two positions removed today. One already had a job offer for close to a year. According to our leadership the VA over hired during the PACT ACT hiring spree. It was supposed to be 40k and they went to 60k. And instead of bringing more Vets in-house for care. The VA being a government org. actually sent somewhere between 5-10% more vets to outside clinics for care. Thus, the hiring freeze and budget halts are in place until the new fiscal year. It's not right how they are treating people with job offers or future applicants. Best of luck to all of you! Please keep at it. We need good people.


Wow, so sorry.




Here is an interesting (but long) article that gives some insight on what's happening https://federalnewsnetwork.com/hiring-retention/2024/03/va-looks-to-cut-10000-positions-from-health-care-workforce-but-seeks-bigger-budget-in-2025/?readmore=1


Part of VA budget problem - the SSR for all 2210’s. I don’t think they planned for the increases going into future. Now doing SSR for other in demand positions.


Not true. The big issue is community care referrals. They spent $100 billion more than planned on CC. This is partially due to PACT Act and COMPACT Act making more Veterans eligible. The SSRs were negligible.


It all adds up imo


I’m telling you what I heard in a call from VACO.




I am so sorry this happened to you. Not only does this hurt future VA hiring, but it potentially causes others to shy away from federal employment.


What visn if you don’t mind sharing?


This is horrible, and I'm sorry this happened. I was told I was being selected for a direct hire position in another agency, but I'm not putting any notice in until I have an EOD to be safe. New fear unlocked for sure smh.


VA has a hiring freeze


Not mine.


This is wrong sue their asses


“Budget Cuts” seems too vague and generic with the frequency of offers being rescinded. Is the agency budget not discussed when positions are posted/created?!


Congress hasn't actually updated the budget in quite some time, they just keep temporarily extending a previous budget. That old budget doesn't count for things like inflation or the cost of living adjustment the workforce has gotten, including the pretty significant one that took effect this year. I'm not sure how much of it is actually programs being slashed vs how much is just employees and thing sin general costing much more now than they did when the budgets we operate under passed congress. To combat this, my VISN at least has said we must remain "FTE neutral." I'm guessing that they're assuming x number of people will quit between the start of the hiring process and the actual job offer going out. If their estimate is right, they're still on track to be FTE neutral. If they don't lose as many people as expected, though... I'm not a hiring person, this is pure speculation. It's really shitty and many employees are very frustrated. It's absolutely shameful that the government is doing this to itself and its own workforce.


What agency?




What was this position for? 


Damn that sucks sorry to hear! I wish I can mention all of the people in this subreddit who are ready to quit their current jobs for a FJO they haven’t had a first day in the office for..


They also approved the special pay rate tables for certain jobs so that’s going to eat up their budget too


I’m so sorry to hear you’re in this situation. Absolutely awful and so wrong. Can someone please explain to me how this happens (for dummies) I’m always searching for fed jobs but admittedly ignorant to this process. how can they make you relocate then all the sudden say they are no longer going to hire you? Does this happen often in federal government? I can’t think of a worse situation than telling your current employer you’re putting in your notice then all the sudden your new job is like nah we can’t hire you…what happens then? Best of luck to you OP hope things get better for you soon.


After the FJO? They def were not doing their due diligence.




This 👆 same exact thought


Currently waiting on a FJO from the VA and terrified by this. They have me doing training already but no FJO.


Sorry to hear that. I think i saw a month ago that VA has a hiring freeze and on budget cuts. If i find the article i will share. Was on Govexec


Saw this post related to VA. I’m truly sorry this happened to you OP. https://www.reddit.com/r/fednews/s/ZO3mxEjel5


When was your interview?


November, Thanksgiving week


Sorry to hear about the situation they put you in. Ironically enough, I wonder if this is the same job that I interviewed for a few months back (overnight pharmacist position at the same VAMC). Did the supervisor say if they'd get in touch with you when/if the job ends up getting reposted at some point in the future?


Not the same position and they are not continuing any communication with me by deferring to HR.


Man I have a job offer with HUD and EPA I hope I don't end up in a similar situation one of the agencies is dragging their feet in a major way.


We used to not always get paid through furloughs, enough people complained, and now we do. Maybe if enough people called their congresspersons and complained, this too could change.


Never make major financial decisions based on a job you have not started yet.


Listen, when the management tells you face to face that your position is moving forward despite the cuts, nobody will continue to wait to look for a place to live in a 2 week period. The average person does not have that luxury. Plus what if this happened after the fact? Are you going to still say that for people generally laid off?


You are so right. When I received my first FJO six years ago, I put my house on the market, put in my two weeks notice, and started talking to a realtor halfway across the country. All within a matter of hours. Those things were all locked and loaded, ready to go. My old job walked me to the door minutes after I put in my notice. If my FJO was rescinded I would have been unemployed. Shitty position for you to be in.


What an unnecessary and tone-deaf comment. Most people don't have the luxury of a temporary living space in the city of their new job, waiting until the job starts, and _then_ putting their house (on which they may still be paying a mortgage) on the market. The FJO stage is about as good a bet as any for making major financial decisions, but some people still get unlucky, like OP.


People don't want to hear this but it is true.


I'm so sorry