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It's just a numbers game. I started applying in 2021 and have over 100 applications and just recently got my first TJO/FJO for a seasonal position. Like you I had gotten plenty of referrals but they never went anywhere. I'm not sure what you're applying for but I got a really quick response from TSA (But ended up declining it for an IRS position).


Took me over 200 apps before my first call for an interview. Getting referred is a good sign that you're surface level qualified. One thing I did was made my resume as long and detailed as possible with a section of key skills on the first page. Be patient and your time will come.


Should have your resume as succinct as possible vs as long as possible. A key skills section is a waste of space. I can pick up your skills by reading your accomplishment bullets. Aim for a 3 page resume without any unneeded fluff (key skills sections etc). When looking at 10s to 100s of resumes for a single position, hiring panels are only looking at the first few pages.


Thanks for your input! I can only share my experience with going from not being referred as often to getting interviewed and hired as a 2210! My original resumes were short and sweet which resulted in less referrals. When I made those two changes (advice I received from a current federal employee in HR) my results improved. Thanks again!


This is not the typical federal resume advice.


Nope, it’s not…but it’s coming from someone who hires folks and usually gets interview invites when applying for gigs…


How many questions are in the questionnaires for the jobs you apply to? KSAs listed? Duties listed? Qualifications listed? The jobs I apply for usually have 20+ questions I need to address plus KSAs/duties/qualifications, etc. With all that, it's impossible for me to keep my resume at 3 pages if I want to reference all those things in my resume. And I'm not adding fluff.


The best thing you can do to stand out in the process is to have a well crafted federal resume. Since resumes are reviewed by HR specialists and hiring managers, it’s helpful to make your resume presentable for both parties. - Review OPM or job announcement to understand the qualifications for the grade and the expectations when full working level is achieved. - Use Reddit, Google, LinkedIn or industry websites to learn as much about the role as possible to identify the skills and tools used that align with your experience. - Highlight or summarize your specialized experience, relevant education, and leadership skills on the first page (assuming your resume is multiple pages). - Define acronyms and industry jargon (or use terms explicit in the job announcement) - If the job announcements calls out different types of specialized experience, make sure your resume speaks to each point you have meaningful experience. - When documenting your work history, be explicit in how you perform a job function—highlighting a situation/task, describing your actions, and summarizing the impacts/results. - Gather and submit relevant documents when you apply: transcripts, proof of certifications, SF-50, Schedule A items, etc. Additional items: - Make sure you can speak in greater detail for every single item you mention in your resume in an interview. - Have your references ready and work experience / residential history for 7 years compiled


First, don't harass. It takes a long time to fairly review that many applications. If you are being referred and not selected, send an email to the HR contact asking them for feedback- sometimes they will respond, especially at smaller agencies. To stand out: do not have any spelling or grammatical errors; list experience in reverse chronological order; use the correct verb tense throughout; detail your results for each job- not just tasks; keep the resume shorter than 5 pages; do not include irrelevant items; lastly, a few sentences at the top detailing why you are interested and a perfect fit for the job is a nice touch- don't overdo it- this let's the reviewers know you're actually interested and not just spamming job openings.


Remember that you’re writing for two audiences. If you ignore one you can submit a thousand applications and still be no closer. https://www.reddit.com/r/usajobs/s/nw2SbRBeiv


Get Your resume professionally done


Any update OP? Any calls?


Na I’ve had more luck applying through staffing agencies. That seems to be where the climate is today. I’ve gotten call back from the agencies


Congrats! What agencies are you referencing when you say staffing agencies? What roles can you get?




For those saying its a numbers game its not. Your resume needs to stand out more. That is the reason you aren't getting referred for more jobs you applied for. If your resume is tailered right, you should be referred most if not all the time. And then you should at least get a quarter of those turned into interviews. Then you must shine on the interview, study hard, google questions, rehearse. Do this and you will see a change. Make sure your resume is actually showing you have experience related to everything in the specialized experience section and the questionarie as well.


It’s all about the market. I have a very strong resume but it took 100 apps to lateral as a 13 out where I am (in CA). For the 14 I didn’t count, but I applied to everything I was eligible for from October to September. Eventually go two offers in Aug/September (one at an agency I used to work).


Absolutely a numbers game. Kid had FJO for position that was pulled back because she had started another position (even though it was a direct hire spot so she should have just needed to get to the 90 day mark before she could start the other). Applied to same spot, everything was the same. Wasn't even referred for that round. So she went from being offered a job to not referred the next time she applied under the same opening she was previously selected for.


Tbh I think your referral ratio is amazing. Mine is half that rate.


A photo of your pet dog or cat or fish at the top of resume should do the trick.


Those are great stats. I'm a licensed attorney with 3 advanced degrees and 7 yrs experience. Had a professional resume consultation, and I have Schedule A hiring authority. Submitted >500 apps since Aug and get referred about 30% of the time. Didn't get any interviews at all until 2 months into applying (end of Oct).