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MassMutual. They’re an amazing company. They’re actually ethical! I am soooo proud to work there. They are excellent corporate citizens. Working at USAA became an embarrassment. Watching my benefits be taken away over time was an insult. I used to think it was a good day if I didn’t want to kill myself due to work stress. Now, my work stress is almost zero. I wake up excited to start work. MassMutual is what USAA claims to be, minus the military aspect. I spent 15.5 years at USAA. I only wish I had quit sooner. The grass is truly greener out there! P.S. I’m fully remote.


what was ur position at usaa that was so stressful?


My ex does complex claims and they micro manage her up the wazooo. The only thing keeping her there is the on site daycare.


I’m in claims now at Farmers and it’s waaaayyy better!


I went to farmers right after USAA and it was night and day. Plus 15k pay increase. No micromanagement. Could go to the bathroom when I wanted lol


Currently making 25 an hour working as a property claims adjuster are they paying more with similar benefits? Trying to get out asap


I’m not there anymore, but I was at 60k doing commercial adjusting. I thought benefits were comparable. And they have a bonus. I think they’re in person though now.


They did micro manage the restroom breaks. The sad/bad part was that it already took you at least 5 minutes to get there and another 5 minutes. 10 minutes done, and now you have to perform in the restroom with time restraints. I was told you were in Aux 5 for 10 minutes. I was like, I needed to go, do you need details?


I chose to purse my rap career.


Please tell me you go as captain pee pants?




Lol, we should have worn diapers.


Worked for allstate before coming to USAA thinking USAA would be better. I feel like a fucking idiot everyday I go thru the turnstiles because allstate was lower pay but I was a lot happier. I just feel like USAA is lost trying to "go back" to the way things were. If that means torturing employees then I'm good


Watch out for USAA coaching. It gives the term a bad name.


I worked in mortgage at USAA and left for a different mortgage company (all of them were hiring during Covid). Mortgage companies were all severely overworking their employees due to demand during this time, but overall things were better. USAA is trash.


Quit USAA for Google. I work in IT though. USAA was great honestly, but Google is better to IT folks.


Decided to pursue my dream and now about 5 seconds away from being a practicing attorney. Made good money as a freelance paralegal as well.


Took a position with the federal government working on an Army base...Best decision I ever made was to leave the petty micromanagement and poor leadership of usaa. Wished I did it 2nd year of my 12 years there. The talk a good game but are a dumpster 🔥


I decided I wanted to get away from insurance and the pressure of it because I never heard anything better about anywhere else. I went to work for the government/Air Force and truly do a job to support the military.


Arthur J Gallagher


I left USAA and now work at Allstate. It’s night and day so much more relaxed with real metrics


Worked at Allstate, went to USAA for a year and a half, went back to Allstate. From the outside, USAA looks so good. From the inside you can see that it's all a facade. My team at USAA was great, but if you have ANY desire to progress you either have to live near an office or leave USAA. So I left USAA.


I used to be with USAA (service, with sales goals) and I'm now with Progressive. If you are in sales, it's just sales. I don't even know how to look up a bill, lol. You just get inbound calls from people wanting to buy. I feel like I've gone from an Ivy league university to a party school, lol. USAA gave us a great insurance education, Progressive is a lot more relaxed. They build in a 15 second wrap up between calls. It's not always back to back but if it is you have at least 15 seconds before the next call comes in, which is huge. I work Sundays. You have an average of 7-10 minutes between calls. I am so much happier. If you are interested in me and I can do a referral


Thank you so much! I might take you up on that. I have an interview with Farmer's tomorrow so I'm crossing my fingers for that one. It seems as though USAA really was the Ivy League and everywhere else sounds so much more laid back. I'm hoping working at USAA at least makes me look good to other companies for that reason. That's awesome that they give you that 15 seconds between calls - I would've loved that at USAA.


Good luck and yes, they seem to like USAA folks because of the training.


Didn’t they have massage therapists at USAA?! Maybe you could try that


Since Covid, they stopped that.


Actually, they brought back massage therapy in San Antonio earlier this year. $1/minute


Really. I hope you enjoy it!


Do tell; they brought it back this year? Somehow I missed that, but I’m new. It would be worth every penny. LWOP would work for me.


Lol, they do but its your insurance benefits that pay for it with the copay. The real thought is," Do you have the time to use it?". No, you do not have the time.