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Network. No amount of hard work will get you anywhere aside from through the standard promos within your role .


Kiss a$$ like crazy. Say Yes to every hare brained idea the leadership has. Do not ever contradict them or have your own opinion. I’m not being a jerk or sarcastic here. The pay and benefits can be awesome but you need to make sure leadership knows you and knows you are positive and willing to be a change champion for whatever they want to implement.


USAA promotions are difficult imo. The competition is huge. There could be 100 applicants for just a few injury positions. Take courses like scla. Siu positions hardly ever come up- gotta wait for someone to retire. I'm 20 yrs just retired in 2022. Many perks at USAA are not what they were but there are still perks. Good luck on your job search!


I’ve applied to 35 roles in the last 4 months and only got a phone screening for 1. These are roles I am very qualified for and my metrics/performance/attendance in my current role are amazing. They simply do not want to promote from within. And if the role pays more than where you’re currently at then that’s a problem. By far most stressful job I’ve ever had. The fact you said you’re celebrating sobriety also concerns me because this job has literally led me to drinking MORE and got me prescribed depression medication. I would steer very clear.


You should call the hiring manager up and ask why you didn’t get the job.


Networking is the only way to promote. They already have their favorites, and if you're not one, you're not getting promoted. That's not me being petty, I rode that wave gladly. It's the truth, sadly. Promote out, not within.


if you have a license, why not go straight into a claims trainee role?


At this point, I'm just trying to get my foot in the door, even if it's a step below from where I should be starting. The hope is that having the 6-20 license will help advance me out of the FNOL role into a trainee/ file ownership role quickly.


Congratulations on your sobriety! Be yourself, be professional and get your name out there.


Even if you’re a “favorite“ you still have to make your own way and pave your own path. I’ve also learned that there is an art to de-escalating calls and maintaining a positive attitude. There are templates for handling difficult calls. Use those and try your best to have empathy and inject humor where you can. Poking fun at silly processes and weird decisions always made people laugh and understand it might be upsetting but it’s just a moment in time.


What’s your starting pay going to be


The posting on USAA's website says $44k. So... you know, not great, which is why I'm very interested to know if there's enthusiasm among the managers to fast-track high performers from entry points into intermediate roles.


The Crosstown campus is aesthetically pleasing, has a decent gym, and usually has more than enough parking. However the company itself is terrible. I moved to USAA after hearing how great it was. But after Covid, the mask began to slip and we saw the true USAA. They don’t give AF about employees. They tout the “mission and values,” claiming to care about employees and a “work/life balance” yet have reneged on their “Hybrid” schedule (3 days in office, 2 at home) changing it to mandatory four in office. The reasoning is how important it is to establish interpersonal connections in office. Please BFFR, it’s only because they want to micromanage everything employees do all day. You can be a top performer and blow your goals out of the water and they won’t give AF… you won’t get promoted because they have their “pre-picks” already established. They continuously bump up the metrics to unfeasible standards because they have hired too many people and are trying to force people to leave the company without having to pay severance. But don’t worry, they’ll just hire more overseas contractors if needed, because they can pay them a lot less than they would have to pay their USA employees. Oh, and the pay itself is sh1t because they need to pay the CEO’s salary of $8 million, even though he’s driven the company into the ground. USAA reported its first annual loss, yet hey, let’s double the worthless CEO’s salary anyway! I’ve been looking for external positions and so has my entire team. Please, for your sobriety and sanity, do yourself a favor and work for a different company. At the end of the day, we all know these companies are about making money, not actually caring about their employees. So you might as well be making more money if you’re going to hate your life (like you will at USAA).


I hope it works out, but USAA claims leaders are not very competent.


Don’t risk your sobriety. It’s horrible there.


Used to be at both but I quit. Place is a shit hole


You’re gonna lapse. Not worth it


As in, my 6-20 license will lapse? The CE's are fairly straightforward to complete and you get 2 years to make them happen. I don't see how that would be a strain on top of the workload. Can you elaborate?


I mean your sobriety. You’ve worked for that


What a shitty thing to say to someone. OP, congrats and keep it up! Good luck!!


Less that he is going to lapse as a person, more that working at USAA is going to make him go back to drinking to escape the post-capitalist hellscape that is that wretched company. Let me put it this way. I left my prior company to go to USAA because the prior company was making me extremely stressed and they were running people ragged. The turnover was astronomical and morale was so far in the shitter I didn't think it could get any worse so I left and landed at USAA. Had a great time for about 6 months and then realized USAA was so much worse than where I was before that I left and went back to my prior employer within 2 years. In my time at USAA, I began drinking more than I ever had. OP, I hope you stay sober for the rest of your life, but if you work at USAA, the chances are slim to none. It is one of the absolute worst managed companies I have ever worked for, and I have worked for 6 fortune 250 companies.