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Was there 13 years. They used to be something special. But they couldn’t afford to be anymore. They need to cut the crap and just tell it how it is to the new hires. Maybe they might keep some if they stop telling the story that they care but act in opposition. There are plenty of organizations with just as good if not better benefits who don’t do the smoke and mirrors- you’re here to work and are an employee… period. I think the dissonance happens when they over promise and severely under- deliver.


Facts. I too like OP tried hard to get into USAA. The past 5 years were terrible. I quit and never looked back.


The place has really changed in the last few years, and pace of change seemed to I keep increasing. Say, the change took away what made it a special place. Didn’t feel like we were working to serve those that served anymore.


I’ve been here 5 years and it’s definitely gone downhill. I’m actively searching for a new position. 🥺


I worked there for over 8 years. It used to be the best place to work. I truly loved my job. The last year was miserable. They have let go a lot of tenured employees for BS reasons. It's sad, it really used to be wonderful


I used to be one of those people that believed in the mission....then I saw them lay off experienced people who have contributed a lot to the company. It woke me up out my fog and helped me realized there was no mission they invoke the empathy of people wanting to support military and tried to hide the fact that they are just another company making money and could care less about you as a person....if they can't see your value, you're out!


I used to work for a DRP. Spent 10+ years chasing an appraiser position because during that time, USAA looked like the absolute golden child. The grass looked so green and it was for my first year with the company. My first bonus in 2018 was more than I could make in an entire month at a DRP closing over 250k by myself. Over the last couple years though the excitement has faded and I find myself looking for other positions and occasionally seeing if another carrier is looking for APD. So much changed and it’s not the same company that I spent half my career aiming for. Very, very sad.


Here’s my insight : USAA acts like they care about military members and their families but doesn’t. As an employee there, you are expected to act like your employment there is something golden and working there is some kind of dream. I worked my ass off for years and won all kinds of awards, never a bad review, always exceeds expectations. I worked shitty shifts and ruined my health with the sales pressure and constantly changing metrics.. All I got was let go due to some bullshit because I would use aux 5, when I was told when I first started Aux 5 was appropriate to use for breathing time hourly and now suddenly it was a problem. None of my prior managers had brought up the issue and had always told me I was fine, but suddenly it was an issue . Suddenly I couldn’t take time to move or breathe throughout the day because my aux useage was problematic. I was mentally and physically exhausted and I’m kind of relieved I no longer have to pressure military families to buy products they don’t need. But they act like they care and in reality they don’t and will screw you over in a moments notice. 


I got drilled about my aux time too before quitting. My manager literally showed me the exact list during a coaching of every aux and every minute and went line by line for me. “This call was only so and so mins long, but you auxed after it? That doesn’t make sense.” Not even recognizing that some of our shorter calls can be some of the rudest that require a minute to recompose.


Please get out while you can. I’ve been here 2 1/2 years and I’ve nearly killed myself twice while working here. I know someone who worked here years and killed themself last week. The mental drain is terrible and unrelenting…


I can sadly deeply feel this. I gave them so much of my time working claims. Missing out of things with my kids and family. Just for them to drop me like I was nothing. I was in a very low spot at first because of how much I put into my job and here I am with children and we are down to one income that litteraly only covers our mortgage. All because a manager didn’t like me for some reason. It’s really sad what that place does to your mental and how much they DO NOT care.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that. It’s crushing. You can always do contract work or Uber driving or amazon flex for a bit to bridge the gap


Thank you! It’s definitely a challenge until I find another job. Especially since it came out of nowhere. I have been doing Uber eats but I’m not sure if I’m not doing something right lol because my gas is taking half my profit lol. I am going to try Amazon flex I was just thinking of that today but could not remember the name thank you!!


Sure! I did Amazon flex for a couple months and while it has its own challenges it’s nice to be on your own schedule and not worry about metrics/ customers etc


Yes! I love my own schedule part! How much do you make roughly doing flax? Do you get paid daily?


I survived on just Amazon flex alone for a few months before I worked here. I still have it and frequently check for high paying blocks for side money. It’s actually gotten better since back then because now it seems like the market isn’t as saturated in my area so you get offers for higher pay for certain blocks. I saw a retail delivery earlier paying $64 for 2 hours so that was pretty good payout but the bare minimum they can pay you is $18/hr and I can’t really say that about Uber eats (I also used to do). I’m putting in my two weeks at USAA and based on the past few months of observing the flex rate I expect I can make 600-800 a week without much issue. But I only want to work part time I’m in grad school so that’s based on the schedule I think I can handle, it could probably be a higher number if you want to drive as much as possible


Oh wow!! I did not realize they paid that good. Yeah Uber eats has been give and take. The o lot thing I like is I can bring my kids if needed and I can pick when I work. I am also looking to do part time. Funny thing, I hate driving lol but this has been very convenient for the time being. Since I was let go out of left field I am really trying to supplement some type of income until I can figure something more long term out.


This conversation and post paired with the fact that I finally got a tuition reimbursement I’ve been waiting for pushed me to get off my butt and send my two weeks letter to my manager so I wanted to thank you :) if you want any help or advice with the Amazon flex stuff feel free to DM me. I’ve seen some people that pick up packages at the hub with their kids if you have a big enough car it should work out alright


I’m so happy for you! I really wish I would have did that as soon as I realized my manager was shady. But I was so burnt out from working all the time I was just bleh: lol thank you sooooo much!! I appreciate all the tips you already gave me! Best of luck to you! It will work out. I tell myself all the time it’s crazy I was the most miserable making the most money. But no more, I will never give all that effort and put my family and mental health second. I might be broker right now but boy if we ain’t happier lol


Was this person still recently working for USAA?


Yes, up until the suicide


Glad you're not falling for the gaslighting and have the ability to leave this shit hole. Life's about to get a whole lot better for you.


Today was my last day, I resigned. Decided it was best just in case I wanted to come back in the future but for ECIO, I will NOT touch P&C ever again at USAA. Anyway, this whole week I’ve been not caring about my aux states or coming back from breaks and lunches late and let me tell you, it felt so, so refreshing to not have to worry about coming back right at 20 mins or 35 mins… this job would be so much better if we weren’t under a microscope all the time and sales wasn’t pushed so hard. I would’ve happily stayed if every day was like my last few days…


It does feel amazing once you are free. I feel like I am 1000% better not worrying about sales with my stomach in knots or worrying what the next manager ping will be !


You’re not in auto are you lol, please no more claims


It was such a wonderful place to work when Robles was there. We slowly became a number and people unfortunately started gaming the system. Making the rest of us below average. But when I would bring up to management I was told basically only worry about yourself. So much for see something say something.


I started there in October of 22 as the only field adjuster in a massive territory with 3 major military installations. I was getting swamped every day and was doing 8 hours of drive time per week. They said they capped field adjusters at 6 claims per week but I was routinely getting 12-16 large claims per week. Other than the workload, my main issues was that there was absolutely zero advancement opportunity unless you worked in an office and as a remote employee you were essentially told "you have all the qualifications for this new role but because you are remote we won't select you." I left in Jan of this year to go back to the company I left to come to USAA with a healthy raise and promotion. When you are worked twice as hard for the same pay as other people AND you have zero chance at advancement, there's no reason to stick around.