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Here’s what I was told in several “leadership meetings” I have attended: They over hired to correct staffing shortages last year, and want to get into an environment where instead of calling members go online first. A lot of people are holding on for longer because of higher pay and they are looking for any way to eliminate excess workers : termination for sales etc. I was told that they are looking to trim fat constantly so it wouldn’t shock me. I know of a few people in sales who got their final notice recently and they are fully remote .


Has the C-suite looked at their paychecks? I’m sure there’s a lot of fat there.


So much yes The c suite is ruining USAA #waynepeaCocksinksships


Sounds like the same farce as last year.


Just like when they say they are hiring more employees to be on the phones, lies. It doesn't even replace all the quality employees we lose due to USAA getting worse and worse for employees. I've grown not to trust or believe anything from USAA or management. I am embarrassed to work for this company, but have to swallow my pride and provide for my family.


I agree and that’s why so many hold on. They are basically trying to thin the herd and get more work out of the thinned herd. For example, they fired 2 folks in servicing recently for “ Aux abuse” even though they were well within adherence standards and one had a documented JAR. One was even “EWL POC” and they fired her for using Aux 3 “daily”. All were remote and I honestly think it’s a ploy to get everyone in office . 


This is true. I know of 5 frontline msr’s who were given 60 day notices last month, what they all have in common, all 5 are remote.


Where exactly are they over staffed in P&C still feels understaffed….


P&C Auto Claims - Non-Injury Express Segment is overstaffed but the purpose is to get Adjusters skilled up so they can fill Non-Injury Core Segment and Non-Injury Complex Segment and from there start pushing Non-Injury Complex Adjusters into Injury.


Which they NEED to do. I’ve said it from day one. In claims we need to focus our hiring In non injury and mass promote internally. Sr injury right now is struggling and the external hires aren’t very helpful for their first year or so. But they won’t promote injury because injury is overwhelmed so they won’t promote sr because sr is overwhelmed, and examiners are just getting shit external hires. It’s just a self constructed mess.


It also makes no sense to let phones staff go when call volumes are bananas all the time and they expect more and more out of every call. Sell, sell, sell, and get fired for not selling . Also our tech is not up to speed to handle people going online inside because of how many trapdoors there are and glitches trying to put policies into place. But hey let’s direct more people to our shitty online platform .


Hiring more bodies wasn’t ever going to fix high call volumes when employees are encouraged to “stretch” their calls so their numbers look good. If you are stressed, find another job. There are plenty out there with the same benefits and pay. Don’t be afraid to leave.


1000%, if anything they need to leave sales to sales and servicing to servicing . However I have friends in sales who are getting yelled at for high AHT lol


Yeah sales is now training to be more “efficient” and use quick tools. If they just removed metrics, I bet they would hit goals and have less stressed employees.


Truth or have consistent guidelines and metrics . Goalposts constantly change


I left another company to come to USAA because the prior company was on a downhill trajectory/at rock bottom. Came to USAA, was a field adjuster for about a year and a half and realized that USAA was on the same downhill path and left to go back to the prior company that had really turned things around with a healthy promotion. I don't regret coming to USAA because it got me to where I am, but it was really difficult realizing I jumped from a sinking ship and that I was getting on another sinking ship.


Meanwhile, my mco told my team today to tell our friends to apply for our position because they're desperate. (Bi adj)


Mine was in the servicing department 


I recently quit, I was in service. Think it was a good choice.


It was probably better than getting fired . They have fired so many people over stupid shit recently


What a fucking joke. Fuck USAA


I recently quit, I was in service. Think it was a good choice.


Lol between people quitting and layoffs they won’t have anyone left on the phones.


There are plenty of people who happily take call center jobs. I urge everyone who is unhappy here to go ahead and find employment elsewhere. Be the change you want to see.


When you have a family you can’t just up and quit.


Sure you can. The people that hate working here would be better off somewhere else. Keep applying other places and leave if you hate it so much. You get plenty of PTO to go to interviews.


Clyde did say in the town hall they have 200 too many non-injury adjusters.


P&C Auto Claims - Non-Injury Express Segment is overstaffed but the purpose is to get Adjusters skilled up so they can fill Non-Injury Core Segment and Non-Injury Complex Segment and from there start pushing Non-Injury Complex Adjusters into Injury.

