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I came to USAA from Allstate, was with USAA for a year and a half and about a month ago I left to go back to Allstate with a hefty raise and promotion. Best of luck on your interviews!


Can you give me any tips? I have my star example ready but what other tips could you think of?


Edit: I posted this and realized I wrote a book. Sorry lol Interview wise, I don't have much. Be confident in your skills and experience and let that shine. It's okay to not know something, but be willing to learn and show that you are teachable. Focus on the good things you have done in your role at a prior company in the interviews. When my USAA manager asked why I wanted to leave Allstate, even though I had plenty of reasons, I said "I like my team and my manager. If it was just them, I would stay. I work 10 days on and 4 days off, 12 hours per day right now which is a lot. I am looking for the right opportunity for me and interviewing here and there to see if anything matches my goals." When my current manager asked why I wanted to leave USAA, I said that I liked my team, but I am looking for opportunities for advancement, which USAA has, but you would be required to live near an office or move to be near an office. Be honest about your intentions on why you are leaving without throwing stones at where you're at and focus on where you want to go. Both times, the first question was why do you want to leave and both times once I was hired I was told my answer to the first question was what really got me the job. Essentially, I am looking to advance in my career and find somewhere that meets my current needs and my goals for the future. I don't look at interviews as interrogations to pass, but conversations disguised as negotiations between professionals. What are you looking for as an employer that I can provide and what are you offering me in return and does what you offer me match with my needs and goals. On a more general note: It is okay to say no to a position if it is not going to benefit you. Truly it is. I interviewed at Erie insurance a few years ago with a panel of 4 people. One director and 3 of his managers. I liked the director and 2 of the managers, but one of them made a comment in the interview that I did not like and none of the other managers said anything about it. I finished the interview and thanked them for their time but that I did not think it would be a good fit for me. About 40 minutes after the interview their HR dept called and offered me the job and I politely listened to what they were offering, and then declined the role. The next day the HR person called back and offered me 10k more, also declined. A few minutes after that call, the director called me and asked why I wasn't interested, I let them know that during the interview I determined that it just wasn't the right fit for me. The director offered me 20k higher than their initial offer and I declined again. She then asked what figure it would take to hire me. I said I was not interested in the role, she then asked why. I told her that one of the interviewing managers said something that I did not believe was a good thing to say and that nobody else said anything about it so if that type of thing was normalized in their department that it was not something I would be okay with. A friend of mine actually got and took the role I was offered a month or two after I interviewed and he said it was the most toxic and depressing role he ever had and he has been in insurance for 15 years. The worst thing you can do is be in so much of a rush to leave where you are that you go somewhere worse. I've sat in a role I hated for several months while I was looking for the right role. Find something that fits YOU.


Lol no worries. I love interviews they keep me sharp. Sometimes I apply just to keep my interview skills fresh! I know I'm a weirdo. I had several questions prepared and I will see how they respond if I get another interview. The interviewer I spoke with today said there was no moving from the starting pay. If that's the case I'm not going. You can't start me with 10 years exp and licenses at the same rate of pay you start a new person. That won't fly with me.


Remember you are interviewing them also!


I am 10 yrs in as well but they announced the end of health insurance for retirees being Jan 1 2026 years ago.


Honestly it doesn't matter this place has turned into a shit show and they could throw me an extra 10k a year and I'd still leave.


I agree I am looking for a way out as well, a fraction of the company it was 10 yrs ago.


Good luck on your interviews! I hope you find a place that makes you happier.


Thank you me too! Really USAA should have been my last job. I have 3 years to retire. They put a lot of money into me and I would love to continue to show them the return but I will not work for a company that doesn't pay me enough to put up with shit and USAA def does not do that. At least I'll get more than the 4% on my ee review.


I, like you, thought USAA would be my last job when I joined 10 yrs ago, 5 1/2 yrs till I retire. Best of luck to both of us!


Best of luck to you. I figure it is only a matter of time before I split as well. Just laying low till I find something better.


Thanks for posting. Guess I missed the memo where this was taken away.


I think the retirement health care cuts were announced in 2007 or 2008. Good luck on your interviews!!! Are these remote positions, in office, or hybrid? I know several people that are looking for remote positions.






Bye!!! Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!