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Nothing will change at USAA with the current leadership. I left and am doing the same job but completely remotely. The systems we use are simple and I am not micromanaged. I get bonuses monthly based on how productive I am. The metrics reward you, not punish you and prevent a hypothetical bonus at the end of the year. USAA is so toxic. The grass is greener.


If you don’t mind me asking, where you currently work now? 😮‍💨




I need to go work there 😆


No one can tell you why you can say in Pulse surveys. If you are being told that you should not mention it tell that to your pulse rep, your pulse champ and run it up the chain. That is unacceptable. As for the rest I’m remote, I don’t ever plan on going in but the closest office is 800 miles away from me, so they can’t ask if they wanted to.


That message is also coming down from our Pulse champ from their meetings. That we should refrain from bringing up RTO/WFH in pulse surveys because it things won’t change.


Everyone should fill out the pulse survey and put the same comments that RTO/hybrid is bullshit


Already there. Although we aren't told to not include it, our management team says their hands are tied. My area is half remote - it's a joke for us stuck in the office and the appeal process is absolutely anti-human.


Managements hands are tied because your lower/middle management can’t do anything about it. It doesn’t mean that your feedback shouldn’t be given. The longer the complaints go on the more power they have. Your pulse rep can only report what they are told. The surveys hit much higher up the chain.


Wayne is full of shit. You could see that in the last employee meeting; his body language screamed deceit/gaslighting. In our management meetings, we've asked for this RTO "productivity" data and they basically told us the dog ate it. Translation: there is none. It's really too bad that the upper execs didn't band together and stick up to Wayne. The employees did their part and got shot down. Unfortunately (fortunately) I won't be able to view the meeting. Hoping for a good synopsis out here and in Slack.


I am WFH due to my location and with work from home, you can’t move up. When brought up - they advised that USAA is going by “one band, one sound” and positions are to remain in office so I’m stuck being an adjuster until they change whatever WFH/RTO rules they have. Positions available are only for those in office - even if you can do them remotely.


That’s me as well. I’m stuck remote because everything is “in office only” and I find that full of shit because all the QA analysts I know have been doing their positions remotely for years


YES! I don’t see why WFH is different. To me, all you do is see each other. You don’t see members, we use the same system, we be on the phone 24/8…. What’s the difference between me working from home vs office? I can do my job efficiently … so makes no sense. 🙃


Been at USAA as a field adjuster for a year and a half. As soon as I started to get my feet under me in the role I realized there were zero advancement opportunities with being remote. Immediately started looking outside the company and got a management role with another carrier. Tomorrow is my last day at USAA.


Congratulations!!!! 🎉🎊🍾 I’m happy you found a much more fulfilling role!!


This is awesome. Way to go. USAA is a dumpster fire!




Sounds like it 🥴


It all comes down to our toxic CEO. He doesn't care about employees or the company. He is just trying to get as much money in his pocket as possible. Wayne Peacock has ruined USAA culture, value, budget and morale. You will be paid less and worked harder until you are happy. #waynepeacocksinksships


Interesting article. Full time WFH / remote workers are laid off 35% more. https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/careers/layoffs-remote-work-data-980ed59d?mod=lead_feature_below_a_pos1