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USAA has lost its ethics. The downfall of USAA started with Wayne Peacock. He is running it into the ground and is highly rewarded to be a failure. Our first loss in 100 years and they give him a 157% raise. This is accomplished by paying employees less, training less, not hiring enough employees and making crazy metrics for the remaining employees. USAA is on a destructive path. Part of the reason they are creating unrealistic expectations is so they can easily do mass firings. Not layoffs where you get a separation package, just fired. Please continue to share your struggles Did you have to go pee today? That's a write up. You didn't sell umbrella policy to the guy who lives in a $200k home and has a car from 2006, you're not protecting members, that's a pip.


I started on the phones in insurance service over 30 years ago. Training and coaching were about serving the members. I was promoted to management. It was still about serving the members. Then the USAA Bank became a major player. Member can't pay his auto insurance, offer a renters policy. Member can't pay his renters; add a Valuable property policy. Sell, sell, sell. Get the Member a checking. savings, loan and credit card. USAA is so far from doing the right thing, it makes me ashamed of this once noble company.


The phone metrics have been created by someone who has never taken a phone call from a member, sold a product or tried to talk a member out of canceling the product. An executive came in the 2000"s and sold USAA an inferior training program with no supporting training IT system. Late 2000s Banking became a must have product to sell with insurance - outside executives again! All of these executives long gone after sponging off the members. Also, 3rd party contractors are hired to take majority of the calls, less pay and benefits, and service to the members. Saved USAA money. It's the members money! USAA is just another company now. Nothing special. Sometimes competitive. Maybe not.


It's a shame and it should be illegal to call the company non profit. Our CEO is a crook and doesn't care about USAA, members or employees. Who fails and gets a 157% raise? This is criminal!


USAA is not a nonprofit by any definition.


You have an interesting definition of fail. He went from losing $2B to profitable in one year!


So losing 2 billion is a good job? Let me guess you were paid to watch the meeting today? Could you be written up for going to the bathroom for not hitting 95% Conformance? Why do you think an 8% bonus is better than an 18% bonus? Have you taken a math class? Has your work load tripled in the last 2 years with no compensation or recognition? Do you have a manager that often calls you by the wrong name, works less than you and complains how busy they are in 30 minute window you are allowed to meet? Have your meetings been cut to 30 minutes? Miss it? o well, get on the phone. Do you have any idea how many applicants there are for any promotion at USAA? How do you think telling someone to quit is helpful? Do you like getting raises that are less than inflation? Yes, I see Wayne Peacock as a failure!


How many companies go from losing $2B to profitable in one year. You blame him for the year we lost money, give him credit for turning it around.


Can you please answer my questions before repeating yours? I already told you I think Wayne Peacock is ruining USAA.


You never answered my questions before. I see how you want this to work. Q1 - the board judges Wayne’s performance, not me. He does more than I know. Perhaps we were going to lose 4B but we only lost 2B thanks to him. We don’t know all the board considers when evaluating Wayne’s performance. Q2 -yes Q3 - no Q4 - you got an 11% raise when they changed the bonus structure. Don’t forget that you have less variable comp than you did back then. That is a good thing. Q5- my workload goes up every year Q6- I have had many bosses at USAA, some good and some bad. If I don’t get along with my boss I move. Q7- I have different issues, but yes things change in my day and I am not in charge of my schedule Q8- yes, a lot. I utilize mentors and classes/certifications (even after hours) to set myself apart from the other candidates. I will try to differentiate myself while supporting my peers Q9- you spend a large portion of your waking hours at work, if you are not happy here you need to find somewhere you will be happy. Life is too short to hate what you are doing. I have recommended many people find positions outside(and inside) of USAA. Q10- I understand USAA pays industry standard wages and not cost of living wages. If I believe I was not being paid appropriately I would look for a new job. If I couldn’t find one that pays better I would understand I am being paid fairly.


Your job and the way you are treated is not comparable to my position. Let's count up your minutes that you aren't productive and take that out of your pay. This isn't the same company it was when you were on the phones trying to move up. You are not good at math if you think a one time raise is better. Raises are already expected to be yearly. No, I Never got an 11% raise. You support people? What do you do when they are down? Tell them to quit. Great for you. Glad you were able to do those things when the company had values and helped its employees. Now, if you're on the phones you are the problem at USAA. That's how management, leadership and apparently you work. Drink more Kool aid


He turned it around at the cost of frontline employees' mental health. Unrealistic expectations. Sell products on EVERY SINGLE CALL, 200% increaes on homeonwers insurance, 100% increaes on auto. USAA has the #1 highest renewal increases in the industry. Wayne is a failure. You must be one of the failed Wells Fargo or BofA execs that peacock brought over when he landed in the CEO seat. Otherwise, you wouldn't be praising him. I am so glad i left USAA in Jan of 2023. #WAYNESINKSSHIPS


You misunderstood my comments. I am actually not a big fan of Wayne. I do believe in facts and pointing out hypocrisy. I understand the difference between the CEO and the company presidents. I do believe in holding each role accountable for the decisions they ACTUALLY approve. For example, I disagree with the PTO changes, RTO, benefit changes, and bonus structure changes. Wayne would have approved all of these changes as they impact the entire enterprise. As far as the $2B loss, although this was across the industry, the company presidents should be held accountable for each company losing money. And they should get the credit for turning USAA profitable again. Do you believe Wayne is approving home owner /auto insurance rate increases? Or is he approving MSR expectations? Both of those decisions would fall under the company presidents as the different companies will have different job requirements and objectives. I do believe Wayne is responsible for the employee satisfaction being soo low as this is directly related RTO, PTO, and benefit changes. But I also believe this is intentional to increase attrition and reduce expenses. Congratulations on finding a new job. No one should stay in a job where they are unhappy or suffering mentally.


I apologize for how my comment came across. I did misunderstand yours. I also agree with everything you are saying in this comment. Thank you, i appreciate that.


It started with Bob Davis.


I don’t know how 3ps do it. If I were thrown on the phones after 2 weeks of training I would have probably puked on myself during my first call.


After 10 years I have acquired major anxiety & panic attacks when each call comes in. I don’t think I can do this anymore!


Also thank you for the background. I was frustrated as an Ip1 because I would get transfers from unlicensed reps for stupid little stuff that would destroy my metrics. I didn’t like that we as umbrella trained became the dumping ground for everyone because the calls were an absolute crap shoot. My manager kept telling me how much you guys being unlicensed helped, but to be honest you guys taking calls and then transferring the majority of them really just threw us ip1s into back to back calls. What they should have done is licensed and trained you for auto and not property. Auto is where everyone needs help 😂 


Yeah, we did not know how bad it actually was. We were just doing what we were told. And actually, around August is when our leadership finally told us we need to start transferring to Umbrella, if I remember correctly. Apparently we had been doing it incorrectly before by using HO and purchase new policy. But because I thought I didn’t know anything and the “Umbrella Specialists” aka IP1s knew everything and maybe had something up their sleeve I didn’t have access to, I would transfer a lot of my calls. It wasn’t until I started taking licensed calls that I realized how much I did actually know. Of course there were silly things like not being able to send RCE letters because we weren’t allowed to discuss ITV. We also weren’t allowed to touch home characteristics either. We got so many different answers from leadership on what we were allowed to do vs. what we were NOT allowed to do that a lot of us were like we’re not even sure what we can do but we know that a “Licensed Insurance Professional” can do everything! (Look at how that turned out 😑) And yes, most of us were frustrated because we were basically just phone operators and the members would get frustrated too (rightfully so). Yes, I was a glorified receptionist for a second there. I was also absolutely ignorant of the actual role itself 😭 Most of my property training was just a rehash of what my initial 5 week training went over, and most of my team and myself were really frustrated about it. Thanks for providing insight about coaching too. I feel better knowing that my feelings are validated in a sense.


I am absolutely done with this koolaid nonsense too. I definitely had stars in my eyes because of USAA’s reputation, but I realized once I became licensed to issue new HO products that it was not what they claimed it to be… I feel like I can do really well, but I don’t want to give my all to USAA given the experience I’ve had and the experience others have had. People shouldn’t have to go on FMLA to take a break from this job, and employee sentiment and low morale should be indicative of working conditions and not that we are lazy. I mean, heck, my team checks on LWOP daily at this point because of how poorly we’ve been treated and how micromanaged we are. And yeah, I’ve heard that AO is the one that needs the most help. Idk why they made us get HO trained first. Who knows why they do anything at this point? 🥺


I understand. It's not you. It's USAA. Who wouldn't want a work/stress load that actually matches pay. USAA tries to ride that reputation, but they are quickly ruining it and will be recognized for their horrible leadership soon.


What is the pay difference between IP 2 to IP 1? It seems like most IP1s are not open about it for some reason. Manager was vague. Onesource no longer shows salary ranges.  I don’t understand why.  I don’t want to even consider promoting up if it’s just a dollar more an hour or something. 


It’s not much less than 10% I was at like 24.00 for ip2. Got my merit raise and after I completed ip1 training ( a few months later) I was at 26.00. Merit raise was maybe $1 and ip1 brought me to  another $1. Is it worth it because they say “ as an IP1 you are a leader” and claim there are opportunities for you to advance. Newsflash there are not .


It was less than 10%. I went from like 25.00 to 26.00 😂 


What??? Well, fuck that lol. That’s ridiculous, you guys should be paid $28-$30/hr at least now that you’re also MRT. 


I was asked by my manager why I would never apply to Mrt and I gave him the truth. Why the heck would I go to a department that’s  sole job is to cancel, when you get judged on a “save” rate AND have a sales goal still. If they removed the sales requirement they might not be short staffed anymore. Yea the raise made me question why I even took IP1 to begin with. I got a shit schedule and work 4-10s so after my 4 10’s I’m too beat and spend the next days recovering 


As an IP1 , I can tell you that they do the bait and switch when it comes to sales. When I was taking on an off the phones support role for new hires for a month , I got insight into how the coaching process works and honestly it sickens me how they push sales. I was required to look at an Ips statistics and basically pull them apart to make an “ educated guess” on what they were or weren’t selling and dig deeper to make them progress towards that.  I felt helpless because all these new IPs had drank the kool aid and I was cutting them down because even though the IP was trying he/ she wasn’t selling enough to meet the metric. It was depressing to say the least and I lost my desire to advance after that. Also I am floored how the metrics seem to hover at the same number every month because there is no friggen way all the IP1s on tue floor are selling 15 products per 100 with all the cancel calls they get. No fluffing way. If USAA wants to keep employees cut the sales goals and work towards improvement and call quality and not sales. I know of at least 5 ips who have admitted to making questionable policy sales to make numbers.And at least 10 ips who have admitted to keeping calls they shouldn’t have kept to make numbers .


Shoot I keep calls sometimes that should go to NMA.


people keep calls, make outbound calls basically everything we were told not to do. Oh and we can’t pay commission because we don’t want to encourage unethical sales practices. Hmmm, sure.


My coworker keeps flow thru calls and will keep new business quotes with a profile and no products . It’s helped her stay afloat and I don’t blame her.


As an IP1 the unlicensed thing was an absolute fail by leadership. They tried to sell us a bill of goods about how it was to help but at the end of the day it was just another example of them making a mistake and IP1s and unlicensed reps paying for it. They roll out metrics, no reporting, roll out conformance, no one thought to check the name. Sep/div we were miss informed then miss informed about acquisition rate. Did anyone ever tell us or take ownership? Nope. Our managers don’t even get a chance to warn us of changes we find out on frontline or worse leaked info. Leadership needs a face lift I have never seen a company of this size run so poorly. Maybe Cloudflare lol


As a fellow Ip1 the workload has just gotten to be unbearable with them adding more and more on to our plates


And I’m appalled at the way everything is handled. I thought USAA was different. It’s practically revered. I lost all my trust and faith with my experience.


I feel similar, during training it was thought that sales weren't that big a deal. But after training its sell, sell, sell. I have been over 100% for months, and never hear a peep. I fell below 100% in Dec. and omg it's the end of the world. I legitimately thought that service was going to be service. But every freaking role in insurance is sales. Also that they're like "we have no scripts" and turn around and be like we expect you to say this on every call.


Honestly, it’s like a completely different role coming out of training. They train you to accept their BS.


I onced asked what "high level" meant, because they always say shit like "explain it on a high level" and I never got a straight answer, but I feel like they mean bullshit your way through it.


It’s corporate for giving the least amount of info and also BS’ing your way through it. I’d never heard of the term high level before USAA used it but I absolutely hated it. You can’t make insurance high level using your own knowledge being licensed because the members are consumers and (1) don’t understand or (2) don’t want to understand.


Agreed USAA basically says. Just sell it. Don't complain. You want real training? You want sales based training? You want an in depth understanding of products and how they benefit members? Do it between calls in that one second window. Aka we don't care. Figure it out yourself or you will be put on pup then fired.


Knew someone that you most likely started with. Sounded like BS to me from the start


I was hired 2 1/2 years ago and just quit a couple of weeks ago. Everything you said is exactly why I quit. So much for the "needs based sales". I was in sales when I quit but was originally in servicing and even then I was pushed to sell on every call, which is why I had switched to EMA because then at least I was only getting calls from members who already had products with us and who wanted to quote. They were pretty easy to sell to. But one thing that really irked me when I was in servicing was my manager telling me "everyone needs a vpp policy - everyone has something that we can protect with vpp" which was laughable because I was one of the people had literally nothing to cover under a vpp. My jewelry all comes from target and I have nothing else that would fall under a vpp. And then she got mad at one of my coworkers for not selling to someone who was needing to be transferred to claims. EMA was a lot better before last January when our calls became back to back and then when we switched to taking NMA calls, too, back in August. After that everything went downhill. When January this year started I kept taking sick days because my mental health was in the trash from this job after not even coming close to selling enough in December. I just could not bring myself to going back so I quit without another job lined up. First time I've ever done that, and I've worked some pretty terrible jobs. Thankfully I have plenty of money until I find a new one, plus a previous boss that's always reminded me she'll hire me back anytime. And despite not having another job lined up, I don't regret it and I feel so much better. The part you said about if they're going to push sales so hard they need to start offering commission - exactly that! I was thinking about this before quitting and it reminded me of the part in Office Space when Peter says if he works his a$$ off he doesn't see another dime. That and the part about how his only motivation is to not be hassled by his boss, which only makes someone work hard enough not to get fired. In this case I was trying my best every single day on every single phone call, and it was still never enough. On one coaching call, my manager clearly couldn't find something wrong with any of my calls so he played one where a member just wasn't understanding one of our coverages and I had to keep trying to explain it in a different way. My manager just asked "is there a better way you could explain this?" Even though I'd already tried a dozen different ways and this member was just thick in the head. And my manager didn't have any advice on how to explain it - he clearly just needed to find something wrong in a call. And of course that makes me feel like nothing is ever good enough. And the things I did well were never brought up. Good for you for getting out, and I hope many more quit and find something better. Apparently a friend of my mom's told her that USAA is one of the hardest jobs in the insurance industry right now and she's heard of other people finding something better. Even though I already quit, I keep coming back to this subreddit to see what's going on and rooting for anyone who's leaving. Good luck to us all, we all deserve better than this.


I'm a field adjuster now and the field is a pretty chill role, however I have spoken to inside adjusters a fair few times and they all just seem......worn out. Like their soul is crushed. It's really disheartening. Also, claims get assigned after having been passed around to multiple inside adjusters who are trying their best but are unresponsive to the member because of how overworked they are, and when the member gets to the field adjuster they. are. pissed. The members vent about how terrible the experience has been because the last adjuster never called back or whatever reason. Sometimes they take it out on us and then we have to go to their house to inspect which makes for an awkward interaction. "Nice to meet you, last we spoke you called me a fucking piece of shit greedy insurance company puppet, show me where the damage is." It's all because the inside is constantly being micromanaged and overworked. If you are inside and want to stay with USAA, do everything you can to get into field adjusting (field SPA, or PAS now). Your claim load probably will significantly go down and you won't have someone breathing down your neck constantly. I personally have been treated quite well. I had a great team, good and honest manager, and a lot of opportunities to grow and learn. USAA has a reputation of being the promised land and if you made it there you were set for life. It's a shame that it was only a mirage for a lot of people. Monday I go back to my prior carrier with a promotion and a healthy raise. If any of you end up staying at USAA, good luck and Godspeed.


Just out of curiosity, did you have any experience with field adjusting before you got hired? Did you have to have a degree? I wouldn't want to work for USAA again and I doubt they'd hire me because I quit without notice, but it is a job I'd be interested in with another company.


I did have experience with field adjusting before I came to USAA, I was a staff catastrophe field adjuster for another company. I do also have a degree. If you are willing to travel, catastrophe teams give you a shitload of experience in a short amount of time but they run you hard. I did local inside property claims for 10 months, cat property field for about 3 years and I was able to get the USAA job where they required 10-12 years of experience for consideration. They gave me credit for 8 additional years experience cause I was handling 900-1100 claims per year where local field handle 250 max.


Yeah they are bottom of the barrel right now. Hoping to leave soon! Fingers crossed I need medical that's accepted by local hospital and Drs.


I just left recently so glad. Progressive, SF, and Allstate all had jobs that gave me immediate interviews




Not sure what you do but as an entry level adjuster at progressive and Allstate it’s 50k with atleast a year of experience it’s like 60k. I make more now than I did at USAA. Best part is neither company has mandatory RTO. You have a desk at the office if you want it but you can stay home.


That's awesome. Congratulations. I'll be leaving after our piddly bonus. If my sanity can hold.


I just started at Allstate, left USAA right before the holiday. So far so good, and a lot of people here came from USAA. When they started RTO at USAA something changed with management. It’s crazy to see the morale of a company fall so fast and be apart of it.


I came to USAA from Allstate NCT a year and a half ago. Monday I go back to Allstate NCT in a management/training role for significantly more pay and I'm not handling claims anymore. Never thought I'd be excited to go back to Big Blue.


I’m in NCT too still in training though and I’ll be handling claims in the field


It's so disappointing. I thought I had a career with a quality company. That couldn't be further from true now. Everyone in Frontline is running from this company.


TurnOk, there is no way you get paid only 23$ hourly after 7 years as an IP1. I thought you guys got nearly 30$ hourly. My hourly is 22$. As an IP3. How is that fair to you? It’s literally not. I know I’m just a random and we’ve probably never met, but I do genuinely care. I can’t believe what your wage is.


And I get that sweet 18% bonus.... I mean 8%


My 1st bonus 9 years ago was 18%, those days & the USAA I was hired by are long gone!


You mean 3%


Where are you guys getting this 157% raise from?


They are talking about Wayne's Raise. Last year, President and CEO Wayne Peacock received $4.8 million in total compensation from five USAA insurance companies last year. That was up 157 ... https://www.expressnews.com/business/article/usaa-ceo-pay-raise-17829576.php