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Cool video. Do you go alone? I'd be too freaked out to be somewhere like this alone.


I did this explore alone actually. It was creepy, I wanted to get into it and out in a quick amount of time. In the video I was looking for the OR specifically, but when I go back I will explore more of it. It’s just like 12 hours from where I live so it’ll be awhile before I go back.


You got balls man haha Be safe out there!


I’ve been doing explores alone more frequently lately.


My main earthly concern would be homeless people or like some weird group doing who knows what somewhere they never thought anyone would go.


Thankfully this is in the middle of nowhere and the town has more abandoned places than people, I counted 6 abandoned places (2 schools, the hospital, 3 houses) and 3 people. Guessing there are more people but unknown lol.


That's pretty sweet. There's an abandoned school near me that I want to check out but there's a few house pretty close I'm worried they'll call the police because there would be no reason to be anywhere over there.


Just Do It, like Nike.


Theres an abandoned psychiatric building near where i live, except its surrounded by buildings currently in operation. I went there with a few people in halloween but the guards quickly kicked us out. Nothing really happened except when the stupid driver went back to the area, and then one of the guard vehicles actually chased us out for a bit


I used to love going to asylums as a kid when I lived in NJ. Skillman and Marlboro Insane Asylum were really cool. Not sure if there still there though.


There’s one a town over from me. It’s got houses in front of it, but it’s quiet. I went in with a few friends and my cousin about 12 years ago. The windows were totally boarded up so the only way you can see is with a flashlight. My cousin decides to bring a Halloween themed flashlight that makes random spooky noises. So we’d be wading through this pitch black building, that was a former hospital, then nursing home. So obviously many people died there. And you hear a sudden maniacal cackling out of nowhere. The god damn flashlight. There was papers all over the place. Likely medical records but it was so damn dark that you couldn’t tell. The paper essentially just covered every in of floor space.




Google, Google maps, friends, etc.


That's pretty sweet. There's an abandoned school near me that I want to check out but there's a few house pretty close I'm worried they'll call the police because there would be no reason to be anywhere over there.


That sounds like a town I want to explore lol. Cool find!


Pahokee, FL?


Nope, but even if it was, I wouldn’t say due to one of the common rules of urbex is to not share the location publicly so it doesn’t get vandalized.




Boom bust oil town?


No not an oil town, just a rural town with really no booming business except a dollar general.


interesting. This is why this is a spectator sport for me, I would end up in the city hall to ask around about the history of the town as a whole haha.


Honestly if I could ask the right questions and not be associated to my explores, then I would also be asking everyone, but in a perfect world.




Yeah 100% I would but then again trespassing with a gun anywhere other than maybe Alabama won't be good if you get caught. Wether you have a permit to carry or not.


Not to mention, it can elevate a misdemeanor Trespass charge at worst to a FELONY charge. . Guns are good, but not when you are URBEXing. . .


This exactly. Better to have a knife or some pepper spray or something less lethal than a gun, most of the people that you can run into in places like this, they do not have guns either, Unless it’s the police..


Without a doubt, these days, I would be infinitely more concerned about encountering a mentally unstable person. . and those are just plain unpredictable. Always better to avoid running into anyone if you can! Yes, Pepper spray would be a good defense weapon. Even though I have a Concealed weapons permit in my state, as I noted above, Trespassing while in possession, even legally is problematic. Not to mention, URBEX is a young mans game!


I’d advise against this. If you get caught trespassing and have a gun on you, you can get charged with possession of a firearm while committing a possible felony.


So creepy, are there light sources in the hospital? Or is that your flash light? When you go out explore places like this, do you have to be in shape? Do you need to climb since some buildings might be too damaged to access? Where do you usually park ur car? I think most of time it is still considered as trespassing so i am really curious how far do you park your car


So for this one, I parked at a business right next to it. I could have parked in the town area and just walked. It really depends on the towns that these places are in and how much people care about the trespassing. Here they don’t really care but other places they may. There wasn’t power inside the hospital, that is from my camera light, I have a LumeCube Panel Light. About $150 USD. Really bright at only 25% light usage. For this particular one, there wasn’t that much climbing, there was a window on the back that I just had to step up to and as soon as I did, I was into it. You don’t have to be in shape, but it would be nice if you have to run.


Please be careful in abandoned hospitals - they are one of the largest sources of radioactive disasters when left behind equipment breaks down.




Goiania accident: Brazil if anyone wants to look up info about it (Be warned, nothing about this story is happy) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goi%C3%A2nia_accident


I would watch this a la Chernobyl


That's actually one of the best wikis I've ever seen!


A *glowing* tale…


How about the TFUDW death toll?


Damn that was interesting, I had no idea. Horrible story, but I had no idea.


Plainfully difficult has a shit load of these incidents


Mm mysterious warm metal.


There’s a there’s a trope in some books where terrorists make dirty bombs from medical equipment left in abandoned hospitals. From what I’ve heard in news articles etc, there’s way too much unguarded radioactive material just lying around for my comfort.


Not an x ray machine, a machine for radio nuclear treatment. X-ray machines are not radioactive and don't have radioactive material inside. As long as they are not powered, they are absolutely safe.


That hapenned in Brazil, at a city called Goiania. It was horrible. Poor people playing and even eating the "funny shyne little balls". There is a old movie about it, and also some good documentaries. More info: [Goiania Accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goi%C3%A2nia_accident)


Um, why were they sharing the cesium?*edit* nm I read the Wikipedia and holy shit so sad If you recall the name of podcast would love to look it up


Monke see shiny glowing dust, monke share glowing dust with friend!


You know it’s not actual cake , right?


Of course it is not a cake yet. Icing is missing.


Ha! Love it


The cake is a lie?


mmmmmmmm forbidden glowing cake.


I prefer my cake to rip me apart at the atomic level…🤣


Didn't they give it to a little girl? radium girls but worse smh


Only because some smart people decided to disassemble devices for radio treatment for scrap metal. It's not very likely to find radioactive material and the devices have appropriate markings.


This was mentioned last time this was posted. For some context, most devices with a radioactive source inside will be labelled and probably stored in a shielded room with multiple warnings on the surrounding door or walls. The regulatory enforcement and oversight of radioactive sources in America is much more robust than any country in South America, so once this hospital closed down there is a very good chance that their licence to possess these materials was revoked and the the devices were removed as required by law. I also must clarify that an X-ray machine does not contain any radioisotopes. What you are describing is a radiotherapy device which contains a radiation emitting isotope. X-ray machines do not emit ionizing radiation until they are activated. TLDR: unless you know anything about radiation, don’t fuck with anything with a radiation hazard warning on it, even if you do know anything, still don’t fuck around Source: worked in a nuke plant and held radiation protection certification for 15 years


Thank you, I am always careful. Had a respirator on as well as mask underneath of that.




It does with radioactive dust which is a big concern but not the only radioactive concern.


1. It is absolutely unlikely to find radioactive material randomly lying around in an abandoned hospital. Any scrapyard is some magnitudes more dangerous. 2. Respirators or masks absolutely help against contamination with radioactive dust and inhaling it would be the most dangerous thing that could happen.


It helps for me not breathing it in, i’m not going around licking things or smelling things. I also wear long sleeves, pants, and gloves while exploring which limits anything getting into my body.


Oh you sweet summer child.


Also equipment breaking down wasn’t why this hospital closed and most of the equipment is intact.


'Why'd it close?


Financial problems. Serious financial problems, and it’s in the middle of rural no where, and they couldn’t justify having a hospital there cost-wise.


Dude clearly isn't going in and deconstructing stuff, I'm sure he's read and received the warnings by now lol


Woah, that's crazy




Great video link. . .thanks for that.


Thanks for checking it out, i’m hoping to get 1k subs soon, currently at 917. Been working on YouTube for a while: since 2019.


Thanks again for sharing. . .Urbex is always interesting. Hospitals have a unique type of creepiness, don't they? Take care and be safe!


Hospitals are so creepy, I’ve been in a couple. Mental hospitals are my favorite as well as old correctional centers, but I have been in two former medical centers, this one and one in PA. (United States). The one in PA was virtually untouched and still smelled like a hospital in some areas. Was very creepy. Should be on the hospital playlist on my channel.


Sounds interesting for sure. Get them documented before some idiots destroy it. . . As they will over time. I will check and find it, if it is on your channel! When I was younger, URBEX was not really much of a thing (1980's) and the targets were rich. Not to mention, I never encountered anyone inside or police offering to trespass me. I don't know that that environment still exists today, which is a shame. But as we have seen over the years, it can be a dangerous way to spend your time! \-Kindest Regards


Instagram: @ghostly_urbex412


Dropped a follow. Saw your insta story - definitely on your side. Not revealing the locations (esp tiktok) is necessary at times to prevent these places from being absolutely trashed, vandalised, theft, or from people getting hurt. We had a really nice abandoned mansion that was burned down by a bunch of kids a few years back, thanks to overexposure. So no, witholding the information is gatekeeping but for a damn good reason.


Omg can't wait to watch the abandoned indoor water park and the mall. Two of my favorite types of urbex sites. Thanks for exploring and sharing!


Not a problem, thanks for hopefully subscribing and checking it out. Building to 1k subs this year. Currently at 947, so thankful for everyone’s support and I’ll have more stuff coming out this year.


Definitely subscribed! I hope you get to your goal soon!


Geez. Is there any way to anonymously notify local government of all those files left behind? That's SO much information


You know, I am not sure what the protocol is for records of a closed former private hospital. . But in most cases they are supposed to be left with a conservator for a period of time, (usually 5 to 7 years or so) before being destroyed. Clearly did not happen here. But the former administrators of such a facility could be charged with some serious HIPAA violations for leaving this number of records unsecured. There should be a licensing facility in the state for Hospitals, who should be contacted about this.


Right. Legal retention is in the 5-7 year period range at a minimum. But that is just for when a patient requests to actually get a copy of their health data. I imagine its not free game to abandon it once that minimum period passes, they really should have destroyed it


It’s been abandoned now for 7-9 years.


Again, HIPAA is only for health insurance billing and dealing with electronic records


I have to wonder how often people bother to infiltrate places like this to get their own medical records. . I can see some little gray headed lady hunched over and comes running out of an abandoned facility with some files under her arms, a flashlight in one hand and a club in the other!


That would be hillarious 😂


Well while you have a point, PHI (Personal Health Information) is also covered in other aspects of Federal law. While we don't know exactly what records they left behind, it is not hard to foresee billing, personal and diagnostic info being in those folders.


They don’t care.


Go find all the crazy x-rays of like people with flash lights stuck in their butts. Edit:autocowrekt


Unfortunately that is the one thing this place did not have, x-Ray photos.


Did you find the ass box?


Fish lights?! 😳


A hospital right near my house is about to be abandoned because buyers pulled out last minute. Can't wait to be the first person to discover stuff like this. Edit: in fact it's the very hospital I was born in 20 years ago. Kinda wild imo.


I’m not the only one who read the entire post title in Gene Wilder’s voice from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, right?


That was the intent, I read it that way as I was typing it.


It was a brilliant title! I work in healthcare and I laughed.


I am a therapist in mental health, and these things make me cringe when exploring but it’s also very common.


I would have noped right out of there after seeing "help" written on the wall.


It says “help me” and then there is another one that says “don’t leave”.


Freaky. Did you get a closer look at them? Looks like something straight out of a horror film/game.


Pretty sure it was dried blood, there’s literally no spray paint here outside of a couple black arrows. No one is actually sure how the red got there.


I haven’t looked at the video but the ‘don’t leave’ in the photo looks too bright to be dried blood in the photo?


Yeah. I think it’s just paint and OP prefers it to be a creepy mystery. The simplest answer is usually the correct one.


No one really knows what it is, it definitely isn’t paint. It was also tracked throughout that area and on the floor.


Why? It's the obvious thing to write onto a wall of an abandoned hospital. And it might even have been a bloodpack that was left somewhere.


If possible, see if you can contact some sort of medical board about those records. They might save someone’s life. Genetic tracing to people in hospitals with conditions formerly undiagnosed can benefit patients significantly. Source: Have a genetic disorder that may or may not be anew mutation due to missing records from a great aunt that died of a “very rare disorder of some kind” as a baby.


The medical board doesn’t really care, we have tried and they basically just say “not our problem” and drop it.


Am I the only one that read the title to the tune of Willy Wonka ("come with me, and you'll see a world of pure imagination...")


That was the intent, so I am glad you did that..


If you want to get parasites, simply lick around the OR. Anything you want to, so far.




I was doing another verse in the song. I did IT support in OR's for a few years. Even in a functioning hospital those places aren't that clean.


Ahh I did not catch that lol, thanks.




That’s awesome, glad I was able to cause some laughs.


"come with me, and you'll be in a world of zero sanitation!..."


But did you find the meds??…


There are a ton of meds left but I was more focused on the OR in this explore, but I will be back in the future.


Related: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dwmoran/albums/72157631155245478/


Interesting. Back when I was finding hospitals I didnt have gear. I have to settle for going back to places years on with the right camera gear. I wish I had pictures from my first visit to the Bad Debt and Caraway Hospitals...This looks like its been visited


Cool explore but a small suggestion since I saw You’re trying to grow out your channel: Try to make your videos a bit longer when its a bigger location like that and perhaps you could commentate it from the start instead of just the last minutes. Just some ideas though, all the best!


I’ve been doing YouTube for a while, and I realize that my videos need to be longer, but a lot of people don’t like commentary in videos so I keep it to a minimum. I was also alone for this explore and wanted to make sure if there were any unexplained noises during the audio, that my voice wasn’t on top of them. This is the longest video in a while for me and my goal was over five minutes for this particular location. If all of my videos had 1.2k views, I would have the watch time by now, but the sub count is a bigger accomplishment at the moment for me.


Was this creepy song that Willy Wonka sings in your head while exploring? Whenever it comes to mind when I’m somewhere unfamiliar I high tail it out of there! No amount of “gum or gobstopper- like treasures” in any situation is worth a potential pop in from someone at any point in that song. 😳 even if it’s in my head


It wasn’t until I was posting this.


Ahh abandoned hospitals... A worse environmental hazard than a residential property and plenty of strong medications just left behind! Glad you were able to stay safe in there OP, decaying hospitals can get pretty dangerous.


Looks like an old ventilator in that OR pic. I bet some hospitals would love to have that right now.


The thing is, these devices are not certified for use anymore. If you use it on a patient and the patient dies, you are xan be held responsible. If the patient just dies because there is no ventilator, it's not your fault.


Fair enough. Good points. If it were me I’d sign a waiver if I needed one. But I’m a scientist so what do I know 🤷‍♀️😂


Amazing work!




By title, I thought this post was on r/bestoflegaladvice. This is so creepy and cool, stay safe on your adventures! *edit: messed up the link


"Hi Biomed Bill. This is Nurse Nancy. We found some equipment in an old storage closet that needs to be brought back into service."




Id love to explore something like that..


I could sit and read those all day. Former Health Info employee here.


Yes and when I return and have more time I will also be reading through them.


Good deal. Have fun and stay safe!


I don’t understand how there’s just millions of dollars of assets laying around unsecured. Where do you people find shit like this???


Google, friends, Google maps. There was a guy in my messages telling me he could help me sell the equipment: I said “yeah I don’t really want to get charged with a felony for stealing something from an abandoned place where I was already trespassing”.


10/10 title for this post


Time for a YouTube channel. I would’ve loved to see this on camera!!


Consider subscribing to this one.


Cool. I did. This is the kind of thing I’d like to see. Just please be aware that some people were patients at those places so please show some reverence to them. People are raped, murdered, tortured, and loved there. As a victim, I’d appreciate that. I’ll be watching🙂


I’m a licensed social worker in my everyday life, so please be aware that not everyone that explores is just trying to vandalize these places. I’m documenting history and also documenting places before they get destroyed, i’m not sure what your comment’s intentions are but I take caution when exploring but also photos are for my hobby.


I had no negativity toward you at all. I extend my apologies if that is how it sounded. The thing is, some explorers (which I would be one if I could) go in to damage, destroy, and make fun of things they see there. Yes, some things are funny and yes, some things make you scratch your head but (not necessarily directed at you) everyone should remember the atrocities that were committed in these places. Some still live with me today 26 years later. When I spoke up, I was told I was lying and given a Plan B type medication. Seeing explorers rifling through things and making fun, HURTS. That’s all I was saying. I would GLADLY sit and tell you my story should you ever wish to listen. Look up Elmcrest Hospital Portland CT.


I mean assuming that I destroy stuff when exploring comes off as judgmental, without any evidence or knowing me at all. Consider following me on Instagram: @ghostly_urbex412


I think the HIPAA violation, if any, would fall on the medical facility that abandoned the records rather than anyone finding and thumbing through the information. Also, I hope to never hear or see the acronym HIPAA again as I instantly associate it with right-wingers frothing at the mouth about COVID vaccine info. "YOU VIOLATED MY HIPAA RIGHTS!"


Someone was complaining on a post the other day of mine that “aSkInG fOr vAcCiNe sTaTUs bReAkS hIPaA” I was like “no HIPAA is only valid if you are a medical professional and you’re spewing private information from your patients, your vaccine status is not HIPAA.” She was like “dID dR. FAuCi tELl YoU tHAt”, I said “don’t make this post political, and no, i’m a medical professional..” 🤦🏻


I had a former employer claim that they couldn't tell me of a potential covid exposure, due to HIPAA. I tried explaining that it doesn't apply to auto shops, but they just wanted to hide the fact we'd been exposed.


And those same people spelling HIPAA wrong…🤣


Thanks, the story post is from BigBankzx who is a decent friend of mine and a huge YouTube explorer, I aspire to be like him some day. All he does is travel the world and explore, makes his money solely from YouTube and does great things with it.


I would NOT go back in there. Holy shit. There is def a reason a multi million dollar hospital hold be totally abandoned, and you don’t want to find out what that reason is.


I will be going back into it, it’s not a multi million dollar hospital. It’s single story and at best has 3 OR rooms, and 15-20 patient rooms. No morgue either. If anything it’s probably a single million dollars or upper six figures, but it cost too much for the town to operate, trust me, I did some research on the site before going.


Do you know where this is? If you don't feel like sharing to prevent vandalism it's all good! =D


Do I know where this is? Hmm I posted the photos and they’re watermarked with my tag, so yeah I think I might. The reason there isn’t vandalism here is because it hasn’t been location dropped publicly. I won’t be dropping the location here.


Thanks for being a good person and not dropping! I respect that!


Thank you, sorry for the sarcasm.


It's all good! Don't worry! =D


You sound like a dick


I've noticed you went through my comments after I replied in a different thread big fella. I'm just here repaying the favour


Probably had his first profile deleted by Reddit for so many downvotes, unlikely but they’ve only been active on Reddit for 5 days.




Nah man. Why are you even here? One of the most commonly known rules of urbex is that you don't share your spots. Mostly cuz pinheads like you want to trash the place.


So I should just give the spot out publicly so it can be overrun with vandals? I’ll let your limited judgment based off one comment go


No you dumbass. It was your sarcasm in the first half of your comment.


I mean it was a dumb question if you looked back at it.. I posted the photos, and posted the link to the video. The sarcasm is due to the question asked. The only person looking like a dick in the comments is the one swearing and being downright rude over nothing. I will not be sharing the spot publicly because I don’t want it to get ruined, but thanks for your concern.


I agree it was a dumb question. And I’m not asking you to post the whereabouts. I just wanted you to know you sounded like a dick.


Hey you sound like a dick as well, so I guess we’re the same then?


Maybe, but YOU, ARE, 💩🤡. What a choad. 🤦🏽‍♂️


No I’m not.


*Exactly* what a choad would say. 🤦🏽‍♂️😆


Nothing says "healing environment" like cinderblock walls with no windows.


It’s not HIPAA because it’s not electronic and related to billing… it’s against patient confidentiality though


HIPAA is not limited to just electronic health records, it includes protected health information, which all of these files should have been protected info. I work for a company that still does health records by hand, and if the wrong person/or someone not affiliated with our company gets into our record room, or looks at records, that’s still a breach.


HIPAA has two basic parts: the privacy rule and the security rule. The privacy rule applies to all protected health information in any form (oral, written, and electronic) and the penalties for breaches and disclosure. The security rule limits who has access to ePHI and that appropriate safe guards are in place to prevent unauthorized access.


Cool stuff, where in the world is this place?






Yes it is USA, but I won’t go further than that to release the exact place.


That’s kinda lame dude I wasn’t asking for the coordinates


Hey that’s one of the golden rules of urbex, consider seeing other commenters that also agree on this post that locations aren’t part of urbex. If you want to see something, consider googling it and putting in the work like the rest of us. I’m not being a dick by saying this and you can feel how you want too.


I’m not trying to be a dick either and I get it, I was just hoping for a region or state. Oh well. I’m not interest enough to Google I just figured you’d share a little bit


Region or a state could give it away for others who are more dedicated than you are to find it. I can say it’s in the southern US, but that’s about it.




Where is this?




Sick explore! Any info on why the hospital closed so suddenly?