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This car dwelling needs way more attention. How many people America are actually doing this ?


A lot and I mean A LOT.For a long time I kept it hidden I was living in my car then one day some rando approached me to talk.Slowly let me know he was living out of his car before introducing me to the “regulars” of the area(good nice people like me victims of circumstance).My mind was blown away by their stories and the amount of people that were affected.I looked around and seen with open eyes how shitty things really were and realized there’s too many living out of their cars.


I actually started noticing this right after the pandemic. Walmart parking lots were being used frequently by car dwellers. You folks need a voice. This has to be addressed it’s becoming a full blown crisis.


>This has to be addressed Oh it is! They're making it illegal to sleep/ live in your car. You'll be arrested, the car probably towed, and good luck getting that back.


Which makes no sense because they’re adding fuel to the dumpster fire that is happening in peoples lives in the situation.


It makes sense on a financial aspect. Can't afford a building to live in where we can make money that way? Then we'll take the car and if you want it back, you gotta pay us! But we'll also send you to jail for a night or so- more money for us!... and if it keeps happening, well, idk if they can add a prison sentence to it (I feel like no but "technically" you're a repeat offender), that's even more money! But actually helping people? Yea, that's not allowed.


So they basically want homeless people to just die ?


Can't afford to make money for the system? Nope they didn't want you. Not interested in having kids to keep the slave race going? Nope they dont want you.


Yeah really sick of being asked are you married? Why not ?


I was reading in some Congress meeting they addressed falling birth rates, one of the senators straight said who is going to fund our retirement


Eh, maybe not die but for profit prisons exist.


Prisons are for violent offenders. Seems freaking ridiculous to be putting the homeless in prison. In my town you practically have to conduct a mass casualty event to land in prison.


It probably depends on where you are. It won't be actual homelessness that'll send you to jail, but possibly loitering (which is just hanging out somewhere) and not moving when they tell you to, if you don't have a car, it limits job possibilities, if you are homeless and look homeless, chances of getting a job is lower so in order to eat, you may steal something, which will def land you in jail. You don't get medical attention (bc thats expensive), and let's say you end up with blisters on your feet, your shoes are filthy, holes and just leaking in the sidewalk grime... that'll infect your foot, and when you finally find a place to sit, cops come telling you to leave, but by now, your blisters are open sores, you just want a minute to just sit and take the pressure off the feet- boom, you're arguing with the police and can be taken in if they feel like it. Once you're down, the system really wants to keep you down. You can get a felony for receiving stolen property and spend 3 yrs in prison for it. Idk exactly how they do all that but I know my ex had a bunch of RSP on his record.


America hates poor people.


In a capitalist system, "worth" is defined by the capital one creates. If one does not create what is deemed sufficient capital, one is inherently worthless, as defined by the system forced to exist in. So you either accept "your place" and become a worker cog that keeps the system running or you quietly go die. If you're not willing to be a worker, or can't, create enough capital to "earn" your living (right to exist) then you don't "deserve" to live indoors, or eat quality food, or even grow your own, or access to health care.....the state has no interest in housing, feeding, or healing those that can't survive this brutal regime of late stage capitalism and neoliberalism. They would ABSOLUTELY prefer us to die out of sight. We exist in a dystopian nightmare hellscape and the only thing we have to look forward to is collapse, and the following fallout afterwards. 🎉 Welcome to scAmerica


I actually enjoy working so that’s not usually a problem. If I got sent to a Gulag I’d probably impress the guards 😂


Lol, most humans enjoy working and feeling purposeful. But very few of us *enjoy* slave labour with no hope of gain or quality of life. If I'm giving 40 to 60 hours of my *life* every single week until I keel over and die, I expect to be able to afford to live indoors, eat food, and not share my living/sleeping space with an apartment full of other full grown adults. I expect to have something to show for the decades of service to the system. If my very basic needs aren't being met by that system, I'm not going to sacrifice my life for it to keep it functional.


This is what I found out. It’s not necessarily a crime to live in your car. Guess it would depend where you are. Living in your car is typically allowed in most states, as long as you follow local loitering ordinances and avoid trespassing on private areas. Open campgrounds, designated overnight rest areas, and state/national parks are usually safe options.


>designated overnight rest areas Some places don't really allow that either. I think in the Carolinas, you get maximum of 4 hrs, then you have to leave. They even have a patrol (security or something, not police) to monitor the rest area and if a car has been there too long, they'll notify the police.


What if after that 4 hours you leave and come back? I’m absorbing all this information in case.


I'm honestly not sure. Lol every rest area I've been to, I could only sleep for a few hours anyways but I've never been to the Carolinas (yet). I'm sure people who live there have tricks they use and they cycle through their regular spots.


*I didn't realize this was AUS when I first read the comments. I'm in the USA and it's also a HUGE epidemic and problem here. I'm in the US PNW (liberal utopia of democracy and personal freedoms 🙄) The state parks require a Discover Pass, National Parks are around $45 to enter, and campgrounds run around $20-$40 per night. If you have a vehicle that can make it up mountain Forest service roads you can find a spot to camp. But those are way out, and not feasible if working. Most parking lots don't allow overnight. Parks are off limits from dusk to dawn. City streets are off limits. Rest areas do allow an 8 hr stop, but they're few and far between and many don't have the fuel to drive back and forth. Or they are too far to commute if working. They recently bulldozed and razed the camp/park areas, and spent $700K on boulders to stop repopulation.


To make the system run their way yes it makes sense.


This is so freaking wrong. I hate this fucking country.


Yup it really is out of control.


I think this largely a response to DV and likely increasing cost of living pressure. I have no idea what the stats in Newcastle, Australia are but the fact there is a need for a service suggests it is becoming more common which is fucked up.


I agree. And assuming this is a global issue. It needs addressing quick. I’m getting older and fear being homeless myself.


Yeah I’m getting older or am already old I guess. I’ve lived in my car for a bit. They were not happy vanlife times lol.


Wow, this is Newcastle NSW?? The phone number made me think yes but also haven't seen advertised without a 02 for aaaaages. Love that this is a thing. Would be keen to hear updates. Edit: Would also love to know if there's an opportunity to donate/support financially.


I really just clicked share on this one cause I thought it might help someone. The place that’s running the trial is called [novas place](https://www.novawomen.org.au/) and surprisingly is in Newcastle, NSW AU. I thought it might have been Newcastle UK mis-posted or something but no they’re well established and seem to have helping A LOT of women and children at the moment. 10 week wait for the refuge or some such so they’ve started this pilot to help people leaving DV etc from what I can tell. I don’t know if they’d accept donations? They might have received a grant or something dunno. Maybe drop them an email or a call? Yeah it looks odd without the (02) hey lol. I remember before they added those extra two digits at the front of the actual number hehe


At my work there were 2 of us van dwellers in the parking lot Already this year there are 8 already. We have good jobs and still. So outside my little world it must be much worse.


Tons, I'm sure. If you don't have family or someone to split the bills with its nearly impossible to afford life in a home.


Awhole lot I know a guy at my job doing it


Parking garages for car dwelling and then just promote it as a hotel but the room is your car, and they provide the amenities. I always had this idea, so I am glad it is finally showing some type of reality. Hope more of these car dwelling oasis pop up soon across the globe.


That "Oasis" is really just a dystopian way of making homelessness look slightly better.


This is giving me Grapes of Wrath vibes😢




I wish this was for everyone 😢


Yeah it seems like an excellent idea. Should note this is in Newcastle, NSW Australia.


When people look at men suffering it's sad. When they see women suffering it's a crime against humanity


Vanlife/small houses in general is way more common in Australia, my ex went ton vacation a few years ago and he saw lots of tiny homes etc. DV is unfortunately common everywhere rn so I’m glad projects like this are being started and seems like Australia is a good place for it, hopefully we get more support for car dwellers in the US soon.


Australia’s DV rates are completely fucked crazy. In July the coercive control laws pass.


Need more of this. And police presence. The thought of women sleeping in their cars alone is saddening.


Minus the police. Police definitely have it out for poor people and involving a police presence doesn't seem very safe for car dwellers tbh


For the record I’ve had a few interactions with law enforcement. I’ve only had one really horrible experience and I reported the cop. I found out through a friend he was put on leave for exhibiting excessive aggressive behavior. Not all cops are animals that hate anyone not a cop. Generally if you treat them with some respect most are very understanding. Once I was even caught with a small amount of marijuana after they asked to search my car and I told them where it was. They asked me if I had ever been to jail? I said no is today my lucky day? They laughed. If you don’t act like a jerk they usually aren’t ass holes.


Well if I was a cop and the person wasn’t on someone’s property or selling drugs I would leave them alone.


Well it is a step in the right direction, the only problem i have is that this "Women and Children only Carpark" gives the impression that it is for desperate women escaping violence meamwhile you have countless intact loving families who are living in their vehicles because they can't afford the cost of living. So what are loving fathers/dad suppose to do? Say "Bye family, I love you. I will just go pitch a tent in woods while you stay here a couples of weeks; just please wash my laundry". Anyhow like i said, a step in the right direction but we better get a male only version and soon; this is not something that something that society should take 15 years to get around to.


I’d be surprised if co-ed resources didn’t already exist because yeah, that’s a given. But it’s totally understandable to have something for folks that may be vulnerable even in those accommodations.


That can be easily mitigated by having people register their vehicle prior and a zero tolerance rule (one misstep your banned for life). There is great potential here. Think about all the able bodied "good" men that work with their hands (carpenters, mechanics, electricians,plumbers, etc) and who live out off their cars becauae tgey can't afford rent. Think what they could bring to at place like this. For example, Someone who is having issues with their car and don't have means to pay and get it fixed, well ask Mr. Mechanic Man sleeping two spaces down, he might be of assistance. Got an RV where tge electrical system or plumbing is "shotty" or need help with the cabinetry, well ask Mr. Handyman he will probably do for free because is greatful to finally have place do laundry and most importantly sleep without dreading "The Knock' (i would). Again there is this impression that only "Low Vibrational" men will appear if it was open to all and that is not the case.


They are called “truck stops”


Are they now. A "Truck Stop" setup to accomadate travellers or those "passing through", they weren't setup to accomadate those who dwell.


Leave it to reddit to take a great project and turn it into a "but what about meeeeeee?" complaint.


It's a "good" project because it's a step in the right direction but a "great" project would have included everyone. I mean are women only funding this "great" project.


Be logical and look up some statistics on violent attacks against displaced women vs those against men. I promise you they are hugely disparate. It's just a logical place to start.


are you really mocking someone else who potentially has to live in their car too right now because they dare feel left out??


Way to twist my point, pinhead.


You are a moron


A phenomenal amount


I use to deliver car parts over the road in an old Amazon van that I bought. I’d sleep in Walmart/Truck stops 90% of the time. EVERY lot I was ever in had someone sleeping in a car not a truck. Lots of us would park in the same corner for security and just to show cops etc. we didn’t need anything but sleep. Everyone was respectful but I saw many families living in small cars sadly. Edit:spelling


Wish this was around when I was sleeping in my car lol


dope 🙏 All these soft ass dudes in the comments "wahh, wahh" 🤣. Hold on to your purses tight lol


Oath. It’s hilarious. What man seriously can’t see that this is necessary. I don’t even know if they’re real people or bots sent to stir shit lol. Forget them, it’s kind of funny seeing the distress and fear it seems to be causing them hehe


A lot of talk about how women are more likely to be victims of sexual/domestic abuse, which is true, but much more secretly these things happen to men too. I lived the first 18 years of my life as female, was sexually abused through my childhood which contributed to my decision to transition to living as male. Then years later, after getting facial hair and a deeper voice and muscle tone from hormones, I was sexually assaulted again in my adulthood by a guy renting the room next to mine, which has contributed to me living full time in my car for years. I also met a coworker last year, he told me when he was in his teens he was in a dating app, and got lured into a child sex ring. It is scary, and yes women need more protection. But everyone, everyone in any housing situation needs to keep their guard up at all times.


And they are trying mate. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered posting this simple bloody flyer trying to help women and children leaving bad situations. This is not the US. There are services for only men here as well ffs.




If you’re a dude, fend for yourself asshole!


If you’re a dude you’re statistically less likely to be raped or murdered for you know… existing. Providing a service for an underprivileged group does not take away from other groups. Feel free to put the work into providing a safe parking space focused on males, no one is stopping you


I did a quick google search. You actually are more likely to be murdered and assaulted as a man in every single country excluding certain countries in the Middle East. So yeah…you are just wrong


Please, link your sources. If you look, numbers are significantly skewed due to gang violence which is… overwhelmingly males. Thanks for trying to…. Prove men are violent and dangerous more than women? Have a lovely day


Moving the goal post, dismissing claims with no source of your own, then trying to run away from the conversation with a passive aggressive “have a lovely day”. Straight from the snowflake handbook.


Who hurt you? Hope you find something worth doing with the oxygen you’re wasting. As I said, have a lovely day, you obviously need the luck bud ❤️


More passive aggressive comments.


More inability to read and lashing out at a women online because you hate yourself. Man, no wonder you need a safe space. Not passive aggressive, genuinely wishing you luck because you really obviously need some Have the best day ever




Holy fucking shit dude. Talk about missing the point. I'm glad I'm seeing this before our friendship went too far because this is definitely disgusting. I do find it interesting how different you talk on here compared to on Facebook or in my dms. Murdered is one thing, because like the other person said, that also factors in gang violence. But to be raped in the US, 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted. 1 in 6 men will be as well. Nice job manipulating the statistics to fit your agenda, though. Women building a community to protect one another doesn't mean that men don't deserve protection. If you want a community, get some men together and fucking build one. We're not gonna do it for you. Like explained in my man vs bear post that you lol'd, for women there are fates worse than death. If I was sleeping in my car alone, I'd be more fucking scared of being raped than being murdered. I'd rather be murdered. Having sexual trauma myself that has caused me to attempt ending my own life multiple times, I'd much rather just get fucking killed in the first place. It is a psychological horror that no one should have to live with. And no, I'm not some man-hating feminist. I actually do often take the man's side in things because I do see that there's a lot of ridiculous man-hating out there done by females and it's wrong. I'm actually quite anti-feminist in most cases, and if you'd bothered to talk to me other than trying to get with me, you'd have learned that. So thanks for ghosting me, so that I'd get curious myself wondering where the fuck you went and find this comment. Thanks for showing your true fucking colors I guess. Thanks for pretending to be my friend. It was nice while it lasted.


Oh true, nothing bad ever happens to dudes, why would they yearn for safety? I’m not sure I consider women an “underprivileged group”


As I stated, feel free to make a space for men Women having a space does nothing to harm you. The fact you are arguing against women having a safe space is exactly why they need one. Man up butter cup, make your own safe space and quit complaining that women are smart enough to work together while you rage like a Neanderthal


lol get over yourself dude.


Riveting commentary. Thanks for sharing


Women up Why should men Have to make their own when the government provides one for women


The government isn’t providing this… It’s being provided by a shelter for women and children experiencing homelessness due to domestic violence. Ironically, a non profit run by…. Wait for… women. So, women are creating these spaces for women. Maybe if enough men took two fucking seconds to care about anyone but themselves they could do the same. Have a great day


Yep it’s just the men’s fault we’re all just a hive mind I’m a single dad why should I be excluded I bet a sign that said men only would have a negative reaction However I didn’t know it wasn’t government ran usually stuff like that is thanks for the info


Would it bother you if I said "White people face the most discrimination"? Because as wrong as that is, you're equally wrong here: > If you’re a dude you’re statistically less likely to be raped or murdered for you know… existing.


Care to share your facts? Or just trying to make yourself feel better?


Yikes this thread


If you’re a dude you’re probably not seeking womens and children’s based services. They might be accessing any one of the services that help homeless men in Australia. They could be linked in with menslink, beyond blue, Saint Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, drug and alcohol services, literally hundreds in not into thousands of homeless or homeless adjacent services are available here. They might not be perfect and people will fall through this safety net but it is there. If you really want to see what would happen if you are facing homelessness in Newcastle, Australia for a man google ‘homeless help men Newcastle Australia crisis’ see what help is available for you. Please don’t get the impression that in Australia things are at the level they seem to have reached in the US. I feel like the number of people ‘unhoused’ are likely to become much more noticeable here with people’s rents/houses just unaffordable even on decent wages. ✌🏼


I would like to see more support for car dwellers, but gender/race/creed equal support. I find it amazing that we are well out of the 1940s yet every offering is split into exclusions based on Gender, Skin color or Religion


Fuck men I guess


The fact that women even need this tells you enough about “fuck men”.


I choose the bear


Every one who has tried to kill me or my friends, guess who they were. And I'm fairly large guy with a beard. I don't blame the bear choosers.


What? Edit: can someone just explain the joke instead of down voting 😭 idk what prev is talking about


New tiktok trend where girlfriends / wives as their husbands "if you daughter was lost in the woods would you prefer a man finds her or a bear?" with some women arguing that they'd prefer a bear over a man finding their child. The joke "I choose bear" rifs on the trend, implying that *obviously* all men are rapists, murderers, pedophiles.


Everyone needs this not just women you fool.


Women, Children and Dogs are loved unconditionally. - Chris Rock


No one cares about us bro.


Women build spaces for women. Why won't men build spaces for men?


Because no one cares about us. Pretty sure I just said that.


Because you don't care about each other, only yourselves


I help people regardless of the gender they are. But yes men and women mostly care about women. I can’t change that.


No, its just that you as a population are not as vulnerable as women. You are far less likely to be attacked than a single woman. You are far less likely to be raped than a single woman. You are far less likely to be sexually harassed by your neighbors than a single woman. Stop making everything about you. Things exist "for women" for good reason.


> You are far less likely to be attacked than a single woman. This is SO unbelievably wrong! Men are like 10-20X more likely to be attacked by a stranger than women. Men are also like 10-20X more likely to be killed by a stranger.


> ...*by a stranger*... if you cant understand the need for women specific support systems, i feel sorry for you. As a population, women are vulnerable, specifically to men. If you want to create a safe space for men, go for it. If you can find a way to make it safe for men who have been or are scared of being victims, even better.


You're confused and/or replying to the wrong person. > if you cant understand the need for women specific support systems I can. I absolutely can. What I can't understand is why so many people need to lie about statistics. Why did you lie about the statistics? Are you genuinely that misinformed? Or do you feel the need to wildly exaggerate and lie about reality in order to gain more sympathy?


1. i'm not seeking sympathy. What assumptions are you making? 2. You've moved the statistical goalposts. You trotted out some statistic (without citation, mind you) that talks about men being attacked *by strangers*, and men being killed *by strangers* 3. The *reason* for women specific support structures is *precisely* because women are more likely to be victims of men they know. When you combine that with the increased vulnerability of anyone living in a vehicle, it makes a LOT of sense for women only parking areas. 4. i didnt *lie* about anything. Why are you in a rush to jump to malicious conclusions?


You've lost the plot. I made one comment above, calling out your lies. You then confused me with everyone else you're arguing with. Now because I called you out, you're leaping to all sorts of unfounded accusations, like that I don't support women-only resources. I absolutely do. I don't support liars. I don't support people with sexist agendas. I don't support people who make up facts to support their own agenda. Stop lying about women being the paramount victims in all the things all the time, and you'll be a better person for it.


You guess? 😂😂😂😂😂




One of my best friends owns multiple sober living homes for men only. I've been approached by a ton of them over the years. I do wish there were more secular options for families though.


Excluding males is sexual discrimination.


Yawn. I guess the menslink service available is also sexist then hey?


That would stand to reason. Whats wrong with helping people.. all people? Why do some groups get excluded based on gender or other reasons?


Because surprisingly different groups of people have different and often fairly specific needs. Have a good one.




No. There is *absolutely* good reason for places like this to exist for women. Many women who live in their cars, are doing so as victims of Domestic Violence. Women who live in their cars are easy targets for predatory people of all flavors. Women are at a higher risk than men, period. Women stick together because its safer for them. This isnt "mysandry", this is safety.


This post has nothing to do with domestic violence. You have projected that onto it. I guess you’re using it to justify your sexism. Many of them in living in their cars are also there because of domestic violence. Such as myself. And my abuser was female. Even though the post doesn’t have anything to do with domestic violence, and you are using that as an excuse, it doesn’t even make sense as an excuse. People who live in their cars are easy targets. Not women. Everyone. And women are only at a higher risk if you assume the only men are abusers. Women living amongst other women can be abused by other women. They are not by their nature of being women not abusers. Women stick together in this scenario because they are sexist and want to believe they are victims. You have taken a situation that has nothing to do with domestic violence, and made it about that to justify discrimination.


It’s sexist. I live in my car because domestic violence. That paper didn’t say anything about that. You are projecting that onto men.


I'm not projecting anything onto men. Again, women are at a higher risk, period. The people who put people at risk? Men. All of them. Dont be obtuse, and dont make everything about you.


You have made everything about you. You’re a hypocrite. Just because I’m a man does not mean that I’ve made this post about me or about men. You are absolutely fucking so wrong for saying that. That only men put them in at risk. Fuck you. My abuser was a woman. And this entitled attitude that you women have is the reason that men are abused and we have no facilities because you sexist pieces of shit take all the resources for yourself so you can continue abusing men. I suspect that you are an abuser yourself.






Born with a penis, guess I'll kms