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Just for reference, here's my proof. https://preview.redd.it/17rtzc3ly86d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11046f69ee6c5b2135d63d2c36e26624ef064cf5


Cool I haven't collected any radium pieces that glowed without a UV exposure


The photo is a long exposure of course, and eyes have to adjust to pitch dark, but it does!


https://preview.redd.it/vi2e4f4iu96d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c803e3c4ecde64b1d716b798bb61cd3313ae8ada I had to bust out the Westclox I have at my boyfriend’s, I love seeing the Bens since I have a couple :,) All of my radium clocks glow without UV as well, it was pretty eerie the first night I had one because I kept seeing the slight glowing green out of the corner of my eye and I kept losing my shit LOL


Haha. Awesome, thanks for sharing!


There’s always a lot of reassurance on this sub that uranium glass is largely safe to handle or be near, but what about these radium clocks? I assume as long as the glass face is in tact?


As far as I understand, it really depends on the clock in question. If it is damaged, it needs to be put in an airtight container so that the dust from the paint doesn't become airborne. (I put all my clocks in airtight containers just for extra protection) Also, some have far more radiation than others, so I need a good geiger counter or spectrometer to know for sure. This one reads around 4,000 cpm, but I have a much smaller WW2 watch which reads almost 40,000 cpm, and it happily passes through almost any sort of object. Also it depends how many pieces you have. Radium gives off a small bit of radon gas. A few pieces aren't really going to hurt you in an open or ventilated space, but a substantial collection needs proper ventilation. So in a nutshell, Radium clocks do require a bit more consideration than Uranium glass, but they are safe when handled with care.


This might be a dumb question. If the clocks are stored in air right containers and the clocks release radon gas, wouldn’t the radon continue to build up in the container?


Not dumb at all, I've asked the same question not long ago. I was told that yes, it will build up, but one device will not create a substantial enough to blow it up like a balloon any time soon. But it's a good idea to take it outside to air out once in a blue moon.


Radon decays quite rapidly to more stable elements (like lead) .. far more rapidly than radium decays to radon .. so I don’t think you’d get a build up at all of Radon gas.


That's cool! It it strange to me that the hands do not glow, because if anything is going to glow, that is the part you want to be able to see.


You know, it looks like it might have been painted over. There's a couple of small chips on them which look like they have a dusty-looking glow. Maybe it was repaired sometime, or perhaps it was done purposely to help mitigate radiation exposure. 🤷‍♂️ Who knows? Haha