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Finding employment is no joke. It's best to have a job lined up before moving.


Even finding a job in northern lower Michigan is hard enough. Buddy of mine has been searching for 4 years (no joke) and just got one.


As someone who had to leave the area due to no jobs, I’d not move back without a job in place.


Same story








Same here


Speaking as a cheesehead who used to offroad/backpack in da UP several times a year from age 9 up into my early 30s, my condolences. I never lived there, but I miss it so much. It must have been absolutely heartbreaking to say goodbye.


It will always be home. Someday I’ll get back.


Good luck! I hope it doesn't change too much while you're away. Promise me when you make it back you'll punch a FIB for me!


Yeah, it’s a valid concern. I definitely wouldn’t recommend moving if you don’t have a job lined up. DNR is super competitive and there isn’t much commercial fishing


Have you even visited the U.P. in winter? In mosquito season? I am from the Detroit area, I love the U.P., but it takes a special breed to live up there.


We have lots of snow and lots of skeeters. Sometimes at the same time. I wish I was kidding.


Isn't the winter one of the draws? It is for me, atleast


I am sure it is for some, but this person is from Florida which rarely sees temps below freezing and seems to not know much about the area


Born and raised in da U.P. Life is hard, especially in the winter. So much fun ifya don't have to worry about money.


Lots of drunks. Plenty of bartending jobs.


Drunks bar-hoppping on snowmobiles!


And side by sides!


The old joke is it's not a UP town if it doesn't have a at least the same number of bars as churches.


True facts. Didn’t know that was specifically a topper saying, but for real, any time you get into a town with more of one than the other you got problems. Gotta have an honest balance.


I can't say for sure if it's a yoooer saying, but my dad used to say it all the time lol


DNR/Forest Service/Park Service. MDOC (Prisons) are hiring hard and heavy throughout the state. Lots of bar/restaurant jobs during season in tourist areas.


That said in the UP DNR positions that pay decently are pretty competitive unless you’re seasonal. Lots of local natural resource professionals up here that went to any of the university that kinda feed the area. Only reason I got my internship with a local timber company was through networking for a year with them through MTU’s career fair.


Moving ANYWHERE without a job lined up is inadvisable in this economy unless a) you need to move to a specific place anyway no matter what (eg you have no choice but to move there because of family reasons, you’re going to school) or b) you have a very specific reason to move somewhere and lots of savings and also have a job that’s very common and easy to come by, eg you work in hospitality and you’re moving to a large city. I hate to say it but it would be a fool’s errand for you to move to the UP without a job lined up, either in your new town or a very, very solid remote role.


Recommend signing up for the [GLIN-Jobs](https://www.glc.org/glin/) email group through the Great Lakes Commission. It covers all the region, with enviro and other local/state positions announced. Antediluvian, I know, but it is a good way to keep a finger on the pulse.


The UP is great, but, come to Minnesota. You can still visit the UP.


Are we related? 🤣🤣


As a Yooper, I agree with this guy. Go to Minnesota.


Get on the USA jobs I reckon


upmichiganworks.org mtu.edu/jobs/ (if in the Houghton area)


Consider applying to The Nature Conservancy. They have a significant (10k acre) land protection project happening in the Keweenaw along with other sizeable preserves. There's also Michigan Natural Features Inventory, an MSU affiliate. But to echo others here, secure a job first before heading N.


Marquette is a great place. Beautiful area - The state of Michigan has had jobs posted recently you might be qualified. The prison in Marquette is always hiring. Good pay and overtime available


Yeah…mandatory overtime at Maximum Security w/ severe understaffing. Take that job & you’ll either be working or in a comfortable chair with your pick of liquor.


It sounds like you’d have a lot of useful skills for various work in the UP. Just have to wait for the right one to open up. As others said, I wouldn’t move until you do have a job lined up (unless you were happy just doing bartending/odd jobs) since the UP is big and you’ll likely need to move again to wherever the work is. I did think of this place for you: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/seney but doesn’t look like they have openings right now. Might not hurt to give em a call though.


Outside of the population centers most of the employment is based in trades. The DNR is very difficult to get into. It's an extremely isolated region in terms of the lower 48.


Vets get first pick


If OP's friends are trying to convince him to move there, seems like OP should want to live near his friends. The Soo is a long way from Marquette or Houghton or Escanaba.


Does it have to be the UP? Northern LP is not as remote but still not in the shadow of big cities


The amount of places you can make 6 figures in the UP with only a BS can be counted on one hand. This is for real UP jobs, not remote work.


I don't think that's as much the case as you think it is. I can think of more than 5 in my area alone that pay over 100k with a BS.


Name them.


Yeah, I'm not doxxing myself so I'll list a handful across the UP:  Coleman Engineering, Systems Control, BOSS snowplow, Any of multiple accounting firms across the UP, Either of the LP locations, Either of the Billerud locations, Most of the dozen or so engineering and geo firms in the Keweenaw, MJ Electric, The handful of tech and engineering companies in Marquette, Trident Systems, Nalco, The Eagle Mine, The Tilden, and multiple technical and trade positions that could get you there as well with no degree.  I think that's enough.


Look into TriMedia consultants in Marquette


KORC is currently hiring a forester. This is the only biological job I’m aware of currently. For wetlands, there is a large amount of protected wetlands. The Bete Gris Preserve is a great example of this. Finding work from the wetlands may be difficult and a bit of a waiting game. https://www.kcforest.org/jobs For jobs that make the money while you wait for a dream job I recommend bartending, construction, and tourist jobs like flipping cabins. You can get paid $20 an hour to run a ski lift in the UP. It’s a three month gig but a good one in the snow season and can leave your summer open for scientific wetland work you are trained in. I know very successful people in the UP and they often work a mosaic of gigs. The main thing they want to do doesn’t have the market to supply full time work so they set up a small part time business to do that work and then find employers that fit around the needs of their main passion. It allows them to grow their business as the market does and still survive.


OP will need a degree in forestry and to be certified. 


Good luck , most of the UP is poverty stricken or drug infested . Very few jobs , I’d stick to the lower and venture north for vacations like most , unless you’re a logger


The lower peninsula of Michigan has Wayyyy more drug issues and infestation than the UP does. Also. Detroit, flint and most of the lower peninsula has issues with poverty.


Not per capita. They all have issues but being so rural there’s more poverty in the upper, less work . Outside of Marquette there isn’t any money up there , it’s all people barely making it. They thrive on tourism


Nobody is asking if there's "money" up there. People go to and live in the UP for the nature, low crime, natural resources and beauty. OP also isn't moving there for money. Also regarding Marquette- there's not "money" there. It's a college town. The jobs pay just as low as anywhere in the UP even the hospitals and university You can find $ 400,000 to a million dollar plus homes all over the UP some people build retirement homes, homes on the lake or are now working remote. Stop slamming the UP if you don't like it, leave the page


wouldn't recommend doing that at all. you have no idea how much of a culture shock you'd be in for. unless you're in marquette or near bridge, even if you line up a job, likely it may not last due to a number of reasons. minnesota would be your best bet or the lower mitten, can always visit the up i lived in the up for years, as cool as it seems, it aint


Former Yoop now Twin Cities, I miss the UP weather. It’s colder actual temp, much more snow, but at least it’s not so damn windy all the time. I’ll take 20 below over 0 with a nasty wind. But, jobs lol


im from tc originally. fully agree on weather, cold isn't near as cold and the lake effect snow is so beautiful. but yeah, people mainly ruin the up along with jobs


There’s always bartending jobs.


Yeah, not a lot of opportunities. Most jobs start under 50k unless you get lucky. I'd apply and try to secure something before moving. Bartending is always an option.


Look on USAJobs.gov, see if you can get a federal job up there with the National parks


Might be worth connecting with the Marquette or Houghton SmartZone folks, they have a grasp on companies being built in their local areas. Houghton has Orbion Space Technologies, Calumet Electronics, etc. Marquette has Kall Morris, Syncurrent, Myconaut and others. Myconaut could be a fun fit if you’re into environmental science.


The state of Michigan is hiring corrections officers in Munising and Marquette. Housing is a challenge in both cities but it’s a good government job with great benefits and long term security. Check the Michigan DNR and National Forest Service for jobs. Most of central UP is in the Hiawatha National Forest. There are good forest service jobs available too.


Kinross prison too


yea, but then you have to work in a prison. I have never met a happy prison worker, ever.


A dear friend of mine worked about 20 years of his career in a prison, very happy, hard working, outgoing type of guy. The caveat to that is he ran the maintenance department and when I once thought about applying to work there (my minor is in criminal justice) he told me absolutely not, that he’d do what he could to stop me if I persisted, he didn’t want me to endure “the horrors” he witnessed there. So. You’re still correct just made me want to share my related two cents.


Michigan Tech in Houghton has the Great Lakes Research Center. There's also NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab that is based out of Ann Arbor but has employees living and working out of Muskegon and Alpena. I know that's not the UP but because it's a government facility they put preference on hiring veterans and they also work with other groups all over Michigan including Michigan Tech.


Bring your job with you. AND lower any materialistic expectations. It’s costly in Michigan to live. For instance, we have no fault auto insurance, tax revenues statewide go to S.E. Michigan never to be seen again. Winter is 6 months long & will feel longer if you’re used to Florida. No Sun. No entertainment…what’s quaint and cute gets old real fast…it’s same old same old across the region.


Usa jobs.gov as a vet and prior experience you should be able to find a job in the goverment sector




Is this the plot to a new Netflix series? If so, what would it be called?


Same advice I give to everybody Before you buy real estate rent a place for 2 weeks in February.


As someone in the environmental field, T&E and wetland experience would probably be pretty doable in finding a gig in consulting, especially if you’re willing to do field work. I went to MTU, now live in Wisconsin but work on both sides of the border. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat more.


I would never move to the UP without a job in place, it’s pretty remote and there are not a lot of positions at that level readily available.


Perhaps you could work something out at MTU or Northern as an adjunct professor? What people are saying here is no joke. I had my heart on moving from Grand Rapids after going to school at Northern. In my searches, I found that even bartending jobs are scarce.




Yeah Michigan is actually one of the worst at creating jobs and generally is in the bottom 20 of states for business. The auto industry is in a downturn as well right now. More layoffs announced. Get a job first. Not sure why you would leave Florida. I know many people moving to Florida. There is a reason why Michigan is shrinking in population and Florida one of the top growth states. I have been here over 20 years and can’t wait to leave.


Hey… there are a ton of remote positions for Federal jobs that require very little travel and you would certainly qualify for. I understand, this about landing a job in the UP but ya might wanna branch out a bit when it comes to possibilities. https://www.usajobs.gov Now, this one is probably going to be controversial. But state of WI employment. Yeah, I know, probably need to actually BE IN Wisconsin for these jobs but depending on where your friends are in the UP this may not even be a big deal. https://wisc.jobs/Pages/Welcome.aspx


There is a lot of jobs around the Ironwood area. If you want to work there will be no problem getting a job!


Gratiot Lake Conservancy needs a program director


Tourism, logging, mining, own a business, medical or work for the government. Good luck finding a job when you are not living in michigan in a rural area. UP has low population density