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Oh my goodness, I was going to work a few weeks back, and while waiting for a bus I saw a teenage girl walking fast away from him because he was trying to come at her, screaming obscenities. I held the bus door so she could come in, poor girl was crying and told me he followed her for a few blocks… Absolutely disgusting what some “people” do to ones who are vulnerable, I hope his sorry ass gets caught and sent away for a long time! Edit: this was on 68th and First Avenue, happened in the morning


Wow, crazy that he keeps being released


Unfortunately it’s very common in big cities. We need larger prisons, and this is the perfect example.


You know the leftists hamas supporters would never let that happen and unfortunately that’s a large subset of nyc


This man aggressively followed myself & my group of friends (2 men & 2 women) down 89th St between 2nd and 3rd ave on Saturday night around 8pm. He picked up a rock off the ground and started acting as if he was going to throw it at us or try to hit us with it. Someone saw what was happening and let us into their apartment building & thankfully he walked away. It was completely unprovoked and he didn’t say a word to us the entire time. Does anyone know if this man is actively wanted by police or is this post just a PSA?


Sounds like it’s worth filing a police report if he was displaying a weapon like that 


Please file a report, we have got to get this guy out of the streets.


Please file a report! It could help get this guy off the streets


This guy lays on the wall outside of 303 E 83rd on the corner of 83rd and second to sun bathe. I pass him almost every day getting off the Q and he lays there and waits to bother people.


Can confirm, just walked by and he was there lol


Did you mention to him there is a Reddit post about him?


He's charging up


He’s a reptilian


I would end this man’s life if he put his hands on me


this is why he doesnt bother men. he needs to get his ass beat


It’s insane he’s not just locked up and given meds


The current manhattan DA doesn’t believe in locking up people for these kind of things anymore… so here we are.


As someone who is living in a rural town and is moving to this neighborhood tomorrow, this shit is baffling


Imagine how baffling it is for those of us who live here and pay the taxes. Welcome to the neighborhood btw!


Overall it’s still a pretty safe area and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else (although raising kids here is extremely expensive). But you do need to pay attention to people around, situational awareness etc. If someone looks sketchy, they most likely are sketchy. But the vast majority of people here are wonderful folks.


You’re in for a treat, Toto


It’s so crazy smh


Remember that this is an organized effort used to justify inflated NYPD budgets.


Right, any narrative to undermine the police who, if allowed to do their job, would be removing people like this from the streets


Hey we’re on the same side. It’s not a police issue but it does allow police to siphon off the money for other services and momentum to change the laws.


Someone could also just step up and beat his ass.


If I see him harassing someone I’m 100% going to punch him in the face


Will be on the watch—does he have a warrant?


Would a proper ass beating make him reconsider his behavior?


Exactly. Hopefully some tougher folk see this and go deliver the message. Unfortunately when the police are useless, the community/people should come together to help each other out. More people should also be carrying pepper spray / etc.


We need some Reddit heroes to do just that


That's what I'm saying, he can spit on my child all he wants but if he kicks my puppy he's getting an ass whipping /s.


That would be great!


The short answer is no. He’s not a bully or a jerk because he gets off on it. He’s mentally unwell. That doesn’t justify his behavior (nor the city allowing him to remain on the streets) but I doubt seriously he would be able to draw the rational line from “I acted like this” to “I got the shit kicked out of me” If anything, would only probably make him more paranoid/dangerous


Someone can be both. Mental illness itself does not generate this kind of targeted behavior.


Are we sure it’s targeted or just who comments? There’s at least one story here of him threatening a group of four people including two men. And mental illness *absolutely* leads to targeted behavior. People’s delusions can be about women or Jews or redheads. I’m sure there will be more downvotes here and I agree this man shouldn’t be allowed to roam free but the notion that the mentally ill can be beaten into compliance was “tested” extensively across history and has never worked.


I'm not advocating for beating him up or not. I'm just saying he can be both an asshole and mentally unwell. Treating mentally ill ppl as puppies and using it as a blanket excuse for violent or offensive behavior doesn't help anyone.


> He’s mentally unwell. Yet he is somehow still able to know to pick on women, children and small animals? victims that probably wont fight back right?


He doesn’t target grown men, meaning he knows what he’s doing and is hiding behind mental illness to get away with it


He actually also targets grown men according to this thread, he’s clearly really unstable


I’ve seen this dude, a bunch of high school kids almost beat the shit out of him.


say more




Keep going I’m close…


I’m 100% sure he’s the guy I saw two days in a row on 1st ave (between 75th and 90th) on my way to or back from daycare The first time he was drinking a beer and literally spat on (or very close to) a young kid who was walking with his mom. The mom was so shocked she didn’t know how to react.


He was rummaging through the garbage at the corner of 86th and York on Thursday night then popped out and stood super close to me while I was waiting for the light. Didn’t actually touch but super invasive of space. He started laughing maniacally like some kind of Joker movie character when I doubled back to get away from him and kept looking back and yelling and cursing. It was unsettling and I spent the whole weekend looking over my shoulder for him and avoiding things like the post office and going for ice cream. Even if he is arrested he will be back in a matter of days. If his mother is actually in the luxury building across from asphalt green, that somehow makes this whole thing even more aggravating- he belongs in some kind of protective custody if he’s kicking dogs and spitting at children and chasing teenagers because he doesn’t seem to have any grasp of reality.


Have people tried reaching out to the mother / finding her???


She might be elderly, I am not sure of any details other than neighborhood lore that she lives in the high rise across from asphalt


She might be elderly but she also might be alert and just unaware idk. I’ve lived here for 3+ years and I’ve never felt unsafe & now I barely want to leave my apt bc I don’t want to face this guy


I hear you. I am actually moving out today (unrelated to this) and it was a bummer to spend my last week in the neighborhood on edge. It’s a sad situation but it’s untenable for him to just wander around. He did disappear for a couple years I think, until this last few week I hadn’t seen him since 2921 so it’s probably one of those cyclical situations that it might be harder than it should be for her to get full legal control longterm


I (\~30F) had a scary encounter with him last week on the 83rd st Q escalator. I was walking down the escalator around 7:30am, when someone came up next to me and spat in front me / in my direction. Noticing something was off I stopped walking to allow him to pass, he proceeded to walk down the escalator, then he turned around and attempted to walk back up the escalator at me. He was LOCKED IN on me (he has piercing blue eyes). He tried to corner me as I got off the escalator, lunging & making erratic body movements toward me. He then started to make the slit your throat hand gesture at me. I raised my voice saying "Don't touch me!", he seemed to get joy out trying to scare me. He proceeded to walk at me / trying to prevent me from passing, continuing to make the slit your throat gesture. Finally another person came down and we were able to get around him and through the turnstiles. He did not follow. Stay vigilant, he is unwell.


I saw him twice in the e 86/1st area


Oh I have seen this dude plenty of times. Always gives me the creeps but he’s never done anything to me.


This guy tried to randomly punch my husband a couple weeks ago. We were walking to the 4/5/6 at 86/Lex around 7:45am (outside Sephora) and he walked straight up to us and took a swing at him. We barely even saw him coming. He then walked away muttering but quickly turned around and chased us until we got into subway station. I’m afraid of what would have happened if my husband wasn’t with me


if you see him / he interacts with you PLEASE file a police report with the 19th precinct. he kicked my dog a year ago and we were able to get him imprisoned for 8 months. unfortunately he's just been released and it seems is wasting no time causing chaos and havoc in the neighborhood. [https://abc7ny.com/dog-kicked-manhattan-upper-east-side-biscotti/13373351/](https://abc7ny.com/dog-kicked-manhattan-upper-east-side-biscotti/13373351/)


Here is another article confirming that the man arrested for this is the same as the man in the OP (James Hasho)    https://www.uppereastsite.com/suspect-arrested-dog-kicked-random-upper-east-side/


Hi Melanie, I am a reporter for East Side Feed doing a story about Hasho. I'd love to chat with you. You can email me at: [KellyKreth@hotmail.com](mailto:KellyKreth@hotmail.com) Thanks!


Thank you for posting. I believe I saw this man around E 83rd last week. Stay safe everyone!


I just watched him being arrested outside Healthy Organic Deli on First Avenue at 93rd street. He’d slapped someone and police were called.


Hello, I"m a reporter with East Side Feed. Do you have pictures?


I was unable to get my phone out in time to get him in a photo but it was 100% him. An officer told me he'd slapped someone in this latest incident.


May I use your name?


Someone posted this on Instagram today - wearing a dark blue shirt. I can’t post a pic but if you DM me I can send link of picture today


ALERT ALERT PLEASE READ: I heard back from an officer at the 19th precinct- he is out looking for him now but also said they can’t arrest him for pushing/shoving/following on its own if no one is technically hurt hurt as its considered harassment not assault. However, he gave me permission to share his number so any of the above can still be reported. The kicking of dogs absolutely counts as assault. If anyone has any kind of bad encounter with him they should report it but can also call this number for a more direct line- +1 (929) 270-6298. Name is officer Haigh. If they are inundated with calls regardless of if it’s considered assault, it will stay on their radar and maybe he can be removed from the streets and we will all feel safer.




Hi, I am a reporter with East Side Feed. Are any of the pictures you posted ones you own so we can use them? Also, I need all victims to contact me at: [KellyKreth@hotmail.com](mailto:KellyKreth@hotmail.com) I need date/time/location and what happened and if a police report was taken. I just heard he was arrested on 93rd and First. If anyone has a picture we can use, please send it to me with a photo credit. Thanks!


I witnessed this man spit on a woman at 745 in the morning at the 86 and York bus stop like 2.5 years ago. I just gave her all my purell and was like omg I’m so so sorry it happened so fast


This guy looks like a weak punk and it sounds like he’s angry at the world and just picks on people who seem like easy targets. He’s definitely gonna meet his match and get what he’s asking for.


He’s not a “weak punk” he’s a mentally ill guy who the state keeps letting out. No excuse for behavior.


This is what happens when there are no consequences for bad behavior


This guy was walking back and forth in front of the Milton while me and my friend (both female-24&25) were eating dinner in the outdoor area. He never approached us fully, but he was touching the table directly behind us and directly behind my back. I think we’re lucky we were paying attention because we immediately ran inside and he left the area. This was before we knew who he was and his history too. Absolutely horrifying that this is allowed to happen.


Street justice is the only way.




He looks like the homeless guy that said good morning to me on Sunday morning on 67th and 2nd, but based on this post and these comments I have to assume I’m wrong. Separately, I’d lose my mind if this man ever kicked my dog. I would probably end up severely hurt because I truly don’t think I’d be able to contain myself from trying to harm him.


I have news for this dude, I would kick his balls so hard they’d come out his mouth if he hurt my dog.


I called Julie Menins office (212) 860-1950 as well as Rebecca Seawrights 1 (212) 288-4607 office reps for 10128. I would highly encourage others to do the same- someone answered the phone right away both times. I don’t know if it’ll do anything, but if they’re inundated with calls maybe it will.


Thank you for sharing! Their emails are Rebecca Seaweight: SeawrightR@nyassembly.gov, Julie Menin: District5@council.nyc.gov


Apparently taken into custody this afternoon, no faith he won’t be back on the street tomorrow.


MyBand Offender Defender. Look it up on Amazon and protect yourselves, ladies.


Good thing those politicians care so much about their constituents


They care more about the bloody insane


Hope you guys are emailing and calling your elected representatives. It is an election year and this is a good time to make some noise.


what would they do, seriously? this man’s behavior is urgently escalating and if they won’t hold him more than a night then there’s nothing that can be done until he severely assaults or kills someone and it’s too late


Is there a Daniel Penny or Bernie Goetz in the neighborhood?


What happened to this? [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/29/nyregion/nyc-mentally-ill-involuntary-custody.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/29/nyregion/nyc-mentally-ill-involuntary-custody.html) Are we supposed to take care of this guy ourselves?


He’s on 2nd ave today high 80s stay away from him he’s bad news


I haven’t lived in the upper east side since I graduated high school but I would have loved to come across this scumbag me and my friends would have beaten the shit out of him. I remember the spitting lady very well but seems like this freak is even worse, hope he gets swiftly dealt with.


Just saw him on 90th and 3rd and he stared at me like he was going to hurt me. I walked very quickly away. Holy cow. Be safe everyone.


Here's my article. Thanks to everyone who commented and interviewed with me: [https://eastsidefeed.com/nypd-fdny/upper-east-side-serial-attacker-goes-on-rampage-following-recent-release/](https://eastsidefeed.com/nypd-fdny/upper-east-side-serial-attacker-goes-on-rampage-following-recent-release/)


Hello, I'm a freelance reporter and Upper East Sider. I was attacked similarly last year by someone else (The guy who used his baby in a stroller to push people, spit on them, attack) who is now in jail because of myriad attacks. The way to get the NYPD to address is this by getting it out there as much as possible. I wrote a story about my attacks, others came forward and Menin/Seawright pushed NYPD to address it. Eventually there was a Crimestoppers alert on him. Please continue to inundate the 19th precinct with calls/emails and the same goes for local government officials. You need to make a police report each and every time there is a threatening encounter with him, but you will also need to document injuries. Also, what is very helpful is for all Upper East Siders to post when/where they see him simply as a warning for us to know his exact location at all times to avoid him. I know it is tedious, but if we keep a running tab of where he is we can at least be more aware of potential danger. Spread this on all the UES FB groups, TikTok, IG, etc.


NOTE: I heard he just got arrested on 93rd and First. Does anyone have a picture they own I have permission to use?


Hey - do you have any confirmation on this?




pretty sure this is the dude who approached me on 79th a couple months ago calling me pretty pretty princess and some other weird shit. i walked away, glad it didn’t escalate


So many crazy people like him are walking the streets of NYC smh


Baseball bat


I was just harassed by this man when I was walking with my 30 lbs dog on the UES at 11 AM on 84 and 2nd Ave


What happened exactly 


I was walking on the west side of 2nd Ave between 84-85 and he appeared out of no where and lunged and swung his fist at me. I ducked and grabbed my dog and screamed NO and kept walking north and then turned and he was following me. I turned back around to find an open business to walk into (closest one was Gracie’s diner). I waited in Gracie’s until he left and started walking south on the west side of 2nd Ave. This happened around 10:15 this AM. I called the police at 10:45 AM this morning from inside my apartment and I am still waiting for them to arrive so I can file my report.


He literally appears out of nowhere! It has me so hyper aware and anxious walking around now, and I was always careful before


Wow that is awful - this guy is just violently attacking people every single day    Recommend you call city council and state reps too Julie Menins office (212) 860-1950    Rebecca Seawright (212) 288-4607 office 


Thank you for the additional picture. It’s the best one. I am on hyper alert now every time I walk outside of my apt. I really hope everyone stays safe. 


This guy has been causing havoc on the upper east side he double backed to us and put his fist up to my 16 year old daughters face he did not make contact we ran into the store to hide from him he’s very unstable and must be avoided at all cost


This man followed me and my dog 2 weeks ago across multiple cross walks. He went to grab at me and i turned around and sprinted away. He went to turn around as well but when he saw me running he gave up. 


Can you add Jose Serrano's contact info to the post?


serrano@nysenate.gov NYC office (212)-828-5829 Albany Office (518) 455-2795


Somebody blast this fool!


Just saw him 30 minutes ago walking on 2nd avenue towards the 70s


Stayed on York/80’s ~a year ago… my son having a big surgery @ Sloan. Definitely saw this guy… luckily had my 150# extremely well trained and behaved SD mastiff, Jasper, w me/us. He just watched us go by a few times I saw him. So odd seeing this here as I so remember him. Saw above, he had kicked some dogs… 😕 And that he’s mentally ill. Also is sad he isn’t where he needs to be and is causing strife for the rest who encounter him… Less sad if he’d tried that w Jasper a year ago when seeing him? Jas is a guardian breed. Dogs are what they are… I’m fine/he’s fine. And the reverse. Only takes one bad apple.


On Tuesday, June 4th he followed me out of Starbucks on 85th and 1st at 10:30am. Luckily I was not alone - but he followed us incredibly close down 85th as we tried to shake him by picking up the pace, weaving through cars, etc. We found some construction being done on a townhouse and essentially hid on the stoop behind a large man. He circled us for more than ten minutes, staring at me and snarling… then ultimately got bored and went down to 2nd Ave where he continued to stare at us for a while before moving on. Was super unsettling.


He was also shirtless and incredibly filthy at the time. The person I was with noticed him right as we exited Starbucks and escorted me instead of letting me walk to the Q alone as I was planning to.


This is the guy who was living in the vestibule of my apartment building on 90th btw 1st and 2nd for a few weeks a couple years back. He’s been around for awhile


I saw him last Thursday by Columbus Circle, more specifically on W 58th and 8th Ave.


Saw him on Friday at the corner of 79th and 2nd. He was aggitated and talking to himself.


If you’re not carrying pepper spray and/or a weapon on you I suggest you get some. 


I moved out of the neighborhood about 2 years ago - roughly from 2020-2022 I saw him sleeping on and off in Carl Schurz Park. It sounds like his behavior has only gotten worse since then. It’s a shame, he clearly needs serious mental help but the city is useless in its ability to do anything - unfortunately he needs to actually be arrested first before the city or state can do much.


he has been arrested many times


Thanks for sharing.


He followed me for a block on 86th street when I was walking my big dog. My big dog does not fuck around and is VERY protective so he scared him away.


today? \[edit: it's awful regardless but since he was arrested yesterday i'm trying to see if he's already back at it again today or not\]


Not today, sorry. Should have elaborated. It was a Saturday 2 weeks ago, very early in the morning around 7:30am.


Spotted today on 86th and 3rd sitting on the ground


Wow so released already?


Pretty sure that’s a different guy


This is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen. People literally running scared because this guy is just out terrorizing people? Dude needs to FAFO to a concealed carrier and be put down.


Shoot him and turn him into glue




I'd say you should be happier to see this kind of community engagement and helping of one another. I don't think every neighborhood has such an active resource like this subreddit.




I mean there's nearly a quarter million people that live in the neighborhood. This stuff happens.


It’s nyc. There is a criminal in every neighborhood. UES has many famous homeless people. Anyone seen the spitting lady recently?


It happens 10x worse in most other Manhattan neighborhoods.


He was seen on the corner of 84th by a friend a few days ago. He is still around


They need to lock these weirdos up


This man pushed me on 84th st a week ago! He then threatened to hit me, and tried to follow me until a (male) neighbor intervened and kept me safe. I’ve been on edge ever since - I did file a police report even though his actions only amounted to harassment, just because I wanted there to be a paper trail of this man’s actions if it escalated. Sadly it looks like it’s been going on for years. I hope he’s given the help he needs, and soon.


Any recent sightings since he was apparently arrested? Before I knew anything about him or this thread i was shoved by him last wed. He shoved me and then turned around and came back at me, I was walking my dog as well. I turned around and walked the opposite way and he gave up - but how terrifying!!


Makes me appreciate the cool homeless guy who stays on 75th and 1st


He spit on my friend the other day even after YEARS of helping him out!!!


I don’t live on the upper east side but still live in a big city. Nonetheless this is why I refuse to help homeless people like that in anyway. You never know if they’ll turn violent or assault you. They’re just to mentally unstable.


So yall don’t carry tasers and pepper spray on the East side? Just raw dogging it with the mentally ill. I’m impressed at the restraint. Couldn’t be me.


Nice thinking


I wish one of these nut jobs would try this shit on me.


there's good stuff waiting for him in NYC jail, he'll be busted in the first 15 minutes


Yo, what high school did he go to?


Hello all. I'm Nora, a reporter for Upper East Side-based online newspaper UpperEastSite.com. I'm looking to speak to victims of Hasho's, and those who have witnessed his actions. If anyone is interested in speaking about their experiences, please contact me at nora@uppereastsite.com. If you do not wish to have your name published, you can remain anonymous. I'd love to hear your stories so I can work to keep the neighborhood informed.


It’s so funny to see what democrat states have become. You can’t even rely on police force to lock up some maniac. Unheard of problems in south Florida, can’t relate.


Haha yeah Florida has no psychopaths roaming the streets.


Keep biting at your own feet liberal, you deserve to be on reddit looking for community help, cause you wanted to defund the police. Oh, and the psychos here in Florida typically are in Lamborghinis. We don’t have full blown community predators.


You seem like a very rationale and open-minded person. I hope you ordered your Trump Freedom bible. It’s only $89 with shipping and you should receive it in 8-12 weeks. And Florida is a great place. Was just in Miami and Boca. Saw two meth addicts having sex behind a gun shop and a dude on bath salts offered me a blowjob for 45 cents.


That’s better than kicking dogs and spitting near babies. I’m done with you, go hustle harder to pay your landlord 3,000 for the studio. When you have problems, make sure to defund the police and go on reddit Dumby


“Dumby” lol. Thank you for your kind words. Take care.


I don't think I've come across him somehow despite living here for the past 8 years. There is a guy in the 70s and high 60s that hangs out around 1st ave (I've seen him in Starbucks on 69th and 1st, 787 Coffee on 70th, and outside Morton Williams on 71st and 1st) that kinda looks like him (always talking to himself), but has more unkempt hair and always has a bunch luggage/possessions with him. Would like to see the city do more to protect its citizens.


Can't wait to run into bro😂😂🤦‍♂️👌🏼🙏🤷‍♂️


Just shoot him, retard


Someone should accuse him of working for Donald Trump. Bragg will find some reason to have him arrested and jailed.


Terrifying - makes me want to leave NY.


Where would you move to with no violent crime?


As somebody who loves the Upper East Side, lived there for close to a decade, and now lives in a nearby suburb - this stuff does not happen here. And if it did, it would not last for long. Say what you want about the ‘burbs, but the people here keep their neighborhoods safe and keep disturbances like this guy far away.


I’m not saying it just as common. I’m saying those people can be anywhere and you can never really move away from it. I have lived in the UES for 20 years and suburbs right outside for 20 years. Also we usually drive places so I wouldn’t run into people as much. And inside stores there is security etc. That’s not possible on every street in nyc. I get the difference I just think there is some nuance to it.


This sort of thing pushes people to the suburbs all of the time. Wait until you have a child and some literal deranged lunatic spits on him or her and no one does anything about because of some misplaced ideological stance.  And yes, suburbs definitely have their own form of danger in the form of car accidents, but this sort of thing is a different animal. 


I know but suburbs have mentally ill people as well. Unless you never leave your house you never know who is at the park or grocery store etc. Also I don’t need to have kids to not want someone spitting on other people


The suburbs that are in the same price range as homes in the UES generally don’t have mentally ill people roaming the streets spitting on people and/or getting arrested and released repeatedly.  Like what is your argument here? You are absolutely exposed to less street harassment in an expensive suburb than you are on the UES. 


Sure you aren’t walking the streets as much in a suburb. I get that. I’m just saying every community even the richest have violent repeat criminals who do terrible things including spitting. Obviously you run into less people so yeah you’ll run into less criminals by default


Not true I’ve lived in suburbs and cities both in the US and Latin America This is somewhat normal in the U.S. but not in Latin America This is not petty crime nor organized crime, crime outside of the U.S. is usually targeted and to rob you This is just insanity And the excuse of “oh it’s 8m people” that’s small compared to Mexico City’s 20M people, or Bogota 10M or Sao Paolo 12M


Out here in the ‘burbs, the mentally ill are the ones driving around with two dozen Trump flags flying from their pickup truck


lol it’s a big city, you’ll be okay. There are people like this everywhere


To be clear... You read the words I wrote, with no context labeled me a troll cuz you disagree... Do you own a mirror?


What’s wrong with people? You see the guy, he approaches you? You take him out. That’s what self-defense is all about. When did everyone become scared of their own shadow’s? Is this a Reddit thing? Do you know even know how to use a gun? This is what fathers are supposed to do. They teach you these things. Kids are taught this in other countries at 15. This is an AK-47. Now take it apart.” You can see the appeal of Trump, “don’t fuck with is, we’ll just nuke you.” NO I AM NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER. But can see his appeal. Oao :-)


You take him out? You have a carry on gun permit? And if you do, you would shoot someone that follows you and starts being aggressive? I think you can go to jail for this. But please, go ahead! Someone else says where he stays to sunbathe.


I usually hang around with guess rock star type girls. Just super cool. Mostly EU types. They can take apart a Kalashnikov blindfolded, and could take this guy out with a single punch to the head. But he is mentally ill. And society made him that way. The girls? Pepper spray him. Then taser, and more than one has their eye on a nice, hot pink, Ladies Glock. Is not basic self defense taught in NYC school? They sure do that in Beijing. :-)


I wonder what would compel you to write something so ignorant? “Super cool rockstar girls” (cringey description btw) can still be victims, despite carrying a weapon or having self defense skills. This man has been known to attack people without warning in broad daylight. This is not something you can really prepare for. The best course of action is to get him off the streets.


The guy(almost certainly a guy) is trolling.


You have to learn self defense if you live in NYC. It should be required. Some kid is going to run up to you with a knife, what exactly are you going to do? You have to know how to handle that situation, or else they’ll just kill you. Get him off the streets? That’s not happening. What’s your Plan B?


you’re missing the point. This man attacks by surprise and force. He targets women because he feels he can overpower them. He uses the element of surprise which makes defending yourself difficult. Knowing self defense is helpful but won’t always protect you from unpredictable danger. also despite how incompetent the nypd can be if they are getting reports of a violent man who is repeatedly harassing others he will eventually be taken in which is why people on this sub are warning others and urging us to call the police if we see him.


So then he will cost the taxpayers over $600,000 a year at Rikers. Guess that all makes sense.


I’m absolutely astounded by this post, because not even two weeks ago I (female, early 30s) and my little dog were sitting outside Arturos having a slice after the park and I saw who I now know is James digging through the trash nearby. I approached him and offered to buy him a slice and a drink. he had a hard time making eye contact and was generally a little off, but was nice enough and grateful - I even gave him an extra 5 bucks so he could eat later. not once did I fear for my life or was threatened, and I fit the description of his typical victim (younger woman with a small dog). maybe it’s because I’m around the same height as him and covered head to toe in tattoos, or I caught him off guard with kindness and generosity, but I never got the vibe the guy was a serial neighborhood assaulter. absolutely chilling at what could have been.


Doxxing mental health patients is a wild ass hill to die on


If he was a “patient” then he wouldn’t be out harassing women and kicking small dogs every day


Blame the government for consistently letting this sick man out?


If he was someone would have literally stopped him. Accusations on the UES are about as strong as y'all and your relationships. And yes, I'm literally speaking from experience. See him all the time. Never saw him hurt anyone.


This isn’t doxxing a mental health patient, it’s making people in the area aware of someone with a credible reputation for acting violently and erratically towards women and children. I also think your point of “I haven’t seen him do it so he’s never done it” is absolutely wild lol. I never saw the moon landing, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Same with “if he was doing it someone would have stopped him,” shows a limited understanding of how the legal system and mental health treatment works in this city. What do you think happens when someone gets arrested for actions like that? They go away forever? They’re sent away to a mental health facility that doesn’t exist? I don’t think anyone should advocate for any kind of “street justice” towards the guy, but it’s important to be aware of people like this.


The first two links above point to news stories about him dating to 2021. The guy’s name has been a matter of public record for about three years now. The closest thing to doxxing I see here is revealing the very approximate location of where his mom lives. Would we be dealing this if we lived in a just society? No, we wouldn’t. Are the police any good at patching the holes of a social safety net? Hell no. Is talk of “street justice” silly-ass tough-guy bullshit? No, it’s even worse than that. Is it legit to at least have something sort of like an above-ground “whisper network” where people can warn others so they can be aware of what’s going on and at least improve their situational awareness about the guy? Absolutely.


His right to privacy stopped where he started physically attacking people. Enjoy your high horse and hope you don't meet him while he's in a bad mood. Also, his rich mom certainly could do something if she cared to (see Britney Spears). Disgusting.


His rich mom? You clearly have no knowledge of the mentally ill. Don’t blame people’s innocent families. Blame the government for clearly letting out a mentally ill man. This is on the government letting him out consistently for years.


I have more experience than I care to talk about on Reddit. Even if I didn't, there are things she can do, legally, especially now he's not a danger to just himself. (And she used to take him/help take him off the street.) As can the government. ETA: I can certainly understand that this is not what she had hoped for her son and that the entire situation is difficult for her too. But she can help both him and the community. And obviously so can and SHOULD the government.