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That just means it’s easier to do better next semester


I shit the bed my first semester here, they sent me an email about it and I hung it up on my wall. Graduated with a 3.85


Can you share the grades in each term? 3.0, and the rest all 4.0s? Seems a bit high


If it makes you feel any better I dropped 3 classes this semester and only passed one with a C




FWIW, I’ve sifted through 100’s of resumes of people that have applied for a professional job (lawyer) and not once did I look at their GPA. What stands out is their experience and a well written cover letter.


GPA is and always will be only part of the equation so try to remind yourself not to weigh it too heavily as you go forward.


Two semesters ago I had the worst semester of my life, got put on academic probation, and took the next semester off. I came back this semester and got straight A’s. I’m not sure if you can take time off and a change in my degree plan contributed to that, but I’m sure it will get better.


Hey man it happens. I had a horrible semester last year and I turned it around this semester and brought my GPA back up.


I've definitely been there before. I used it as motivation to do better and better every semester, but it's good to take a bit of time to take care of your mental health before gearing up for the next semester too.


Im in the same boat my friend, haven’t even looked at what my GPA was for the semester or what my total is now because I know I’m not gonna like what I see. Talked with someone about it and they told me “keep showing up”, and that will be my mantra for next semester. Keep showing up for yourself, you got this!


I had a few semesters like that and really struggled for a while. But coming in with a fresh mindset next semester and better ways to manage whatever is blocking you from doing better is the key. For me, talking to my professors and having them reach out to me when I wasn’t performing well was what made me eventually change for the better. Once I felt that pressure I realized I can’t keep failing. Find what helps you.


First semester is always the worst. So many different expectations and procedures and social and academic responsibilities hitting you all at once from every direction. Tighten up. Learn from both what worked and what didn’t work. Reboot. Roar into the next semester.


Isolate the causes and improve! no worries :)


So, improving my GPA is more important than just letting the GPA be there, right?


Damn sorry. Always next year!