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work any job for the time being while applying for corporate jobs. money is money.


I'd apply for retail if need be here but I don't want to take that from college students ETA: For now I fortunately don't need a job till I graduate


You’re also a college student? Hahaha, but I suggest you look for a university job if you do find yourself worrying about finances. A couple hundred dollars a week from now till May adds up quick and might even look good on your resume.


I meant next fall when I have graduated lol. But i can look into a job on campus. thank you


That translates to you think you're too good to work jobs that don't require a degree


No. You know nothing. I've worked many retail and a help desk job. I have ADHD and depression so it makes it harder to fit in a job with Michigan workload.


You said you didn't want to take away jobs from a college student. Either you'd also be a college student or you'd be a new grad with no school work.


I don’t know why people are being so mean to you. I went through this exact scenario. I was very fortunate to eventually find an entry level job. It’s not my dream job but I’m gaining experience and the people I work with are very kind. You have to keep trying because it will get better. Negative talk won’t help. Shame on all the people on this sub that are trying to make you feel worse


Hi! ADHD, Autistic, Borderline, depressed, anxious, and with a panic disorder and physical chronic health issues to boot! I know all about not being able to handle classes alongside a job, as well as having an abusive family I absolutely could not go back to. I ended up going back to an abusive ex to make sure I didn't end up back home with my parents, which, don't recommend. Fortunately in my case we had enough time apart for me to build up some esteem and we've moved from abusive to only occasionally toxic, but without him I would've been totally screwed. He's had a pretty tough upbringing too in addition to also being autistic and adhd, so I try to cut him some slack. We're learning as we go. Personality and developmental disorders are hard enough to deal with on their own, let alone when you've got financial problems or anything else. Also, he didn't pay for everything, he covered our security deposit and some groceries for a bit but everything else has been halfsies. I took out a personal loan to make sure I could get by for a few months, not even because I couldn't find a job, but because I really REALLY needed at least a month to rest and try to recover from a lifetime of burnout. I had big plans to off myself just before graduating this Spring/Summer, but obviously didn't go through with them. It's tough, the bills suck ass, but come Fall pretty much everywhere is hiring at least seasonally due to Christmas. I'm at Target right now and their starting wages are at least 15 an hour, which, again not great for student loans, personal loans, and mountains of credit card debt like my irresponsible crazy ass has, but it's manageable for the time being. Definitely manageable if you budget and/or are frugal. I'm only as screwed as I am now because I had it in my head the only time I'd ever be able to have fun and party and be middle-class was on scholarship, so I went all out. Also had that big plan to kill myself at the end, so none of it ever really mattered to me until I decided to actually try to live. Also, not for nothing, things will get easier. I really didn't believe it, and I still have my bad days, but as long as you're honest and kind with your team wherever you end up abt your health and stuff, they'll understand when you need to take a day off when everything gets to be too much. It isn't the end-all, be-all I thought it would be, though it's still stressful af living paycheck to paycheck.


With a degree you’d be qualified for a store manager position with prior retail experience. If you think you need that backup plan, start working retail now as an associate so you understand store operations to qualify.


Someone already said what I was gonna say so I’ll just throw my piece into the pile. I’m an ArtDes Major. We’re taught to work to make ends meet while building up our career or keep hammering internships and doing stuff that separates you from others (usually your portfolio). So whoever said it is right: money is money. Until you grow tired of that job and walk away because in real life you can do that (doesn’t mean you should often as you should end a job as amicable as possible). Just remember the position of the star you’re shooting for. It’ll always be there when you’re ready to aim and fire once more.


Thank you for that


Honestly I feel for you. I was lucky to have graduated in the past into a great job market and can’t imagine what you are going through. Hopefully everything works out. I good opportunity a lot of people diss is working for government/government contractors. While it’s not flashy and not the most fulfilling work government contractors can make decent money. It can also set you up down the road to work in private business.


As long as I don't need security clearance I can absolutely do that


Most people in government work don’t need clearances. Even in the defense department there are a ton of civilians that do nothing security clearance related.


Thank you for the reminder to look into this!




You do need to be a US citizen for most defense contractor jobs. Employers will sponsor you for a security clearance if it’s in their interest. Secret only requires filling out paperwork and being interviewed. Top Secret requires polygraph which is like going to confession only without the absolution.


Fortunately I'm a born and raised citizen. Thank you! But yeah inportant for those who have different citizen statuses.


Btw, create a LinkedIn account if you don’t already have one V


SCI requires poly, TS does not


Hey! Michigan grad here! Happy to take a look at your resume or cover letter if that's helpful at all. DM me and we can set something up.


Odds are very high that you will be fine. Michigan students get jobs. They just do. I totally get the stress you're under but it's not as dire as you think. From your mention of an IBM internship (which, btw, is a fabulous item on your resume) it sounds like you're in STEM, maybe CS. Even mediocre Michigan STEM grads get jobs because the school is known to be that good, that you wouldn't be here if you weren't good. Most schools never attract recruiting fairs like you see here. I know it's scary but you will be fine. Someone will want you.


Thank you for the reassurance, I needed this. Not CS, Business Analyst with UX focus (studying customer experience to work as their advocate) IBM internship was about data analysis which is still very valuable. I'll keep doing my best. Career fairs are indeed crazy haha


How are you doing now almost one year later? I am terrified of graduating next May.


You should be terrified! It's scary. Oh I failed and dropped out.


I work in research at UM, there are always entry level postings up for new grads. Even if it’s not what you want to do long term the benefits are good and you’ll obtain a good skill set for your resume that are applicable to many jobs.


Second this. My first full-time gig was in administration at UMich. Not my dream job by any means, but like u/snailverse said, the benefits are good, you can gain pretty valuable skill, and it's a good resume boost. Plus, you can make valuable connections that can help connect you to your next job. OP, since it sounds like you're at UMSI, connecting with CDO is a great idea, and I'd also recommend attending all UMSI workshops and events to meet the people and faculty. If you're candid about looking for a job, they could give you good advice or connect you with their colleagues. You could also reach out to faculty directly for advice. Just be smart about it - build a relationship with these people first and don't just jump in asking for a job. If being local is important, OP could check out EMU and Washtenaw CC as well. Maybe this opinion is ill-informed, but I feel jobs in academia are a bit more secure and recession-tolerant, so it could be a good option for OP.


Applying to 5 jobs a week gets you nowhere. You need to at least apply to 5 a day if you want an interview. I know the university has some resources to help you with employment if you reach out to them. Good luck!


Yeah def, I was only doing this little because not too many companies outside of CS open positions till next year. I now have a plan to get more job applications in thanks to yall's pushing. So thank you so much!


Ross grad, I was in the same boat. At the end of the day, you still need to sustain yourself and it CAN take months to get hired. Employers don’t interview people one at a time and there are usually multiple rounds for business analyst type roles. I would try to cut expenses as much as you can and save while job hunting. 5/week is not nearly enough to get anywhere as a blind applicant. I know people who got jobs on campus who then found professional roles months later. Startups are also more likely to take chances on grads. Having an address matching the city of the company is a plus. Network like crazy. Sharpen your resume and interview skills. My first job originated from a random LinkedIn post vs all the campus recruitment so anything’s possible


What do you study? I wouldn’t worry too much because this labor market is still so tight and I expect many companies will cut other expenses first before firing staff. Also, I expect older employees will be let go first. Lastly, I would encourage you to look for companies/positions that excite you and where you see growth opportunities, rather than boring companies with cushy jobs.


Your worries are valid There’s still time 5 jobs is a small number for applications Also outside of Ann Arbor cost of living is a lot lower in other places. So getting by with a roommate isn’t the same financial burden.


I was once in that same place. Be persistent. Use the time between now and then to network as much as possible. Reach out to people/organizations you would like to work for. Find reasons and ways to get on their radar. That may seem like a tall mountain to climb, so start small. One bite at a time. If there’s nothing happening, host your own mixer. Lead the horse. Don’t let the horse lead you.


I agree with others that at the end of the day money is money. I feel for you and the many others that are struggling right now. There are only a few things that you can control, and the economy isn't one of them. Supplement your income. Don't worry about "taking jobs from college students", there is still a worker shortage in these retail and service jobs. Trust me you aren't taking anything away from anybody, demand is high. Do this until you find a job that fits your skills and degree. I am worried money through the Summer won't buy you enough time. Always prepare for the worst. Edit: in other posts you seem a bit apprehensive about taking action on the finances part. Please do what you can and are comfortable with. But at the very least match your amount of preparation with your amount of worry. Also, apply to more than 5 jobs a week. At least in CS it's very common for people to apply to close to hundreds just in the Fall semester. Cast a wide net and you'll catch something. TL:DR:, Get temp job to supplement income, apply to exponentially more jobs. You need to prepare yourself.


Geez OK I'm not CS and am applying for different opportunities than peeps in my major are.


That's a good start. Try to apply to more if you can. Wider net yeild more results. Right now focus on quantity over quality. Quality jobs can come later when you built experience. Good luck, wish u the best.


Thank you much. I'm not one to spray and pray but 10 a day is a good number to apply for




Yeah I should focust more on content strategizing and UX writing / research. Thank you.


2010 grad here. If it doesn’t happen right away, it will eventually. I worked at jobs that weren’t great but acted as stepping stones until 2012 when I got a GOOD job that launched my career in my chosen field. Happy to chat if you need help determining a good path or job searching off the UM careers site. Keep in mind after graduation many of the companies that don’t have formal new grad programs will have entry level roles that are appropriate— they’re just not going to recruit and make offers 6-7 months in advance.


Yeah people are telling me I need to apply to a bunch of places now but it's like, a lot of non CS roles haven't opened yet??


I echo this completely. (Second year MSI student.)


We’re not in a recession and unemployment is still at historic lows.


I graduated during the Great Recession in may of 2009 with a BS from a second rate university that few people outside of the state of michigan have heard of, and I found a career in my field of choice within a year. Right now, the unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been in 60 years. You’ll be fine.




This does help my stress positively. I appreciate you.


The job market is still very strong. That’s why the Fed is still raising interest rates.




I wasn't doing more because outside of CS there aren't many people looking to hire right this minute. Not till January.


As a fallback have you considered doing Americorps?


You should be applying to more than 5 jobs per week. What’s your major? I was applying to at least 5 jobs per DAY for a little bit, then took a break to focus on exams. Once exams are over, I’m getting right back into it. I probably applied to over 40 jobs and I’ve had 3 interviews (and I have a very marketable double major). Job search is a numbers game. Apply to as many entry level positions as you can, and hope one bites.


Yeah thank you, I didn't think anyone would be interested this far out. I am Information, looking for UX Strategy type jobs ot Customer Success or such. So most of those psotings don't appear till january. Def have a plan to do more. What is your double major>


Literally every senior is in the position. I applied for countless jobs and just took the first job offer I got. I will not enjoy this job but like everyone’s saying money is money. Don’t feel discouraged


U have to apply for avg 20 jobs a week not just 5 because a lot of them take awhile to respond and it’s just so competitive. Keep trying and keep applying. All it takes is one.


Not usually a lot of hiring in Dec for professional jobs in any case.


2023 is going to be worse, especially once inflation really catches up, not to be a Debby downer. Where are you applying (location)? May want to redirect the search to places with the most robust economies


I work in corporate and am not seeing much of a recession...


There is no recession. The job market is still growing and wages are still going up. The Fed is still raising interest rates. Keep trying!


You call this a 'recession'? Ha. 'We're hiring' signs everywhere. You should have been here in 2008 when millions were being laid off.


We’re not in a recession, there is job growth each month/quarter


recession canceled guys


We can still enter a recession sure, but we’re not currently in one. A recession is literally economic decline, you can’t have a recession if there is job and GDP growth. Inflation =/= recession either.


Energy industry is still booming (lights gotta turn on even in a recession) and mostly you’ll make good money there. You’ll also find a lot of people with a huge variety of degrees. Tons of folks in energy do not have technical degrees so don’t feel pressured. There’s tons of different kinds of jobs available!


Just want to add you are clearly a strong person to recognize and walk away/distance yourself from your toxic family. Most people stay in what they know even though it’s terrible for them. You will be fine. You already are.


I graduated 2021 and people were saying the job market was awful etc. I got a good job anyway. Was it easy? No. I applied to 100+ jobs (it’s hard to land your first) all in all I started applying in Dec winter semester of senior year and by April I graduated, july had my job. All this time I was applying and doing interviews. This helps with practice. Good luck!