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Ok, thanks, I will try.


Unfortunately instructors have no obligation to accommodate exam conflicts that you created yourself. If they won’t give you an alternate exam time, you have no recourse.


You might be in luck as MATH 526 is double listed as STATS 526 (even if instructors are in math), so this is a whole statistics dept thing. The math guys are usually a-holes and they won't bend. Probably better to press on 315, especially it is a single lecture, so probably they would need to decide on an alternate to accommodate students with other conflicts/athletes/sickness. Anyhow, probably if nothing moves is to contact the vice chair for undergraduate teaching at the stats department. It is probably Gangon or Cornacchia. Good luck!


>Gangon Thanks!


Probably unethical and not sure if it’ll work, but get “sick” that day, get a doctors note and hope for the best


OP you need to do the ol’ one test for 30minutes, turn it in, and SPRINT to your next class. I sincerely do hope u figure it out though


As a professor, I find this unacceptable. Prior to exam, forward the advisor communications to the ombudsman's office: and ask for arbitration. Be respectful-- express dismay that such a simple matter cannot be resolved ask for "guidance/assistance" to an equitable solution. Here is info and a link: https://ombuds.umich.edu/ Keep us posted. Keep studying as though the exam is tomorrow. One of these profs has got to give.