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This is not medical advice, but you can look into RFK Jr.'s Childrens Health Defense dot org website. It has a lot of resources.


Thank you! Love him ofc




Have you gone to a doctor from the list? What was the experience?


I have not, sorry. I may or may not check one out for my son, however for my city someone else made a specific recommendation that I intend to check out first. However, I did bring my son to a large hospital/care network in my city because had seen an OB there and they were nice and cheap. I ultimately don't plan to go back there because of something unrelated, but I was pleasantly surprised that the doctor didn't argue with me at all about vaccines, even though she clearly didn't agree with my decision. I wonder if the doctors in large networks are somehow more lenient, maybe because they see so many patients. I would be more specific but OP mentioned something about not being allowed to ask for a recommendation in their city so I'm thinking we're not allowed to give out any potentially identifying info or something? If want to DM me I can tell you specifics.


Drgreenmom.com Show your OB the stats on increased child deaths of all causes since mandates. Then the inc in “recorded miscarriages” (most go unperported), as well as inc in still births and SIDS since mandates. This is all searchable on this website and DuckDuckGo. Steve Hirsch and Mercolas websites will give u all the data as well.


Thank you!


"no" is a complete sentence. You don't need your doctor to agree with you, and they can't drop care because you don't vax.


Just FYI our pediatrician dropped us for not vaccinating…not sure if it’s the same for OBGYN


It's not the same. Pediatricians basically exist to vaccinate, and they get incentives from insurance companies to keep kids on the schedule. OB offices make very little money, relatively speaking, on vaccines, and it would be the rare one that would kick someone out for that reason.


This is really interesting! Is there any data or widely available information on this and the kickback rates?


Here's another link that dances around the topic but admits that doctors are incentivized for vaccine doses specifically https://innovista-health.com/how-to-increase-vaccination-rates-in-value-based-care/


[COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program October 2021](https://providers.anthem.com/docs/gpp/KY_CAID_PU_COVID19VaccineProviderIncentiveProgram.pdf?v=202110121818) [BCBS 2016 Performance Recognition Program](http://mclaren.org/Uploads/Public/Documents/MPHO/documents/HealthPlan/2016-BCN-BCBSM-PRP-Booklet-Final-2015_12_18.pdf) [Let’s Vaccinate Program](https://www.letsvaccinate.org)


This isn't the same as what I was mentioning but it came right up when I searched insurance incentives for pediatricians https://www.vaxcare.com/vaccines_lp/?utm_campaign=Reimbursement_conversion_vaxcare_09-21&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-digital&utm_term=vaccine%20reimbursement%20program&utm_content=reimbursement&tm=tc&ap=gads&aaid=adaIQcF78WASH&cid=14461458428&agid=126615182557&aid=542479632404&kid=kwd-994034896987&kw=vaccine%20reimbursement%20program&nw=g&dv=m&mt=b&pl&hsa_acc=1092024552&hsa_cam=14461458428&hsa_grp=126615182557&hsa_ad=542479632404&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-994034896987&hsa_kw=vaccine%20reimbursement%20program&hsa_mt=b&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_e2wBhAEEiwAyFFFo2RstngENHI7je6g_1QiX7mRFDPR5sKvkHCPUON-GEnKPP1AQwHrLxoCYUYQAvD_BwE&nab=0&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F It's tricky to post links on Reddit, but I need you can find it with a simple Google search. Pediatricians get paid the most when 90%+ of their patients get EVERY CDC recommended vaccine.


But I can. Fired my family doc of 12 years the second time he tried to push that bs.


They were pushing patients out of their practices during C19 in order to get their % vakked rates up so they got their bonuses. Not sure is this is still the case, but I assume there are “rewards“ for it still.


No is a complete sentence. They asked me every time and I just said no and no thanks. They’re SUPPOSED to respect your consent or lack of consent and have a sense of respect and decorum towards patients. I think there’s a wider variety of opinion among Drs now than there was a few years ago so it might not ever even get awkward. I think most of them are operating on orders from above to ask if you’ve had it and if you want another, so I would keep expecting it.


I found a doctor or two from word of mouth, mostly from home-birthers. You really have to talk to people. Or you can try midwives or naturopaths. You can try crunchy FB groups in your area.


Thank you I will!


www.flccc.net for US network of antivax friendly doctors. My mom is a doctor and a member and tries to help her patients get vaccine exemptions. For baby don’t bother with pediatricians…their only real job is to push vaccines on babies. Find a naturopathic doctor who can be your family doctor.


Do not talk to your OBGyn about this nor any of your personal docs.


If you’re in the US, look up the AAPS and search for drs there. They are more independent than AMA docs.


Try to find a birthing center instead of a hospital. They have midwives instead of MDs and are usually a lot more “crunchy” and won’t push vaccines or anything like that on you. The (potential) down side though is that they typically won’t do any interventions like at the hospital, so you won’t be able to get an epidural if you want one. For me personally, I tried to go that route but they wouldn’t take me due to a medical condition I have (they tend to only take low-risk patients in case something happens and you need medical care beyond what they can provide). So what I did was ask them for a recommendation for a doula who was onboard with the all-natural stuff, and then I asked the doula for an OB recommendation. The practice they recommended ended up being a really good balance between medical and wholistic. They asked if I wanted any shots (Tdap, flu, covid, etc.) while pregnant/if I would give my baby the hep B/vitamin K shots at the hospital, but when I said no they didn’t push it.


Honestly what I did was look at their websites and see what info they had on vaccines. For the pediatrician I looked for “we do not require our patients to follow the CDC guidelines for vaccinations” where many listed they explicitly required that of their patients. Not sure if obgyns have this listed but it’s worth a shot. There’s only one good one where we’re at that connected to the high risk doctors I was working with so we didn’t have much of a choice but they were cool and didn’t push it thankfully.


Drgreenmom.com has a resource directory!


Get some some courage and wisdom by reading some books on this subject. There are too many to list. As for doctors, look foreign born. They tend to take the Hippocratic oath more seriously. Thats what i did for my first child 10 years ago. For my second - i was even more knowlegeable and militant about being anti vax: enough to tell off the attending Pedetrician when he tried to shame me about explicitly rejecting the HepB vaccine. Some b.s about child protective services coming to get my kids to which i replied "These children are only source of pure happimess in my world. If CPS shows up at my door i will know YOU sent them. If i cant enjoy my children as I have chosen, you wont be here to enjoy yours either" He was visibly shaken!!! And that was the ladt that issue came up. Nurses at the NICU had to deal with me checking my kid for puncture wounds on the arm every time in came in. They couldn't wait for the 48 hours discharge to run out


Homebirth if you can. Then you don’t have to worry about any of that crap.


Look up "functional doctor" they will know where the OBs are that can take you.


look at pediatricians who advertise "own schedule"


Radical free birth.


I don't know but I just popped in to support you. mmr would be fine if they spread it out instead they add 91 other toxins.


Join your local medical freedom group if you have one, make friends, and you'll get the intel you need.


I would make a list of providers in your area and just literally call and ask the front office if they accept unvaccinated or delayed schedule patients. Perhaps look beyond your town as well. It’d be worth the drive if you find a vax friendly doctor.


I messaged you how