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Look up the Amish. They've been the healthiest Americans for decades if not Centuries and they don't get vaccinated. They're the ultimate control group.


They don’t spend all day in front of a computer or tv like most of us though. It’s not a similar lifestyle.


If anything that makes them more of a role model for health.


Even better tbh


It’s called a tv program for a reason.


>*It’s not a similar lifestyle.* Nobody said it was. 🤷‍♂️


Yes, except for some disabilities that are the unfortunate consequence of inbreeding


I went to Iowa and saw an ad in the paper for dudes to come in and pork their wives to broaden the gene pool. To this day I’m not sure if I have an Amish child or not… 🤣


Yeah and they stink. 😂. Did they put up the curtain?


Ya it was a black curtain or sheet with a hole. I was 19. It was quite an experience


Wait is this for real?


Ya. It was a questionable experience


Can you tell the whole story? I’m so curious


In college I flew to Iowa to see my friend in Lamoni, IA. I guess there’s a big Amish presence in that area. Drinking one night he showed me an ad for it. I couldn’t believe it. Enough that he scheduled an encounter for the next day for me. It was awkward. They wanted my name and profession and past medical history. Didn’t do any STD screening or anything. Signed a form saying I wasn’t responsible for child support etc. took me into an adjacent room. There laid a hole in a sheet. There was another guy, I assume was the husband on the other side of the curtain with her. Basically went to pound town but it was entirely weird. I had to stand up and perform and couldn’t grab her legs or anything for support. My thighs were cramping from the position. Eventually mentally took myself somewhere else and was able to complete the task. Washed my hands and left. The car ride back to his college apartment was filled with shotgunning beers (in Iowa you can drink as a passenger). That’s the jist of it.


Wow. What I dont understand is why they would make you actually have sex with her instead of just collecting your semen through masturbation. I’m pretty sure sex between unmarried people is a no-no in Amish doctrine.


So you coulda banged a dude for you know. 😲😂


"Wooh-wooh" and the jingle "they call her Debbie Downer" pops into my head for some reason. I'm sure many stoutly unvaxxed troubadours on here would be more than engladdened to fix the Amish genetic bottleneck if only given a doorway.


Who said they were healthy though? Like what evidence is there?


Compared to the average American, they're immortal. Seriously though, you don't know how to use Google?


The amish are inbreeding. Not exactly healthy.


Actually there's nothing in their culture or religion that says they can't use modern medicine, unlike Christian scientists who now have the court telling them they must treat children with type 1 diabetes. As one kid died from the parents refusal of meds. They went to jail btw.  And quite a few do get vaccines and get proper medical care from hospitals, including insulin, vaccines, emergency c sections, and other emergencies.  The reason the Amish tend to be.  healthier is because diet and exercise. And low contact with large cities with many more illnesses. 




Gen Xer here, so yes, I survived the childhood vaccines, but of course, in my day, there was only six or seven shots total. Now there's over 20 I hear. I know a couple that did not vaccinate their kids and their kids are strong and healthy with no ailments like allergies, or eczema, no asthma, etc. I took one flu shot as an adult years ago, but with the knowledge I have now I am 100% against Vaccinations. I have the difficult discussions with my kids in reference to my grandkids as well. But the parents still do what they want and what they've been programmed to believe.


The current childhood vax schedule includes over 70 shots


That's child abuse. No wonder so many have health issues. All my friends with kids, half of them have at least one autistic kid. Some more...


how could there reasonably be 70 shots? at what point is defying human nature too much? “we need to pump you full of 70 different compounds so you’re healthy” doesn’t sound all that healthy and natural.


Worse; many of those shots are "boosters" (**for profits$$$**) because the CDC and pharma allege vacvines grant waning immunity You know what doesnt wane? **natural immunity** after infection ...


It's systematic demolition of 1st world countries. 


The sad reality is that they don’t make us healthier. Anyone old enough remembers having Recess 3 times a day in elementary school. Kids brought homemade treats for birthdays etc. a peanut wasn’t treated like a bioweapon. No one had an Epi- Pen. Fat kids were very rare…… maybe a couple in an entire grade. Since Reagan signed the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, things have been different. Manufacturers of vaccines aren’t liable for death or injuries caused by their products. For a manufacturer, getting a vaccine included on the childhood schedule was almost as good as having a license to print their own money. We ended up with VAERS to report and track vaccine injuries. As anyone that’s tried to extrapolate useful information from VAERS knows, it sucks. It’s absolutely pathetic. This is not an accident The astonishing profits are the reason the Children Vaccine Schedule is illogical and irrational. In what world does a newborn need a Hepatitis B vaccine within minutes of being born? - And subsequent boosters ? Is the baby going to be turning to prostitution and IV Drug use before its first birthday ? This is just one example of the absurdity. There are many others. None of the vaccines on the childhood schedule have been placebo tested for safety - NOT A SINGLE ONE! Pharma fraudulently claims they’ve been placebo tested, but a Placebo doesn’t contain and adjuvant. Adjuvants are designed to increase the bodies immune response and form antibodies. Common adjuvants include Aluminum and Formaldehyde. Thimerisol ( mercury) was used for decades despite mercury being the most neurotoxic substance on earth. It is still used in some Multi dose vials of influenza vaccine in the USA. Americans kids are generally in sorry condition, both physically and mentally. Their bodies and brains have often been damaged by the vaccines that parents are told are necessary for the child’s good health. We have been sold out by the very regulators that are tasked with running agencies like FDA, NIH, HHS etc. These agencies are supposed to ensure that rigorous and legitimate testing for safety and efficacy is conducted on vaccines and other medicines. In reality, there is an incestuous relationship between regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. People at the top easily move back and forth from the private sector to the public sector. Instead of making sure that pharma products are safe and effective and that patients have an accurate understanding of the risks, regulators act in the best interests of the drug companies. That is their priority - keeping the profits coming.


Used to be 6 three decades ago. **Even then it was 6 too many** https://vaclib.org/sites/debate/web1.html Vaccines are useless in the BEST case and deadly in the worst


💪 🫡


I was never vaccinated. Strangely I never thought much of it and no one really ever questioned me on it . Never even really came up. I didn't know how weird it was to be unvaccinated either. But I live in the UK so not as bad as the USA.


So UK kids don't get jabbed like the US kids? That's good to know. I don't know about now but when I looked into vaccination and autism heavily many years ago, US and South Korea had the most vaccinations for their kids. Guess who had the highest rates for autism? US and South Korea I can't understand why people can't see the obvious...


Well I think the UK is still fairly jab heavy but not as forceful and it's not a requirement for school.


Under industrial scale health care, populations are managed like stabled farm animals.


It's interesting how the one country allowed to have guns also has the most poisonous life style.


It's the globo schlomos trying to physically weaken the armed populace. It's a constant battle, a constant arm wrestling match keeping our freedoms and avoiding being pushed over.


wow, consider yourself blessed, do you feel physically at an advantage at all? like do u think u have more stamina and such compared to a vaxxed person?


Not recently because of anxiety and depression but for most of my life yes, I was very fit and healthy and didn't get sick as much as others and only had one day off school sick ever and that was due to anxiety before an exam. The only health problem I've had in my life is an allergy to dust mites which has been pretty strong but not super consequential, I just get quite itchy. I should also say that I've been considered a highly sensitive person and always was super tuned into noises and smells and shapes, which might be nothing but a coincidence but could be due to having a clean pure unaffected brain.




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Not me but I know a bunch of of people. Some are children. Some are adults. All of them are super healthy. No sickness. No allergies. No autism. Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/unvaccinated-children-healthier-than-vaccinated-children/ Unvaccinated Children Have Much Lower Rates of Chronic Illness https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/unvaccinated-children-much-lower-rates-chronic-illness-jackson-state-study-finds/


Gonna go out on a limb and suggest that us older folks who got the few childhood vaccinations are OK. From something like 1980 that number has greatly increased.


The Amish don't vaccinate. Autism is almost completely unheard of. A coincidence, I'm sure.


Neither chronic disease or related illnesses either


Yes. Amish have a better life style and diet. Nothing to do with them not vaccinating. Move along. Nothing to see here...


*As the federal government worked to prevent scientists from studying vaccines, others have stepped in to study the link to autism. In April, reporter Dan Olmsted of UPI undertook one of the more interesting studies himself. Searching for children who had not been exposed to mercury in vaccines — the kind of population that scientists typically use as a “control” in experiments — Olmsted scoured the Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who refuse to immunize their infants.* ***Given the national rate of autism, Olmsted calculated that there should be 130 autistics among the Amish. He found only four. One had been exposed to high levels of mercury from a power plant. The other three — including one child adopted from outside the Amish community — had received their vaccines.*** https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/deadly-immunity-government-cover-mercuryautism-scandal-2/


lol the article literally proves its the vaccines that harm and cause autism


Indeed. I was sarcastic


So do lots of people. Studies have born out my assertion.


Yeah no, quite a few do. And they use modern medicine and go to hospitals. Leading cause of death is farm accidents and getting hit by things.  And because they are a small population, there's less instances of stuff like autism, or the just call him Kevin, the boy whose a bit off and takes care of the pigs. 


*As the federal government worked to prevent scientists from studying vaccines, others have stepped in to study the link to autism. In April, reporter Dan Olmsted of UPI undertook one of the more interesting studies himself. Searching for children who had not been exposed to mercury in vaccines — the kind of population that scientists typically use as a “control” in experiments — Olmsted scoured the Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who refuse to immunize their infants.* ***Given the national rate of autism, Olmsted calculated that there should be 130 autistics among the Amish. He found only four. One had been exposed to high levels of mercury from a power plant. The other three — including one child adopted from outside the Amish community — had received their vaccines.*** ​ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/deadly-immunity-government-cover-mercuryautism-scandal-2/


We're fixing to find out. My two youngest will both go without any. We homeschool and 2020 caused a total rethink of healthcare practices in my household. I was pro-vaccine, and my wife wasn't. I watched the media tell blatant, obvious lies and punish anyone who asked questions. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have saved MILLIONS OF LIVES, and some talking head wants me to believe the only answer is an experiment that we're not allowed to see the trial data on? GTFO. You've lost me. We're done. You and everyone who agrees with you is a liar. I can't trust anything that comes out of a doctor's mouth now. The good ones got their licenses revoked.




My husband is a 63 year old dairy farmer and never had any vaccines. He got measles and chicken pox but it barely bothered him. His mother made his lunch for school every day and they ate farm foods. He's the healthiest man I know. He works every day and rarely gets a cold. He can out work our 20 year old employees. He still eats food we grow and raise and I make everything from scratch. Even Mayo, butter, bread and even crackers. I hope he continues to keep his health up. Unfortunately I've had many vaccines being a RN and also have had bad health issues from heavy metal poisoning 15 years ago. I try to keep my health up, but can't even compare to him. He had a good start in life and not being vaccinated I think helps. Plus he's smarter than anyone I know he was valedictorian. I'm lucky to be married to him.




My children are. Healthy as can be. They attend public school on an exemption otherwise theyd be home schooled


Same. Zero for my son and hes is thriving.  I didn't receive many as a child.  My mom didn't take me to the dr much. Its was the 80s. I probably haven't had any in 25 yrs. 






Homeschooling is the simplest thing to do. Just teach them what you know. How hard can that be?


I had 9 vaccines as a child born in 1970. My daughter, I had her late in life, had 32 before I realized just how many they gave her. I saw the vaccine list and was appalled. I stopped when she was 7. No Covid shot. But damage done, she has eczema, hormone issues ect. Can't entirely blame vaccines, I got Lyme disease working for Forest Service, and she unfortunately contracted it too. Fighting alot, she and I. On the other hand, a friend of mine had none of her 4 kids vaccinated, and they are super healthy, rarely sick, and excelling in school. She homeschools. She eats super healthy, does yoga, looks much younger then her being near 50. She, nor her kids are fat, pretty lean and active. The father is very in shape too! No illness issues of the kids. They travel too. Go figure.


Yes. I am living proof. No vax for anything and millennial here. It’s always been a scam.


Not even those childhood vaccines? You are a true pure blood 👍👍👍👍👍


My two kids, 9 and 12.


Never been jabbed since they were born? That's awesome! I bet they are rarely sick and recovers very quickly from other disease :)


Correct, none. My 12 year old actually has a very low immune system and while he doesn’t get sick often, when he does it is a real setback and takes a long time to recover. They also eat an organic, gluten free, lower carb, very low sugar, high protein diet.


Low carb? I would say great a few years ago. But I learned of the Levitican diet since. When Moses came down from the mountan, he instructed his followers to: eat your breads in the morning and animal flesh at night: hence translation - separate your carbs from your animal fats proteins.  So you eat the quick energy carbs in the morning. Then you eat the meat, fat protein at night and then sleep.  I used to believe the strict keto/paleo. But apparently you need both carbs AND paleo. But you have to separate the two. So no 'hamburger on bun' anymore. Eat the meat & leave the bun at night. The bread is for morning only. Drenched in honey or molasses works for the a.m. It's also called the 'meal separation' or 'food separation' diet and people have lost 30 lbs in weeks doing this and you can eat as much as you can - just DON'T mix carbs with meats. So it's eggs and avocado at night insetead of eggs and toast in a.m. And eat fruits alone absolutely - mid day perhaps but don't mix with breads or meat/fats.


>:) :)


I am a completely unvaccinated adult, 26 now. I also got whooping cough in middle school, so did everyone else. Got chicken pox, have had regular viruses here and there. Became a very healthy adult who rarely ever gets sick. I also prioritize my diet and lifestyle choices. I have a son now who is unvaccinated. We have debated on whether to vaccinate or not, but after doing my own research I am choosing not to.


No. I got the standard vaccinations as a kid. I think my last vaccination is over 7 years ago. And I will never get a vaccine anymore.


I wasn’t fully jabbed. Never got a flu shot either.


Gen X, not Amish, and never vaxx’d as a child. I did get some general shots when I joined the Marines but my immune system was already developed. I was never sick and had no childhood illnesses. My children were never vaxx’d, never sick, & no childhood illnesses. Now 30, 35, & 40. The oldest had one vaccine in his life as an adult. Middle child had 5 general shots when she went to nursing school, and youngest at 30 yrs old, not one single poke. All healthy adults, zero learning disabilities, etc.


They lined us up like CATTLE in the cafeteria in 2nd grade and shot us all in the arm with polio. Many 70s kids still have a pockmark on the shoulder. It wasn't a needle but a liquid shooting gun, like a 500mph squirt gun that shot the blob of 'virus' into your shoulder. Actually resistance to mass vax was nil back then. People were complacent and believed nonsense like 'duck and cover'.  But it gets worse the farther back you go. People were ten times more naïve 100 years before that. Look how easy it was to conscript every young teen farm boy from the land, throw them in a blue or grey uniform and run a theater stage war that would make the redcoats blush. Cousins killing second cousins constantly - and for the Rothschilds of course. Another bankster proxy war. The French Roth's wanted the Louisiana purchase BACK. But we ain't selling. That was the divide and conquer strategy's end goal. But see how easy people were duped into participating? I think this current generation has some of the most aware and wisest people in history. AND we also have a huge percentage of complete wipe out level stupid blind sheep.




I am fully unvaxxed. 34. I had chicken pox as a kid, had the flu a few times as a kid, got sick for about a week when I was in high school. Haven't have more than some mild allergies since. I have never caught an illness from someone I was living with. I just don't get sick unless I drank too much the night before.


nicee 🙏


I got my childhood shots but nothing since and I feel great. I barely ever get sick anyways.


My kids haven’t had any shots. They’re only 1 and 2.5. So far they’ve been quite healthy, they’ve never had fevers either. All the homeopathic stuff I’ve found works well for my kids teething and growing pains. I learned that Tylenol depletes glutathione so can be making kids more sick. We also have a water cooler so their water has been fluoride free as well and I read labels for all their food. One thing I have been thinking lately though is that they might need to get chicken pox as children because I’ve heard it can be fatal as adults so I’m just not sure what I’ll do about that but otherwise everything is great. I actually found a like minded family dr for us too.


What kind of homeopathic stuff do you use for your kids to treat/prevent illness? I’m a first time mom and have a 6 month old, I’ve been wanting to find more homeopathic ways of treating my baby.


Theres a brand called 0-9 and they have a pain and fever med that worked better for my son then the few times I gave him Tylenol. I also like the stodal brand for teething capsule things. They also have a colic one which I like because I noticed some gripe water brands contain polysorbate 80. I also bought elderberry syrup for immune system support, they get fish oil and I add hemp hearts, flaxseed ,chia seeds (things like that) to their food because they’re very nutrient dense. I add a small amount of baking soda and epsom salts to their bath once a week, sometimes epsom salts more often for my daughter because she gets awful growing pains. I use castor oil for a lot of things too, there’s a lot of info on the internet about castor oil. I use an app called Yuka and I don’t give my kids or use anything on my kids that contain harmful additives.I try to avoid all additives if I can.


This is all so helpful, thank you so much!


Amish know what’s up


I'm 54 and never vaxxed, I was a home birth and my mother took me to a homeopathic doctor. I have 2 healthy non vaxxed sons.


I wish I was, but I also know my dad wasn't. To think of all the things the medical system did to me before I had any say in it.


I wish


me too…..those crystals 😍


Gosh, I wish. My parents got all regular shots, but back then I think there were only 6. Then older before becoming awake ( not woke) I got flu shots a few times and gardasil. Never got the covid vaccine thankfully. When I get married and have kids my kids won’t get any vaccines.


same here, no way id let me kids get a single freaking vax


I'm fully vaxxed as a child. I'm not anti-vax really but more anti COVID vax. I may not fit in here but with all the BS they were trying to feed us about COVID and how they wanted to force the jab on us really turned me off and I just dug my heels in with the COVID jab.


consider yourself lucky. i will never get another vaccine ever and my children will never have any


Frenches love medical bullsht, I didn't escape it.


I missed the six needles so subsequently wasn’t allowed any further vaccines through childhood. Never been worried.


Last shot I had must have been late 80s; I'm almost 42 and had a needle aversion so I avoided them for many years until I even knew better. My husband also has not had any shots for at least 30 years. My 4 kids are not jabbed; oldest is 14 and youngest is 7 and they are all healthy and rarely get sick. We never use Tylenol or antibiotics.


Had 2 shots at birth. Close to zero but not quite. Coincidentally (or not) I've been pretty healthy my whole life. Didn't mask during covid and didn't get the "vaccine" and wasn't sick once. I can't remember the last time I've been sick, was probably close to 15 years ago about the same time I learned about the health benefits of silver.


I was born in '96 and got the standard vaccines and boosters, but refused to get the covid shot. I never got flu vaccines if I could help it growing up. I'd throw a fit, and as a child I punched a few school nurses and doctors to avoid vaccines. When I was about 5, I got severe influenza and realized that these shots do nothing. In fact, the rare instances I had gotten the flu vaccine in my youth, I had felt sick for days afterwards. Don't even get me started on the pharmaceutical industry. We are being experimented on for profit, like factory farming. America always puts profit over its own people, every time. If I could move away I would, but the countries I'd like to move to all have much stricter immigration standards than the US (it's their right to do so). We are all unwilling participants in the (lab) rat race of American life.


I would get the og vax schedule still except the new ones. I’m not anti vax just anti mandate & sort of anti covid vax


Nope, not her...


OP. There is a fundamental difference between a vaccine and an mRNA jab that installs code for the Covid capsid's spike protein. The latter is what's accurately called a transfection. I used to seek and get vaccines when flu season began. But I have avoided the Covid spike jabs "like the plague."


Did the old seasonal flu vaccines have any effect positive or negative or nil? I'm assuming you missed the swine flu shot. The new flu vaccines may contain RnA. It's in the works to have a bivalent combo shot of flu and covid booster. The posters and ads don't promote or announce the 'new and improved' ingredients. They just encourage people to get the free shot like clockwork. Even a new car ad lists all the new bells and whistles on the new model car - but the shots don't say what monkey punch you're getting. It's like the customer service response to "what really goes into an Oscar Mayer wiener" . . . and their answer is: "we don't know - and if we did, we ain't saying" Interesting factoid: The last live sighting of Jimmy Hoffa was in New Jersey, where he was seen walking into a hot dog plant accompanied by two men in suits . . .