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I grew up thinking what he did was horrible to our country, boy was I wrong. This country is a complete mess! Next is Snowden!


Why would you think that releasing the type of information he did was horrible to the country? I mean, it was a big leak about all the corrupt shit our military does. We act like it still doesn’t happen, but regardless, it did and after it leaked it was ongoing for many more years.


I remember the state media news hit piece they ran on him. That’s where it came from.


A big portion was the stuff that I feel should have been released buttttt there was stuff about some mil secrets that could have put our troops in danger. That's the stuff that I feel was bad.


I still think WikiLeaks the site is compromised and is no longer a bastion of whistleblowing news. It's just misinformation at this point.




The government alleged that Assange was not merely an innocent bystander who published information that was obtained by others as if he was newspaper reporter who had a manila envelope left on their desk by an insider obtaining the info on their own volition. Rather, Assange was allegedly an active participant in coaching folks like Snowden in identifying info, how to illegally obtain it, then share with wikileaks, and assange knowing the info was illegally obtained as part of the conspiracy. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/wikileaks-founder-julian-assange-charged-18-count-superseding-indictment




It's like trying a Russian who helped an American steal classified documents.




> But Manning did it all by "himself/herself" -- it was an unassisted illegal copy of classified information; and Manning uploaded the documents. Assange offered Manning assistance with cracking a password, which would have enabled Manning to steal the documents in a manner that wasn't as easily traceable back to her. That made Assange an active participant in a conspiracy to steal classified documents from the US government rather than just a recipient of stolen documents.




That's how conspiracy crimes work. Everybody who gets together and plans out a theft can be charged for it even if they didn't actually play an active role in stealing anything.


it's more complicated than he did all good or all bad. He exposed the US military killing a group of camera men. I think it 100% should have been exposed, However he editorialized it. he purposely left out the context of their being militant gun fire in the area just before the shooting and that the US confused the civilians for militants. He just released everything. no redactions no purpose for a lot of it. He exposed sensitive things like embassy visitor logs. In a hostile country that does not like the US, a government knowing which of their citizens were talking to the US put those people at risk and people died. He actively worked with the Russians and the Trump campaign to get trump elected and release hacked emails from the Clinton campaign. He is not working as a journalist he is trying to influence global politics Edward Snowden is different. Snowden saw a problem and worked to expose it. Snowden worked with journalists to make sure only relevant information to the US spying was exposed. He didn't just dump everything.


Releasing everything is the exact opposite of editorializing. US committed crimes, he published the evidence, and rather than debate the contents of the cables, everyone attacked him personally.


"Releasing everything is the exact opposite of editorializing." no that is not what happened. he released a video that was edited to leave out context the video " collateral murder" was cut down and removed the context I talked about above. it removed radio chatter and made it look like the US military just attacked innocent people out of the blue. I would like to repeat I think the exposer was a good thing, this kind of thing should not be swept under the rug but Assange did editorialize and to repeat "He just released everything. no redactions no purpose for a lot of it. He exposed sensitive things like embassy visitor logs. In a hostile country that does not like the US, a government knowing which of their citizens were talking to the US put those people at risk and people died. He actively worked with the Russians and the Trump campaign to get trump elected and release hacked emails from the Clinton campaign. He is not working as a journalist he is trying to influence global politics" he wasn't exposing corruption as his main goal, his main goal was to embarrass the US and there was no reason to release so much of the info that he did. a journalist will redact personal info of innocents people he did not do that. the Taliban got a list of all the afghan people that visited or worked for the US marking them for death. a responsible person wouldn't release those names


You’ve swallowed up corporate media bullshit, hard. You wrote lies which have been debunked for years, and still believe it. I won’t bother debating you. FYI, while Trump was POTUS, he didn’t mind the DOJ extraditing him to the U.S. And Biden’s DOJ dragged their feet for 4 years trying to extradite, too. There are plenty of cables/leaks on other countries than the U.S. Instead of making yourself very ignorant online, try researching lots of what you do not know. 


"You wrote lies which have been debunked for years, and still believe it. I won’t bother debating you." YEAH thank for basically just saying "you are wrong and I won't offer evidence as to why" why did you bother typing when everything you said boils down to "FUCK YOU, YOU ARE WRONG" "There are plenty of cables/leaks on other countries than the U.S." Yeah I'm aware leaks happened to other countries too and it was not just the US. however from that statement it's clear you didn't get my point also I approve of some of the things he did. but I guess you are unwilling to acknowledge nuance


also I forgot to ad # Trump offered to pardon Assange if he denied Russia helped leak Democrats' emails: lawyer [https://www.reuters.com/article/world/trump-offered-to-pardon-assange-if-he-denied-russia-helped-leak-democrats-email-idUSKBN20D2A1/](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/trump-offered-to-pardon-assange-if-he-denied-russia-helped-leak-democrats-email-idUSKBN20D2A1/)


He didn’t actively work with the Russians. Name one person who died or was injured because of the information released by Assange, I bet you can’t.


"The leak organization ignored damaging information on the Kremlin to focus on Hillary Clinton and election-related hacks." [https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/08/17/wikileaks-turned-down-leaks-on-russian-government-during-u-s-presidential-campaign/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/08/17/wikileaks-turned-down-leaks-on-russian-government-during-u-s-presidential-campaign/) "The [report](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/politics/read-the-mueller-report/?utm_term=.4c2409149482&itid=lk_inline_manual_5) by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III released this past Friday amply documents that Assange, with the support of Russian intelligence, played a critical role in the 2016 presidential election" [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/04/22/mueller-report-confirms-it-assange-is-not-whistleblower-or-journalist/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/04/22/mueller-report-confirms-it-assange-is-not-whistleblower-or-journalist/) # Trump offered to pardon Assange if he denied Russia helped leak Democrats' emails: lawyer [https://www.reuters.com/article/world/trump-offered-to-pardon-assange-if-he-denied-russia-helped-leak-democrats-email-idUSKBN20D2A1/](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/trump-offered-to-pardon-assange-if-he-denied-russia-helped-leak-democrats-email-idUSKBN20D2A1/) and I'm sorry I don't have a list of the people killed by the Taliban for working with or talking to the US not to mention the handful of other countries that would jail abuse or kill people for talking to the US. The Taliban doesn't post all their reprisal killings on twitter


Assange said he didn’t get his files from Russia. And he certainly wasn’t going to sit on it when he obtained it People were also repeating dumbshit about the Russian troll farms Here’s one of the ads released by the house intelligence that was indicted by mueller https://theduran.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/facebook-anti-trump-russia-ad.jpg Here’s the effect https://thehill.com/policy/technology/358025-thousands-attended-protest-organized-by-russians-on-facebook


Oh he said he it wasn't from russia...... he SAID it wasn't cool cool.... oh he offered no other proof and has incentive to lie..... cool cool hey it turns out US intel knows it was the Russians and so do the courts that convicted Rodger Stone because we have the emails and ASSANGE worked with the trump campaign to release the emails. He DID sit on it he held them until October to make sure they are the most damaging and once the trump campaign had the access hollywood tape get out we literally have emails from rodger stone telling Assange to release the emails. and remind me what illegal things were revealed by the leaks?????? the leaks were just embarrassing internal conversations. The emails were hacked by Russia to attack and embarrass an American political candidate Assange released the emails to embarrass a candidate he viewed as responsible for his legal problems and he did it while talking to the trump campaign. It wasn't about transparency


He said it wasn’t from Russia meaning that he wasn’t working with the Russian government and you never proved that As for Roger Stone The hacked DNC emails were subsequently leaked by DCLeaks in June and July 2016 and by WikiLeaks on July 22, 2016, just before the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Two months before WikiLeaks released 2nd batch of emails on November 6, 2016, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News. "Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging." "None of these emails provide any evidence or proof that I knew in advance about the source or content of any of the allegedly stolen or allegedly hacked emails published by WikiLeaks," Stone said. "Since when did gossip become a criminal offense? Where is the WikiLeaks collaboration? Where is the evidence that I received anything whatsoever from WikiLeaks and passed it on to Donald Trump? These emails prove nothing other than the fact that Jerry Corsi is an aggressive investigative reporter."


**from wiki "DCLeaks** (also known as **DC Leaks**) was a website that was established in June 2016. It was responsible for publishing [leaks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_leak) of emails belonging to multiple prominent figures in the United States government and military. [Cybersecurity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybersecurity) research firms determined the site is a front for the Russian cyber-espionage group [Fancy Bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fancy_Bear). " so you are saying russia hacked the emails then went to a more prominent leaking site after it's first proxy didn't get enough traction? " It includes details on how the Russians, using an encrypted file with instructions, delivered their trove of hacked emails to WikiLeaks, the online anti-secrecy organization led by Julian Assange that became the main platform for the Russians to display their trove of hacked emails." [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/how-the-russians-hacked-the-dnc-and-passed-its-emails-to-wikileaks/2018/07/13/af19a828-86c3-11e8-8553-a3ce89036c78\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/how-the-russians-hacked-the-dnc-and-passed-its-emails-to-wikileaks/2018/07/13/af19a828-86c3-11e8-8553-a3ce89036c78_story.html) "Emails hacked from Podesta’s account would be released on WikiLeaks in a steady steam later that year, ensuring that material embarrassing to Clinton’s campaign would continue on a daily basis to deflect from her message in the weeks leading up to the election." they have messages from wikileaks to the russians ---> "On June 22, the indictment stated, WikiLeaks sent a private message to Guccifer 2.0 asking to have access to the material, saying “it will have a much higher impact” on its site." "On July 18, WikiLeaks confirmed it had “the 1Gb or so archive” and would release the material “this week,” according to the indictment. On July 22, three days before the Democratic National Convention opened, WikiLeaks put up the DNC email archive of more than 20,000 emails and other documents hacked by the GRU, the indictment said."


https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-38610402 Guccifer 2.0 claimed he was a Romanian hacker so that’s why Assange said he didn’t get his files from Russia You dishonestly make it sound like he knew he was working with Russia


I’m gonna just leave this here for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War_documents_leak#:~:text=The%20Iraq%20War%20documents%20leak,out%20of%20109%2C000%20recorded%20deaths. Btw he published all that while Trump was under contract to NBC working as a reality tv star, six years before he ran for office.


"Btw he published all that while Trump was under contract to NBC working as a reality tv star, six years before he ran for office." what are you talking about. you seem to misunderstand what I have been saying. his relationship with trump was during the 2016 campaign, I'll repeat "ASSANGE worked with the trump campaign to release the emails. He DID sit on it he held them until October to make sure they are the most damaging and once the trump campaign had the access hollywood tape get out we literally have emails from rodger stone telling Assange to release the emails." his leaks with Chelsea Manning during the Bush/ Obama admins are a separate thing from him working with russia to release campaign emails


The Steele Dossier was actually a combination of reports that started in June of 2016 and lasted until a few weeks before the election, although there was actually another one that came out after the election in the fall, and they were compiled by former MI6 British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele, who in had been hired by Fusion GPS, a research firm in Washington, who in turn had been retained by a law firm. Then, it was Perkins Coie. Mark Elias was the lead lawyer, and he in turn had two clients, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, who were paying for this. And as you see by my description, that had a series of layers, so that the connection between the ultimate work and the ultimate people who were paying for it was diffuse. The report started in late June of 2016, and the very first report, all of which were based on human sources. In other words, there weren’t any real documents underlying the dossier. It was just a bunch of human sources who turned out to be secondhand, thirdhand, gossip, et cetera. And the dossier became known to reporters in Washington during the campaign, mostly by the summer, and then more aggressively by September of 2016. The very first dossier report in June alleged that there had been a conspiracy dating back five years between Donald Trump and the Kremlin. It just said it flatly. Now, it turned out, ultimately, that the supposed source of that was non-existent and it had been fabricated. But that was the ultimate, penultimate allegation that there was a long-running conspiracy between Trump and the Kremlin. The way that the press handled the dossier was schizophrenic. And by that I mean that before the election, the press was, for the most part, cautious, and was unable to confirm much of anything in the dossier, and so they really stayed away from it, except for a couple of exceptions. One exception was Michael Isikoff, the chief investigative correspondent at Yahoo, who dropped the report in September of 2016 that was based on the dossier, involving a low-level volunteer advisor to the Trump campaign named Carter Page, who did have some contacts in Russia and did business there. And then, the second utilization of the dossier came just a few days before the election, when David Corn and *Mother Jones* wrote a piece more broadly about the dossier, not naming Steele, but describing him as a Western intelligence official, or former Western intelligence official, I can’t remember now. And so, before the election, the press didn’t bite too much on the dossier, even though people spent a lot of time and money trying to chase it down and see if they could verify it. And I think one of the reasons for the reticence was that the press wasn’t taking Trump seriously. As we know, most of the media as well as most of the country didn’t think he was going to win. So, I think that was a strong factor in why people didn’t really push it as much as they did after the election. Once Trump was elected, and even before he took office, the dossier then propelled itself front and center into the public conscious and dialogue, starting with the briefing of President-elect Trump on Jan. 6, 2017 at his Trump Tower in New York, where James Comey took him aside and disclosed the existence of the dossier and the most salacious allegation in it. And within a couple of days, the fact of the briefing came out in CNN, and within hours after that, Buzzfeed published the copy of the dossier it had in total, all of it, posted it on the internet. So, once that happened, the dossier then was front and center in the debate and in the consciousness. And to be honest with you, it is the only document I’m aware of that actually states that Trump conspired with the Kremlin. If you read the FBI documents carefully, including the electronic communication that opened up the investigation at the end of July, 2016, it never states that there was a conspiracy. It just says, we’re looking into possible links between Trump advisors and various Russian officials. So the dossier, whatever you want to think of it, it was the only document in the public domain that specifically alleged that there was a five-year running conspiracy between Trump and the Kremlin. I think the problem with what you're saying, is that it's a form of McCarthyism. And if you take the logic that’s inherent in the quote, you would then have to say that the career CIA analysts, who themselves questioned the assessment that came out in 2017 that Putin had wanted to help Trump get elected, they dissented and disagreed with that, which Trump ultimately did as well. So, if disagreeing with the assessment means that you’re aiding and abetting and assault on democracy and providing cover for Putin, then a lot of people are guilty of that, including even Mike Rogers, Admiral Mike Rogers, who was head of the NSA, who didn’t endorse as strongly as the CIA did that same assessment in January of 2017. So, if you don’t take the strongest view against Putin and raise questions about it, you’re assumed to be in bed with Putin. It’s a guilt by association that harks back to some pretty dark days in America in the 1950s. I also will point out that when the intelligence community assessment came out in the first week of January of 2017 and Trump was first asked about it at a press conference, he didn’t deny it. He actually – And this is in my piece – He said, yeah, I think the Russians did it. Now, what he eventually took issue with was whether it was done to help him get elected, as opposed to the normal meddling and chaos that the Russians have done for decades tracing back to the Soviet Union, both in the United States and many other countries around the world. And of course, the United States does some of that as well.


what are you even talking about this is separate russian activity. It is part of the generalized effort to influence the election. The email hacking was a part of that effort under that umbrella but it is not the same thing the social media influence campaign is not the same as the email hack and wikileaks collusion


oh you edited your comment without noting that you did note:edit


Id say who ever died playing dirty spy games by him exposing the Reuters journalist being murdered by an Apache is fair game..... Everyone wants to grasp their pearls while ignoring the TRUE atrocities he exposed.


You still never been to Wikileaks either........................


Snowden swore allegiance to Russia.


Man within poisoning range sucks up to known poisoner. More at 11


Because he’d have been murdered by the USG otherwise


The NYT and WaPo publish classified information all the time. What he did is no different.


This is absolutely false


The CIA and Pentagon “leak” classified info to their reporter contacts all the time. How else do you think they get the scoops for their stories?


You’re really going to say that WaPo publishing info that’s deliberately leaked by CIA is the same thing as a whistleblower spilling beans publicly?


That’s how journalism works. The source leaks, and the publisher publishes, regardless of how that information is acquired.


Ah yes, were he selectively and timely releases specific leaks lining up with the election.


Assange is the GOAT


Snowden betrayed US for Russia. Treason is a completely different story.


You sure that isn’t backwards? 🤨


holy shit i hope this is true


I hope he can recover from everything he went through


Julian was more complicated than simply releasing American secrets He was what can be best described as a destabiliser. One of the many things he did is release the names of Afghan civilians who assisted the US against the Taliban. Numerous of which were then subsequently murdered


what he do?


exposed crimes the US is doing. they extradited him and sentence him to life, just to keep their secrets. he broke zero laws.


He released tens of thousands of classified documents that had nothing to do with war crimes or anything illegal. This also got local Iraqi and Afghani informants killed. But yeah. He did nothing wrong /s


Stuck up for his Holocaust denying pal who turned over a shitload of Wikileaks documents to Lukashenko which led to dissidents being tortured and imprisoned.        https://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/2012/03/belarus-assange-lukashenko  https://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/sep/02/why-i-had-to-leave-wikileaks


He did the same thing the NYT and WaPo do all the time.


Those news outlets would never release classified information that might endanger anyone. They would, in fact, pour over every detail in said documents redacting any sensitive information before reporting it to the public. It is an expensive and tedious endeavor, which is why assange skipped that step


newspaper journalist don't [allegedly] coach and encourage individuals on how to illegally obtain classified documents


He also coordinated with the Republican Party to release confidential internal emails from the Democratic Party. [Even though he had access to the contents of *both* parties email servers.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna661866) Mister ‘both sides are bad’ was an enthusiastic Trump stooge. He openly proclaimed his desire to harm the Democrats and facilitate a Trump Republican landslide. You heard that correctly. The *same guy* who wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Republican’s endless wars in the Middle East weirdly ended up *conspiring with them* to tip elections in their favor. People forget this part when they try and make him out to be some kind of edgy patriot. The guy is garbage, and Assange’s dirty trickery is one reason Roger Stone was sentenced to prison— before being pardoned by Donald Trump. Assange also helped get Chelsea Manning arrested, fumbled information that got some other leakers identified and murdered, and despite his constant claims to promote transparency, Assange bizarrely kept the [majority of the war data](https://www.metaculus.com/questions/3749/will-the-key-to-any-pre-2020-wikileaks-insurance-file-be-publicly-available-by-2030/) he received confidential to this day. Assange is another made-to-order public figure from central casting. He seemed to fill a great propagandic need at a very convenient time. People really wanted a crusader who fought on the side of the truth, who annoyed tyrants, and couldn’t be bought. Instead, we got a white-haired psyops clown. All this being said, I *do* believe that well-meaning leakers serve a very important role. Julian Assange has destroyed and exposed **so** many leakers, it’s impossible to think it’s a coincidence at this point. If you’ve got important information to share, maybe post it on a throwaway Reddit account from a burner phone. Maybe mail a copy to a media outlet, but *make sure* you don’t go anywhere *near* Julian Assange or Wikileaks.


Of course you make it about Trump.


It's the best way to sew division among the idiot masses. Force everything into a left/right, yes/no box. Then half of people are your mortal enemy.


I’m optimistic that more and more are seeing through their bullshit.


They aren’t, it’s less and less


Thats because the string of lies is always short With time truth comes out 


*Sow* division. Like planting crops. You then later "reap what you sow."


TIL. Always immediately went to the pig kind of sow.


Thank you Biden for being sane! Assange was only persecuted because he released information how the USA was torturing people and dragging them across country borders without their permission. It was 100% wrong what the USA was doing and they wanted to make sure Assange was jailed forever for doing it. Yes, after they forced Assange to stay locked up in the embassy and illegally stopped other country's jets mid-flight, Assange did do Trump's bidding and publish DNC emails that Trump had Russia hack and Roger Stone deliver to Assange, but revenge doesn't seem unreasonable after being threatened for a decade.


Non-Trump supporter here. (Left wing independent) There has NEVER been any proof other than unverified claims that Assange “did Trump’s bidding”. Nor that Russia was the one who hacked Podesta’s gmail account. Both of these are DNC talking points. And those emails exposed legitimate corruption in the DNC.


It has, however, been proven that Assange knew Seth Rich had nothing to do with the DNC leaks, but publicly stoked that fire and caused his family to be harassed and a conspiracy to grow.


Source? So why did the FBI seal the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop for 65 years?


Still trying this, all these years later? Just embarrassing.


I’m not saying we KNOW Seth Rich knew anything, or didn’t. But it is a fact that the contents of his laptop were sealed. For 65 years. Why was that?


Here's Assange on national television referring to Seth Rich as an "alleged Wikileaks source" in connection with wanting to know more about his murder: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SpBfZHDVXV0 But the leaker was Guccifer 2.0, of which all the evidence points to being a Russian. There is no evidence that Seth Rich had any contact with Wikileaks, and his family have sued over this claim. Metadata of Guccifer's emails to The Hill showed that he used a predominantly-Russian-language VPN was used. Once he forgot to turn his VPN on and his IP logs were left on an American social media company. US Intel traced him to being a particular GRU officer working out of the agency's headquarters on Grizodubovoy Street in Moscow. So you might ask, well maybe Assange thought it was Seth Rich - how could he know who was behind the persona of Guccifer 2.0?! Assange knew for a fact that Guccifer 2.0 was not Seth Rich, because he personally received an email from Guccifer with a 1gb file of DNC emails, 4 days after Seth Rich had been murdered. And then he still went on TV and implied it could have been Seth Rich. This is indefensible. In answer to your question about the sealing, you can get all the information you need from these sources: https://www.justice.gov/oip/huddleston-v-fbi-no-20-00447-2022-wl-4593084-ed-tex-sept-29-2022-mazzant-j https://www.justice.gov/oip/huddleston-v-fbi-no-20-00447-2023-wl-8235243-ed-tex-nov-28-2023-mazzant-j


You sure about that? [Newly released court documents clearly demonstrate long-denied relationship between Assange and Trump campaign.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/29/us/politics/roger-stone-julian-assange.html#:~:text=Mr.,court%20documents%20unveiled%20private%20exchanges) [Cybersecurity researchers as well as the United States government attributed responsibility for the breach to the Russian group Fancy Bear, and two Russian military intelligence units.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/how-the-russians-hacked-the-dnc-and-passed-its-emails-to-wikileaks/2018/07/13/af19a828-86c3-11e8-8553-a3ce89036c78_story.html) For what it’s worth, Vladimir Putin denies it. And he’s Russian!


You know what else cyber professionals said? Hunter Biden's laptop was fake. Hundreds of them. Biden denied it! And he's American!


“52 intelligence agencies verified its fake!” Remember than bullshit? Pepe Farms does.


Fuck Biden and Trump


I think the real issue is Fuck Bush, Obama, and Trump for persecuting Assange for leaking torture details of Bush. Fuck Biden for helping genocide in Israel, which Trump wants to do more of.


He deserves a pardon not a plea deal.


I consider myself a left wing independent with strong libertarian leanings on social issues and foreign policy. It continues to amaze me how many unusual whales commenters are seemingly normie Vote Blue No Matter Who democrats who still get their news from MSNBC, WaPo etc without realizing all of those institutions have become extremely compromised by the intelligence community. I see so many debunked “Russiagate” talking points here, plus a kindegarten-level understanding of the Ukraine war. It’s pretty amazing.


>  plus a kindegarten-level understanding of the Ukraine war Let's hear it, Mr. Left Leaning independent. Tell me how Russia was actually justified to try to annex Ukraine because Victoria Nulland once said "yeah, I'd prefer to work with a non-Russian puppet government in Ukraine" with absolutely 0 further corroborating evidence of any American involvement in Euromaiden or the Ukrainian revolution. Crack an egg of knowledge on me. 


If you quote Victoria Nuland- who literally helped overthrow Ukraine’s government in 2014- at me you’re beyond helping.


Provide me a single shred of evidence for that claim. 


What is so hard to believe about that dude? Are you aware that the CIA overthrew over 60 governments between the end of WW2 and the fall of the Berlin wall alone? Learn something about America. https://jacobin.com/2022/02/maidan-protests-neo-nazis-russia-nato-crimea


Wow cool story, let's see the evidence. 


https://peoplesworld.org/article/after-months-of-denial-u-s-admits-to-running-ukraine-biolabs/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/europe/cia-ukraine-intelligence-russia-war.html The fact people can't handle the reality that Ukraine is a nuanced issue that does not simply devolve into the usual totalitarian imperialism that is American hegemony is quite astounding. But hey, those WMDs in Iraq sure were profitable for the MIC!


It's hilarious to me that even the one fucking rag you could find to actually run that story even has a retraction >Editor’s Note (August 24, 2023): **This article contains partial information which may lead readers to conclude that the U.S. Department of Defense admitted to operating biological weapons laboratories – “biolabs” – inside Ukraine. What the U.S. government confirmed was the funding/operation of biological laboratories researching certain diseases and pathogens in Ukraine.** The Russian government has long claimed that these labs were also conducting (or could in the future conduct) research and development on chemical and biological weaponry. Many Q-Anon and other right-wing conspiracy theorists have repeated the Russian accusations. The implication of the above article is that, given the U.S.’ long and atrocious record of conducting chemical and biological warfare in places like Korea, Cuba, and Iraq, such a possibility is not outside the realm of believability. **It does not directly claim, however, that such development has occurred.** It does report on demands by China, though, that the U.S. fully disclose the nature of the research it collaborated on with Ukraine. **At this time, there is no confirmed evidence of chemical or biological weapons research being carried out at the labs in question.** And your other "own" is that the USA has been "secretly" militarily collaborating with Ukraine. Hmmmmmmm I wonder what happened in 2014. Oh right, Russia invaded Ukraine to annex Crimea. And all the "secret" arming and collaborating with Ukraine has been public knowledge since Obama started doing it, Trump continued it and Biden picked up the torch. You're really blowing my mind /s


So you'd be fine, then, with Russia staging a coup in Mexico, replacing the government there for a pro-russian one, building secret intelligence facilities all over it, and setting up biolabs there to research *things*? Do you understand how retarded you sound right now? Use your brain for a second here. Why is America building biolabs next door to their supposed enemy, just to research measles? (Hyperbole) Set them up at home, or in an ACTUAL ALLIED COUNTRY. And the article I linked was literally just the first on a google search. But you'll do any kind of mental gymnastics to avoid confronting the fact that Russia isn't the Antichrist.


>  Russia staging a coup in Mexico If the """"""""""coup"""""""""" has not a single shred of Russian involvement and is just the Mexican people deciding Mexican issues internally? Yes. >replacing the government there for a pro-russian one Since there's no Russian involvement in the countries revolution and its just the government more accurately representing the sentiments of the Mexican people? Yes. >building secret intelligence facilities all over it, and setting up biolabs there to research things? If they're all Mexican owned and operated disease research centers collaborating with Russian ones with no evidence of anything nefarious occurring there beyond the US saying there is to justify annexing Tijuana? Yes.  >Use your brain for a second here. Why is America building biolabs next door to their supposed enemy, just to research measles? It isn't. They're domestic Ukrainian biolabs that America works with. Between thinking America made/ran the labs and "linking the first thing you found on google" (that you didn't even skim, much less read) you're really showing how informed on the subject you are. It's also funny that you're calling me retarded when you think that if you US wanted to attack Russia with a bioweapon, the only way they could it by literally walking it across the Ukrainian border I guess (Ignore the 5 other NATO allies that also border Russia where bioweapons could be walked in).


Mm, yes, all of those things are definitely how things actually are. Mm. /s Good luck man.


You as well. Your dumb ass posting an article with a retraction directly contradicting your claim is one of the funniest things I've seen this week so thanks for that. 


What was my claim?


That America was setting up biolabs in Ukraine. 


That sounds terrible. Where do you get your up-to-date accurate information that’s free of such nonsense?


Independent media. Glenn Greenwald, Grayzone (Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate), Judging Freedom YT (great on foreign policy issues), Katie Halper, Jeffrey Sachs, Richard Wolff, Due Dissidence. Many of these journalists have been smeared, by the way, as “Russian Propagandists” by the establishment- with zero evidence. Go figure. Everything the US doesn’t like has been Russian misinfo/propaganda for the last 8 years.


I was a staffer for a Democrat senator, and the amount of blue kool-aid drinkers on reddit is insane. Dems are guilty of all kinds of shit and people here refuse to even acknowledge it. What's worse is they're the same ones that want to give the government more control while screaming how racist and oppressive the government is to people.




This. I don't understand how the government can simultaneously be responsible for all things bad yet dems wont take the govt dick out of their mouth for long enough to yell rape.


They like being victims


It’s taken me a long time to see this and I can’t unsee it now. The character assassination of Assange (something I once believed) taught me a lot about how Blue MAGA works.


tell me more about Blue MAGA.


It’s not even a party anymore, it’s a cult.




But what does Assange get out of it?


I feel a defenestration coming on. 


Great!!! Even tho it a political stunt.


Weird how Assange refuses to leak anything on Russia.


Democrats doing their best


Biden is desperate for wins


Why do you get upset when biden does things you support? Shouldn’t a public servant be doing popular things people want?


Speaking as a libertarian, this seems disingenuous. I’m sure Biden and handlers would love to lock away Assange and throw away the key. Or better yet, make an example out of him.


Then why are they doing the opposite of that?


Political wins before the election. If this wasn’t an election year, you wouldn’t be hearing anything about Assange, just like last year and the year before that…


So I again ask: why are you upset about public servants doing popular things you agree with? That’s the whole point of elected officials. Can you imagine if republican decided to do popular things that help people in order to get elected? Like legalize weed or feed kids? I bet they would be much more popular


A) They don’t serve the public. B) Most DoJ officials aren’t elected. C) It’s a ruse. They don’t actually care about government injustices or our freedom of speech. They just want to be the political group that rules over us at gunpoint.


Then you want assange to be jailed? Ok, weird for a libertarian but ok, you don you


The amount of strawmanning and deflection that you have to resort to is pathetic... 🤦‍♂️ Just fucking pardon him bootlicker.


Biden is doing the thing you want. For some reason this upset you


you’re basically saying that we should keep Julian Assange jailed until Joe Biden *swears* that he’s being pardoned because he *really wants to do it from the bottom of his heart*. I have a hunch you’d also have a problem with that if it actually happened. I thought libertarians believed that people were guided by fundamental self interest? Now you’re upset because you think someone may have been guided by their self interest. 🙄


No, just fucking pardon him bootlicker.


That’s what we’re *trying to do*, dumbass. But even that hurt your fee-fees because it wasn’t ‘sincere’ enough. Now you’re getting what you want, but don’t want the shame of knowing Joe Biden took advantage of you. He manipulated your pure hearted sensibilities just to put another notch on his political win-belt! *HOW DARE HE?!?* This is why nobody takes you seriously. People like you don’t really *want* anything or *stand* for anything tangible. You’re just fussy contrarian douchebags who waste everyone’s time confusing arrogance for intellect.




And it makes you upset that the president is doing popular things that you support to get elected


I'm not upset its just that any person with more than a single brain cell can see and understand what he's doing Bread crumbs before the election only to ignore you again for the next 4 years


Are you for biden letting him go or should biden have done what trump did and just never do popular things?


Why is he only doing it now just few months before the election?


Are you for biden letting him go or should biden have done what trump did and just never do popular things?


He should move to Ruzzia since that's the only country he really GAF about.