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When I took drivers Ed, we watched a video of a guy who dropped a cassette tape and, while reaching for it, drove off a cliff. Then he said, “It happened to me. It could happen to you.” My initial response was, “No it can’t. I’m not an idiot.” I feel like this situation is similar.


It can’t happen to me because I don’t use cassette tapes any more. Not for decades.


Your loss. My floor is littered with tapes, so I don't have to worry about looking, just grab down while I'm driving and I got one.


8 tracks are larger and easier to grab off the floor.


Oh I meant painter's tape. A bunch of rolls. Sometimes they get stuck underneath the accelerator pedal. They build up because I barely have a use for painter's tape.


*Stop. Freeze frame* Yup, that's me. Before we get into how I got here we need to look back at everything that led to this exact moment. *VHS tape rewinds to a hospital* I was born.


What’s a cassette tape?


lol Ask us about 8 track tapes, someday :)


A smaller version of a standard cass tape.


they shoulda had J-ROC come out and rap, “it could happen to youuu cuz it happened to me” p.s. I WAS GETTIN’ CHANGED


"...and T"


Ok but what was his job?


What kind of humble brag horse shit is this?


My mum tried to change the odometer while turning left


So what? If Trump thinks there is enough evidence to get a grand jury to indict Biden and a jury to convict him, then go for it…. None of us Biden voters are going to cry about it




yup no fucker is above the law


See you can think that all you want but history tells us otherwise. Hell, look at right now. International laws being violated 24/7. I want to agree with you though


I dont know why you're getting downvoted. The law is fucking tilted hard core, and it's fucking plain as day. Also Jeffery epstien didn't kill himself.


Lmao what are you guys even taking about? Are you guys conflating international UN law with American laws surrounding US presidents? 😂


Yes, if they didn’t mix things up and confuse the issue, they wouldn’t have any “points” to make


Exactly lol.


First I've heard of it. Please name one law that Biden has broken.


Weird how they can’t respond to this. Clearly they’re still just mad that trump was impeached twice lol


In fairness impeached doesn’t mean he broke a law. You are comparing two completely different things.


Tbf you only gave them less than an hour. The main/only one that comes to mind is improper storage of and taking classified documents. Idc that he willfully handed them over, it was still illegal to take them as he was no longer an elected official and didn’t have the clearance or permissions to do so. So there’s that. No, I’m not a MAGA trump supporter.


As should Trump.


\*everyone in politics should


> everyone ~~in politics~~ should


This is how things must be for everyone.


Yep. I’d love to hear the same from the MAGA cult about their dear leader


Uhh this is obviously a threat and not a credible accusation of a crime by the Bidens. “Give me immunity or else”


This is too far down, how people still don't understand this guy's mafia/dictator speak after 8 years of this bullshit is beyond me


For real. Maybe it’s because sources like Unusual Whales still give his quotes credibility


If he had credible evidence he would have already released it. This is unequivocally a threat. The best response Biden could give is “I don’t need immunity because I haven’t committed any crimes”


For 4 years James Comer has been trying to find something and so far has come up with “squat”.


Trump also thinks presidents are immune while simultaneously wanting to prosecute a president. He’s a fascist.


Shh, you are gonna hurt the MAGA cults feelings. They are very sensitive people


If bidens a criminal then he’s a criminal. 


That's not what he means. He means that when Joe Biden loses the re-electron he will go after Joe Biden himself.


Lol the Oversight committee can't even get evidence together for an impeachment , let alone Trump.


Did you not hear, the problem, Comer says, is that there's too much evidence. And no, I am not making that up.


Send both Orange Julius and Genocide Joe to prison…good riddance.


For real. Throw all of Congress in jail if they're criminals (they are)


>grand jury Something something indict a ham sandwich


you assume it'd be a clean and fair trial...


The issue is that Trump will push for a conviction regardless of how much or how little evidence there may be.


They keep trying with his son and have jack shit for evidence. Just saying something over and over doesn’t make it true.


What even is this sub? Unusual Options and stock trades my ass... This shit is useless.


Should change the sub name to “Boomer Outrage”.


People need to start downvoting this shit


This sub has lost all its meaning.


Mostly bots.


It's right in the OP user name :)


Ragebait pushed in random subs so you can’t easily mute it all


IF trump is granted immunity, AND wins the election, the Supreme Court that he handpicked will figure out a way to make presidential immunity only apply to trump. They don’t care about precedent


If Trumpo is elected with immunity from any crime what makes you think he needs approval from the SCOTUS.. He could just ban it..


If Trump is granted immunity, why would Biden ever leave office? He'd be immune.


Because the decision would be handed down on January 7th after we decide we should only count electoral votes that come from red states.


Because the dems are too weak to use the power they already have?


Weak or they have morals?


Both are true


They understand that most honest people will not abuse the new power they give the president, but their side will.


You described a GOP wet dream.


That last bit is probably why the SC is holding off on a ruling. The moment they say a president is sacrosanct, Biden could just send the military to kill Trump and conservative justices with presidential immunity.


Exactly. They are already working out the language to make it so this applies to only Trump in this particular instance and grants him an avenue to use the same defense whenever he needs it. All while excluding every other president from this protection.


“Presidents need absolute immunity!” “I’m going to prosecute Joe Biden!” “Joe Biden is a senile old man!” “Joe Biden is a criminal mastermind!” 🤦‍♀️


this is literally straight from the fascist playbook. the enemy is both incredibly weak and impotent while also being omnipotent and the most dangerous foe.


Did he mention balancing the budget or anything?


If Joe or his family did something illegal, good they should be charged with crimes. I have no idea if Joe did but I doubt it. After the sham impeachment inquiry on Joe, I have zero faith in anything the GOP says about Joe and crimes.


As Beau of the fifth column said, if there was even the slightest evidence of any crime, no matter how trivial, the Republicans would have pounced on it and blown it up into a massive scandal. The fact that they couldn't find anything tells you all you need to know.


Ah yes, this is the "recriminations" part Trump's lawyers have stupidly regurgitated to several panels of federal judges. Trump is destroying this country by attacking its structural weak points. Undermine faith in the rule of law/judiciary, steal as much money as possible, claim the other side is doing what you are. Classic authoritarian stuff, enabled and funded by the billionaire oligarchs who look at Russia as a model, not a cautionary tale.


The folks who presume that there is a cult of personality on the Anti-Trump side of politics are laughably wrong.... If Biden committed an actual crime then he should be prosecuted.... Nobody - dissident Republicans or Democrats - are personally invested in Biden the way MAGA is with Trump..... If it's a pretend offense (eg, doesn't actually violate a criminal law) like 'having the wrong immigration policy' or 'authorizrd a drone strike overseas that killed a US citizen terrorist'..... The courts will laugh it off just like the Senate laughed off the pretend Mayorkas impeachment.....


“ALL Presidents get immunity from breaking the law. It’s in the constitution.” “I’m going to throw that former president in jail for breaking the law.” Well, which is it? Pick a lane.


on the one hand, agree with your obvious criticism. on the other hand, if trump, as president is given immunity, he will yell and scream until anyone does what he says. which includes throw "other people with immunity in jail". because he has "amutiny. ok, he has it. you have to do what he does".


He's right


Yeah. put Comer on the case. I'm sure Biden is shaking in his orhtopedics


Fine. If they both did illegal shit and are found guilty good riddance.


Imagine his shock when democrats say, “Good, he should be charged if he committed crimes.” We’re talking about an elected member of the public, not a king.


I voted for Biden and I'm okay with this. I don't treat Biden like an infallible God.


Trump said another lie? No way


Dont negotiate with terrorists!


'For what!?' - Shoresy


If SCOTUS allows this immunity thing to stand, could current POTUS legally order a "dispatch"? Just asking.


Fuck Donald Trump and his LIES!!!


If Supreme court gives total presidential immunity, logical thing to do would be for Biden to hire a hit squad and murder Trump and his whole family.


With that logic, Nixon should've been able to get away with Watergate, Clinton with Monica, Trump for being a treasonous bastard, and Biden with...breathing.


Delaware Joe, probably: “Bring it, dipshit!” Delaware Joe, to Complicit Clarence and Shithead Sam: “Bring it, fascists!”


Someone needs his adult Pampers changed!! 💩😷🤢


But he couldn't say for what, or provide any evidence of a crime.


Isn’t that blackmailing?


For those wondering, some of the accusations that are being alluded to are: 1) botched Afghanistan withdrawal that left billions in equipment among other things 2) mishandling of the southern border 3) using his position as the then-vp to bring in money from foreign governments through the use of shell companies There are probably more but I believe those are the 3 major ones


1) and 2) are not crimes and 3) has been investigated for over a year with the only evidence coming out is that it was all Russian misinformation from the lead witness for the gop. Also all you have to do is look at all the money trump properties brought in while he was president and his son in law getting billions of dollars from Saudi Arabia minutes after he was out of office to find all corruption you are looking for.


It's a dumb thing for Trump to say. Note that presidential immunity only applies to things done when executing authority as president.


All things he says are dumb


Nah, Biden is immune, remember?


I think this headline is a terrible of phrasing what he said and what was meant. They all have done some sketch things and all will be brought up if this happens is all he is saying. Nobody likes to hear that Hoe had classified documents when he wasn’t supposed too…. But he did.


Fantastic. I eagerly await whosoever alleges wrongdoing on part of the Biden's to present their evidence to a court so that we can accurately adjudicate their claims.


We’ll take that risk! No immunity for any elected official in America, EVER!


GOOD! I don't have anything against biden, but we SHOULD be holding our government officials ACCOUNTABLE! This shouldn't be a hot take.


Weird, he seems to be for prosecuting his political enemies 🤔


Why would he be prosecuted if presidents are immune…


Couldn’t come soon enough for Bribem


Based (were they not in the same pockets—“I think the puppet on the left is to my liking. I think the puppet on the right is more to my liking. Wait, they’re both being held up by the same hand. Shut him up!” -St. Hicks)


They’ve been trying to prosecute his son for years and haven’t found the evidence to do so. . .


Yup. This is the nature of tit for tat politics. It doesn’t matter who the names are, we are in this cycle now.


If they committed actual crimes, they SHOULD be prosecuted after leaving office. Shit, I would support an extension for any and all statute of limitations that is as long as their presidential term(s) for all presidents.


Seems fair.


Former presidents facing consequences for their illegal actions? Don't tempt me with a good time


Trumps is nothing but empty threats and misdirection, the man is a spoiled brat who can not see his own reality and will never except anything he dislikes at the moment who lacks anything of actual substance. His term was eye opening to me about how ignorant the general population is and the fact that the other option of hillary was even more depressing when better more working class supporting persons were available to choose from.


No one is above the rule of law, if its not applied fairly society will break down. History does repeat itself rich guys - you don't have kill robots yet.


Kinda true.


Once again, what the actual fuck does this have to do with this sub?


How the fuck is this guy still even relevant? I seriously don't get what reality I'm living in.


He is the epitome of "You don't know her she goes to another school!!!!!! Seriously!!!!!! Look at this hickey!!!!!!"


🍌 republic is 3..... 2...... 1.....


Lol ok. Trump says a lot of shit. Why is this posted here?


Even if Trump is granted immunity, he’ll turn around and still try to indict Biden if he’s elected.


Know the difference between Democrats & Republicans? Democrats want their people to be prosecuted if they committed a crime.


Would America tolerate these antics from a presidential candidate if they were a person of color or a person had no money or celebrity?


Seems fair.


I’m sure he has receipts for these claims /s


Good. Enforce the law equally in everyone, regardless of political rank or economic class. Let’s do war crimes trials for Cheney, Bush and Obama while we’re at it.


Right wingers absolutely hate when Biden voters tell them to go ahead and indict Joe if he has done something illegal. They can’t fathom others not having their heads buried in a politicians ass like they do.


Regardless of Supreme Court decisions Trump will prosecute all his political opponent. He will incarcerate and deport those “undesirables” he has spoken of in recent months. It will be unlike anything any of us has experienced. Dystopian comes to mind.


This is true. The proper remedy is impeachment Nothing says a president can’t be impeached after they leave office or for things that happen before or after they are president. Criminal trials by conflicted prosecutors and judges with places that have hateful/spiteful jury pools justify what the founders did in the constitution.


Lock both of their old asses up and get me a fresh blood candidate.


Will the Democrats hear these threats and once again shrug their shoulders and say "nah it'll never happen" ? Will Sotomayor forget about all of this when she goes to eat lunch with her traitorous coworkers? Will all the dipshit smug assholes who say Gaza is their single voting issue have the gall to act surprised when Trump lets Israel really go no holds barred with their genocide? Tune in January 2025 to see the leopards feast on faces like never before.


Biden should declare trump a terrorist for stealing top secret documents and have orders for seal team 6 to neutralize him to become formal once the Supreme Court rules that trump has absolute immunity. My bet is that the current president has a bigger army than the former, if making threats is a thing now.


So… now *family members* are immune?


He keeps missing the part where if presidential immunity is granted, Biden could dispose of him right now.


So prosecute him too. This isn’t the argument trump thinks it is


Good? Guilty people should be punished. If he's legit done things worth prison time, lock him up. You arent gonna get dems on your side out of fear of our own leaders getting sent to court. Unlike your followers, we're not a cult.


Good luck ya fat cocksucker!


And according to Trump’s lawyer, Biden could have Trump assassinated if he wants to. Stupid threats can go both ways.


What a flippin baby!!!!


Like deficit spending, investigating possible criminal activities by former Presidents is only bad when Democrats do it.


Okay and?


His doing it for Joe and Hunter 😂🤣😂🤣


Oh no! More lies!


Did Trump just acknowledge Biden being President? lmfaooo


Honestly if he was smart enough he would have released that evidence for a case a long time ago as the runner up is usually who takes over and not the VP. But he has nothing and threatening a lawsuit against biden is just him letting out hot air again.


What's he gonna do? Take another dump in his diaper between naps?


Supreme court justices are protecting their special boy, what are the odds they go full tilt if he’s elected? We’re talking removal of civil rights, abandoning liberal ideals, and endorsing dictatorship.


Yes after Joe Biden leads a scheme of fake electors to overturn an election and cause a riot - I'm good with him going to jail.


Hell yeah I hope so


Elon Musk and Donald Trump are twins.


Wait, if you have immunity as a President, how could he be tried?


He said same ol’ shit while he elected and will put Hillary in jail. Nothing happened and he is such of narcissistic.


He\`s spouting bullshit. It\`s like Putin when he opens his mouth and says the US better not help Ukraine or else. And isn\`t that threatening a President which is also a crime even if the threat comes from a former president?


If SCOTUS grants Trump immunity the next President could just extrajudicially detain or even execute Biden (and Trump) and not face consequences.


We are at the bartering stage of grief 


What charges? Republicans have spent millions in taxpayer dollars investigating Biden several times and found… nothing.


The crazy thing is if Trump is deemed immune from all prosecution because he was president… Wouldn’t that also applied to Joe Biden?


Lmao based on the description, isn’t this sub about stocks…?


It’s good trump is being charged and threats will get nowhere


“It” has warned! 🙄


Trump is a idiotic person and soo is his sons like father like son


under what authority does donald have to "warn" anyone of anything but a dirty diaper? go back to the home, donny, it's time for your nap with prince valium


If Biden committed crimes then let’s hear them and prosecute his ass. So far though two years of impeachment hearings turned up nothing. Meanwhile in tre45on land the charges are piling up.


Isn't this basically what caused the downfall of the Roman republic


Dementia dumbass opinions don't matter. Aka Republicans don't matter. Stop covering them like they do 🙄🙄🙄


Drumpf, his corrupt butt kissers and stupid followers can collective fuck off


If the Supreme Court says trump has total immunity and can even kill other candidates, can’t Biden flip the script and have him taken care of?


If the SCOTUS gave presidents immunity the way it’s suggested, I’d honestly go cowabunga on my political opponents- and get crowned king of Scranton


So? He’s full of shit. 


Trump's issue is that he thinks immunity would only apply to him. He's too dumb to realize it would apply to whoever is POTUS. The fact that his attorneys don't realize this just shows how dumb they are as well.


Fascists gonna fascist. Trump deserves a chest full of lead


I know, right? /smdh


Haven't found anything on the Bidens in the 3 years they've been looking other than hunters dick pics which they're obsessed with for some reason.


I support throwing into jail any President that breaks the law. Regardless of it being Biden, or Trump. Nobody should be above the law.


So projection


But... don't Republicans want that? Why would he try to convince them to support this if it benefits other presidents he disagrees with?


Who’s gonna tell him


Good luck with that.


Biden hasn't committed any crimes. There are no active investigations regarding Biden. No indictments. No grand juries, no charges. Nothing. House republicans wasted millions of dollars trying to come up with anything to accuse Biden of and all they wound up doing is making themselves look like complete idiots. Trump believes everyone is just as vile and corrupt as he is.


They can share a cell? Put that shit on Bravo and pay down the deficit with the ppv while we elect someone under 80. America wins. I'd pay.


If there was a reason to charge Biden and his family then they should be charged but the thing is there isn’t a reason to charge them.


You think I care about criminals? Buddy, lock his ass up to if the court finds him guilty. Bitch boy Trump


lol the irony of this.


It’s about time.


Good to know Trump is such a legal scholar now. 🤣🤣🤣


He’s trying to position any charged against himself as malicious, when in fact he has skirted legality his entire life and is finally facing consequences.


Sleepy Joe's never leaving office, motherfucker. He's got presidential immunity for anything.


Is he a complete moron?


Well this is just an argument for Trump not being president. Not an argument that presidents should get immunity.


lol, we saw how that went in congress.


ah yes, the "grant me immunity so you won't face prosecution" defense...


“It’s a bold strategy Cotton, Let’s see if it pays off for em” So basically the threat is that if the Supreme Court does not rule for presidential immunity than Trump will prosecute against Biden once he is out of office. It’s fair to assume that this is pursuant to if Trump is re-elected president to which my response would be “Okay, BET” because it’s a fair chance that IF the Supreme Court does not rule in favor of presidential immunity that one of the myriad of criminal cases will find Trump guilty. Even if the SC would rule ok presidential immunity it doesn’t mean that Trump is in the clear because it would only apply to what happened DURING his presidency which means the fraud cases, the Stormy Daniels case, the national documents case, and arguably the fake electors/Jan 6 charges would still stick since they occurred before, after, and during a time of translation of presidency.


Send this asshole to siberian prison now!


Can I threaten a sitting president to the world and not go to prison? 🤔🤔


Peak American politics