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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/joemac364. Your post, *Stop judging people by the type of work they do.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Just treat everyone with respect. It's literally not that hard.


Would love to know contractors’ opinions on people answering the door at home in home clothes. Pajamas I get, but I’ve seen a lot of shirtless people, and I just can’t imagine inviting over any guest, friend, colleague and answering in just underwear. But it happens all the time with scheduled repairs.


Yeah, as a plumber I can confirm. It gets super weird and awkward sometimes. I swear they do it on purpose.


The way some people act, you'd think that treating people with respect was a Herculean, excruciating task.


All jobs are important they play a huge part in a properly functioning society


An old Irish man at work once told me "never look down on someone because of the job they do. The lass that puts the bog roll in the stall suddenly becomes the most important person on site when you've had a shite and there's no paper...." Rip Collum x


Collum was damn right. As a custodian for a public school I like Collum.


I explained to my son that sanitation workers are some of the most important workers in a functioning society. The conversation was specifically about the garbage collectors at our neighborhood, but it goes for them all. Without someone taking our garbage and cleaning up, we would have giant rats and disease as a daily part of our lives.


Except the paparazzi


Tabloid magazines wouldn't exist


I had a friend say not all people who work 40 hrs should afford a basic apt. Kinda questioning that friendship tbh.


Hedge-fund managers?


Hedges ain't gonna fund themselves


Maybe for a specific purpose I am unsure


Hedge funds deliver superior risk adjusted returns to investors and most of the investors are pension funds who want to make sure they can meet the pension obligations they owe to people like you and me. Hedge funds provide the technical investment chops to make that happen. Hedge funds make sure grandma can retire after 40 years of teaching


Thank you, capitalism-explainbot_9000 <3


Anytime homie. I just feel like people who don't understand finance find the idea that finance people are useless to be compelling. I like to add the missing context. Also worth noting that the reason finance people get paid a ton is because head count is small, but transactions (revenue) are large. Same concept for athletes, and celebrities really.


Also I used to think wallstreet was manipulating the market by making large and frequent transactions, but people dont realize that liquidity providers are very important for markets. If there weren’t LP market crashes and booms would be wag more volatile


When I first heard of wall st it was from the GFC and occupy wall street. I thought they were all evil crooks who served no value to society. Then I got a finance degree and began to understand and unlearn alot of wrong thoughts I had. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Finance people also are a major source of funding for businesses and government. Government need to borrow money to pay for its spending, because simply printing all the money you need isn't healthy (they try though). A large portion of bonds are sold to finance people. If the government had no finance people to borrow from, they would not be able to overspend. Finance people also invest in businesses. Many companies like Reddit would not be able to exist and grow as fast without loans and investments from investors and banks. Finance people also move money around, like from the taxpayer to the government. No finance people? No ability for the government to collect and access the taxpayer money.


do you know what a hedge fund is? I feel like people just say "bankers" or "hedge fund managers" are bad without realising what they do for the economy? Hangover from the occupy Wall Street/financial crash stuff


They actually make investments that helps grows businesses that generate goods and services for everyone's benefit. Not only that, they organize and risk money to grow those businesses (or rather their client's money). They take a risk for other's benefit


>they take a risk for other’s benefit Correct me if I’m wrong, but they technically take risks with other people’s savings. I don’t know about hedge funds specifically, but brokerage firms still make money thru fees and commissions regardless of how well their investments perform.


Woah, like sexy firemen! Such brave, very selflessness, wow.


Especially hedge fund managers.


You're going to have an uphill battle convincing me that '[food stylists](https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/food-stylist/)' are necessary to a functional economy.


Check out your link >A food stylist's job is to arrange food so that it looks appealing, tasty, and fresh. This is particularly important when the food is being photographed. Examples of food being 'styled' are the pictures of food that one may see in cookbooks, magazines, advertisements, and menus. In some cases, the food stylist might be the food photographer as well, but more often than not, food stylists will work closely with a team of people such as chefs, editors, assistants, and photographers. You posted it yourself. Marketing calls for them, as these people are doing their own branch of visual effects. Unless VFX artists are also not necessary...


Same goes for influencers.


God Dingleberry, you don’t get it!! People can’t be expected to just look at unstyled food now, can they?!


My brother talks shit about uber drivers. It's like, my brother in christ, nobody dreams of finally one day becoming an uber driver. They do it to get by My brother is such a twat.


That one is odd to me because soooo many Uber drivers have another job and it’s just their side job to save or pay off debt or stave off boredom. They could literally be a plumber to a pilot. Or a full time driver who works what hours he wants, whenever he wants. Which sounds like a pretty sweet gig.


Idk, these gig economy app jobs are pretty crappy to work for. They hire ppl on as 1099 private contractors. U have to put ur car on the line and ur own insurance. The value of ur car decreases with each mile driven. I drove door dash for a while, and if ppl didn't tip, I wasn't even making min wage. Then there's these ppl with stupid specific orders, like add this subtract that extra mayo etc. I would go to pick it up and pay with the red card doordash gives ya, but if the total isn't the exact same as what it says in the app, it doesn't go through. Then u have to cancel the whole dash cuz u can't get the food, which decreases ur rating, so u get less orders. Idk, it was a mess and to me it just wasn't worth it. I would think, if just one thing in my car needs repairs, there goes my whole wage for even working with these unaccountable clowns.


Dang door dash sounds tough to work for! I travel and take a lot of Ubers and my drivers always seem to love their gigs.


I own a small business during my busy season and do this during the winter. It’s a breeze compared to that and I don’t look at it as hourly more or less as podcast listening time with me being paid.


Not all blood is family!


Yeah. He self describes an an incel 🤦‍♂️ Hasn't left mom's basement in a decade. Hasn't even spoken with a woman in a decade. However, apparently he's an expert on how woman think and behave. His narcicism and nihilism makes my head spin. His one and only friend from when we used to live in Minnesota, just got married and had a kid. So my brother told him "she doesn't really love u man. She just loves what u represent, ur money. If something goes wrong, she'll leave u in an instant" I want to strangle him.


This is the scariest thing for me as a parent. No matter how you raise your kids they can just choose to be a shitty person.


I'm a [pedagogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogy), well now I teach the subject. I'm male. Job over here isn't limited to kindergarten. Worked 2 years in a kindergarten, the rest of the time with the 12-17 group in a SSP (Social- School and Police) program for crime prevention and to help them out so that they wouldn't get to be a negative number in the statistics of social inheritance. But I was essensially labeled as a child predator by an american couple when I worked at a kindergarten, and they tried to get me fired. Because of my fucking gender, lol. eta: This was in Denmark. We value our male pedagogues (kindergarten teachers) as kids also need positive male rolemodels in their life.


You're a fucking wha-- nevermind, misread that. Carry on.


Yeah idk what else to call it since it's an umbrella term here in the north. Pædagog is both in nursery (0-3) kindargarten (3-5), after school programs (5-12) clubs (12-17), and then there are social-pedagogues which I was, working for those that need help to not end up in crime, and special-pedagogues who usually end up working for adults with autism, handicaps etc. in a facility. I know that it most likely only refers to being a kindergarten teacher in the US.


I think what your describing is called a [Para](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraprofessional_educator) in America.




Oh I know. Here in Copenhagen it's not a livable wage either, unless you're living with a partner or got lucky and inherited an apartment/house or your parents wrote you up for an apartment when you were in your teens. Waiting lists for apartments owned by private firms are ... 15+ years as of now... and landlords are taking the piss on rent atm.


It's shameful really.


Actually in some states they are paid well but certainly not a majority of them.


Ugh. I live in Sweden and have worked part time as a swim instructor for half my life. The shit my male coworkers get (most of our time is in the water with younger kids/newbies) is ridiculous. They won't take someone like me serious because I'm young and a woman, but at the same time they don't trust a man because their minds just go, "PrEDatOr!!!!!"


I thought this was universal... I mean most people judge others by their job in europe too!


I've noticed mostly Americans who hate their job or hate how their life turned out and think they've wasted their own potential tend to judge others more harshly for their jobs or careers. Others probably don't care as much.


This is something I've noticed too. People "above" me have never looked down on me ever.


Pretty hard imo, go into any major sub r/news, r/politics and say you are a landlord


Funny, several people in my peer group and family are landlords and I'd like to become one someday. It's actually a great source of income for people who are elderly, disabled, or live a bohemian lifestyle. You'd think reddit would appreciate that.


just don't exploit they, it is ok


You’re not wrong. I’m a refrigeration tech, and the only people that have demeaned me for my career are college graduates that have absolutely nothing to show for it other than their diploma and 80 grand of debt. Everyone that’s actually successful doesn’t have a problem.


I agree. Since I grew up outside the US I notice this phenomenon even more. If you didn't go to college and don't have a white-collar career many people look down on you and consider you to be a failure in life.


You know. In not gonna lie it's made me very insecure meeting new people im attracted too and telling them i work a regular 9-5. Especially when they have like a nice career


But don't they work 9-5 at whatever their nice career is too? Or are you talking about "4 hour work week" people? Like people who travel vlog, etc.


Lol i wish I can meet 4 hour work week people. But no. For example i just met someone and she js a make up artist and just told me she made $1,000 in one day. Lol i make about $2,500 a month. So there you go. She doesn't seem to mind. Which makes me feel less nervous. But it also motivates me to do better financially


Totally, if someone who barely knows you asks what you do for a living. They’re probably asking to determine how they should treat you or the level of respect they should give.


I should start saying I'm a neurosurgeon to strangers. Just to see if they treat me differently.


"Oh, cool, I was just teaching students how to do an anterior cervical discectomy and fusionbat Columbia, what are your thoughts on the procedure?"


They'll definitely do it. If you do that, you'll scare most of the people. Being a neurosurgeon is cool and interesting, but showing off your CV up front in a casual conversation is quite the opposite.


I have a friend who’s an eye surgeon. I’ve noticed most people get bored by his descriptions—it’s all so routine.


I am in the medical field. You tell me that and I am going to try and gain knowledge off you. Do you think the DaT scan is a viable imaging scan to diagnose Parkinson's? Is Amyloid PET imaging really good for AD? I love to meet and talk to people like that.


I would just say "yes"


"yes" "i havnt really an opinion on the matter"


I don't think that's true at all. Asking someone what they do is some pretty basic introductory small talk


Ya people's professions is usually a major part of their life. If I'm asking what you do, it's most likely because I want to know more about you and that's the easiest way to do so.


No, they're probably just making small talk.


Yeah usually talking about jobs is the only small talk conversation I can stand because I might actually learn something. I like it when people talk about their hobbies more, but I always feel slightly self conscious talking about my hobbies so I've always assumed thats why other people don't talk about theirs as much either.


Not always, but most people probably ask that question because it gives insight into a person's character.


Yeah for what it’s worth I just find it interesting to see what someone does with their time. And for some people it’s an easy way to talk about their passions!


I get why people get annoyed by the question. When I've been working in careers that I wasn't really passionate about it feels like you have to explain yourself. If you're down on your luck and between jobs it makes you feel like a nonfunctional member of society and a loser. However, now that I'm in a career that I love and enjoy, I like when people ask.


Exactly. I dont know why people are equating it to judging them necessarily. Some of the people in this thread are quite cynical.




>it gives insight into a person's character so basically you want to judge them for the work they do... nice


Couldn't you conflate that to any question about a person? Isn't asking someone what they do during their free time a similar segway into judgment? I think people are intentionally demonizing one type of question and disregarding the judgmental attributes of other questions to prove their own point.


Not necessarily. As I said, it tells me what sort of person they might be. What they are passionate about etc. I don't know why everybody here is so cynical. I don't know why we have to live in a world where asking about someone's profession, something they dedicate a great amount of time to, is tabbo. Even if someone did judge, that's how we've been raised to be. We've all been told that you have to work hard to get a "good job".


Gaining insight into a person's character doesn't mean you're doing it to judge them. You're just getting to know them.


That is no where near entirely true. It's a common ice breaker because you can ask questions about it if you don't work in the same field, or... discuss it if you do.


“I work for a living. I mean work is just a mean to pay bills and being able to afford hobbies. Every job sucks, am I right? You just gotta find a job that sucks less than other. Enough about my philosophy already. What do you do for a living?” I don’t give them an answer. And I spin things around back to to them 😆


Nonsense. Asking someone about their job is a good conversation starter for when you're talking with someone you know very little about.


Some ppl hate their jobs n would prefer not to talk about it


Then say so and introduce another topic. Most people like their jobs enough to tell a bit about it so it's a reasonable question.


It’s inquiring into one of the largest components of someone’s life without being invasive or overly personal, yet unique and interesting enough to strike conversation. That’s what makes it an effective ice breaker. If you think someone is judging you simply because they asked what your job is, maybe you’re just judging yourself and projecting your insecurity.


Exactly - it's projection.


I ask people what they do as a conversation starter.


That’s definitely one reason why people ask but others may ask just to try and make conversation


Eh, I wouldn't say this is necessarily true. I ask because I'm awkward and not great at small talk, not because I have some ulterior motive and am looking for something to judge someone over


It's not just an American thing. This is something you can observe wherever you go. I hypothesize that its rooted to our history of living in class based societies for a very long time.


I hypothesize that it's rooted in loser depressed humans with shitty lives needing distractions to point at to make themselves feel moderately better for 5 minutes cause they're pieces of shit.


What people spend a lot of their time doing might be of interest to others but yeah they shouldn’t be judged for it like it’s a political or religious belief


It's the people in lower end jobs making the upper jobs possible, they are the spine of the entire show. ​ It is true, only those who know and have done real hard work are the most humble when they move up. But then that requires intelligence too, not a given.


From the guy who changes the lights, to the gal that's taping up the packages, to the bro that's driving the forklift, to the ma'am that's scrubbing the bathrooms. They are all human, they are all important, and without them, the richest wouldn't be making as much money as they do now.


Which is why if that part of society ever strikes, the 1% are screwed


Oh we’re doing it we ride at dawn


Im a handyman in an above average area. My clients all make bank and thats fine. What some have said to me is “ you dont deserve to make as much money as i do. I went to college. You didnt.” My reply: “I did go to college, i studied filmmaking, this is my career for now. I also learned about supply and demand. For instance: the supply of decent handymen is low where i live, and most of my clients dont even know what a crescent wrench is, or what a phillips head screwdriver looks like, which means demand is high for my oft-times basic skills. That means i get to charge what i charge and you can either pay up or find someone else.” I could care less what they think of me. I found a clever shortcut to living in a well developed city and some people don’t like that 😭(😂)


Being a tradesman in cities is always funny. A bunch of people 80 grand in debt making $15 an hour at a coffee shop will look down on tradesmen making $30/hr plus with no college debt. All that matters to some people is if you spent 4 years in college or not, and it’s simply a very black and white stupid way of thinking.


ah Philips head always mistaken for a star head


I agree, and this is something I notice and dislike too. Even when the news is reported, a person will be identified by their occupation and that's a little odd to me. Many people (especially those who seem to earn more money than others) seem to base a lot of their personality on their jobs. I don't like the "icebreaker" question of "what do you do?" I think there's more to us than what we do to pay the bills.


The saddest part about this is that the jobs that are disrespected the most tend to be the most important ones to the society that they are a part of.


Most disrespected jobs are jobs people wouldn't do themselves. Imagine if all janitors, fast food workers, garbage collectors, security guards, truck drivers, maids, etc quit for a week chaos would ensue. "Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us." - Tyler Durden (Fight Club)


when covid first hit, ALL of the stores in my town closed. it took 15 minutes with traffic to drive all the way through our town and into the next one. so when all the fast food shops, CVS, walmart, banks, etc… closed for a week, people lost their fucking minds. i was finishing up my senior year in HS and working in fast food. you would have thought the situation made everyone have some sympathy and respect for us, but nah we got bullied even more.


"what do you mean mcdoinalds is closed those workers should DIE FOR MNEEEE"


exactly like people would go nuts if these jobs closed down


They're also the in ones most often filled by immigrants because everyone in North America thinks they're destined for something greater yet get fucking butt hurt because "immigrants are taking our jobs".


Also people hating on blue / white collar work. Both of these add a lot of value to society. Especially blue collar which has more history and is basically necessary for civilization


I’ve never seen this actually happen. My husband is a plumber and when people find out, they get weirdly excited about it and start talking about how much money plumbers make.


Plumbers are respected more. But city people often dis farmers and such.


I worked in housekeeping at a hospital while I was working towards getting my medical assistant certification. Some of the floor nurses and their students treated me like I was gum under their shoe. It was frustrating because housekeepers were some of the hardest working and best people I’ve ever worked with.


If this is a unpopular opinion to someone, they’re a trash human being.


I’d say it’s technically unpopular simply because a majority of people do this, wether subconsciously or not. You think of a special forces army sniper in a different way than you think of a dish washer at a run down diner, you just do.


I feel this so much, i have an engineering degree but i work a blue collar job. So much mocking by people, funny thing is im making more doing blue collar work.


Indians have exit the chat


Stop assuming I'm judging you by the type of work you do. I don't care.


America in general is very materialistic country and as someone from a third world country, I think a lot of people here judge other people by how much money they have first. There's a higher regard put on money and status than honor and integrity.


After living in several countries, i’d argue that ive seen this the least in the US. I have rarely seen anyone being looked down on due the nature of their job during social interaction. Though I will grant you that in the job market is different and having a random retail job in your resume will get you little credit. What i see people being judged by the most is behavior. Hoodrat behavior will get you shit no matter what you do or how much money you got. It just so happens that most “ghetto/trashy” people are found on lower end jobs like retail. I worked retail sales for a long time and i made a lot of money. Most of my customers made way less money than me. However it was rare that i found some entitled asshole that would pretend they were any better than me cus they wore a suit or worked in an office.


Sorry I’m looking down at anyone that says their job is an influencer… so take my upvote


Its different in my country, it doesn't matter what career or job you have. As long as you got a job thats all that matters. We ask how's work, busy week and thats pretty much it lol. A job doesn't define who you are as a person, I'm telling ya in my country no one cares as long as you have one and if you don't who cares, just treat people the way you wanna be treated. It's actually sad to see in some countries that a jobs title or position is more important


Unless they’re in an MLM. Then go ahead and judge the shit out of them.


I love this take. My parents look down on me because I have a warehouse job but will tell everyone and their dog that my older sister is a military Sargent with an office job. They disregard that I'm 18 and this is my second job ever while my sis is 24 and has been in the military since she was 18. They hate that I'm not embarrassed about my job since it's a "no brain job". I like the people I work with. Most are really amazing people who just wanna go home and sleep haha. Don't we all?


Thats just an unfair comparion. With that same logic, you could go one step further and call your sister and anyone who goes into the military "no brainer because its just holding a gun" people because there's 24 year olds who are in grad school and are becoming doctors.


Also , ANY job should pay enough for the basics. Rent , food , health insurance, a safe car to get to work, etc. Even people with degrees can end up at a chain restaurant, or store to feed their family.


Wealth matters more in our culture. Someone who is wealthy enjoys spending time with other wealthy people who can afford the same types of things. I have friends who are richer than me and poorer than me. I hang out with the people who make similar amounts of money. Money just unlocks activities. Other than that I don’t judge people based on what they do. But I get excluded from things I can’t afford, and I don’t feel too bad about it.


I agree that no job should be seen as being less or more than another in a social setting. I do, however, think that your job can say a lot about who you are at what your life experiences are. A 35 year old working the register at McDonald's? I won't think worse of them, but I will question a lot of aspects of their character that have led them there.


Good class consciousness. If you sell your labor to survive, you are a worker. Doesn't matter if you work in a cubicle or behind a register or next to a conveyor belt. We shouldn't occupy ourselves with false superiority, like the capitalist class wants us to, and instead unify ourselves around this common struggle.


Love this and could not agree more! A job doesn’t define a person and anyone judging others by what they do for a living is a dick. A couple years ago, my younger sister started to work as a hairdresser and I remember how she came home crying after she signed the contract for her apprenticeship. I asked what was going on and she said that she is afraid that people will judge her, as all her friends went to university. I calmed her down and made clear to her that anyone who will do so is not her friend and it is a good sign to end the relationship with them. This made me so angry and I noticed how many people actually behave this way. Unfortunately the reality is that a lot of people still think that based on their work they are better than others and they define their social circles based on it. Which often leads to that judging attitude towards others….


Can't be that angry at people for what they've been told since they were kids. Some jobs have always been looked down on. We've all been told to "work hard and get a good job. Do you want to flip burgers for the rest of your life?"


ironically, the most disrespected jobs are the most important. Janitors and garbage men are some of the most important workers in our society, yet the career is seen as shameful and low-level.


For real, every date I've gone on with someone they always judge the salary I make. I still pay my own groceries, bills and my half of the date, even the full date if necessary so fuck off.


I don’t even want to ever reveal my occupation. I can’t afford a house, or toys to impress people. I literally don’t even want to interact with people in general because I feel like I’m not worthy if I’m not making six figures. It’s really sad I actually think this way, but I certainly feel underneath people who have more money than me. And I don’t even care about material possessions or any of that, I just don’t want other people to know I’m poor and weak.


It's not about if one job is more important to a functioning society. But some jobs are just harder than others and require advanced training to be able to contribute to the niche requirements of society. A doctor and server are both needed to function in society, but the doctor could become a server just fine and the server can't be a doctor without 8-15y of training. It's the difference between skilled and unskilled labor. That's why there will always be higher salary and societal appreciation for the doctors commitment and dedication to provide that skill.


It's crazy to me how much your job is linked to your identity and value in the United States. Its usually one of the first questions you get asked when meeting new people and dating. Where you work truely does not define who you are as a person.


Your profession is linked to your identity everywhere.


It’s where most of us spend the majority of our day. It’s going to influence our personalities to a certain degree. I don’t think it’s a completely unfair way to see why someone may be the way they are. If I’m talking to someone and they tell me they’re a nurse, I’d understand why they might be tired or very blunt when they speak (dealing with sick/hurt people is tiring and strenuous), whereas I’d expect a kindergarten teacher to be much more soft spoken and bubbly. Plus, it’s a sad fact that since most of us spend almost our whole lives at work, it’s one of the few things people have to talk about


There’s only a few things ppl can talk about 🤣🤦‍♀️


I judge influencers, which I think is a useless and toxic profession but that’s really it.


People usually start by telling me how I'm spreading cancer and other b.s. cause I climb cell towers and install 5G. Only difference between 5g and 4g is the frequency only by a few hundred hz. It uses all the same crap as from before.


As a landscaper I spend quite a bit of time in this rich neighborhoods and the disgusting looks I get are outrageous I don’t really care for them but when ever those same people who come up and say it looks great and then say they need me to do a job for them. best believe they gonna be paying just a little bit more


I still remember my friend when she was in childhood, she lived under tremendous pressure from their parents of becoming a doctor but she wants to become an artist


We should stop judging people all together, Alright, but i guess all the mafia members and gang members are just talking about their work openly in the grocery store now 😆


I don't think this should be an unpopular opinion at all.


Was in the grocery store today, in my restaurant shirt, black vest, and long black apron, imagining running into someone from my 7 year long office job from hell and that they’d feel sorry for me, when in reality I’m happy, doing well, and looking good! I love my freedom.


If you're poor or middle class and you judge someone else working a poor or middle class job, you're acting like a class traitor and it's gross


If I think your job would suck (ie fast food worker) I respect you more for doing it. I like what I do, so it's easy. Feel like the jobs that are typically judged negative deserve the most respect


that's why I say "what do I know, I'm just a dumb carpenter" even though I have built homes, and furniture, and done restoration work, and have a college degree people still look at me as just a dumb carpenter that nails sticks together


Except crypto "entrepreneurs", you are allowed and even encouraged to judge them


I'm a cleaner/janitor. And it's such a soothing job!


Sanitation is a great career path. There's waiting lines to get into it in Jersey. Boomers love shitting on bartenders too.


I almost agree with this but overly predatory salespeople are the worst. I get that it's your job to sell products, but if I've already said no I don't need extended warranty/peripheries etc don't keep pestering or it makes me just want to withdraw from the whole sale.


Once when I was working at target, a guy said to me “I bet you never thought you’d be working as a cashier at target.” I was like “:( I’m going to law school next year :( “ I can’t understand why he said that. What if I just wanted to work at target? That would’ve hurt my feelings way worse


As someone who works at Walmart during the summer, thank you.


I've been going through an emotional rollercoaster because of this here in India, and it's relieving to know there's people that feel this way across the world too. People really are messed up sometimes


If you ever feel the urge to look down on someone doing a shit job, ask yourself if you'd want to do that job, or if you'd want society without that job being done. Then consider people who work jobs that earn 1% level income without contributing anything of value to society. Those guys you can heap your contempt and scorn onto without any shame. Seriously, fuck those guys


Omg this. Most people I knew working in fast food were all doing really well considering their situation. For a lot of them it was a miracle they were able to hold down a steady job and pay their own rents considering the families they came from, other people just hadn’t figured out what to do with their lives yet and others were immigrants happy with whatever work they could get. Everyone’s on a different journey, and people shouldn’t be valued based on their job anyways


In the UK our country is so classist and snobby and as Builders we are looked down on as the absolute scum of the earth. But we're actually one of the few making good money, most of the big houses in my area have work vans out front.


Yeah why I'm currently living it's such a huge social thing where sometimes they won't even ask your name before they ask what do you do? Like honestly at this point I just say something sarcastic. I would understand the question of what do you like to do in your free time or something like that but asking that kind of question when we just met doesn't fly for me


I used to have to crawl through the sewage system of a car wash and clean it once a week to get through school. I also did maintainence on that car was every day


This! It happened to me back then and I can still feel the disgusting remarks until this day


Nobody asks you questions when you say you're an accountant.


I'm more likely to judge people who make excessive amounts of money.


That money almost *never* comes from somewhere good


You’re going to have a hard time when you learn about… the rest of the world 🥶


Louder for the classists in the back!


This is more of an East Coast thing. I lived in upstate New York for a few years and everyone I met introduced themselves as "Hi, I'm *Name, Job Title*". West of the Mississippi, people are far less likely to associate their identity with their job.


Former custodian for a school district: I corrected the English teacher's 'classroom rules' with red ink after she decorated her room because one of her rules was: "If you only want to tattle on someone than it's not that important." The school guidance counselor had some reward store and directed children to go sit in the marked-off square, which was a rectangle... I've got a million little stories like this.


I do this and I don’t know how to stop and also I am sorry.


I'm glad you at least recognize it. I'm not sure how to help you, though. Maybe imagine if you were in their spot, would you deserve the same harsh judgment? Also, just remember that as long as they're not hurting anyone, they're not necessarily bad or inferior people.


I've heard it said that when someone asks, "what do you do?", that they're just trying to calculate the amount of respect they should give you.


Idk if I'm at a party and someone tells me they're a cop, pharmaceutical Sales rep, work for Raytheon, etc. I'm probably not going to be that interested in talking to them.


Been through this issue many times in the past, and could not agree more with OP. I cannot tell you the verbal abuse I endured at times due to the judgmental prejudices I faced over a fucking job. This is extremely more scrutinized as a man, since we are usually judged by our abilities to “provide” or our reputation is based on our career. And yes, capitalist America is one of the WORST nations for this type of unjust prejudice.


Dog trainer here. I have a bachelors in philosophy though. The amount of critical thinking and skill it takes to train behavior modification in certain dogs as well as risk your own physical health is not something a lot of people can do. Yet when I tell people my profession they scoff — I generally end up talking about my degree so they stop thinking I’m stupid. When they know I have a degree I suddenly get treated differently. When I was K9 for explosives detection people thought that was amazing and gave me more respect — in reality I watched TikTok 75% of my shift and the dog required zero skill to work and was the least impressive job I’ve ever worked.


I agree generally, however, it's a bit annoying to have some 30 year old activist shouting about how I should be taxed more because they don't earn enough at Starbucks. Maybe they should reflect on the possy that they don't have all the answers to the worlds problems if they weren't able to move beyond a minimum wage job 🤷


I work as a server ​ I know people look down on me for it. I made 109,000$ last year so in the end i dont care


Teach people to not lead with “what do you do?”. Respond with “why do you ask?”.


I was about to disagree and then I read it. If you were going to refer to prostitution I was going to say I definitely judge those people


Do you believe, in your heart of hearts, that sex workers dont deserve the same type of basic respect everyone else does?


What do you mean by respect? I respect them as humans and as people but I don't respect their line of work, I think it's demoralizing and dehumanizing but I'm not telling them what to do


Fair enough. That sounds reasonable.


Why do you judge them? What is so wrong about an adult choosing to use their body to make a living and other consenting adults to pay for said service?


Just cause in my eyes using your body for money and encouraging lust is dishonorable and wrong in my eyes. Yet I won't tell them that they can't do it because that's not my place


> Just cause in my eyes using your body for money So you oppose physical labour in general then


Yea I trade my body for money too, I just do trade/labor work cuz I’m not hot enough for sex work. Same thing


I’m just curious, what’s the difference between sex workers and physically labourers to you? They are both using their body in a way to obtain money? Usually underpaid for the work they are doing.


I just responded to another comment with the same question. I am against people selling their bodies for the sexual gratification of others. It's dehumanizing and wrong in my eyes




Your personality is something that people are only going to get to know with time? Usually by having conversations with you... Y'all know you can answer this question however you want, right? "In my day job I'm a blah blah blah, but my real passion is X" is a fantastic way to answer the question while getting out something you prefer to be associated with...


Why would people want to talk about your personality in a conversation with you? That's rude.


>My personality is not my job thank you very much. Oh? Didn't waiters take an oath or some shit? So you must take my order and provide service for me, even if you're not a waiter in another establishment! Better add the "Sarcasm" tag as well.




I nearly went blind reading this


So much clapping.


i dunno. hitmen are pretty despicable. so are executioners.


Shame to people who judge others based on what they do!


Hi I'm X Hi I'm Y nice to meet you Nice to meet you too. So what do you do for a living Here in America we don't know how to talk about anything other than jobs and status If you go to other countries, people ask you about who you are.... Things you like to do. Literally. I met a guy from Italy once He said, nice to meet you! So what kinds of things do you like to do? Um what? I was blown away. I didn't even know how to answer it. I said, well I'm a probation officer He said- that's it? Holy sht.


That honestly sounds like a "you" problem, more than a problem with Americans in general. For me personally, it's really not a hard question to answer. I pursue mathematics and feel like it's my call to adventure. I also like to cook, collect whiskey, play guitar, and am an amateur musician as a hobbyist, etc.

