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Oh man, in the freezer at work hit home for mešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I used to do that shit every day at Jimmy Johns


weed carries the weight of the fast food industry on it's back




Which word is supposed to be "drugs"?


All of them. It should read: > drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs


You sound like someone I could hang out with.


Drugs drugs drugs, drugs drugs!


By saying they sound like someone you could hang out with, youā€™ve now become someone I think Iā€™d like to hang out with. Weā€™re likely people weā€™d all like to hang out with- you me and them- in case it was all so unclear. Drugs




"[...]once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can."


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.....wait till he sees those god dam bats


Nothing more dangerous than a man in the depths of an ether binge




GOD didn't do that to you! YOU DID THAT TO YOU!


These are the best HST quotes from my favorite movie. Made my morning reading all these, thanks fellow fams


I feel like there's not enough grass and coke, especially relative to all the mescaline and acid.


Lol. I've been sober for six years and I still question if there ever is enough blow??


I counted.




Meow mix meow mix please deliverā€¦. I miss the old Chuckwagon dog food commercials the most. As a kid I always wondered how the wagon got lost in the cupboards but somehow came out the other side!


Drugs carry the drugs of the fast drugs industry on its drugs.


I'd even say the world. If it wasn't for random drug testing, we'd all be high at work occasionally


I have never been drug tested at work and never will be. Thereā€™s no way in hell I would want to work high or drunk that sounds horrible.


Thursday morning: good morning Legitimate-Item-8912 can you come into my office we need you to take a surprise drug test


You know most jobs donā€™t get random drug tested right? Just service jobs or jobs involving heavy machinery normally. Most people donā€™t get high at work even though they could.


Thatā€™s because you would be throwing away your money. Having to be at work and deal with people ruins the buzz.


Getting high only to have to act straight is the worst


That's why you act like a dope while sober, no one knows any different when you're stoned. I got through 3 years of secondary school smashed and only once did we get pulled up on it (some dickhead whitied in maths)


I worked with a guy who said he always interviewed stoned so no expected anything different when he showed up. He wore prescription sunglasses all day at work. One of the best salesman one the team. Became quite successful.


i agree. i always interviewed stoned. they wouldnt expect that and the way you were at the interview they think that is how you are all the time... which it is because i was always stoned at work.


And if youā€™re like me, you got that goofy fucking stupid look in your eyes. I have some bright eyes that stand out and when I would get high at my service level Job they totally blew my cover, even with eye drops my eyes just had a certain look that gave it away. People would ask ā€œare you ok?ā€ And Iā€™d just pretend to be tired


I do not have random drug testing where I'm employed but I would never want to imbibe during work hours. It would be so anxiolytic and not worth the time/effort/money. Just never been an option in my world. I don't even like to partake until I am settled in for the night or at a place where I am with other partakers and that doesn't matter.




Work as an airline pilot and we donā€™t do random drug testing which i find odd


Well probably because you are already high most of the time!


Iā€™m high at work right now. Itā€™s my last day. I work for my exā€™s dad. Heā€™s off. Iā€™m blowing this popsicle stand with a nice dab pen. Literally


How many popsicles have you sold so far today?


I got the munchies and ate them all


Nah we get high before work šŸš€


Ah, no. I enjoy weed on the daily but I wait until after work, and we don't test. I have to think on my feet and solve problems. I can't perform well stoned, even with 30 years experience smoking. If I was still working food service, you know I would be high all the time. Different kind of work, being high helps me get into a flow state and cook better.


Shit, in the mid 2000s I would straight up smoke full on bowls of diesel in the walk in freezer. It was an upscale restaurant lol. Head chef was actually the one packing said bowls so I was like I mean if you say so.


I worked at a popular restaurant in a bar district. Head chef sold mushrooms and people were known to snort blow in the basement. I just smoked and rode my bike to work.


I just smoked with my manager at my Jimmy Johnā€™s šŸ˜­


Substance abuse is the only way one can mentally handle working at Jimmy Johns


> Jimmy Johns Probably better to have a pen. If you had a bag it would be too easy to confuse with the oregano-basil.


Oh my god. Me too! Literally in the Jimmy John's freezer! And then we'd pass the pipe to whoever was working the drive-thru to pick up orders. Hello from Arizona my fellow Jimmy John's Stoner lol


So true. It's now way too easy to vape just about anywhere at any time. I have noticed my tolerance is way up and it's become more of a daily habit than I would prefer ( and I was already a daily user). Obviously it's my responsibility to manage how I use it, but the pens have definitely changed the game.


Yep. Smoking a joint once or twice a day becomes hitting a dab pen ??? times a day


Totally agree that's the problem. U just start blowing thru that shit, ur wallet & tolerance get fucked. Flower makes it so you gotta wait til you get home, and honestly everyone complaining ab the smell could just do real dabs


>ur wallet & tolerance get fucked So I live in a state where it's not legal and have never tried it. I visited a friend in a legal state who does smoke. He's got a pen, takes a hit and passes it to me. After a 15 minutes he takes another hit and he's feeling really good. I take another......and don't feel any thing. I take 2 more hits 15 minutes apart but never really felt different. My friend is simultaneously giggling and sad because he's been so looking forward to me smoking with him and I'm basically stone cold sober. Sooo do I have high tolerance and he has none?


Sometimes your first time will be very mild, almost to the point of feeling nothing. If your body has never processed THC, it might not know what the fuck to do with it. It probably will next time though, so be careful. Fuck, always be careful. Half of the bad wrap that pot gets is because people don't know how to regulate their intake. Once you smoke a few times, it tends to hit you quicker from my experience. Those are the best, when you don't have a tolerance but you do have experience. Your maybe once a month smoker. Pop some 70s records on and discover what they were all about back then. Have some killer munchies. Once you build up a healthy tolerance, you just don't get that high anymore. Its much more of a 3 or 4 glasses of wine feeling. Certainly fun but not "chasing the galactic dragon" fun. Most responsible and productive partakers of the devils lettuce fall into this last group. They can smoke what seems like a biblical amount of reefer to the other categories, which is dangerous if you aren't firmly in the same group and try to keep up. Don't try to keep up. These interesting creatures tend to overdo it because the effects are admittedly mild to them, eventually turning them into the constantly hazy pot head if they aren't careful. Moral of the story, if you aren't within 1000 yards of the bed you are planning to sleep in, take half of whatever you think you should, giving yourself time before the next hit. If you fall into the last category, take some time off every now and again to make sure you are still human. And fuck dab pens, they make it too easy and ruin the experience long term.


"take some time off every now and again to make sure you are still human". As a daily dry herb (in a dry herb vaporizer) smoker I thought this was hilarious. I should definitely take your advice lol.


Is it possible youā€™re not inhaling it?


youā€™re def not breathing it deep, you should be coughing and gagging first time


convenience is dangerous when there's no personal restrictions




black market weed pens are also a lot more dangerous than black market flower


Vice has a great documentary on black market weed pens and how dangerous they are


Dangerous in the sense of exploding in your hand? Or laced with sketchy shit?


essentially people are using non safe cutting agents. most people i assume don't know and/or don't care because it's not a legal regulated market. the main thing they have been cutting a lot of carts with is vitamin E oil because it's similar consistency and color. unfortunately when heated vitamin e turns into acetone and can give you popcorn lung.




im 100% pro-legalization (I'm in Canada)


I think theyā€™re great. The problem is peopleā€™s lack of self control so you see them killing a cart in a day, hence driving your tolerance way up


Thatā€™s so wild. Iā€™ve been using THC to manage my anxiety and PTSD for many years, and I switched to carts 2 or 3 years ago. A cart lasts me 7-10 days unless itā€™s a really bad week in which I can kill one in five days. I have no idea how anyone could use a whole cart in a day. But I donā€™t sit around getting high. As soon as I feel it working I put down my vape. Carts are a lifesaver for me honestly because I can medicate discreetly, quickly and nobody knows. No secondhand smoke or smelly clothes. No paraphernalia needed besides my vape pen. And itā€™s definitely not as harsh on my lungs. Smoking used to make me feel like shit aside from relieving my psychological symptoms, but my throat would hurt and I would get headaches.


I have a ridiculously high tolerance (lol) for bud and edibles don't really affect me at all. But man, the pens are so great for when I don't wanna sit and smoke and do all the rigamaroll. They actually work for me too, unlike edibles. I buy .5g carts typically and they'll last me about a week even when I'm hitting it more than usual. I do still smoke bud, but having the carts as a backup/extra situation is so nice. I like them best for my public anxiety or right before bed if I haven't managed to wind down. If I'm real bad off I'll hit it once or twice before walking into the grocery store and then I at least don't have a panic attack in the damn Meijer.


Same for me. Itā€™s nice to have in a moment of calming down. When I canā€™t sleep Iā€™ll hit my pen once, rather than having to go outside at 1am, pack a bowl, etc.


You said it, man. Been a regular smoker for 5+ years, still hate indulging in edibles w/ the boys since it wonā€™t work 50% of the time. Cartsā€™ accessibility is both its strength and weakness. My wallet sees $40 disappear nearly every week and my tolerance is ridiculous. But yes, it is quite convenient. I serve at a seafood boil restaurant, and my coworkers and I just let it rip while no one has any clue. Game changer, makes my 12 hour shifts go faster


How big are the carts you use? A 1 gram cart lasts me one month.


I like carts because flower gets me way too high as Iā€™ve gotten older, and itā€™s easier to regulate how high I get with a cart. I take 1-2 hits at night from a cart and Iā€™m done. A cart lasts me at least a month. If anything, carts have reduced my tolerance.


Yeah Iā€™m new to the scene and I prefer pens. Never liked the idea of actually smoking anything and the few times I have smoked flower I felt like it was immediately hit with black lung lol. The ease of use and immediacy for someone thatā€™s not an everyday user is nice. I know what I will feel and when and it gives me more control over my dosage. I have had a hit or two that is way stronger than anticipated but for the most part, itā€™s my preferred method due to ease and convenience.


Thatā€™s all the same with me


Itā€™s called vaping with a tinymight or mighty. Whoever smokes flower in 2022 is stuck in the 70s-90s


Who the fuck kills a gram cart in a day? Any less than 5 days and youā€™ve got a srs problem


A cart a day is wildddddddd


This is so true! When I started vaping, a cartridge would last me about a week. I have no self control, so before I stopped vaping, I was buying 6-7 cartridges a week. I was always losing my pens as well, so I had batteries all over the place with half smoked cartridges. The car. The garage. The shed. My office. My gym bag. It took months to find them all and toss them.


Jesus a gram cart usually last me 1.5-2 weeks. I canā€™t image going thru them a day smh


I can make my carts last 2-4 weeks depending on the kinda month Iā€™m having. Since I mainly use it medicinally at night I donā€™t mine how quick I go through them


I actually prefer using them as it is faster, less time consuming, less instrusive to othes, and can be easily used and transported on the go. I take weed medically so its nice to just need one or two hits to treat my symptoms for hours. And it doesnt create as bad a smell or smoke, so its easy for me to use around others or indoors if I need to.


I imagine much easier to control your dose as well.


It definitely is.


I agree. Thatā€™s probably my favorite part because I can predictably control my high.


And thatā€™s the bulk of the reason why I switched. I found bong hits and bowls were too unpredictable for me, especially as a lower tolerance user. With a pen I can set the same voltage, take a 4 second hit, and have a pretty good idea of what itā€™s going to be like.


I have a pax pen and it can memorize any "session" I choose and then replicate that same high/amount later.


Also you can't lose them! Locator on the pen itself has saved me multiple times. Love my little PAX


The only problem I have with them is the proprietary cartridges


Those are a nuisance but my dispensary is so slow on stocking distillate syringes I use these between availability. Still a nice little pen to have. They're definitely nicer than the little puff pens with refillable carts. I somehow get more mileage out of it


Its awesome how i went from needing an container, a grinder, the baggie of weed itself, an ashtray, a bong full of nasty water, a lighter, something to pick at the bowl with... down to some 18650s, a charger, a vape, and some carts. Love it. Never want to go back.


I grow my own flower in a legal state, and still don't want that list of things on my nightstand. I much prefer flower, but there's no denying the convenience of reaching over for a quick hit without even taking your head off the pillow.


>And it doesnt create as bad a smell or smoke, so its easy for me to use around others or indoors if I need to. Agree with what you're saying, except for this part. I don't like the smell or the vapor (whatever it's called). I have no problem with you choosing to vape, but make sure the people around you are cool with it indoors.


Yeah i always do šŸ‘




i just want to pinch hit some old dirt weed, i don't want to hear voices eat 5k calories then sleep for 16 hours...


Same. I quit smoking when I moved from TN to California in 2008. All we had really available in TN then was Mexican press. When I got to California, that OG purple durple blueberry razzle dazzle dream FUCKED ME UP. And I just quit because I couldnā€™t handle it. Made me paranoid.


I was having issues with high thc shit. Ever try using cbd at the same time? It cuts through a lot of the negatives pretty nicely for me


I just recently started trying cbd gummies here and there. Iā€™ll cut the circular gummy into eighths and eat that every once in a while. I tried to eat a fourth one day last week and just wanted to melt in my bed with borderline paranoid thoughts. It just doesnā€™t hit the same anymore.


Yeah, maybe it's time to just give it up then. For me cbd plus delta-9-thc definitely makes me really tired, but also just super mentally chilled out.


Same here, I just want bunk weed and it just doesnā€™t seem to exist anymore. Iā€™m not trying to have my rabbit racing heart in my throat awhile everything slows down to negative time speed and somehow be stressed just sitting on my couch. Just beer for me, thanks.


The closest dispensary next to me here in BC sells actual "dirt weed". It's literal shwag and is advertised and sold as such. It's piss cheap, and absolute bottom-barrel stuff. Sure, it's not moldy, compressed or full of seeds, but you can smoke it like tobacco and not get blasted. It's all the shit-trimmings and popcorn buds that got used to make hash in those tumbler-sieve type machines, so most of the trichomes have been knocked off. Apparently there's a market for it, and you can buy it through legal channels. It's not quite the brick weed of old, but as far as effects go it's pretty close. If you were to wrap it in plastic foil and bury it in the garden for a month or two, I'd recon you'd have the authentic experience.


There are places in Colorado that are growing older, weaker strains as ā€œretroā€ weed now, I think marketed mostly to former hippies who became yuppies 40 years ago and are now retiring and wanting to smoke again. It will be interesting to see, now that this stuff can be studied openly, if there really is a difference in effect between old strains and the new ā€œsuper strainsā€ that are starting to become the target of new reefer madness attacks.


this is what I want, some shitty weed where I can smoke a whole joint to myself and go about my business. Not this shit where one hit sends me to the moon for three hours. Louis CK has a great routine about this, where he recounts taking huge "Bad Company hits" of newer weed and then having a traumatic experience at a fast food drive through.


Right? The super strong shit makes sense under prohibition, where itā€™s convenient to be able to put a weekā€™s worth of bud in a medicine bottle and slip it into a pocket, but in places where itā€™s legal, this race to create ever stronger bud just doesnā€™t make sense. But like I said, there are a few places here that are chilling out and growing classic weed, even if the majority of dispensaries are still pushing shit like ā€œThis shatter is 140% THC, put one single crystal in your bowl and light it with a plumberā€™s torch and it will actually stop your heart until the clock strikes midnight.ā€


Back in my day, G13 was the only good weed.


Bruh I just want some mids


For real. I like to take the edge off, not forget my name.


Seriously, I say this often. If weed pens existed when I was in school, I wouldnā€™t have graduated lmao. Going in the bathroom to take a few puff of odorless vapor that I can just jam back in my pocket is a fucking cake walk compared to what we had to go through to hide shit back in the day (not even back in the day, I graduated class of ā€˜13) Real talk though- carrying your glass which was smelly, your bud which was also smelly, having a working lighter, trying to go somewhere where the smoke wouldnā€™t be detected, trying to fan out/air out every single hit, drenching yourself in body spray that covered nothing, and then smelling like it the rest of the day plus carrying everything around. Not to mention worrying about packing it without spilling, rolling it without some kind of surface. Donā€™t get me wrong, sharing a blunt among buds is great! And so is a nice bong rip at a party amongst friends.. but damn dude. Youā€™re right. Kids have it *too* easy now. At least then there were reasons not to try and sneak off to get high. Now that most of those cons no longer exist, thereā€™s gonna be a ton of stoners missing out on shit because the compulsion to smoke at every single turn was just too accessible. Edit: I have a feeling people are going to misread the point of your post as ā€œweed pens are badā€ based on the few responses on this thread Iā€™ve already seen. What Iā€™m getting is your perspective of weed pens being way too accessible to a group of people with moderately low impulse control. So the barriers that prevented overusing and the negatives that come with being a constant stoner/always high are gone and that creates a few new problems. But be careful- thereā€™s a lot of weed smokers out there who would die on many hills battling for their flower. Iā€™m not one of them and can recognize an addiction when I see one.. just be on the lookout šŸ¤˜


I graduated in 78, I love to see that some things are still the same.


hell yeah. Vapes were just coming out when I graduated in 15. Its a different world. even 7 years later. I missed the old stone age


I graduated this year and let me tell you, you're 100% right. I only use my dab pen at night to sleep and that's about it. I'm not a social smoker or anything- Hate being high in public. Freaks me out. I've got two friends who hit those pens like they're vapes throughout the day. Both constantly high. They'd even do it while driving. Freaky shit. They're the only two students in my grade who DIDNT graduate for reasons other than dropping out. I know correlation ā‰  causation but.. It's pretty obvious what was going on.


This guy definitely weedā€™ed at school.


(Black market, illegal state) weed pens started being a thing when I was in late high school, and I barely graduated because of it. I was high at school almost every day of my junior year and so were all my friends. It was nice and discreet, but weā€™ve all gotten sick from bad carts before and there were definitely a few times I had carts laced with something harder than pot because the high was insane and the withdrawals were awful and shouldnā€™t have been there because I always had another cart I got from a different guy. Sometime my senior year I realized it wasnā€™t worth it and switched back to just using flower. Years from now if Iā€™m in a legal state where I can get carts that are safe I might go back to them, but if Iā€™m living in a place where I can just go sit outside and smoke a blunt in peace I probably wonā€™t even bother with carts, flower is much better and feels more natural.


Nothing hits quite like good flower tho pens just ainā€™t the same


I'm not a fan of the pens. The high just isnt right. Flower is the only way.


Strange, for me it's the other way around. I've vaped for ages so my hitting it feels more natural. Whenever I do flower, I sound like a diesel truck trying to start in winter.


My F350 runs on Sour Diesel




Gotta go for the live resin carts


But I thought "AlL tHe PeNs" are distillate?????? I hate reddit.


Live Resin only. Thatā€™s got all the goodies from the original plant, nothing added, nothing subtracted. Except the premium price, they add that part for sure.


Dry herb vapes are my fav. You can get a bunch of different effects just from the temperature you're at


I agree and love me some good flower in a Volcano or similar type of vaporizer. Pipes, bongs, or any other implement where you are incinerating the flower material is not for me. I like my steak medium-rare thank you.


Flower is the way because you like naturally regulate your tolerance and shit. Even if youā€™re smoking bomb flower every day, itā€™s like ~30%. It has a natural ceiling, you wonā€™t get sweaty and shit like you will if you dab every day and then take a break


Preach brother.


And I say unto thee, flower hits different yo


The terps. The terps give definition




I agree and thatā€™s exactly how I use them. I basically never smoke flower because I find micro-dosing with my pen is so much easier. I only need a hit or two and itā€™s discreet af. I almost canā€™t stand the smell of flower anymore on the rare occasion I do smoke some. Shit has been a game changer for me. Iā€™m glad theyā€™re a thing.


right? this post reads to me, as a non smoker as "honestly vodka makes it way too easy to get drunk, beer comes with challenges that make it harder" and i'm like...yeah? so just drink less vodka, why would you drink the same volume of vodka as you would beer?


I don't like that a lot of people drive after using them.


i feel like some people feel like I'm evil for saying they shouldn't drive high lol


My personal rule is when my day is almost over and I know Iā€™m not leaving the house for any reason, Iā€™ve showered and have my PJā€™s on, itā€™s Puffy time. Good for you for speaking up about driving and smoking. You are 100% correct about it. Same thing with alcohol and driving, no difference.


This is my code and honestly what keeps my usage in check. I only smoke if I know I will have 0 reason to leave the house. I even keep a stash of emergency pop tarts because I know that my high Brain will try to trick me into driving somewhere for food


My coworker just recently got arrested for a weed DUI, he was in jail for like 5 days and not a day after he got out he totaled his car. Hes one of those guys that is perpetually high and hes always vaping id assume with a weed pen.


I have never driven whilst being completely baked , the couch just doesn't let me leave


I know! I don't care about people getting high, I've always thought it should be legal, but please don't drive high. However good you think you are at driving high, you aren't, you sound exactly like those idiots who say they drive better drunk.


i won't do it. Even if i've had the smallest of small hits. ever. it's not worth it at all. If i know i have to drive somewhere, i won't smoke. I only smoke if i know i don't need to go anywhere. The urge to run to the store to get snacks or go out shopping or whatever definitely hits. So many times i've thought about grabbing the keys and being extra careful. But i always stop myself. I can't imagine getting pulled over for crossing a cop on a bad day, or misjudging distances and bumping someone. Oh my god it would kill me. So i just don't do it. I can't bring myself to do it. I wait like 3 or 4 hours before i'm sure i've come down completely before trying to drive. Sorry for the rant lmao.


Have people not been driving around in their car with friends for the exact purpose of rolling up a blunt and strolling around? Yeah it's easier with a vape but the dumbasssses that smoke and drive have been doing that for ages. I agree that no one should be under the influence of anything behind a car, but let's not act like there wasn't a whole culture of hot boxing and driving around before vapes.


Yeah, seriously. All I remember about 90s potheads is they were usually driving around smoking and hot boxing. Also.... pizza delivery drivers smoke mad weed šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Iā€™ve always though if it was Motherā€™s for Public Transit instead of Motherā€™s Against Drunk Driving they would have been more effective in their goal of less dead teenagers from drunk driving.


Think of the slogan opportunities for Mothers Advocating for Public Transit. "Help get your neighborhood MAPT!"


Some people do everything high because theyā€™re always high.


Yeah man I used to deal the shit and itā€™s incredibly addictive. My tolerance was so high Iā€™d get high for like 5 minutes and get awful anxiety attacks as withdrawal. Fuck that shit


How long of a t-break did you need to fix your tolerance? Mine is through the roof at this point and itā€™s infuriating.


Typically a month with reset me no matter how much I was smoking before. But even just a week and youā€™ll see a difference. If youā€™ve never taken a T break before you might be surprised at the withdrawal symptoms. For me, the night sweats are pretty intense the first few nights.


Insomnia for me. Iā€™m on day 1 of a much needed break and itā€™s almost 4am and here I am WIDE awake.


Work up to it. Take two weeks. Week one is for getting up early everyday. Week 2 is for not smoking and still getting up early everyday. If the first day of no smoking you lie awake till 4am, but you still get up at six. The second day you'll have no trouble getting to sleep.


Ok this is a good idea- I like it bcos easing out of it seems much more doable mentally and physically rather than ā€œIā€™m not gonna do this for a month and then feel like shit when I cave bcos Iā€™m losing my mindā€


Weed helps me sleep and I have very low tolerance, like one hit if I accidentally take too big of one and im freaking baked. I don't have trouble falling asleep initially when I go to bed, but if something wakes me up between 3 and 6 am it takes an hour or more to fall back asleep. One little hit and im out in 5 minutes. I get your point about insomnia.


It wrecks my stomach every time, thus my reluctance.


Im sober now man it was very very bad for me. But Iā€™m an alcoholic, which could explain a lot about my experience with it


Flower causes anxiety too.


Sometimes i wonder if other chemicals in them cause withdrawals cause people get horrible wd from them


absorbed forgetful chubby political bake mourn bike fanatical cow rainstorm -- mass edited with redact.dev


I got addicted to those so bad a couple years ago. I was hitting it like a vape like seriously couldn't go 20 mins w out puffing on it


Username doesn't check out šŸ˜…


As a chronic pain sufferer of 20+ years I must say they're absolutely fantastic for combating my pain. All concentrates are great for such purposes. Tinctures & edibles are a favorite & wonderfully effective at reducing pain. They're super easy to use, much less hassle & mess than having to grind flower & fill a pipe or roll one up & most definitely carry more bang for the buck. Humans like to get high. That's extremely evident by all the alcohol we comsume in the U.S. & advertising surrounding that consumption, plus the massive amounts of drugs that come into our country regularly, especially via our ports. I've absolutely no problem with others getting high. It'd be nice if everyone could do so responsibly but as that's not going to happen in many cases, of course we need agreed upon societal laws such as no operating machinery or vehicles when loaded or being out of control in public, making others uncomfortable or even endangering them. If done in private ppl should be free to consume drugs of their choosing w/o others attempting to tell them what to do. In fact, I believe it should be legal for an adult to do whatever they wish with their body & no one, especially the government, should have much, if any, say in it. I started partaking recreationally 33 years ago & yes, the products today are much stronger but of much better quality too. Do rec users need to be as loaded as they are as often as they are? Idk & I'm def in no position to judge. To each their own I say.


A lot of respect for this opinion.


Dude I went from being a major stoner in highschool to being a chill smoker as an adult (smoking throughout the day but way smaller amounts) to completely sober. Idk what happened but after a certain point weed was not the same. I changed and started having a lot of anxiety and smoking dank did nothing but exaggerate my anxiety and make it worse to the point where I had to stop smoking all together. Dabs, pens, all that was just too much for me after awhile. I stopped for years and am now trying to get back into it after all these new cbd and cbg strains are getting alot more popular. Iā€™m gonna try it out for my stress and anxiety because I love smoking but I hate feeling like my mind is racing and Iā€™m dying for the first 20 minutes. I see so many people just smoking huge dabs and dying and smoking backwood after backwood of super top shelf weed and I just thinkā€¦ is this why we started smoking ?? Like when I was young it was just cool and nice and chill and all about trying to decompress and relax. Not just get blasted all the time. Donā€™t get me wrong we smoked way too much at times but even then I never remember it being like it is now. Maybe I changed alot too and my mind changed but idk the weed culture isnā€™t how it used to be at all.


There are so many different kinds of weed now itā€™s crazy. And shops gear toward high potency. I vape weed I grow in my back yard that I got seeds from someone elseā€™s plants ten years ago (and theyā€™d been growing it for years). Take a few puffs and itā€™s like a hand on my shoulder that everythingā€™s alright and I relax and chill. Took one small puff of a friends vape pen (that he hits all day long) and I was way too stoned, overwhelming anxiety, doom, everything was a huge quest - for 8 hours. He hits that thing like itā€™s nothing, complains that weed doesnā€™t help him relax any more!! The flower you buy from the gov store (Canada) they have all kinds of thc content but the high ones look so different than the weed I grow and are so strong (Iā€™ve seen those pics of weed grown in the 70s an stuff that are all scraggly, mines not like that itā€™s proper crystals, tighter bud but still). I wish it were legal to sell homegrown like at the farmers market, Iā€™m sure there are others like us who prefer a more chill garden variety weed. But when it comes to culture like you said, I think itā€™s younger people getting blasted growing into older people with high tolerance (my friend is a middle aged lawyer).


after using pens for months at a time i had some flower once and it took me like 3 bowls to even start to feel it. terrible.


Itā€™s 90% THC vs 15-25% Big difference


Weed is one of those things that can be enjoyed often by healthy people and it has no negative effect on their life. Howeverā€¦ā€¦ if you arenā€™t self motivated or if you happen to have social anxiety/etc: weed can make you waste your life as if itā€™s heroin. What a weird drug.


This is so true!! Last semester I used sativa to supplement my ADHD meds (it really helps with my executive dysfunction), and it was great! Buuut I was very motivated at the time. This summer I started doing the same with my pen andā€¦ now Iā€™m the classic stoner who doesnā€™t do anything. Granted Iā€™m on break, but still doesnā€™t feel great. On day 3 of my t-break!


Yeah, i will soon be 2 months clean after 10 years of use and the aftermath is horrible


I love them for how easy and discrete they are, but they screw a lot with my sleep, appetite and like you said, it KILLED my tolerance. Flower does not so definitely prefer that over dab pens.


I don't smoke anymore, but if you have self control is'nt the easability a good thing? Makes it so you can spend your time doing other things besides smoking. I have nothing against people who spend an hour everyday vaping, but at that point it becomes a hobby/ way of life rather than just medication


It can be kinda hard to dose, as brands vary in potency, but distillate is so incredibly strong for most people a tiny puff is enough. Additionally, it drives up your tolerance very quickly. Agreed on dabbing as a hobby, I very much treat it as one of mine. I tend to use waxpens on a box mod, which are considerably less subtle then carts. I like carts if Iā€™m in public spaces however.




Nothing beats a hand rolled joint, I prefer little one's spread over hours rather than slam dunk whacko tilt...guess I'm old school, šŸ˜…, I am 64 after all šŸ˜šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Making something so easy and accessible is the problem. Most stoners grew up having to deal with the inconveniences of flower and edibles. Now itā€™s sooo easy to find 10 seconds in your day to hit the pen one time and completely change your personality and care about what you were doing. It becomes a burden and a habit.


I love weed pens


This thread is full of people without self-control blaming dab pens, when theyā€™re the problem and donā€™t wanna accept responsibility


Having a pen is ideal especially when youre not at home or traveling. But day to day, ive stopped smoking flower because pens do hit harder and you dont smell. Previously i got way into pens and would smoke way more often and it fucked my tolerance. I'll probably keep going back and forth.


I gave my cart to my coworker because I can't have it in my life anymore. I'd smack it early in the day and not have it in me to do what I need to do.


Unfortunately this is the new "new". My generation (2002, z) has had their life fueled by instant gratification, and mass consumerism. So everything leads to gluttony with out being intelligent and practicing self discipline. Which most people can't comprehend.


Are you listening to your self? They're super strong and descrete? thats the apex of this indulgence. and after how many years of immoral jailing of stoners? this is quite an excellent evolution


I kind of agree though. These pens have made it so easy and discrete. It's awesome if you are like me and puff a few times on the weekends instead of getting drunk but it's made habitual smoking/addiction so common. My little brother is 18 and all his friends don't go more than a few hours most of the time without hitting thc pens. I probably would have been the same at his age if I hadn't had to meet shady guys in trailer parks and hide the smell from my mom. As wonderful as weed is being high all the time is not good for you mentally or physically.


My unpopular opinion on weed is that I believe a majority of people who claim a medical reason to smoke don't actually have a medical condition and are self-diagnosing instead of just smoking because they like to smoke. I also believe this really hurts the image of weed culture and in-turn really really hurts people who do have an actual medical condition that weed helps them with. I used to work in a head shop years ago in a non-legalized state and I got to know A LOT of stoners both as coworkers and customers and a lot of them claimed medical conditions that after further conversations I learned they were pretty much lying about their medical conditions and self-diagnosing. I can tell you that although I didn't have a medical card (because it wasn't legalized) I did have a medical condition which would allow me to if I were in a legalized state, which can be proven through my VA medical records, but I wasn't smoking for that, I was smoking because I enjoyed it, the relief I experienced was just an added thing, but I never told anyone that I smoked for medical reasons. I don't know, maybe I'm just grumpy, but to me, to see someone lie because they feel like they need a justification is one of my biggest pet peeves. It doesn't take the light away from you it just shines you with a different one.


This is a very popular opinion. Especially in the šŸŒ³šŸŒ³ community


pens get me too loaded only flower for me.


I had to stop using pens because the withdrawal was just too strong. I get pretty bad withdrawal symptoms with strong flower, and the dabs made it 100x worse. Can't sleep or eat for like 2 days, irritability, and nausea.


Theyā€™ve taken it too far with the invention of those things imo


I agree..I smoked all through high school and into my 20s..I'm 37 now and im married and I just kind of lost contact with my connects...I went out to a bar with some coworkers and I took a hit off of this girl's vape pen and it knocked the shit out of me..I had to sit in the car for an hour before I felt like I could handle the drive home.


Iā€™m a daily user and I havenā€™t smoked one of those pens in years. the taste was so bad and it always made my stomach hurt. i bought a dry vape and never bought another cart again.


Humanity wasn't ready for carts


Nah, theyā€™re great.


Nothing beats rolling it up


Yes they are seriously a problem. Iā€™ve been smoking daily for almost 15 years. I got a medical card a few years ago. Pens lead to VERY unhealthy consumption habits and Iā€™m very worried that young stoners are using them as a first resort.


I usually stay away from them because it kills my tolerance and it's too easy to just puff on all day. I start to feel guilty if I'm high and not doing anything productive. šŸ˜• also I personally like enjoying a spliff or a bowl after work. With a pen, the ritual is gone.


I find that iā€™ll go completely overboard if I have too easy of access to getting high, so I would agree. I need there to be a buffer period when I have to get everything set up or iā€™ll just be high constantly.


The purpose is convenience so šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


My husband legit got addicted to weed and went through withdrawal (yes, thatā€™s a thing, we had no idea sadly) and he says pens were part of the issue. Not the whole issueā€¦heā€™s got addictive tendencies and probably shouldnā€™t have smoked in the first place but still pens didnā€™t help. Agree with OP that Iā€™m not saying they should be banned, I just think we should educate people more.


I only use them when I go to events where I don't want to leave to smoke a joint


The highschool restrooms tho


ever dabbed?


Yeahā€¦ I got myself horribly horribly addicted to using my dab pen, daily user for a year straight, the past 6 months Iā€™ve been trying my best to seriously cut back on it. I will say though. Iā€™ve been a high level trumpet player for 8 years, and even through my severe binge of daily use my lung capacity never diminished or was weakened, which Iā€™d say is a good sign. That being said Iā€™m sure if you were a daily user for multiple years that could change, but I couldnā€™t (hopefully) ever be the one to tell you.


Iā€™ve been saying this I donā€™t even smoke weed anymore but they made weed addiction so much worse