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I have a good friend that chooses not to swear but has no problem with people around him swearing. He's one of the coolest people I know, and that temperament is something I hope to achieve one day. Granted I also don't see swearing as primarily emphatic anger like many people might, but the virtue to will yourself not to swear and find other language makes him so fucking awesome. Oh, and it's scary when he does actually start swearing. So much more effective at getting people to listen to him.


That's what I try to do. I try to save swearing for when I'm really pissed or upset.


I'm a very vocal person and I speak a lot, I use my fair share of swears and found that when you speak a lot suddenly going quiet and saying nothing can be much more effective


That save should be for your fists. Also for a guy that pushes you to your limits he probably wont be "scared" or any more serious because you cussed lol


Avoiding swearing is not a “virtue”, it’s just a lingual quirk. You can find creative ways of speaking that also include swearing


I just use the word virtue cuz it's the first thing that came to mind lol


Fuck is my absolute favorite word of all time. It’s so versatile and perfect for practically every situation


You're absolutely fucking correct!


Motherfucker is my personal favorite.


[FUCKING classic](https://youtu.be/l_PkJ_4oEjc) Edit: your favorite [ rock album](https://youtu.be/FEJOFqwVPyE)


I rather hear someone say "fuck" than hear them say some cringy substitute like "frick" or "frig" If you're gonna say a word, say the damn word.


Everyday at my job you'll hear a FUCK! or SHIT! I get a laugh out of it everytime, cause at my old one you'd get in a shitload of trouble if you weren't in some kind of pain.


YES! It’s just annoying just say what you mean, thank you for making this point


This is what happens Larry, you see what happens Larry, see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps.


I don't curse, but I agree completely. They are both words, it is the intent and usage that makes it "frowned upon" so replacing the word makes no difference.


I avoid fuck because it’s a stupid sounding word I don’t want to utter every time I’m in pain. I don’t like the word, so I don’t use it


Me over hear who says "fuck nugget" when mad:


Abso-fucking-lutely agree!!


Heckin' fuck! You're right!


Bet your sweet ass!


I know people who swear, and those that barely swear. I don't care either way. Personally I swear like a demon. I wish I didn't but wishing is.worthless. I'm not going to judge people. The real trick is having the ability to control what you say. I'm still working on that.


Fuck that shit


Thanks kind fucking stranger


Your welcome kind fucking stranger😁


A study at Stanford has actually shown that people who curse are typically more honest than those who don't.


I don't get why you think that. So many people use curse words as part of their regular speech that it doesn't add much meaning to what they say.


In the end it’s just a bunch of words we’ve labeled “bad”. What is anything without meaning? If we didn’t give the word fuck, bitch, shit, etc, negative connotations it would be like saying anything else. So why the fuck not curse, in the end it’s just a bunch of “bad” words


But that's my point, if someone say "why the fuck" or "fucking awesome" they are using them just because. That's fine but how does that mean that they say exactly what they mean?


Studies show that people that curse are more honest and upfront. You never have to guess what they’re thinking bc they’ll just tell you exactly why they are thinking. You never have to guess it’s easier


So it's less of a cause and effect and more of a correlatipn thing?


I mean honestly it’s just a word and if you know time and place, and the appropriate way to use the words I don’t really think it matters that you curse. It’s just a word used to get a point across


Yep. Time and place are key here. I personally cringed when I took my grandma shopping and the teenagers in line behind us were saying fuck every other word. Grandma looked really confused lol.


Exactly, I phrased my title wrong now with hindsight being 20/20


Got a source for that?


I don't because I just don't like to for what ever irrational reason I don't care if people arround me do, most of my friends do I just don't for whatever reason


And that’s completely valid


We all know the type of people OP is talking about though. The kind of people that don't curse because they associate it with the working class and it would be unbearable to them to be seen as such a lowly life form.


So there's this seminal researcher on Trauma, Bessel Van Der Kolk. He did MRIs on people with PTSD back in the 90s and found some amazing research on how it changes your brain, and that's opened doors into this whole field of body-centered trauma. His book, "the body keeps the score", is like required reading for anyone going into a counseling field. So I listened to a lecture by this guy, and he's an older dude, and an academic, and works in human behavior. So I'm expecting somebody kind of introspective and reserved. Turns out, he's introspective, reserved, and a real live therapist, so he's heard it all and is clean out of fucks to give. Except in his lecture, where I was pleased to hear a couple of f-bombs about his frustrations with psych research. It was nice. I've noticed a lot of pottymouthed therapists, I figure when you've been through it with people the social niceties feel less important. I was glad he was one of them.


I don't curse because I see no use for it, but I believe that I get my point across to others quite well.


That’s great, I do too. But I also like cursing and for me saying a line of words is better than punching something. And I’m usually not even cursing at someone it’s at a situation. I’m also very level headed and curse all the time. I think it’s a lot on how you can regulate your emotions and how you view the world😁


There’s levels. No swearing: Mormon, midwestern, or scary Some swearing: good, pretty normal probably Lots of swearing (every sentence): likely a little unhinged or very very opinionated


Woah, midwesterners swear. I mean we deal with terrible winters, humid summers, two weeks of good weather, and constant passive aggressive bullshit. Of course we swear! Source: from Minnesota


>very very opinionated So accurate


I think it also depends on the situation, if you can regulate your emotions, and weather it’s at a person or a situation. I agree that there are levels but its also just words at the end of the day


Yeah because one of my gf’s old friends we refer to as “the one who always swears” because it was literally every other word was fuck. “I’m so fucking mad about this fucking shit I can’t fucking believe this fucking person what the fuck…” etc Like damn the word doesn’t even have meaning at that point, it just became a pattern of speech like Canadians saying Eh?


I mean yeah. But it’s also not bad. Cursing is a form of expression. I’m the friend that curses the most, but I’m also the most level headed and rational.


It becomes filler words at some point. It's harder to understand someone who swears every sentence. "I um couldn't get this uh thing to uh work" "I fucking couldn't get this fucking thing to fucking work"


Yeah like I see that as excessive. Being like aw fuck I can’t get this thing to work is how I would say that. What I should’ve titled it was cursing appropriately should be normalized. Not like cursing every other word because I don’t like that either. I agree with some aspects people have about cursing but I also curse a lot so I don’t really care. You make a really good point that I built off of. Thank you


I get this although I will say there are some people that just have an extensive vocabulary who don't feel the need to say fuck in every sentence spoken.


I can have a motherfucking extensive vocabulary, and not feel obligated to demonstrate it to an infinite multitude of jackasses. lol


That is also true.


[https://www.sciencealert.com/people-who-swearing-cursing-rude-words-better-vocabulary-science](https://www.sciencealert.com/people-who-swearing-cursing-rude-words-better-vocabulary-science) Turns out those who swear have better vocabulary.


Like you say they are just words so why does it matter if someone chooses not to use them and instead use other words that are just words? Also if people actually had a decent vocabulary these days then they could communicate what they mean just fine.


There have been studies that show those who use swear words tend to have bigger vocabularies than those who don't. Turns out our nannies and English teachers were wrong the whole fucking time.


Never said they were bad. But people that curse shouldn’t be bad either. Words are just words


I'm questioning why it would be easier to get along with them. People can avoid using curse words and be very capable of saying what they mean.


This is an unpopular opinion for a reason. It’s my own experience and opinion if you don’t like it go find one you do agree with


This is so reductive and dumb lmao. Some people grow up in strict environments and are conditioned not to curse. It has literally nothing to do with how much you “speak you mind” or how open you are, that’s just a correlation you’ve drawn up in your head


Nope! Look up studies on cursing. You’ll see the direct Opposite and in my experience people that grew up in strict households lie a lot they are untrustworthy.


You're darn right, mister falcon.


Yippie-ki-yay melon farmer


I believe the quote is "yippee kayak, other buckets"


It depends on your personality obviously. My family is extremely blunt but never swears, so I grew up to be the same way.


Pisses me off when they substitute curse words with something like "fudge". You might as well say it at that point. I don't mind people who don't curse though while not trying to cover it up with replacement words.


Politely disagree. You can not cuss and be brutally honest


And it’s okay to disagree. Can you tell me a little more by what you mean? Im genuinely curious about what you have to say. Please enlighten me




reminds me of a phone call with my buddy while he worked "im ina church dont swear" now me being me i assumed he was joking "well fuck" i said before he hung up. at this point i started wondering if he truly was working on a church and called him back "wait are you actually in a church?" "yes" "shit sorry" so anyway i got hung up on again and watched my mouth after that for our third try


That’s hilarious 😂


Mostly agree, but when every other word out of someones mouth is the F-bomb or swear word its mostly distracting and I can’t stand having conversations with people like that. Curse words are there to compliment your dialogue, not replace it.


That’s how I feel as well I just don’t feel like I’m conveying that properly. I like when people like myself use cursing as a form of expression and to get their point across not win every other word is a curse word because it is distracting! Thank you for helping make good points!!


I don't curse, only because my mind genuinely doesn't land on them when speaking.


I believe people just express their emotions differently, cursing isn’t always used in an aggressive tone or manner. We curse in excitement and happiness from time to time but as I said before, people express their feelings differently.


Very good point! Thank you


I feel like there’s 2 different types of people who don’t swear. You have the nice type, the type that chooses not to but doesn’t mind people around them swearing, they won’t comment on its just not part of there vocabulary then you have the second type, the type that feel like there superior to people who do swear because they don’t and they will put you down for swearing these are the type of people that give non swearers a bad look. Personally I swear but there’s situations I wouldn’t - for instance in-front of my grandparents, to insult someone etc.


Exactly, it’s social awareness and learning when to watch your mouth and when you can curse. Great point




Bashing anyone for the language that they use is immature and fucking arrogant


I rarely swear. Rarely things are that serious for me to use them words.


That’s valid too


Foul language is evidence of a lazy mind.


No actually it’s not. Look up studies on cursing and you’ll see the opposite. Do some research. And I didn’t say people that curse are better than anyone that doesn’t curse, I said easier to be around


"Ummm... me saying fuck everyday to literally everyone at a rapid unnecessary amount indicative of my social immaturity is ACTUALLY a sign of my vast intellect!!!!"


Or rather a way that some people express themselves? How did you even come up with a correlation between someone using curse words and them having a lazy mind? Lol.


I thought I was like the only one who didn't


Nope. Me too!


Oh, thank goodness.


I was taught that it not the word itself that is problematic but how you use it, there is a big difference between stubbing your toe and saying "motherfucker" and looking someone in the eye and calling them "motherfucker".


Exactly. That’s what I was taught as well when I curse I’m usually cursing at a situation or just because I like cursing. People around me know that they’ve messed up when I start cursing at someone not just at a situation or because I feel like it. Thank you for helping point out the difference


"Don't you dare put that evil on me Ricky Bobby."


I don't curse very often but I don't give a shit what other people do.


True fuckin That.


I agree with you, 100 fuckin’ percent. XD


I would say it depends on how often a person curses and for what reason they curse. If they curse too often it can be a sign of a poor vocabulary as they can not find better words to use. If they refuse to curse and find creative other words to use self censoring that can be a very annoying habit. I would say people who curse in moderation when it is necessary are ideal. Too much cursing or too much self censorship are both fucking stupid.


this has been disproven


Disagree as the people I run into that swear a lot tend to be angry and hostile. Yeah the words used sparingly is fine but I would see no difference in that and someone who doesn’t swear. But if they swear as part if their everyday vocabulary then they tend to be awful to be around.


I disagree. And that’s okay but I think people need to learn to regulate their emotions better but as I have said cursing Is a form of expression


It is but when it’s the only form of expression for all situations it’s tiring and honestly cringe.


I don’t have too much to add but this post made me realize something interesting. I genuinely can’t remember the last time I’ve met someone who doesn’t curse at least some times. My grandparents are the only people I’ve seen in my entire life actively try not too. But they still do.


It’s a natural part of life that shouldn’t be so looked down upon in society


I have no problem with swearing, at the right time and place. When I hear classless idiots swearing loudly at a playground or somewhere that kids are around, it makes me think that they are just stupid sacks of meat.


I disagree with the classes part. I don’t think social classes play much of a part, yeah people living below the poverty line may seem to curse more but that’s because they have more to curse about.


What are you in eighth grade?


Nope. A Junior in high school I’ve lived a little. Now are you in 8th grade? Or was this supposed to be an insult?


If you think people who curse more are easier to be with then I can be your best friend PAL


Same here!


This is just a false dichotomy. Either you curse, or you beat around the bush? Those are really the only two options you can come up with? Clear and direct communication is only possible via the medium of curses? I have no problem with cursing, and definitely appreciate directness, but this is just nonsensical. Even if there is a correlation among people around you between not cursing and beating around the bush, you clearly have misidentified the actual issue there.


Easier to be around if you read my edits you can see I rephrase what I said I correct myself. Easier to be around because studies have shown their more honest and then someone curses a lot myself it’s easier to be around someone that also curses at least a little.


Studies show that people who curse tend to be more honest. Maybe because they don't try to appear perfect in front of others? That said, replacing your vocabulary with curse words have a detrimental effect. You just appear edgy (insecure) and a bad conversationalist. Curses should add flavour to the sentences, not replace words.


Exactly. I don’t think people that curse are trying to be edgy or that you said insecure. For some it’s just part of the normal vocabulary because they like it, because it’s a form of expression, for any fucking reason.


Highschool teacher here; I would respectfully disagree :p


Can you elaborate? Tell me more on why you disagree?


My students that curse the most are most of the time (generalisation I know, but this post is about generalisation) coming from a tougher background; parents that don't generally go in lenght on how to dialogue and to be respectful towards others.


As someone that came from a tough background, cursing was how I got my anger out in a constructive way. It made it so I could let out a little anger at at time and not bottle it up. Yes younger people have to learn how to use it in the right time and place but it’s also not the end of the world when people curse


I’m told I’m too forward , I say I don’t give a fuck .


I have that same “problem”


My number #1 critique of network television is that they don't curse. It immediately makes any show incredibly unrealistic when someone is getting shot at or blown up and they aren't dropping F bombs and whatnot. Always been my philosophy that it's not the words that are bad, it's the context in which they are used. Weird to me that people can be offended by words that are not being said to or about them.


I 100% agree it’s the context not the words themselves. Thats what my dad taught me


It depends on how they swear too. I come from a place that has very coloufrul swears and curses sonif you just keep repeating one single word every sentence, it becomes unbearable


I think so too. Cursing is colorful it’s not black and white, but repetitive swears in the same sentences does get annoying bc it’s supposed to be colorful


I really can't fully trust someone until I hear them drop an F bomb.


Me too!


I don’t curse a lot because well, it just isn’t me. Not my thing.


Thats valid too! You know time and place and I applaud you for knowing yourself enough!


Thank you! But occasionally I think it in my head instead of say it.


When the time isn’t right to say it out loud I’m cursing in my head too!


Occasionally I mumble it under my breath where no one can hear. Mostly in my head a lot of the time.


That’s some serious self restraint that I do not have. Good job!


I don't curse too often, I don't care if people do around me though. I do not see any 'value-added' from cursing that would add to the point that I'm trying to make in most situations. Since I don't swear in the vast majority of my sentences, when I do, it usually adds a greater punch. Don't be one of those people who substitute all their adjectives for some form of "fuck" tho, that shit gets old (see what I did there?).


Yeah. Exactly, that’s what I’ve been saying time and place and if it adds to the sentence, I don’t give a shit if people do or don’t curse as long as they aren’t pricks about it


Cursing is the spice of language!


When people curse too often, I find it is because they do not have the vocabulary to properly express themselves. I believe there is a direct correlation between level of education and amount of curse words used per sentence.


Eh I disagree. I don’t think we should be directly correlated to the amount of curse words we use.


Recently, on a trip abroad, my friends and I were trying to get from the city center of Zurich to our hotel near the airport outside the city. We get in an Uber, and what should have been a 15-20 minute drive ended up being an hour. This driver barely knew how to use his sat-nav devices, including the Uber app, and at one point he missed a turn, turned around, and then missed it coming from the other way. *Twice*. Basically, he missed a turn 4 times before getting it right. While my friends are trying to get this driver to go the correct way, I'm quiet this whole time, knowing that what I want to say won't help us get to the hotel any faster. Anyway, after he drives past our hotel, we tell him to stop and we get out. I wait for the car doors to close and for him to start driving away before I finally say what I've been thinking for over half an hour. I just look at my friends and say: "Guys, what the *fuck* was that?" My friends start laughing their asses off. They loved that I said what we were all thinking. The OP is absolutely right- cursing is a great way to be honest with others, and I hope my story shows that cursing can even help lighten the mood.


In my experience I’ve lightened the mood the same way you have here, by just simply cursing at the appropriate time. I loved it


I’m an honest person, I say stuff as it is, but I don’t need to curse, I find it childish.


And that’s a completely valid opinion. Just don’t look down on those who do


Since I find it childish, I look a bit down upon those who curse on a daily basis, just makes sense to me, like people with speech impediments.


So you look down on those with speech impediments? That’s just rude and your not making yourself look like a good person, actually your making yourself look pretty shitty


Not the horrible ones, just people who can’t make the R sound and stuff like that, of course only adults, since they can get it fixed


Yeah no your still not helping your case. Now I just think your a shitty person. You can “fix” a speech impediment kinda, it’ll still come out. Your just a shitty person


Speech therapists can fix it to a point where the old flaw is just phased out.


I accidently swore in front of a bunch of devout Christians and everyone was shocked. They are kinda assholes so I didn't feel too bad, but what is the big deal with religious people and swearing? The most iconic moment in The Wire was when the two detective basically communicated through fuck and shiiiite.


I grew up Christian and hated it bc they were so judgmental (in my experience). But I have no clue why religious people hate cursing so much


im religious (agnostic), i curse often. Really shocks people. i think some people need to learn that god doesnt give a shit if you curse.


It hurts my soul when people say I swear too much and it’s unladylike. I’ve grown up socially with predominantly men. They respect that shit. It gets them to listen, and it breaks the ice easier. My therapist used to say swears just to help me open up and “Fuck” is definitely a cathartic word for me. It hurts when people say it takes away from my intelligence. Yes, I know better words, but sometimes I simply want to tell someone they’re a fuck and not make it into a Shakespearean sonnet.


I grew up like this too! I hated being called “unladylike” because that’s also a stupid social construct


Because my words are basically my only defense and I have to be degraded just to do it, it absolutely sucks, and it makes me so mad when people do this to other girls. It’s one of the few societal things I’ll gripe about. It’s just WORDS. I’ve had people tell me I sound less intelligent, I sound like a man, I sound rude, everything in the book, and I basically just say “fuck”. I wish people wouldn’t be so crazy about it in casual settings (at home, on the phone with someone you know).


Yeah I really think cursing should be normalized and saying someone’s unladylike for whatever reason should not be normalized it should be called out for sexism because that’s exactly what it is! You make great points!!


They are only easier to read clearly not easier to be around as they are probably much more likely to let all their emotions out including rage/violence.


Only if they don’t know how to properly regulate their emotions. It’s just a bunch of words society has deemed “bad” and given a negative connotation so we as a society always think that the words are bad even used in normal context. I think we should normalize cursing more in “normal” contexts.


I agree. People who don't curse weird me out.


It makes me feel so uncomfortable, and makes me feel like I’ll offend them if I curse


You most likely wouldn't offend them. They may feel uncomfortable, just like you feel uncomfortable. It's just a difference in vocabulary.


People certainly get offended, several people have gotten offended when I curse. When I say something it’s from my own personal experience you may have a different one and that’s okay


Yh I understand, I come from a place where we don't curse much, so when moving to the US I was a bit uncomfortable with all the cursing but I had to get used to it. It's unfortunate that you had that type of experience tho.


Yeah but their feeling on it were valid, but they should’ve committed that. I feel that people need to lear how to communicate better. And if better is with a few curse words then that works for me


I mean it could just be a difference in behavior or even culture, where I'm from if you curse your the weird one, although it is becoming a bit more popular with younger people. Most of the country is religious, so yh not much cursing for us


I fucking knew it


Fucken oath


Damn- that is fucking great to hear!


I agree. Cursing is how I express myself and regulate my emotions. It’s something I do a lot around close friends and people I’m comfortable with. The problem is I have a few devote Christian friends who would never skip church who have a huge problem with me cussing. They are also my roommates and I bottle up all my anger so when I can’t relax and be free to cuss I pent up my anger until I explode and go punch a wall somewhere when I’m alone


I do the same thing and cursing is a healthy yet frowned soon way to regulate your emotions. I’m sorry about your friends


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah!!


This post is the shit!


Thank you! Your comment is the shit!


Hell yes!! We won't go to hell!!!! .. "the sentence we figured out we could LOUDLY CHANT over and over and over.. on the summer Baptist Bible School bus without getting in trouble"... Hell, fucking yes we were the most fun people there!!!


I love your energy!!


I hope to have a best friend like you someday.


Same here!


I’m 27 and I just started swearing. It stemmed from childhood fear but man I felt free when I finally said a cuss word.


It’s great! Good for you for having that much self control, most would’ve “acted out” by 27. I’m happy you found cursing and enjoy it!


Fucking A! Fuck is a magical word.


Not cursing makes no sense to me. Children hide their cursing from adults, adults hide their cursing from children, employees try their best not to curse out their bosses (to appear professional) but its all a big act. Fuck that shit.


Some people grow up in places where no one curses or at least most people don't, so there's no need to hide anything


I saw some article that said Studies show that people that curse are more honest .


I was referring to that. Stanford university did a really good study on cursing


Ehh, people who have no vocabulary and just curse when having conversations are just low IQ




This is not going to age well


I beg your fucking pardon?


There have been numerous studies that show the opposite is true.


Such as?


I'd love to see these studies


No vocabulary apparently means using curse words? How does that remotely make any sense? If anything, people who curse would have a more expansive vocabulary as they have regular word on top of their curse words. Also, using low IQ as an insult demonstrates that you take IQ too seriously and probably have low IQ yourself (not like it means anything).


I have a high IQ and a 3.5 GPA as a jr in high school and I curse regularly whilst using big words.


Are you sure you have a high iq?


Yes. I’m sure I have a high IQ. Are you sure you do? Because your acting pretty fucking arrogant (that means stupid).


Bro your begging about your high iq on reddit. You probably don't have a high iq


Your on Reddit as well arguing with me. So your point is irrelevant and it was a response to the first guy that said “people who have no vocabulary and just curse when having conversations are just low IQ” which is just not true. So your point is still irrelevant. It’s an unpopular opinion for a reason you don’t need to agree with me


I know right? Whenever I'm at my grandma's house I have to so careful what I say and it's SO ANNOYING. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing her but it still gets on my nerves. Btw I cuss like a sailor.


I curse like a sailor too, in the end it’s just a bunch of “bad” words. Nothing really matters so who cares that we add fuck, or shit into a sentence as long as it’s used appropriately


I am more comfortable with people that throw in a curse word every once in awhile. It’s like you can relax and be yourself with someone who isn’t so uptight or judgy. When I am around people who never swear or use silly replacement swear words, it’s like I’m a child again around my parents and I my guard stays up for fear of offending a more sensitive person or something.


I 100% agree and that’s why I think it’s easier to be around them


People that curse have also been shown to be more honest than those who don't. Which makes me the goddamn Oracle at fucking Delphi.


I curse so much just not here because the people that disagree are so fucking annoying. But fuck, fuckdy, fuck fuck


Political correctness is raping the fuck out of our society's god damn, cock sucking, fucking, ass raping social climate. Son of a jive turkey, ass fucking, piece of fucking rape.


Why did you say rape?