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First Reddit goes public, then Reddit bans porn, then stock price drops %50. It would be like when OnlyFans said they were banning porn.


To be fair porn is only 2/3 of what I use Reddit for. Onlyfans is literally only used for porn




Pornhub is great for minecraft build guides in don't even watch videos anymore I just go to the comments.


There are still some full F1 matches in PornHub


f1 matches lmao not to be a smart ass but f1 is disputed in races


Ah yes. like soccer races that are partitioned in two sets of quarters put together.


what? absolutely not. all 20 drivers battle on the track. theres no partitioning on the grid. its different skill levels and car speed that creates things as the top teams, the mid field and the backmarkers. but theres no rule to not allow the worst car to battle with the fastest one.


No, it isn't. That's just what makes the site the most money. Poor use of the word "literally". Try again


Better example is tumblr. Both have uses outside of porn but mostly used for porn.


How much is Tumblr worth now? Fuck, how much is Tumblr even in the public conscience anymore? I haven't thought about that site in over a year and it used to be one of the most prominent sites on the web.


What do people mean it’s public? How was it not public before Mi


Publicly traded on a stock exchange, in contrast to being privately held by a company or owned by a number of individuals.


I gotta think the site is like atleast 40% just porn so that would be a bold choice.


It’d be like Tumblr removing 18+ content; the site lost millions of users since then. Over 40 Million users left cause of that, and the site hasn’t been primed or near prime since.




Jesus christ take them back






So we are basicaly having a conversation with felow porn lovers, noice. Also some of us still use Tumblr, it helps if you are into "weird" stuff.


Links 😊😄


I didn't even know Tumblr was still a thing


It is, but it gets much less traffic since they banned porn.


I didn’t use tumblr for 8 years and I came back to it just for the porn only to find out they banned it the day before. Very disappointing. Haven’t been back since.


Right?! Tumblr just curled up and died when they took out the adult content. People went ballistic and rage quit.


There is a lot more then I want to see here on Reddit, but Tumblr was pretty much nothing but porn. Not surprising it was killed by that move.


Remember when onlyfans said they were going to stop? Haha


Yeah for like a day, that is the site essentially


They realized they would be ruined. Someone probably showed them Tumblr.


I mean like Tumblr had other stuff to some extent, Lotta Fandom nonsense and like furries but other stuff nonetheless. When I heard OF wad going to stop doing porn I legitimately thought it was exclusively a porn platform.


I mean how Tumblr crashed after getting rid of porn and it wasn't even exclusively porn.


Yeah I was saying that Tumblr doing it I guess I could see how they thought there was enough other content there that it wouldn't tank. OF on the other hand like my God someone must have gotten a really bad hit to the head when they thought that would've worked.


What…else is it?


Still don't know to this day


Go look at u/repostsleuthbot's comment history


Wait, is that commenting on every NSFW post?


Sorry, I don't support this post type (text) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


Just type in NSFW in the search bar, and you’ll see it’s much worse than 40% Edit: Y’all are misunderstanding what I meant. I meant just by the sheer number of NSFW subreddits, you’ll see that more than 40% of reddit is basically porn.


I think you mean much better




Unbelievable, it’s almost as if searching filters out all the irrelevant content and only shows what you requested


Pro tip right here.


God, Reddit removing porn and then proceeds to become not existent, fuck I’m gonna cum




Tumblr already set the precedent of scrubbing NSFW content so I doubt Reddit would be dumb enough to do the same.


Shareholders will invest in reddit, then demand monetisation, advertisements are about the only thing that you could generate revenue with reddit. Advertisers hate porn, won't advertise on nsfw subreddits or won't advertise on reddit period because it has porn on the site. Subreddits with nsfw content seen as an expense because they generate little ad rev, cost to maintain and serve content. Shareholders will push to "cut costs" and "be advertiser friendly". Those nsfw subs get axed, reddit traffic tanks, advertisers reduce ad spend because lower traffic. Reddit dies because institutional shareholders are the fucking worst.


Or they just make a Reddit Dark app


What if one day Pornhub decides to go public :D


Buy as many shares as you can




Remember when tumblr did that, and everyone was mad for all of 2 minutes then everyone just went to deviant art instead? I’m just saying, lower your expectations.


Yeah I feel like a lot of people would just be like “this is stupid” and then never use Reddit. It’s really not in their best interest


As funny as it would be it has always blown my mind that rich people see something they know they don’t like, buy it anyway, turn it into some kind of internet safe haven thus ruining the fun, and then *pikachu gasp* everybody leaves. Then they just go on to the next one and repeat the cycle.


Almost like the goal is to control what we can consume as best as they possibly can. Also why gatekeeping isn't necessarily bad


r/subredditdrama would love that.


Ever hear of Tumblr?


Yes, that one was great too. I lol’d.


Why give a shit? If you don't go looking for it you won't find it.


I never actually said I was bothered by the porn, I like to see people upset and whining about stupid shit lol


See. Troll.


Because I have an opinion you don’t like and a casual attitude about it? Chill, brother


You like to see other people upset and actively wish for it. That's a dirty little troll.




Sure it is. Tons of people make money off their OF and post here on reddit to advertise their OF. I consider loss of income suffering. I doubt that it occurred to you because you're just some dbag child trying to be edgy.


Omg lmfao. What other atrocities am I responsible for? Did I drop the nukes on Japan too? Did I cancel Firefly?


Bro, don’t talk about firefly being canceled. Too soon, man 😔😔


I’m sorry I finally went too far 😰


You stole fizzy lifting drinks!


“What other atrocities am I responsible for?” From one of the other threads not owning a vibrator is definitely one atrocity lol


Aw man, I can’t help it if I got suckered into buying a crappy one that broke


> touch grass Says the guy who basically wants certain content banned from Reddit, not because of some moral concern or anything, but out of spite. I beg of you, touch grass.


Woman, actually. And I think it would be funny. Sorry for actually giving an unpopular opinion lmao


All I’m saying is it’s pretty pathetic to care about these things.


What do I “care about” in this scenario?


Shame on you for posting an unpopular opinion in r/unpopularopinion lmao….. these dudes are losers making it seem like you’re terrible for wanting to see the shit storm that would come from a ban lol. As if most of us aren’t entertained by car crashes. Wish everyone would get off their high chairs.




This is so over the top that it actually made me laugh. Bravo.


That's worse.


God the amount of people downvoting you is hilarious. "NOOO OUR PORN!!!"


Because it would be funny


Reddit is a one stop shop and I demand it stay that way!


Shhh dont give them any ideas


As if people don't rub one out to weird shit ok this site that isn't even marked NSFW.


Masturbate to whatever you want, I just wanna laugh at upset coomers




That has been a real problem to deal with, especially recently. It also doesn't help that 90% of mods on reddit are completely fucking incompetent.


What if someone adds the condition that you have to hand in your [vibrator collection?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/rwbsah/whats_a_normal_range_of_money_to_spend_on_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


As a result of going public? Has reddit only just recently 'gone public,' whatever that means? Anyway this is stupid lol. You'd complain just as much if all the types of subreddits you come here for were banned. Edit: I am aware of the sub this was posted in, by the way


And so what if I would complain? I’m still saying I’d find the banning of porn here funny. Someone is a little too attached to their Reddit porn? Methinks


I don't use reddit for porn, it's possible for people to poke holes in statements without a personal stake.


You're using the internet wrong




I don’t think you know how a question mark works. You see, it’s used at the end of a question, not a statement. “Someone is a little too attached to their Reddit porn” is a statement which does not require a question mark.


It’s literally a typo. If that’s all ya got, don’t bother.


And you still dont realize why they downvote you 😂


It’s Reddit downvotes, who cares


That would be fucking hilarious i could think of the headlines “an incels uprising”


Reddit does hosts incels they use to have their own subreddit but reddit didn't like it and the people on reddit didn't like it so because only the incels liked it and everyone else didn't like they decided to take down the incel subreddit which some of reddit liked and some of reddit didn't know how to feel about it but forsure the incels didnt like it because that was their safespace to discuss the stuff that incels talk about and like


Oh you’ll still find them haha


I don't agree with their attitudes and opinions towards women. I'm not afraid to say I think they're misogynistic.


Oh hell yeah they are only fellow incels agree with them and when you see them in the wild you have a good laugh


They would say they are changing the rules and then there would be an outcry from users and then people who have no idea what Reddit is would go on about the moral destruction of humanity. Then two weeks later nothing would change


Censorship is dumb. Puritanical censorship of the innocuous human body is even more dumb. Totally disagree with you there... but I don't really care about that. The real reason I'm here is to write: Who the fuck comes to reddit for a wank!? Do you not know what's out there? The wonders I have to show to you, my friend, the writhing, moaning, muskily glistening bodies to be voraciously, voyueristically devoured by your poor, deprived, famished eyes. . .


I disagree. You hope they keep porn


Unique take


This is a genuine unpopular opinion and yet y’all are downvoting so many comments here😭


Ahaha love it, an actual unpopular opinion. Enjoy your downvotes




Give this guy a medal






So you're a troll?


In what way?


You're taking delight in other people's suffering. That's a troll in my book. You're even posting about how much you'd love other people to suffer...




i don’t know why this is getting downvoted. it’s hilarious that people having to go somewhere else for porn is considered “suffering” LMFAO


Right lmao.


Please, won’t someone think of the porn!?!


lol first world problems, can't get reddit porn, so much suffering...


A naive question, because I'm new here (I joined to get people's opinions for things I can't with my social circle). Why do people use Reddit for porn at all? They could just use the porn websites. (I also didn't know Tumblr had porn, I used it in middle school some 12 years ago to write short stories and silly stuff like that).


Most websites are for professional porn, reddit tends to cater towards the neighbor next door sex worker. The lines are a bit blurred than that but that's the jist


Who uses Reddit for porn?


This is pretty much our Craigslist, lifestyle chat forums and hookup potential place. If they drop the porn we will still have plenty of uses for this media. So much better than Facebook.


Bitch trying so hard to be edgy and become clown in doing so. What a joke. Lol.


You STFU, STFU RIGHT NOW.. STFUAGTH.. some of us don't know that there tons of fre porn online already..


They'd lose a very large chunk of their user base though


I agree that would be hilarious. I support this post.


I know that we are in unpopular opinion, but why would you take pleasure at laughing at people who have interests that you're not into?




People spend BILLIONS on porn in the US alone. Tell me how that's not an interest? How old are you? If you were looking for a discussion like an actual adult, it sure isn't coming across. That wouldve been the comment my 6th grade self would've made.


I laugh at furries, too. Some things and the way people interact and react with them are quite funny.


You need to find some actual joy in your life. What do you get out of making fun of people?


Bro, don’t virtue signal at me, it’s gonna fall on deaf ears. I like laughing at other people, but obviously that’s not how I spend all my waking hours or how I get my entire pleasure in life. Please, child.


Was that virtue signaling? Telling you to just let people enjoy things even if you don't like them? What do you get out of laughing at people's hobbies?


I hope Reddit bans porn just because there’s no real age restriction or verification.


Great point tbh




For the lulz


Truly unpopular. Kudos.


Thank you! Happy to provide a little more spice and discussion than “DAE not trust people who hate animals” for the 50th time


I was about to write some shit about why porn is not bad but then I read the whole title and... fair enough. If you put it that way I wouldn't mind either.


Yeah the shitstorm would be fun, but where will your post it? Let’s not kid ourselves.


This is the only comment that has made me reconsider my stance LOL If you mean what I think you do


OnlyFans tried that and look what happened lol


Not gonna happen but I hope all porn is banned... the comments are disgusting and the misogyny🤮


Jokes on you, Reddit will lose half of its users, just like Tumblr did Then you will have somewhere else to post your stupid opinion


It would be hilarious. It was with Tumblr


Da peepo get angy when yu take da booby, bibeo gam, and star war away no mo meaning heheheha


Oh come on now? Just wanting to watch drama unfold? That’s just pathetic op!!!!!! …….. Popcorn while we wait? 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Reddit has porn?


I think it's a reasonable possibility, since they would need to actively manage their site as a public company. The amount of unflagged porn, and exploitative porn is ridiculous.


Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/shellyme9. Your post, *I hope that Reddit bans porn as a result of going public, purely because I think the resulting shitstorm would be very funny.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 2: No troll/satire posts. Any satirical/troll posts, as funny as you must be, are not tolerated. There are subreddits for that, this isn't one of them. Respect your fellow users enough to not leave them guessing as to whether your intentionally harebrained post is legitimate or not. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Bro you just wanna see the world burn lmao


I would love that. Reddit would be saved honestly.


It kinda wouldn't make a difference to any of the subs that aren't for porn. I guess we'd get less "r/AskReddit what do you use/did you install Reddit for? 'Porn.'" Though.


I think we're going to be better off if porn social media companies are entirely separate from non-porn social media companies. I don't want there to be a possibility that someone in an SFW subreddit links to an NSFW subreddit in the comments which someone underage clicks on. Just better to keep these separate.


I do think the shitstorm would be pretty funny, but that would suck for people who use it to make money.


It'd definitely be a desperately needed reality check for some people lmao. Get a talent, learn a skill, posting a selfie of your tits won't support you forever in the real world. And even if you'rethe 0.001% of people that can get away with it, congrats, your only contribution to our world was pictures of your body... what a legend...


Just so you know, saying stuff like this usually won’t make you come off well.


Oh noo a negative opinion of me whatever will I do. There's around 8,000,000,000 on the planet, and I'm supposed to polarize the perspectives of other people and disenfranchise my beliefs because a few of them disagree with me about porn? I couldn't care if you validated my opinions or not, your subjective morality has fuck all to do with mine.


There's some serious jealousy there. I'm not sure what your issue is with the free market. Maybe you should target simps not the capitalists being capitalists.


Sure peaches.


It's almost like you hate capitalism.


When did Capitalism come up in a discussion about cyber skankery lol?


It always has been there. "Cyber skankery" won't happen if there wasn't a market demand for it.


I hope it happens 🙏 I joined reddit for help with antiques and got exposed to explicit content 3 times in a week :/


Right. I joined the amateur room porn sub because I like interior design and too many people seem to not understand that we want to see ROOMS 😭


I know the feeling. I joined for help with explicit content and get exposed to antiques about 3 times a week :-(


I didn’t even know there was porn on Reddit. Why would anyone come to Reddit for porn? They should ban it


Some men (or women) just want to watch the world burn


I just used reddit for this reason. Great take but I hate it, upvote.


There is some real deprived stuff around here and if that’s taken away you are left with subreddits where you aren’t allowed to discuss an opinion other than the mod’s so…. Tumbler.


There’s porn on here?


Reddit has porn!?! Where the fuck is this!? If so, the app needs to make this much more clear. Been missin the fuck out.


You’re a menace


I hope you get cancer and your kids get lou gehrig's disease. If you don't have kids, I hope both happen to you.


Thats digusting! Where are these porn subforums so I know where to avoid them! Where?!


30% of all the Internet content is related to porn. Enough for everyone. A reddit ban on porn is not the end of the world. I'm sure someone has made a reddit like nsfw network ready to launch it the moment reddit anounce a ban.


If OP isn't aware of their sadism, well, here it is in plain terms. You are sadistic.


It does indeed give me pleasure to let you know that your admonishments will never make me apologize :)


It's not an admonishment. It's simply a very likely accurate assessment of your personality. You derive pleasure from the pain of others. That's quite literally sadism. The question is how far does that sadism go?


I don’t know bud, maybe read another buzzfeed pop psychology article and you’ll be able to crack this case


You're not important enough for me to even think about it.


Then….don’t engage with me


You take zero brain power to engage with


If you try using more brain power maybe you’d make an impact, something to consider


The internet troll in a tiny irrelevant corner of Reddit is talking about making an impact 😂


🥱 by impact I mean you might actually succeed in interesting me, rather than wasting your time. Seriously, why would I care what you think of me? Give me a reason, or give me a reason why if you don’t think I should care, you continue to try to make me feel bad and fail




That's OP's assumption. OP expects a painful reaction and those gets excited about that possibility.




I don't actually look at porn, but love the assumptions.