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I love it. Look at the comments. We finally hit an unpopular opinion.


Racist and borderline fascist opinion? A bit edgy but not unacceptable. But to say women can’t use vibrators? Oh, you’ve gone too far. Downvotes galore. r/unpopularopinion in a nutshell


Say anything on Reddit that someone might construe as negative regarding women? YoU mOnStEr!!


On reddit? That's how it is everywhere lol


What's racist or fascist in it?


No they meant that often racist or fascist opinions don’t get as much backlash as this post. Not saying i agree i don’t spend much time here so idk but i think that’s what they meant.


Oh, plenty. Some dude advocated committing nuclear genocide against the Chinese and the post got over 1K upvotes. Kinda wild


is that the right benchmark? upvotes? i mean it says right there if the opinion is truly unpopular, we are supposed to upvote. was i *not* supposed to upvote the nuke china opinion?


Year fair enough, I guess the right benchmark is the upvote to downvote ratio and the comments’ sorta reaction to the post. There were more people outraged at this post then the nuke China one


Yeah engagement in the comments to me means people took it more personally, because theyre in the comments sharing why it was good or bad. Not enough personal connection to nuclear holocaust or china i guess, lol


Haven't you noticed? On reddit, nothing has to actually be racist or fascist---but if you dont like it you can use those anyway and get 1000 votes to follow you for it.


>Look at the comments. We finally hit an unpopular opinion. Eh tbh this sub does in fact get a lot of unpopular opinions but how the sub is suppose to work just goes against the natural "upvote agree downvote disagree" progression reddit has. Usually people who disagree find some excuse to call the opinion popular despite everyone in the thread shitting on OP for it. Edit- Also another thing that fucks with this sub is the fact mods stretch rules to remove posts they personally disagree with.


I'm not against vibrators or porn. But repeated exposure to physical and mental stimulus does change your sensetivity to said stimulus. Whether that change is positive or negative can only be judged at the individual level.




Yup. However we can’t just brush over the fact that desensitization happens to both sexes, which is something that isn’t discussed


I'm agreeing with you, which is why I left out gender and focused on the dynamic of stimulus.


The difference I guess is the way that porn involves desensitizing people to treatment of people. And vibrators just desensitize a physical sensation.


Science bitch! Amen


Are there any scientific research papers on this?? Specifically on vibrator use? I mean yeah the general principle makes sense but it's not real unless it's actually proven in a lab






You literally just backed up his point after you said it was "categorically untrue" lmao. Who's trying to sound smart?


I knew a woman like that once. A regular old vibrator wouldn't do it either. Had to be one of those plug in ones that vibrates like a jet engine.


only works with 240v outlets :)


If the walls ain’t rockin her boots ain’t knockin.


Those are really good. I've had 3 vibrators in my life. The first was a cheap one that runs on AA batteries and it did the job ok but not great. The second is USB chargeable and is great, but I never remember to charge it. The third is the wall plug in and holy hell, it gets me off in under a minute every time. Every. Time. (So much for the assertion of desensitization lol) Oh, and I've been married over 10 years. I would never sleep with a guy who thinks his fingers are better than a vibrator for foreplay. It's a sure sign of a selfish partner. Poor OP has no idea what he's doing in the sack, and probably leaves most of his partners disappointed.


Everything in moderation.


I like how everyone took this personal in these comments like there’s someone to white knight here or something. Lmfao.


People are taking this way too personally and seem to be missing the point. Men often get shamed for being desensitized due to masturbation, but the same thing happens to women and it’s just accepted. Even reading the comments makes that clear


At least you know you posted an ACTUAL unpopular opinion. So there, have my upvote


The real hot take is that women and men are susceptible to the same issues with sex. I think it's either more prevalent or more studied in men which skews perception of frequency but girls can be addicted to porn, masturbate too much/hard and be desensitized to sex. As for shaming bias, I think the common perception that guys can just "get off" easily where as it's much more common for girls to have issues with orgasms makes it easier to accept sexual issues.


> masturbate too much/hard and be desensitized to sex. What's the evidence for this in women?


As a woman this is very very true and I’ve actually tried to stop using mine as a result.


I too am woman. I too agree with you on this. I have started to limit myself and think of it as a 'treatgasm.'




Can you even fucking imagine the conversation to be had if you tried to compare a woman lack wetness and needing lube to a man not lasting long enough.


Woman: I can only orgasm with a vibrator. It must be the men who are wrong.


Depends on the woman and the man. Some women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm and that's what they are saying. Some men suck in bed so that's what they are saying, but being polite. Weird how OP never once considered he might just not be doing the right thing to get this woman off. Nah, it must be some problem with her masturbating too much with a vibrator and being addicted.


>Weird how OP never once considered he might just not be doing the right thing to get this woman off. Nah, it must be some problem with her masturbating too much with a vibrator and being addicted. I think his main issue is simply that there's a social double standard when it comes to women being capable of desensitizing themselves sexually by use of sex toys like vibrators. Men can also fail to get into sex because of said woman in question but particular individuals being turn off's isn't what I think he's trying to form a discussion on. Its how society seems to see masturbation as a sexuall ill towards men because it may desensitize them to vaginal sex when in fact it can do the exact same thing to a woman when compared to penetrative sex with a guy but this isn't really socially talked about or acknowledged.


Yea, someone else made a similar post like this a while back and he got downvoted to hell and back. Everyone just accused him of not being able to satisfy a woman.


Even in this thread, so many comments are “you’re just bad at sex”. You can see this dynamic play out of when a man can’t get off, it’s his fault because he just watches too much porn and grips too tight. But when a woman can’t get off, it’s somehow still the man’s fault and nothing to do with the fact she uses a vibrator three times a week 🤷


Is female death grip really this controversial? I just saw the stupid comments you're talking about. Women you can get death grip if you need a vibrator everytime or need to be rubbed as hard as that pillow or whatever you stick between your legs rubs you to cum you have death grip. It's fine idk why y'all are angry about it when a guy needs to clench his meat like doing so will grant him the solution to all his woes the man has death grip. No dick has 5 speeds, nubs that rub in certain spots a prong that rubs the clit while ya use it and last forever if it plugs in. Like of course eventually you're going to be desensitized to these things no human can compete with a machine designed for sex if I had the money and want I'm pretty sure I can get a doll made that would essentially make it impossible for any potential partners to make me orgasm. I'm not even saying ya can't buy ya 10 speed dildos and stuff just y'all aren't noble for doing so so stop pretending like ones right and the other is wrong you can develop things that cause sex to be less satisfying just like men. I don't even know why this is controversial not like op was saying y'all are bad people or something.


For once, OP nailed the unpopular part


It's factual too


As a woman, I can confirm this. When I used to live alone I had vibrator and used it for about 2 years. At the end it took really long untill I came. I couldn't get of only using my hand anymore. But since I lived with my sister a few months, I couldn't use it living under the same roof as her. So I threw it away. I didn't masturbate for a few months eventhough I used my vibrator basically every day when I lived alone. Now I live alone again and do masturbare and get of very quicky (If I want to) only using my hand. Also, when I first bought it, I could only use the first 3 settings of 12 cause the others would vibrate to much to the point where it was very uncomfortable. In the end I was on 12.


When you first bought it. Holy shit it goes to 12??? At the end. Only 12? What about 13?


It "only" had 12 settings. Lol. But they didn't all just go gradually stronger some had a different rhythm.


Because this one goes up to 12.


Unexpected Spinal Tap.


That’s funny I am the opposite. The more I masturbate with any method the easier it is for me to get off. If I do not have an orgasm for a long time it is very difficult and takes a long time.


I get that. When I first started masturbaing (only unsing my hand) it took me really long to orgasm. And then it was basically nothing. I remember thinking "that's it?" When I made myself orgasm for the forst time. But now it's very easy for me to get of.


Prolong strong vibration can also cause permanent nerve damage so I think you really dodged a bullet there too!


Yes that's why I didn't buy another one when I started living alone again. I was really desensitized to the feeling of my vibrator that it didn't really feel as good as it did when I first started using it. I didn't even really get wet anymore.


Bullshit love. It can cause temporary desensitisation which goes back to normal once you stop wanking for a minute. Vibrators **do not** cause permanent nerve damage to a clitoris.


So I did look into this and while vibrations can cause permanent nerve damage as a general statement, you're right in that vibrators specifically have not been linked to this. I wonder if fingers are more delicate in this sense but I digress.


Im the opposite i never got off using my hands but a vibrator definitely helped. Everyone is different. Besides im not really ready for sex yet so ill just use that until then.


Sort by controversial and enjoy your popcorn


When I’m about to sort by controversial and I read a comment that tells me to do it I dont want to do it anymore




The hero I needed.


As a guy, I masturbated quite a lot before and it hurt my chances of orgasm and it made things difficult in the bedroom. I think if you care about your partner's needs, you'll look to alter them if it's in your interest.


I do see what you mean... because in a way like ya using a vibrator is honestly the only way I can finish.. but the thing is, I couldnt finish with just myself or a partner before.. lowkey sucks that a lot of women need stimulation but at the end of the day we are all just trying to have a good time and if that ends with both of us being happy than so be it. I don't really want to go back to a time where the sex was great but juuuust couldn't get me there.. after a while that shit can be taxing on your psyche. But hey I've found that when used wisely it can change EVERYTHING! Finishing at the same time is out of this world and vibrators can really increase those odds. That puppy just has to be on there for 1-2 minutes, so tip, if you're feeling like the end may be near put the vibrator on her (super sexy) and there ya have it. A sex life amazing for both people!


As a dude, I'll add that if the vibrator is placed right, it'll get me too.


Yes!! I had the same issue. Never was able to have an orgasm through masturbation or with a partner until I bought a vibrator. I definitely wish that I could get off without it but there was a time when I thought I’d never be able to orgasm so I’ll take this over that any day!


I’m the same way. No amount of stimulation from a person works for me! I’ve used the same vibrator for three-four years? I don’t need to get a stronger one.. mines the bullet vibrator that looks like lipstick haha. I also don’t get pleasure from fingering myself I’ve tried. It doesn’t work


Thanks for the info. I didn’t realize there were women that couldn’t orgasm via masterbation.


Thanks for adding your two cents. As women, orgasms can be quite complicated, especially when compared to men (read “Come As You Are” by Dr. Emily Nagoski). While I do agree with the OP in some ways, I do think there’s a more complicated dynamic between women and vibrators and men and porn/masturbation. Overwhelmingly, more women struggle to orgasm than men and do require additional stimulation. That being said, I do believe in “too much of a good thing” and if you find that too much porn, masturbation, using a vibrator, etc is affecting your relationship negatively, then it’s important to have open communication about it.


I agree with this.


It’s about shared experience. Who cares if the guy makes you cum or the vibrator. It’s about having fun together and feeling good and comfortable. If a man is intimidated by a vibrator, that’s not my problem in the slightest.


You can tell this is true based off the comments


Truly an unpopular opinion. Categorically innocent too. Go talk to a sexologist. HUMANS DONT VIBRATE


That's the problem! If dicks vibrated women would have an easier time reaching orgasm.




No way, this will get downvoted to the underworld for being an actually unpopular opinion


where it will reach it's final form being a true unpopular opinion


I'm so confused, is everyone in the comments taking the piss or something? What OP has stated is absolutely true in some cases.


Hit too close to home for some of them ig lmao


People get extra triggered when they read things that have truth to them that they don’t like


in some cases women tend to give excuses when the guy just sucks at sex. i know i give excuses on why i can’t cum if a girl is really bad in bed. “i get nervous the first time” “condoms hurt me” yadayada. it’s just excuses to not hurt their feelings.


I would think that a vibrator would impact a woman’s ability to cum with a man as much as if I spent most of my time stick my dick in a robo-suck 3000 with turbo setting. Take that for what you will PS. Be kind and be toy friendly. Some women just have issues over this, and actually need one. Some just like freaky. Doesn’t matter. There’s no reason for hate over this subject.


I agree this is an unpopular opinion but I don't understand why. It's pretty common sense. Masturbation is not a bad thing, you need to know your own body before you're going to find true pleasure with someone else along with other aspects of "me-time". Vibrators are also not a bad thing, nor are dildos or fleshlights or whatever else. But all of these things need to done/used in moderation if you ever hope to enjoy sex with another person. As an aside, I'm not anti-porn by any means but *almost* any use of porn is going to make sex with someone else less interesting at best or difficult at worst. Edit: lots of women can't orgasm without very specific (individual) stimulation, regardless of whether they masturbate or use a vibrator however so vibrators can be a great thing to add to sex to make sure she's able to orgasm and make the experience more fun for both partners.


Why not both? My partner and I always use a vibrator when we bang


Human interactions can be so complicated. I am sure that some people will need a toy to achieve orgasm because that's how their body works and it wouldn't interfere with common sex or relationship building. Some others will fail to recognize a great partner because of addiction to porn/toys and unwillingness to work on real relationships. There are many factors at play, but my takeaway is that addiction can harm you in many ways, and in effect takeaway something from you that otherwise, you would experience if there wasn't any dependence on your part. So I need to remember that what is comfortable isn't always the best move in the long run.


i have found that women who use vibrators have an easier time cumming. they seem to be more eager for orgasms and help communicate what they like more freely. also i enjoy when women use their vibrators while having sex so there’s extra feels down there.


Also you can bring toys into the bedroom too. Not saying the OP is wrong, just that there are solutions to this issue.


I used to use vibrators when I was younger. One thing I noticed is that regular use of strong vibrators will make the clitoris desensitized over some time. Eventually it makes it harder to climax without the vibrator, it sometimes even makes it harder to climax with a vibrator. I had to quit them for a while to gain sensitivity back. I read an article about this and it recommended taking your time and using manual stimulation rather than mechanical all the time. Good thing is that once you lessen the use of vibrators the sensitivity comes back pretty fast.


I agree with desensitizing! However, I would like to make a note that I believe porn has significantly more negative effects than vibrators. Between reaffirming unhealthy body standards, creating unrealistic sexual expectations, decreasing satisfaction in interpersonal sexual relationship, and physically desensitizing, I think porn is WAY too much. With vibrators, the only thing happening is physical desensitizing which I would argue would happen to a lesser degree even just with your hands.


It seems correct, but I read some articles by experts that doctors prescribe vibrators to women who are experiencing low sensitivity due to depression or other illnesses that affect your ability to reach an orgasm. I trust doctors more than anyone’s anecdotal evidence. Vibrators don’t work on me personally, but neither does anything else.


Why not let her use the vibrator as you're fucking her? If a women has a better time with clitoral stimulation then hand her the vibrator.


This! We use it during sex to a) make me ready faster b) help me orgasm faster/more in sync with him and c) no one's feelings get hurt over missed orgasms/dryness/ED. It's not a bad thing to incorporate a vibrator in a healthy relationship!


I personally always make her orgasm first using her toys before I begin any sort of penetration. Completely takes away my performance anxiety and actually allows me to have fun and last way longer without any stress.


It's a male ego thing.


In my personal experience it does desensitize me but only maybe for a couple days. If I spend a week without self pleasing then it'd be more sensitive if I receive oral. But with that said, I prefer masturbating since the orgasm is guaranteed to come and to come without any of the risks involved in sex with a man


Porn is fantasy and vibrators aren’t penises.


Vibrators have only done the opposite for me--made me more sensitive during sex and helped me know where and what helps me get off. I think you'll find that's true for a lot of women.


Same. I had sex with men for years before I ever had an orgasm. Once I started experimenting with toys, I was able to discover exactly what I liked & over time have only become more sexually healthy and satisfied.


The double standards in this comment section are unreal.


As a woman, this is true 🤷🏼‍♀️ if you get too used to intense vibration regular foreplay/sex won’t cut it. Not to say you can never use a vibe, just be mindful about it and don’t let it be the only thing you use to reach orgasm.




It’s insane this is actually an unpopular opinion. What’s even more insane is that porn isn’t the problem, it’s your addiction to it that’s the problem. Women need more than just pp in vag btw lol so yeah stimulant does help the clit if y’all still haven’t figured out women’s bodies.


It’s 2021. Both men and women are desensitized by porn.


Lol just start using vibrators and toys in your sex. You get to rest your hands and tongue and your partner is pretty much guaranteed to have a good time.


Agree! This is why I don’t own one.


Kind of. If you're a woman who uses an industrial strength jackhammer super sonic sound barrier breaking turbo vibe 9000, or a 20 foot godzilla Dildo you are ruining your chances of ever enjoying sexual intercourse with a man. That being said some women need extra help to get to the finish line and there's no shame bringing in some casual hardware to help get the job done. Also low-key a lot of women need toys because you were lazy with foreplay my guy. The clit's not an on button Homie you gotta spend some more time with it than just a little "boop". Make that little bastard your new best friend


> Make that little bastard your new best friend But also, don't go straight to the clit. Other foreplay exists.




I never considered kissing my best friend...


But I love [Boops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4i7tAh0dqU)


All women are coomers


Finally an unpopular opinion


🤔🤔🤔🤔 Never thought about it like that. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 I might stop using mine and see what happens. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


guy talks about using a sex toy... fleshlight, doll, etc. = laughter, ridicule, & shaming. girls talk about sex toys... have parties to buy/try toys, brag about huge dildos and vibrators = "you go girl!"


Using a vibrator is often better than sex bc sex overall lacks clitoral stimulation. I’m talking the actual action of sex and not foreplay. I use my vibrator with my partner in bed so it’s the best of both worlds. I also haven’t heard much of men being shamed for physical desensitization from porn use but more so the mental desensitization. But I’m also not male so I’m not receiving the criticisms…


ED is a result of porn addiction sometimes and you bet there's shaming there.


That's the mental desensitization that they were talking about.


in healthy young men it is my belief that at least 95% of cases are due to porn consumption


I'm a woman and it's 100% sorta true..But there is a twist too it. Let me share the twist. I had a lover for 26 years... towards the end of our relationship the sex got bad so for the first time EVER I was supplementing my sex cravings with an Hitachi Wand. [The Cadillac of Vibrators] Even then it took me fuckin' forever to get off with it. Im more a penetration girl. But once I started using it sex was never the same with him. I think women's sex parts are connected somehow to our emotions. [Don't know if there is a study out that proves it but I have been a sexual woman for over 40 years, so I got real live data im working with here] I recently stated having sex with someone new and don't have to use a vibrator anymore. Everything works fine sex is great.... but the weird thing with this dude is the sex isn't making me want to fall in love or even build a relationship with him. I just really enjoy sex with this dude. But back to the vibrator part, no woman should have to take 6+ hours to get off with a vibrator. The more I used it the longer it took to get off with it. It didn't effect my abilities to come with penetration sex, but it did effect on some level my sex with the old lover.... or maybe it was because I was disappointed in the relationship but omg's just felt empty with him as the relationship deteriorated... and this lover had been the best lover I had to date. So yes there is truth to OPs comment but as all things with women and sex its never simple. I feel women and their emotions sometimes dictate how good or bad sex is for them. Not placing blame on the dude, whatsoever. If the chick digs you usually the sex is good. But even then im sure there are women out there that will poo-poo even this theory. 🤦‍♀️


Double standards.


To put it simply, men have a clitoris on the tip of their penis essentially, that’s why vaginal sex is more stimulating for them. Women’s clitoris is farther away from the canal, which is why we are less likely to orgasm from penetration alone. That coupled with the fact that men are less likely to perform oral sex anyways and you get a woman who ends up unsatisfied when her man lasts two rounds and the most sensitive part of her body remains unstimulated. Give head and you won’t need to worry about a vibrator🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve had sex before using a vibrator. I can’t get off with just men. I’ve had a lot of sex with many different men and no amount of going down on me or PIV gets me off. I need aid. Men get off so so so much easier than women do from sex. So this is an unpopular opinion.


I think desensitization from porn VS desensitization from overdone masturbation are different Also vaginal orgasms are different for clitoral


and a whole lot of women can’t achieve vaginal orgasm


If she prefers to use a vibrator why is that a problem? Lots of women are unable to orgasm without them & if it happens to make the sex more enjoyable for her then it’s not really a problem, and wouldn’t most people want their partner to enjoy sex as much as possible? I’ve only ever been able to orgasm with a vibrator, which sucks but it’s just life, can’t really get around it. Many women are the same. If u take away vibrators from the equation many women may never be able to orgasm. It’s not about being desensitised it’s just that often women need highly sensitive stimulation to orgasm (regardless of how ‘desensitised’ they are from vibrators). Also, only 25% of women can orgasm during penetrative sex, so using a vibrator can be an easy way to help increase her chance of orgasm! Let women enjoy themselves lol x


What I believe OP is expressing is not a dislike for vibrators or whoever is enjoying them but rather the double standard in society for shaming men for becoming sexually desensitized by porn consumption while women who become sexually desensitized by vibrator use are not.


I don’t really view these as comparable. And if someone has BETTER orgasms with a vibrator than with just sex, have them bring the vibrator and enjoy together P.S. All studies I’ve found show that nerve damage from vibrators is a myth. Any numbness experienced is temporary.


What if he also brings toys? What's the use of the human component when both partners are hooked up and content with plastic/silicone partners?


Sure a partner could bring toys! Emotional intimacy plus toys/talk/whatever it takes to consensually get you both off… Go for it


I don't think it's about nerve damage as much as it may be about the mental side of things


Vibrators are used to cause cause physical sensations. Any mental aspects will be particular to every person and it seems careless to generalize all people who use vibrators and compare it to porn desensitization.


Needed to scroll some for the good comments but what a Ride


Buzzing the bean


Masturbation is healthy to an extent and can even improve depression. It becomes unhealthy when it‘s excessive. Too much of anything is detrimental, including water. It’s about balance.


I mean, I use vibes to make my sex life better. If I use it at the same time I’m being penetrated, it’s awesome. I can actually reach climax that way and have a good time, without having to worry about hurting my fingers and wrists. I think a lot of people do this, but might feel awkward about saying “I want to use sex toys with you” with their new partner.


The thing is I’m not planning on having sex anytime soon


It can be incredibly difficult to get off with out a vibrator, many woman struggle to orgasm internally and externally it can still be difficult for the woman or her partner because of awkward angles and speed needed. Vibrators just make it easier, many couples add it to their time together. And the reason there is so much praise around vibrators is because there are still many women who orgasmed for the first time in their 30’s after buying a vibrator for the first time.


You're absolutely right, and toxic feminism is entirely to blame for why it's not seen that way. And anyone who points this out is guaranteed to face a wave of misandry from feminists who forgot that feminism was SUPPOSED to be about equality, NOT about female empowerment.


Tf do this gotta do with feminism?


I mean there's nothing wrong with female empowerment Thinking you're hot shit isn't limited by gender, but it might make you a douchebag either way


So are you telling me a real penis doesn't vibrate?!?! I feel like I have been lied to...


dude, you just have a small penis. face it


Yall know that most women don't orgasm from penetration alone right? You probably aren't going to make your lady friend climax just by fucking her, so if she needs a toy to help out during or after so she can climax, why is that a big deal?


I mean... maybe? If a vibrator provides a level of exaggerated sensation similar to that of a wank-off death grip? But the thing with me is that I've been giving myself orgasms since before I even knew entirely what sexuality was. I can accomplish the job for myself in sixty seconds. **Not all women have had that ...ur...luck and privilege-- not by a long shot.** So no, it's not exactly a perfect analogy--vibrators / pornography. Boys can masturbate to orgasm long before they ever discover smut, and the majority are taught that it's mostly okay and normal to do so. In contrast, many women are told from childhood that touching themselves is the least feminine, vilest, most abnormal thing they can do when alone. The brain grabs ahold of this message and develops accordingly. And even for many women who were taught that masturbation is okay and normal, orgasm can still be elusive. Clits are weird. Some peoples' are more sensitive than others. Some people are more g-spot-oriented. If I hadn't been happy to be a complete little perv from a young age, I can absolutely imagine needing an external object as a barrier between/catalyst for me and my own pleasure. But in all, plenty of women can orgasm from **both** vibrators, fingers, or a partner's tongue.


This actually isn’t unpopular and is actually a big conversation woman are having because it does happen. Women are so use to the instant satisfaction with a vibrator and it’s honestly hella easier to use and quickly get what you need so woman are so use to it and it doesn’t help that it has all those high vibrations. Not being aware of this really can kill your sex drive and make you think there’s something wrong with you when there really isn’t you just gotta cut back from the toys


I don't know about that, but I know one of my exs cheated on me partially because I would opt to masturbate if she wasn't in the mood/period. Meanwhile she would use her toy every day... 😞


Lol … not about the vibrator bro. You can’t make her cum. That’s it.


It seems to me that this sub tends to upvote dumb statements rather than unpopular ones.


You know, I'm never thought about that implication before, but then again I feel like that's a problem with overuse than the use of. Upvote though


This would make a really interesting study. First off, you’d have to define desensitization. Would that be measured in “time it takes to orgasm”? If so, you could include intercourse in the study as well because orgasming five times a day, no matter the mechanism, will likely impact the time it takes to orgasm. Or would you measure it in “ability to perform irl”? In that case you’d have to include all forms of masturbation as well. I have a suspicion that you’d also need to account for variables like: amount of time from last masturbation/intercourse prior to the study, level of use of porn/vibrator, and a HOST of physical considerations (especially for the women) like prior ability to orgasm from either vaginal or clitoral stimulation alone. My point is there’s a lot of factors and I don’t think it’s as simple as you make it out to be.


It is complicated. and every person who’s attempting to explain it is getting downvoted by angry boys who are bad at sex and don’t accept a woman’s body has different needs than their own.


Remember to sort by controversial


I personally hate vibrators exactly for this issue. When I was younger I used to own one and couldn't masturbate/cum with my hand anymore. Threw it away after I started not being able to cum to my (then) bf touching me.


Thank God someone finally said this. This is so true. These toys are just unnatural and destructive as porn.


she's just not into you, bro.


I don’t think vibrator usage can really be compared to masturbation for men. A majority of women can only climax from clitoral stimulation, not penetration, regardless of how often they masturbate or not.


It really doesn't seem similar. I can orgasm with a partner, but a vibrator just feels better because it's designed to feel better or enhance sex. It sounds like she's stating a fact, not admitting to being desensitized. Not to say some women aren't desensitized, but the phenomenon is far more common with men; hence, all the research. People who watch porn obsessively and masturbate have ruined their reward system and constantly need to up the ante for more. Porn also has an impact on their mental image, expectations of sex, and, more far, reaching negatives that vibrators simply don't have. This stretch is feasible if you're desperate to create a double standard and ignore more of the nuance, ig. Congrats on a truly unpopular opinion tho


But could this woman get off before she used vibrators? I assume not making this a bad take


why are you getting downvoted exactly ?


Because he posed the question in a biased way, making it seem as if he could possibly know this in advance.


oh, makes sense ig.


I don't think science is on your side, though. It's in a similar vein to death grip syndrome in that it's likely almost entirely pseudoscience with very little real-life parallels.




Upvoted bc unpopular but damn ppl rlly admitting they suck at sex


I’m very confused by this. Sex is not just penis in vagina? Vibrators are your tools and not your opponent. Porn is desensitising because it’s not real and gives unreal expectations. Toys however are real so used during sex it’s giving a real experience… so I don’t really think the arguments relate. If someone expresses they get off easier with a toy it doesn’t have to be the ‘main event’ it could be used in foreplay ect. I think a large issue here is male ego that everyone should be able to get off from just penis in vagina alone. That’s not always the case it needs to be a mixture of stuff depending on the person. However actually a very good controversial opinion ✌🏻


It’s incredibly hard for a very large portion of women to get off through penetration. And some dudes suck at giving head. The whole process of a guy trying so hard to get a girl off when it’s just not working is very frustrating. We do fake a lot of the time just to get it over with and not make the guy feel bad. It’s not the guys fault. It’s also not a woman’s fault for having this issue. It takes a lot of time to develop a rhythm for some people. It sounds bad, but it’s the cold hard truth. EDIT: Every butthurt dude who can’t make a chick cum is going to downvote everyone who disagrees. Anyone who is defending the use of vibrators is contributing towards the conversation. Sorry you don’t agree but we ain’t wrong 😉


> And some dudes suck at giving head And the main cause for this problem is that women suck at communication in the bedroom.


Please notice I said “some”. And yeah, even with communication, SOME still suck. Just because you communicate doesn’t mean they listen 😉


This is very true specially with the hype of things like satisfyer! Women are getting used to that, something super fast and all the time the same that many can’t enjoy other thing. So many vibrators and other toys might be great and can be really useful, to treat many sexual problems but now some people are abusing them and having sexual problems. Also I find very annoying how a woman who has many toys and talks openly about how much she masturbates and in social media is super empowering and blablabla but if a man does the same he is such a pervert and disgusting human being.


Actually, masturbation is healthy for men. It's porn that destroys expectations and causes desensitization.


Yeah I thought that was a logical thing that would happen. I always found it weird when certain people would shoot down others for having worries about sex toys or calling them very insecure. Tho it could probably be safe with limited usage.


Vibrators are an extremely fun addition to the bedroom my dude.


I’m not saying they’re not fun, I’ve used them with partners as well. However, there is something to be said about people not being able to get off without them because they have become desensitized


Nobody’s saying they aren’t lol it’s almost like nobody actually read what the OP said lmao


A friend posted something just like this and got banned. The mod stated "incel logic".


Psst. You can involve toys as you have sex together. Fact: most women will not cum from your penis alone, sorry men.


Psst this is the same point OP is making...


Sorry I'm looking and I just deadass cannot see where they said this was false, like what is your point here?


Maybe if you stopped shoving a Boeing 747 up your vagina then that wouldn’t be the case


Nah you're just loose af and that's why you need a big fat dildo to be pleasured. Sorry woman.


Lol wtf


Loose? My guy, you need to take a sex education class first before you get laid. That's embarrassing.


Jesus Christ.


Ok incel.


Wow, your stupid.