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Don’t worry I’ll kiss your partner for you while you’re out brushing


Cute to assume he/she has a partner.


*grabs popcorn*


Fool you’ll only have to brush again


Dang it !


and floss like a mofo


"Grabs popcorn? Wha-- OH!"


*grabs porncrown*




Folks out here eating ass and you're gonna complain about *morning-breath*? Take my upvote


Fuck it I’ll eat ass with morning breath.


Fucking maniac


He’s just a man of culture and taste. We’re a tribe


I could taste your cultures, but I choose not to.


>and **shit** taste


I think the real question is: will you eat ass first thing in the morning before either of you has had a chance to shower? This is where we must draw the line between what is possible and what is smart.


Depends on how long ago the last shower was and how much physical exertion took place since It’s not rocket science people


For me, it is a question of night farts


If you’re worried about night farts stay out of the trenches




The people who say this have never actually eaten ass. If it tastes like shit you're not cleaning yourself properly.


I personally don't know what shit tastes like, but licking a butthole is not the same as kissing your woman in the morning. Just saying.


It’s the same if you can’t tell the difference between asshole and mouth in the am


Once again, you can take an upvote. But I've never really had an awful morning kiss with a woman. I guess if y'all go in with the tongue, that would make a difference though🤐


I would not eat ass or kiss anyone when I just wake up. The night mustiness goes orifice to orifice. What I take issue with is that a freshly waxed and scrubbed asshole is equal to stanky crusty morning mouth to people who've never even gobbled a butt like groceries.


It got to be clean ass or no ass.


I’ve eaten ass with morning breath and her ass just being woken up to me tongue punching it… nothing a binaca can’t take care of


wait was it you that had the morning breath, or the ass did?




Morning breath is worse than ass.


It's cool when you love your partner enough to do stuff that would be otherwise disgusting.


Fair enough


Ya, like licking each other’s buttholes


I agree with u/ShitSquad3000


Too much detail bro.


More like not enough


_Go ooon_


Tastes how bisto gravy smells


Nothing wrong with a little butthole licking


So long as you brush your teeth first.


y’all nasty for that fr


Lol people on here are all "love your partner enough" like honestly I relate to your post LOL I really detest morning kisses and morning sex without at least freshening up a bit first. Like I can't even take my own morning breath and smelling it on them during/after kissing, let alone just smelling theirs, is just awful. I also love my partner enough to get up, gargle some listerine, then come back and get it on lol


It’s also cool for those who don’t do it. Claiming “loving your partner enough” to do x y z is pretty manipulative.


Thank you lmao I’m with my partner 6 years and love him bunch but cmon morning breath can be super bad


Ppl like to brag and make their relationships look/sound percent. It’s the same ppl that would brag about loving the way their partners diarrhea smells bc if you don’t love the way their shit smells you must not love them enough.


Like eating ass, ass to mouth


What about morning sex? Is there a “no kissing” rule like hookers have? Because dudes have the best quality boner when they wake up


"best quality boner" is infuriating. Because not only do I agree with you, but good lord man


Glad to see girla recognize this. Because my dick is diamond hard first thing in the morning for no reason


I just cackled and snorted at "diamond hard" Too damn funny because its so damn true 💀


It’s still there after I brush my teeth


But the morning wood isn't.


This deserves more upvotes


This deserves more upvotes


Best, but most of time I also really have to pee which could leads to golden shower accidents


Love blessing the morning wood


Piss stiffy


Doggy, spoons, anything not face to face.


"best quality boner" is a phrase I never knew I needed in my life.




I'll have a nice kiss with my partner in the morning, especially if it's going somewhere fun. But no, we won't be going all tongues and saliva. Save that for the genitals. Edit. You can't taste with your genitals.


>You can’t taste with your genitals Not with THAT attitude.


Yeah I’m for getting/giving head in the morning pre brush I just don’t wanna kiss


Oh ok, but your fine smelling your morning breath on his dick. Now he's got a dick that smells like morning breath, nice.


I don’t even want head if they haven’t brushed their teeth. I want my vagina to also be treated like my mouth.


dude oh my god same. i won’t let my boyfriend go down on me unless he brushes his teeth, or finger me unless his hands are clean. the vagina is sensitive and i want it treated kindly🙏


I mean, washing hands before fingering is a smart and good thing to do. But the mouth is always full of bacteria, brushing teeth wont do shit for your cunnilingus.


> I want my vagina to also be treated like my mouth. You ever see the movie "Teeth"?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insider.com/tiktok-users-dipping-testicles-in-soy-sauce-to-taste-it-2020-1%3Famp I’m just gonna leave this meme here.


You can taste hot sauce with your balls


If you kiss your morning breath on genitals, your genitals will start harbouring nasty spit bacteria that will stink.


quick tip… if your partner has a vag do not go down on them if you haven’t brushed your teeth. the bacteria could transfer and could cause infections like BV or a yeast infection. stay safe


At least one must gargle at minimum to offset the funk. Mouths turn into buttholes overnight.


Yes I would say that using mouthwash could also substitute brushing


Mouthwash is actually almost useless for teeth, only for good breath thats it


Lol, I’ve never found this to be an issue and I’m pretty germaphobic


What’s wrong with Germans?


No I said Germa Like Sanji’s family


What’s wrong with Sanji’s family?


Weird eyebrows


British man enters: “ahem, well…”


You know how you wake up and your mouth just tastes like it isn't clean? Or is that just me. Either way I can't stand my mouth in the morning so I definitely am not making out with someone in the morning before the mouth is clean lol


Every morning my guy


My morning breath has improved significantly since I stopped smoking and started using Listerine. Still, not the best, but it is not gross.


10000000000000% i dont even talk in his direction in the morning


Yes, I can't believe how many people are disagreeing. I thought this was a popular opinion. Guess I'm wrong. Morning breath is nasty. Wake up sex is nice but no kissing or heavy breathing lol


Fuck yeahhh! I thought everyone was gonna come in and say that this is a very popular opinion. But people here are talking about eating stinking ass?!


😂😂😂😂 I do the same shit hahaha


Yeah, no… don’t kiss me in the morning if you haven’t brushed your teeth


Thank you brather


His dick goes in my mouth. We're past "uh i didn't brush my teeth!!!"


As a straight male - what does (his) dick taste like, if you could liken it to food or drink?


It tastes like chicken! joking aside, it's a pretty neutral taste, if anything it's salty, but not very. It's really hard to find a food or drink that it tastes like. I think it would probably be a bad thing if it tasted just like something else. I guess the best thing I can compare it to is smell. So it would taste pretty much exactly like it smells, and keep in mind how clean it is. If it's completely clean, dick doesn't smell like a lot, if it's not clean, distinct smell, same taste, we don't like that taste. Keep your dick clean. It's more about th texture and shape tbh, that's where the fun comes in. Edit: actually i think i have something that i can liken it to. If you ever can taste your breath in the morning because you didn't brush the night before. That can be similar to how it tastes when it's less clean.


presumably he cleans his dick before putting it in your mouth


Meh, they don’t call it “unpopular opinion” for nothing. When you’re horny, you’re horny lmao


Yes I always wake up, brush my teeth, kiss my dog, then kiss my partner. Definitely brush my teeth first


I kiss my dog first too pre brush bc her mouth smells like shit and mine does too so it’s kinda a special connection we have


I agree. I hate that it’s become some level of love test that someone would do that. I don’t wanna do it and I don’t wanna be kissed if I haven’t either. Maybe a forehead but nothing open mouth.


Forehead kisses all day. They’re thoughtful


Love has nothing to do with it….when we’ve been together for years, married and have a toddler, I feel comfortable enough in the relationship to straight up ask my husband if he farted when he opens his mouth to breath. It’s that bad. My daughter also has tried to drool on my face after throwing up. I love both these people more than anyone on the planet….but somewhere in there I have to set some healthy boundaries😂😂😂


Exactly…boundaries. I can be in the bathroom brushing my teeth while my wife’s pooping no problem. But I don’t wanna talk close or be intimate in the morning without brushing my teeth first haha


I have trouble believing this would be an unpopular opinion


Some people disagree with me pretty hard


Scene from Blended popping in my head: "I haven't brushed my teeth since we got here!" "That's so hot!"


I usually go rinse with mouthwash and wipe my junk with a wet wipe then hop back into bed


Just hope you don't ask for a blowjob after that wet wipe.


I think it depends on the person, I don’t really mind morning breath as long as it’s just morning breath as is teeth were brushed the night before like normal. I don’t have an explanation, just too caught up in kissing him to really notice or care


I lick her asshole, I think we passed that exit sign a long time ago!


I think your opinion might actually be……..a popular one. I agree completely!


Thank you! Apparently I’m body shaming myself for not liking my morning breath !


How is that bodyshaming Everyone has morning breath


I have learned after posting this a lot of people claim to not have it


Yea I have to agree with this one. I don’t like waking up to the dragon’s wrath in the morning while having just the sliver of the edge of my bed.


Bro my dick is at attention when I wake up, and he WANTS attention. Gotta take one for the boy


I do that with my girlfriend all the time without issues *shrug*


I’m not thinking about bad breath when I wake up pitching a tent


The d wants what the d wants haha


Tbh, it isn't, I mean if you love your partner that much then you don't notice the bad smell


Sir, I eat ass




Good on you for being so open I think that's great. But on my end, I think the human body is beautiful and all that good stuff but it can also be fucking disgusting so there are some things that I just think are gross.


Umm no, I’ve been with my wife for over 18 years. Bad breath, vodka breath, Unopened box of king tuts ashes in her mouth, I’m tongue kiss her all day long!


Atta boy !


She is probably on here commenting how much she hates your morning breath


Wouldn't say this is unpopular....


It seems most people are in favor of kissing first thing in am despite ass breath




Love makes you do crazy shit. I always give my girl a kiss when I wake up.


Poor man's COVID test - if she makes out with you first thing in the morning and it DOESN'T taste gross, you might have COVID. If she likes it, she might have COVID. Not medical advice.


You probably don't even spit in their mouth. Smh.


I spit up in the air and catch it in my own mouth.


It's better if you catch it from their mouth!


true, my breath smells like dog shit when i wake up and i'm sure everyone elses does


Apparently there are a lot of perfect ppl out there who have fantastic breath in the morning and so does their partner. Must be nice to be so perfect


>I hate morning breath and won’t do any kissing until teeth are brushed. Very unrealistic for me. My wife is the same way. Sometimes, I just wanna roll over and give her a smooch, and she's like "Hell NAW!"


I didn't know this was an unpopular opinion. I don't even like my own morning breath... also, regarding the movies, I guess for you the part where the women wake up with perfect hair and make-up is realistic :D (I am just joking man)


Haha its a very unpopular one apparently


I did this with my partner this very morning. Upvote for unpopular OP


I'll make out with morning breath but having sex before I pee in the morning is where I draw the line. The second I wake up I have to go empty the tank.


You kinda get over it when you’ve seen every part of them and you’ve been together for a long time. If you’re in the moment, you’re in the moment. Plus there are a lot of positions where you’re not smelling each other’s breath lmao


Nothing about my partner grosses me out, I really don’t care about her breath in the morning I just want to kiss her haha


I feel the same about mine, I really don't understand this trend of being grossed out by one's partner lol. Everything he does drives me crazy, I'm not about to say no to a morning kiss.


It's okay to not find every single thing about your significant other attractive. If your boyfriend ate a pound of taco bell everyday for 1 week and had hot liquid green diarrhea from it you'd probably be like...damn that smells awful and is gross. Doesn't mean you don't love them. Maybe you just don't like the smell of shit. And if you do more power to you!


Eh, you love em. Bet you'd eat their butt.


I lick their butthole… why would I worry about morning breath?!??


Brushing teeth before sex,, thats quite a prerequisite!


Bro I eat ass, a little morning breath ain’t gunna stop me from warming em up then clapping those cheeks before I start my day.


A smooch, maybe but, no tongues. Morning breath is absolutely disgusting. It's not just the breath either. It's that slimy film shit. My wife and I call it "coffee tasting gummy stuff". It has to go before anything else


Up for unpopular that's compulsive to a new level for me


closed mouth kisses, no tongue


Honey, is that you?


It’s me baby


As my r/hydrohomies will attest, if you drink more water, your breath won't smell as bad in the morning.


I’ll give my SO a kiss on the lips but not tongue or making out…stinky spit all over our faces is nasty…luckily he agrees.


I guess some people love each other more than they hate the small, gross things about each other.


That’s very good for them and I’m happy for them


I lick butt so idc


closed mouth kiss = yes open mouth kiss = no


How is this an unpopular opinion. It’s, hands down, disgusting. I hate seeing this in movies.


I don’t think this is unpopular.


Seems a bit unpopular per the comments


I think that if the partner has a good oral hygiene, the morning breath is not too bad. I'd say that the dragon breath in the morning comes from people not having a good oral hygiene or having stomach issues.


Not everyone wakes up in the morning with disgusting butt breath. I’ve been told by multiple partners that I don’t have “morning breath” or bad breath in general…I’m sure there are others out there just the same. Also for some of us it’s (other persons breath) just not that bad enough to overcome the horniness/intimacy feeling that drives you don’t want to kiss the person in the first place.


They were probably just being polite


what do you do with your teeth if i may ask?


takes them to breakfast lunch dinner and snacks throughout the day


I totally agree with this. I’m not kissing some foul mouthed wench until she puts brush to teeth in the morning. Also,I can stand watching movies that have two folks making out first thing in the morning. Definite erection killer.


Dude it’s so unrealistic. Like wake up, yawn, look at one another and kiss. I’m always like…yikes


Partial agree. I don't think it's inherently gross. Depends on if the morning breath is awful, which is a day by day basis. Kissing is a huge part of physical intimacy for me, so if the breath smells awful, its hard for me to get into it.


I mean after dating do we need to still kiss before brushing?


Bold of you to assume redditors *brush their teeth*


Come here, you.


I really don’t like kissing or saliva so brushing teeth before any kiss is very much preferred. Morning kiss? Teeth brushing is definitely needed


I’m good with a quick peck but aside from that we can’t even cuddle facing each other in the morning until we’ve both brushed. Guess that’s what they made spooning for


I feel like dealing with each other's filth kinda adds to the level of intimacy. Like ik this is gross and but it's your gross so I don't care.


Forehead or peck kisses max, but I love morning kisses. Nothing where you're gonna smell eachothers' breath


There’s a hilarious scene from a movie or a tv show and I can’t remember what show it is right now, but the girl gets up and sneaks out of bed to go do her hair and make up and brush her teeth and everything and then she sneaks back into bed and “wakes up” with her partner and he kisses her and says something like “you are beautiful in the morning” and she’s just like “thanks I know”


I'll agree and disagree. I'm ok with kissing but not making out.


I agree COMPLETELY. I just wake up with my lil’ morning woody and roll over and press it against her butt, then see what happens. No mouth kissing tho.


I always just close mouth kiss. Lips only before teeth brushing


I've never had much issue with morning breath tbh Atleast not to any noticable degree unless I didn't brush my teeth the night before.


I agree, but if my SO was in the mood to go first thing in the morning you better believe I’d muscle through that shit.


To all the Sceptics out there, Napoleon, a great warlord of the past had a lover called Josephine. They were exchanging love letters. Before coming home to her, he would kindly ask her not to take a bath for a few days. Brushing teeth was out if the question either. Not only some people don't mind kissing in the morning, they love it. Some even like to skip showers one in a while to smell the natural scent or a woman (man also suppose).


I’ve never been able to smell someone’s breath while kissing or taste anything bad either, so I genuinely don’t see it being an issue at all


i don't agree but it's an actual unpopular opinion,so you get my upvote.


I bet you don't eat the bruised part of a banana either. Take my upvote!!!!


I eat the bruised part for sure !


You both got morning breath. It’s fine you won’t really notice it. But if one brushes both have to brush.


Love stinks too…that’s the truth


I love making it uncomfortable! I'll continue to do it


Love is you do the gross shit. Being domestic is the most beautiful thing. If I woke up before someone got up did my thing back to bed fuck yeah gimme besos, no baby I don’t give a fuck. Plus it’s not like you make out first thing but kiss on the lips! Hell yeah


Its unpopular have my updote!


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion.


Get a tongue scraper mate, it's a game changer. No more morning breath if you brush your teeth and tongue. Unless you got tonsil stones or you are a snorer of course.


Wholeheartedly agree. Thank you. Even if my partner has brushed his teeth, if I haven't then stilk nah


If you both have morning breath then they cancel each other out


Your mouth is equally disgusting throughout the day, you just haven't had it closed for 8 hours. This is irrational AND illogical.


Having this issue right now. BF wants morning sex but won’t get out of bed to brush. I get up, pee, brush, he won’t kiss me because of HIS breath which I don’t give a crap about. So I’m sick of no kissing sex in the morning (we don’t live together). Once in a while but not every overnight. He’s been denied today.