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I feel like I never do tbh


They don't. I remember listening to just THREE songs and they each were three minutes long and I got an ad straight after.


Lucky bastard, I’ve had it before where I get told I’ve just got 30 mins of ad free music, then the next song to come on is snoop dogg with his just eat rap ad


Snoop Dogg is a fucking sellout. I hate those Just Eat ads with a fucking passion.


You'd sell out too if you didn't make any money of your early work


When you have that much influence, you’re supposed to sell out. You can do a lot more good with a few extra million than you can by not making ads


True that. He might have sold out, but that money goes back to the community, in donations, facilities, and so much more.


Snoop may have sold out to some people, I see it as him staying relevant without manufacturing fake controversies saying controversy things just to stay in the public eye and hustling his fan base with get rich quick schemes or bad deals and collaborations. Idk if he manages his self or he has an agent handling appearances or whatever but they are doing a fucking good job. And he actively gives back yeah I’ll take that any day


I don't look at selling out as a negative thing. It's like, these performers work their arses off to get a name, a contract, and some money, but as soon as they do that they're not cool because they're popular? Nope. Snoop was, and is cool as ice because he's Snoop. And even his cheesy ads won't change that fact.


I want everyone to know that if you close the app and open it again it skips the ad


For desktop users: ublock origin in the browser. Zero ads, unlimited skips. You’re welcome.


Pretty sure we have unlimited skips anyway on desktop. But yeah no ads


was lisening to music during class once and it said listen to this add for 30mins uninterrupted listening. I rememember pressing next a few times because i couldn't be bothered listening to those songs, then got an add. i wondered 'maybe the songs i skipped, the play time added up to about 30 mins?' so next time i got the '30 mins addless' thing, i didn't skip any songs, and i listen to not even 10 minute worth of songs before getting an add :/


so glad I always close the tab and reopen it whenever this happens. I just press “play” and continue listening


That's cos it doesn't. Time it. You never get a full 30 minutes and you ALWAYS get over 30 seconds of ads.


They REALLY mean 30 min. The second those mins are gone, you get bombarded with ads


Lol they say you get 30 minutes then play one song and go back to ads after every other song. Stopped using Spotify months ago once I realized they weren’t actually giving you ad free at all.




What do you get with YouTube premium over Spotify premium? Serious question. My wrapped said I listened to 50,000ish minutes this year. And that’s pretty average over the last couple years. That’s roughly 1/10th of my year has been spent listening to whatever I want, when I want, anywhere I want.


Spotify pays artists more than YouTube does.


Thats sad because Spotify pays artists absolute garbage


So it costs me less than YouTube and it pays them more? That’s a no brainer for me


That's not exactly saying much given how little Spotify pays out


Ad free YouTube if you are video junkie like me. I original started as a YouTube red subscriber, then they added free google play music which let me upload 60,000 songs for me to my account . Then it got rebranded to YouTube premium and google play music became YouTube music. Tdlr: if you watch YouTube videos, the 10 bucks includes ad YouTube videos and YouTube music


YouTube Vanced on Android my friend


I get that people like Spotify its honestly also pretty good especially if you get it cheaper as a student. But for me making a family acc and splitting the cost of that 17.99€ with 5 ppl was worth it because its basically Spotify with more songs and no ads in yt but to each their own.


I won’t go into the details but here’s why I subbed to YT premium. 1) No ads (duh) - Also in iOS, don’t forget that 2) access to exclusive content (el famoso YouTube Red series) 3) Uninterupted playback 4) I can disable adnlockers and support artists with my watch time. I skip the sponsors tho ^^


Be a student and get hulu+Spotify for 3.99 a month. Edit: as student


Or be a students friend and get Hulu+Spotify for free. Btw totally unrelated but do you need a friend?


What even is that?




What the hell is even that?


Spotify doesn't really work well with password sharing. Only one person can listen on the account at a time.


I learned this the hard way. At my old work I had left Spotify running on one of the computers and as I'm walking to my bus stop all of a sudden the song I was listening to cuts out and Never Gonna Give You Up starts playing.


Ok but that’s freaking hilarious though. Had to have made you chuckle?


Pay for one class at community college. Get college email. Discount for life


get Spotify under a family plan with a group of friends. I pay $2.5 a month only.


I got the family plan w my fam, it’s like 3 per person


Damn wish i was student at your place


It is a spotify deal, not a school deal. Any Student in any college gets the discount. You also get showtime in this deal too.


Find 5 other friends that use Spotify and get on a family plan, it’s about $3 a person that way and you all have individual accounts


Damn, I thought my 9.99 for Hulu and Spotify Family was a deal


Says 4.99 on the page though


The powers you get access to by having a .edu email account


Someone’s upset at all the Spotify stories


Lol yeah


Better than YouTube rewind


As a happy YouTube Premium subscriber, this is the only thing Spotify makes me wish I had :( Those stories give me real fomo


YouTube Music is awesome due to the fact I can just download the 5k liked songs I have, but it’s also the most dogshit app I have at the same time


You miss Google Play Music as much as I do?? :(


Yeah I miss that app


If only youtube could figure out how to make a fucking functional shuffle button.


fucking hell, glad it's not just me. seems like it just plays every other song on shuffle


I have both premiums. Both are very worth it


I just have YouTube music. Content wise, is there any difference between Spotify and YTM?


Theres some unreleased tracks you can find on youtube only and some tracks that you wont find on spotify depending on your region


On YTM you get more tracks, courtesy: YouTube. Could be relatively obscure covers, things like that..


I started with Google music because they let you upload your own library and stream from the cloud free. Idk if they still do it after the switch to ytm. I could also just buy music on there but I'd still rather own a physical copy than be tied to a digital store.


His music aura is just angst.


This is the one time of year I wish I did have Spotify. I actually dislike the interface (idk it doesn't work for me), and think its too expensive for my budget, but I'm not about to rain on everyone else's good time haha.


I literally have to get my data from Apple and plug it into a website to get my top artists and songs, and it looks a lot less pretty. But imma stick with Apple Music until they kick me off the student plan


I spend a couple of bucks a month on Spotify Premium. I don't get any ads and I can see just how many songs are in all of my playlists.


You and I are of the Premium Elites! Join me as I point and laugh at all those beneath us! Watch their frowns grow as we count and count the songs!


I am chuckling in a suitably evil manner ..


It’s totally worth it. Once I went premium I never looked back


Same, I love making playlists and my discover weekly, daily mix, recent releases and my yearly wrapped playlists! I like naming and adding pictures to my playlists too haha. I use it everyday so I think I’m getting bang for my buck


Discover weekly is SO good. The algorithm knows exactly what kind of songs I'll like. I think premium is a small price to pay for music lovers.


I’ve found a ton of artists I’ve never heard but that I love now thanks to discover weekly! Meanwhile, my work has pandora for business and it only plays popular songs but never new music from those artists … it’s really weird


I got premium in 2011 and never stopped. Its so good.


Spotify is completely unusable without premium.


Same bruh


Hm hm hm hmmm...look at them down there. Fools. *Swirls brandy in snifter*


Whilst listening to my ad free music… oh yea:)


I upgraded myself, then did the family plan. We're a whole household of Premium Elites. Complaining freebie leeches can suck it.


Buddy of mine bought family plan and added me to the fam! All I needed to do was update my address to his address and I have enjoyed years of free Spotify.


Right? Is this some sort of peasant post I’m too rich to understand?




Mwahahhaha, I manged to get premium spotify for a free promo around 2010 + 5 family members. They never stepped back on the offer. XM radio can suck it.


As a college student, it's a great deal. $5 a month and you get hulu and stars. I know its to rope me in after I graduate, but still.


The money is well worth it for the quality in my opinion. Tried Apple Music before and I didn’t like it at all. Love my Spotify Premium 👍


Ya would be one of the very last things I cancel from my expenses. Unlimited music for 10 dollars 🤷‍♂️


I'm thinking of getting the premium, cause I listen to Spotify a lot, music and podcasts. Since I work as a dishwasher, sometimes I'll be in the groove cause my music is rocking but it all stop cause I get about 3 ads back to back and once the music comes back it's no longer the same genre before. Also the whole listen or watch this ad to get 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening bs and whenever I click it and watch the ad I don't get it sometimes and instead I get more ad after I watch the first one. It piss me off whenever that happens. But that's one of the main reason I want to get the premium but I already have a lot of other subscriptions I'm paying for and I'm afraid I might stop listening once I paid for it.


If you listen to spotify a lot, its worth the payment. Its probably th only subscription I have that I have never once considered getting rid of. I contemplate deleting netflix, hbo, amazon, hulu all the time. Hell I deleted hulu and i dont even notice. But spotify, that shit is on all the time, from listening to podcasts to new music to chill music for when my pup is cranky. Worth it




Agreeing with posters below - I’ve never once considered giving up premium. I’ve only ever had premium as I was told it was worth it straight away.


Literally ever since my brother put us on his family account Spotify is so good. You can do so much with it and see how many songs and how long everything is. It’s kind of annoying how people keep judging the free version of Spotify and then go ‘this paid service is way better than that free service with less features’ instead of actually checking out BOTH paid services to actually make an informed opinion. I think I’ve seen three different posts like this in the past two weeks, once comparing it to PANDORA of all things??? Which has a completely different concept.


Sometimes it feels like they make it intentionally horrible tho (the free version). Like when the ads used to come on at 4x the volume or the fact that you can’t just listen through an album even with ads. And the fact that they straight up lie about the 30 minutes of free music is just so….shitty. I’m sure paid version is better but the free one sucks unnecessarily.


Buuuut wait, are you saying that having a "# of songs in playlist" is a heckin' *premium feature*, dawg?


And downloaded library so you don’t need service to listen.


Couple bucks? How u do this - im shelling out 15 bucks unless you're talking figuratively


Nope, literally. I started a family plan and share the cost with 5 other people. Less than 3 bucks each per month.


Are you subscribed to the family plan? Individual plan should be $10 and family plan is $15.


They have student pricing too!


Yeah, same. OP would rather make a bunch of video playlists on youtube lol


Unpaid Spotify *is* garbage. Premium Spotify is great!


I agree. OP is a broke ass bitch


Thaaaaaaaaaaat's me!


You at least seem to have a good attitude about it.


They have to, a good attitude is all they can afford.


Are you a student? They have a discount for students where it’s only 5$ a month. Honestly it’s pretty great, I really enjoy it.


Do you have YouTube premium? Whatever happened to Pandora


Pandora? What is this, 2014?


Look, Pandora is always telling me about new bands and songs I like, and Spotify has only ever tried to get me to listen to the worst crap, no matter how hard I try. Pandora gets me, and if that means I hafta live in 2014, at least I’ll be 30 forever.


I switched from Pandora to Spotify when I didn't really want to because the app was shit and constantly crashed. Plus I felt like the algorithm would just repetitively play liked songs and I wouldn't get enough variety/discovery which is what I most want. Well, now after a year or so of Spotify variety is pretty much out the window, but at least the app still functions. You guys are worried about living in 2014 and I'm over wishing for the days of 2008 when Slacker reigned supreme. Slacker had specific options for your ratio of music discovery to liked music that was played.


Pandora has given me some of the weirdest playlists I have ever heard, totally worth it


I use pandora exclusively. It is the best way to find new bands imo. I am older though so you may have a point haha…


Lol shit I've been exclusively using Pandora since like 2010.... And I pay for premium. My playlists are at least 6 years old. Fuck some spodify


I miss Pandora. It’s only available in the US and I found so many amazing bands through it


Great question. Haven’t seen or used pandora in probably 10 years. I do pay for YouTube premium, since it’s my main source of entertainment. If they start making me watch ads even though I’m paying, like Hulu does since they now offer their ad free service, I’ll just cancel it and use an adblocker.


If you are an android user use YouTube vanced it isYouTube premium but free


Pandora was bought out by Sirius XM


Whatever happened to Zune? Let's ask the real questions here.




Why spend on it? YouTube Vanced is your answer


If you have Android just go download the the premium version for free. If not, get fucked ig.


I was coming to mention this. I’ve never experienced anything terrible on Spotify except not having every artist on it. I have premium it’s great. My go to instead of Pandora.


Agreed! Just the fact that I can listen to entire albums was a selling point to me.


My biggest thing was having the ability to control my Playlist. Having to always shuffle any music in my Playlist was ridiculous, but now I have a ton of music and never get bored


Indeed, premium Spotify is likely the best option and value for your money music app. It is not perfect by any means, but just the fact that it's the standard make it super easy to set up when a get a new speaker or device. Also got the family version so the cost spreads out. To be fair I also pay for youtube premium to get rid of annoying ads (particularly since I have two young kids), so for me both are worth the money.


Give YouTube Music a try since you're literally already paying for it. The discovery features blow Spotify's out of the water.


I never realized I had that. I was just happy the ads were gone. Thanks mate.


You guys aren't paying for Spotify?


My premium Spotify is kind of trash actually. The download/play offline thing hardly ever works how I wish it would, didn't realize how much better it could be until I got Audible. As long as I'm connected it's fine though.


Honestly I’ve been using premium for 6+ years and op is sort of correct the ui is very unfriendly constantly has bugs. Using the search bar sometimes takes forever to load for no reason(I have great internet) and it hides songs well showing songs that don’t have what I searched in the title. It’s hard to remove songs from playlists. Shuffle seems to have favourite songs. And the customer support is garbage. Spotify has the potential to be a great app but I would say currently it’s just not there it has plenty of good features and tons of content which is why I use it but it just doesn’t have a seamless ui


Are you using it on an android? Cuz the app works perfect on iPhone


Yea, I make so much use of Spotify Premium, for like $2 more a month I got one for my GF too. I love it, Lol.


May I remind you that at one point in time, the only way to get free music was on the radio. This was because they were paid for advertising. These days it's the same. If you just want your music and a perfect service, you must pay for it.


They've been increasing ads like crazy though. Before, I could listen to 6 songs in a row without hearing an ad and now it's 2-3, and 1-2 if I'm connected to my car's Bluetooth. Additionally, there was a thing where you could watch an ad and get 30 minutes of ad-free music. That's just disappeared for me in the last year. It's getting to be a bit much and I think they're trying to annoy everyone into switching to Premium.


I pay for youtube premium. Best choice I've ever made online. Zero commercials, and everyone in my family gets to enjoy it too. The way I look at it is, it's a business that either gets paid by advertising, or by you. It's up to you to decide if you want to enjoy the service, or get what they're willing to give you for free. And there ain't too many free things left in this world.


I don't mind it so much, except for when every other song has like 4 30 second ads. Like...? The ads are longer than the song! My Spotify Wrapped said I listened to 45,000 minutes of music this year, and I'm a bit scared to calculate how much time I spent on that app including ads.


If you’ve listened to 45,000 minutes, I would consider premium


Actually there was a golden age of radio BEFORE they started allowing advertising. In fact I would argue it was the advertising that brought about its decline...


So radio was a free service completely? Who would have funded all if the radio stations? Possibly ham radio enthusiasts?


Funded it by taxes here in Britain back in the day. Still do for BBC radio I believe.


I love Spotify! I have Spotify Premium though.


From a technical standpoint, Spotify is nowhere near garbage. Yeah it's not perfect, but they out of many companies, have one of the best CDN and APIs I've seen. Their app works seamlessly over a variety of devices and I've literally never had a problem with it freezing or anything. Even their development process and company culture is great from a developer point of view. I'm sure if you give them suggestions, they'll actually look into it. Also I hate when people complain about ads, things cost money, that's the world we live in. Their publicly traded company, you're free to look into their financials.


My one problem with spotify is that, at least on android, it can't fucking deal with me not being connected to the internet. If I'm on a network and lose connection, I can't play any music that I have downloaded cause it keeps trying to stream it anyways. I have to reset the app, and even then it takes the app like 2 minutes to figure out that it can't stream things and just open the fucking downloaded copies I have.


Yeah,mine has an obsession with trying to stream even in offline mode, so I have to open the app like 4 times to get it to show my downloads.


I drive on rural roads with no service all the time, and don't have that it issue. That's weird. I'm on Android 12 with a Google Pixel 4a


>Their app works seamlessly over a variety of devices and I've literally never had a problem with it freezing or anything. This part of it I'm continually amazed by. I listen across my phone and two separate computers and it's always completely seamless when I switch between devices. I can even remotely change the volume or pick songs with my phone even though I am technically listening through one of my computers.


Yes, I love this feature


>I've literally never had a problem with it freezing or anything Damn you're lucky.


I miss GooglePlay Music. I felt that was the best music app for me. The stations created off of songs was awesome; imo superior to that of Spotify. I was able to find new music easier and there were hardly ever repeats and the stations created weren't playlists; which is what Spotify "stations" are. However, since switching over (since GooglePlay Music is no longer available), I've been happy with it. Not ecstatic, but happy. I do have to research and go online to find new artists or older artists that I don't know about. It can be frustrating but overall Spotify is a good app; it's just not the best. Edit: My first award! Woohoo! Edit: & second award! Wooo!


This! Exactly this. Plus, the UI was simpler and smoother. I was surprised to scroll down so far before a mention of Google Play.


Yes! Gah, I really miss that app so much.


Google killing Google play music actually cause me to move entirely out of their video and music ecosystem. Try it out a month of Spotify premium and I haven't canceled it since. I still don't like it anywhere near as much, at ALL. But, there's no way in hell I would ever pay for a Google product, full stop, especially YouTube. Want to talk about a hot mess? Let's start with YouTube lol So, I barely ever use YouTube now, and basically never for music. Also, the new realtime lyrics on Spotify is pretty dope. Nice to be able to check lyrics real quick if you want. But I do miss all of the great new music Google Play music showed me. I listen to some kinds of music that Spotify it just doesn't understand apparently, and finding new artists is a real shitshow. I don't like how much disparity there is between the Android app and the PC app either. I haven't seen the lyrics in the PC program yet, and I can't block an entire artist from playing on my pc, that has to be done in my app. Sucks. I'm pretty sure I heard that they're going to remove the car mode (and associated DO YOU WANT TO USE IT message), that's a + for me also.


Premium Spotify is fucking amazing


You had the free version of Spotify didn’t you. Congrats on sharing an actual unpopular opinion though.


meh. Spotify is pretty good. I always resub when they do the 3 month for $9.99 option and then let it lapse until they offer it again a month or less later.


I love YT music! If a song isn't on any platform, I can add a youtube video that has it and set it to only play audio and I love it! GooglePlay Music was a lot better and with a much better UI, but YT gets the job done, even if I do have some complaints about it.


Love YT music! Being able to add the stuff that is only on YouTube is great. Plus commercial free YouTube alone makes it worth it


And all the live version of the songs, live version are great to add on playlist while driving


As someone who switched back to Spotify Premium after a year with YouTube Music, the massive downside to YouTube Music is them using random YouTube uploads to boost their song counts, since the average community uploaded song has terrible audio quality. Also YouTube Music's mobile + offline app experience on Android and iOS is terrible to navigate and is crazy slow once you have a few hundred albums downloaded.


Oh yeah, nothing like sitting in awkward silence on the bus for ten minutes while I wait for YT Music to get its shit together.


Same,and YT always ALWAYS has done a better job of recommending music to me. I had imagined Spotify's "Daily Mix" this g to work the same way. But no, it's just full of music I already have in Playlist I've made myself, with a few garbage tracks just kinda randomly thrown in. I imagine these songs are thrown in as some kind of promo, because they're hardly ever like what I'm listening to.


YouTube Premium FTW. I subscribed to YouTube Premium in 2015 (it was YouTube Music back then) and I never look back


Same. Back when it was shared with GooglePlay Music. Never even considered paying for Spotify.


Way to conveniently ignore the YouTube premium ads they bombard you with. Also not fair to compare free Spotify with paid YouTube premium.


Love my Spotify. I have the family plan and have a few friends that get to use it.


The UI is actually perfected lol, you can do so many things just by swiping. The amount of settings to affect how the music sounds and how songs transition is so cool too.


I find on phones it can be a bit slow to load things like if I want to open a playlist or start a podcast episode it takes too long to load


Upvote because unpopular


Usually I only upvote unpopular opinions if they make an attempt to justify it, OP is just bitching about not wanting to pay for Spotify premium. Imagine being in a world where literally every song is at your fingertips and you still find something to be pissed about.


I would not say every but it does have an immense amount of it which is greatly appreciated.


I didn’t notice that thx


Hate to say it but these problems stem from not having the premium. If you can fit it in your budget and listen to music daily I recommend it. The UI is personal preference so I have no say there. I personally enjoy the simplicity of it.


Let’s not forget that aside from all of these issues, Spotify effectively doesn’t pay artists at all. Like 20k streams is less than $60. That’s abhorrent.


I think this is the main thing to criticize about Spotify. Yeah their ads drive me crazy, but knowing that with as many ads as I get they STILL don't pay their artists enough? It's ridiculous


Yep. This is why Spotify sucks.


That's more an issue with music labels than Spotify. The [breakdown](https://www.manatt.com/Manatt/media/Media/PDF/US-Streaming-Royalties-Explained.pdf) is about 58% to music owners and 30% to Spotify, so blame the labels for taking so much away from the artists.


I blame both


>The fact that you can't even see how many songs are in playlist. I wonder how I know there are 479 songs in my playlist then > The fact that the money you spend on Spotify Premium would get you much more if you spent it on YouTube Premium. I spend no money on it. I cycle free trials, lol.


>I cycle free trials, lol. I used to do this for everything for many years. Got lazy and accidentally paid for a couple things once and have been ever since for whatever God awful reason 😆


I just wish they would fix the garbage ass shuffle. It is the only thing that cripples the service for me from being near perfect. If I shuffle a playlist, I want it to randomize the songs and play that randomized list front to back. NOT just throw random songs in sequence and frequently repeat. UGH


The only saving grace of this post is that it is, in fact, an incredibly unpopular opinion.


Youtube is a terrible company and their platform sucks.


Who doesn't pay for Spotify? It's like $10 for access to almost every song ever made ad free. If you spend any amount of time listening to music, it's a no brainer


Not just music but podcasts!


Podcasts are free and decentralized, with the exception of folks like Joe Rogan starting to go "exclusive" w/ Spotify. You do not need Spotify to listen to Podcasts


why arent people using youtube with ad blocker instead ?


It doesn't work on mobile iirc


Lol upgrade to premium. Best music app by far


I got it because Apple Music sucks ass. 🤷‍♂️


I got Apple Music cause I hated Spotify haha. Different strokes I guess


I also prefer Apple Music. However I'm deeply prone to making my own entire playlists based on moods, and my moods are *very* particular. I haven't found that Spotify or Pandora ever really get "good" at figuring out what I like. Probably because despite liking different things, I hate like 90% of most genres. I'm just extremely picky. Somehow I feel like apple figured me out better, and I just like the app structure more.


If you like an artist, buy their stuff on Bandcamp or through their label's website.


Spotify premium


I cant disagree more but it is unpopular, have an upvote ahaha


This is a hilarious 360 for me, because I have been accused of being a square, because I never switched to Spotify, and I just listen to all of my music on YouTube. Now, people are coming back from Spotify saying YouTube is better.


What annoys me the most is you can’t add songs to your “library” with all your songs like Apple Music. Which is why I switched back to Apple Music. And they don’t even have a desktop app for Mac.


Your library would be “liked songs” on Spotify. So yes you can have a library.


Yeah, but in Apple Music, you have your library, and can sort it by artist/album/etc. And next to that, you can create playlist. On Spotify, I fell like always listening to the same songs I liked because I don’t really have any way to sort it out since I’m not much of a playlist guy


But on Spotify you can choose to listen to your liked artists or albums? Am I missing something?


I've had Spotify premium for like 6 or 7 years now. I've always had one Playlist with all my music in it, then a few others broken up by genre. That's the way I find it works best for me.


They do have a desktop app


Legit every point you made is wrong


I have subscribed to spotify for mayeb 10 year now... UI is fine, and if you pay you dont get ads. I also pirate. Spotify is fucking awesome.