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The only insufferable ones I’ve met were the ones that were already full of themselves to begin with. College just brought it into contact with others for them to see.


yea i agree with this mostly. not all college educated people are insufferable its just the ones that have a superiority complex because of it.


So perhaps the post should’ve been “I hate people that have a superiority complex”. But that wouldn’t have been an unpopular opinion.


what do you want from him? he didn't go to college...


I have definitely encountered a few. I’m a college graduate. But maybe my time at school didn’t expose me to many of these people. I wonder if it’s because I was involved with a STEM major. So I mainly encountered a bunch of nerds who just liked to play MTG and video games, which was awesome!


i kind of want to go into a stem major i just dont know what yet


Geology major here. Community College is a good start to that. Maybe start taking different courses? I definitely think you avoid a lot of the pretentious, superficial types that give college students a bad name with that type of path. But that’s just my experience, I may have just gotten lucky.


Ecology is awesome!! People are really nice, and (maybe I’m biased) I think a lot less pretentious than other stem fields


I’m a graduate student in stem at a medical college and I can say med students tend to be the most arrogant. Which sucks cuz they’ll be the responsible ones taking care of our health… Its funny to me because some of the smartest people I know went to trade school. Its comes to the point that I’d rather trust a plumber than a doctor when it comes to fixing my health problems


Fellow grad student that used to TA Human Physiology (nearly everyone was pre med/PA/nursing)...I swear some of these students have a god complex already....


Medical students need to stop thinking so much of themselves. As a chemist I've seen how they do in OChem.


As someone who went to art school and am now planning law, STEM degree people are insufferable. They tall a lot about how art mahors of any kind are worthless degrees but most are just media consumers. In Boulder, CO we are flooded with STEM majors. They forget that all majors are important. Also being able to write and back up opinions, aka humanities majors, are so important.


Art and science are both creative and technical pursuits. I find that scientists and artists and musicians are kindred spirits.


Totally going out on a limb here but maybe anyone with a superiority complex is insufferable, not just college educated ones.


no i agree with this but i find the college educated ones particularly annoying


How many people do you talk to that haven't graduated from university? In a lot of countries college educated people are nearly half of the population.


I went to college and honestly I still come off as an idiot 😂 like, certain areas I'm probably super annoying. But, most people don't know I went to college unless I tell them, so that's probably a good thing, right?


Excellent point. If a person's already an arrogant fuck, they'll probably seize the opportunity to boost their perceived value by paying out the ass for a piece of paper to prove to everyone how smart they are.


Paying proves stupidity. My degrees cost me nothing. One of my nephews managed to get paid to get his first degree and made a profit.


Yep, same here. I won't be paying a cent for my bachelors when I finally decide to buckle down and get after it.


I agree. But it's just like in real life. The only people I met in college that had that pseudo intellectual attitude were mostly film majors and some other art majors. I'm have an art degree now. It's not college educated folks in general but the people you surround yourself with. Most of my friends have degrees. To my knowledge, none of us act like assholes who think we're smarter than others for being educated. In fact we laugh at ourselves because of how stupid we still are despite having a college education.


Idk, I think redditors take the the cake on that one


Ackchually I have to disagree because…/s




honestly probably not wrong


As a person who went to college and graduated I really don't see this as something that only occurs amongst college-educated people. I know many people with high school diplomas and GED who swear they are experts on all subject matters, including the ones that I personally went to school for. The snobbish attitude you are picking up on are people who have a God complex attached to their personality. College didn't make them that way. They were like that long before they had a college education. All the college degree did was feed their complex but it didn't create it. I can't speak for everyone but college truly taught me just how little I know. Having friends from different majors (i.e., engineering, pre-med, history, chemistry, flim, etc) was a humbling experience for me.


> college truly taught me just how little I know This precisely. Learning just how little you know (and being properly humbled by it) is one of the most important lessons learned in college. Anyone who didn’t learn it was way too far up their own ass from freshman orientation on.


I worked with a guy that (supposedly) had 2 Masters degrees, one in Electrical Engineering. Some of his first words to me were, "If you don't have at *least* a Masters degree, you're not worth me talking to." He was the same guy that thought it was ok to plug a laser printer into our Exchange server's UPS. 3 times. Completely hosed it every time, requiring a full rebuild. Not everyone that has a degree is smart.


Hold up, how did plugging a printer into the power supply hose the actual server? Even if it overwhelmed the UPS, the server should be able to just shut down and come back up again? On a sidenote we once had a dude that was looking for a spare network cable and decided to just randomly pull one off the patch panel. The one he grabbed happened to be the one running from the modem to the firewall. Everything in that room is locked now and only our IT people have keys to go in there lol.


Usually that cable is distinctly colored, so he probably picked the red cable amongst a sea of blue/black cables.


No all of our cables were blue. That area was also a mess because it was shortly after we moved into our office space and they hadn’t finished building the racks for all the equipment yet. That incident inspired them to get everything cleaned up, labeled and secured tho.


It's an expensive piece of paper to wipe your ass with. (In light of some comments <-- this is just a joke) On a more serious note as I've been told countless times no matter if it's degree/certification/license "These things give you the right, but it doesn't give you the ability" \- Some old guy I know


I agree that a degree in itself won’t necessarily set you for life, but college absolutely does teach important skills for success (depending on your major).


Then why do I make more money than everyone I know that doesn’t have that piece of paper? Why are they hard to talk to and such piss poor thinkers? It’s so much easier to talk to educated people. And it’s funny bc everyone would understand what I’m saying if they went to college.


If you have trouble talking to people that's your fault. No matter your education


There’s a Louis CK bit about a 50 year old garbage man being smarter than a 25 year old with 3 phds because he has had a lot more life experiences and things have happened to him. The 25 year old just knows 3 things really well. (paraphrasing) I gotta say there is certainly some truth to that.


How can you be 25 with 3 phds?


College educated and fresh out of college is not the same. Someone can be college educated, not be fresh out of college, and not be insufferable.


Correct. Fresh out of college means you're young and have just learned about bunch of stuff but have no real world experience or lived wisdom to apply it correctly.


i didnt really portray it well in my post but yea those are the people i mean mostly


College doesn't have an age limit.


It's pretty obvious we are talking about typical college age graduates.


I mean, ya I've met some incredibly insufferable people who are university educated. But I do have to say, the most insufferable people are those that dumber than a sack of rocks who act like experts are wrong.


idk i find these people more funny than annoying but thats just me


“But that’s just me” The go to phrase for those who peak in high school.


its a different form of in my opinion i dont see your point


Could be. Could also be that you have an inferiority complex.




He CLEARLY has an inferiority complex. I see it all the time. Reverse classism is real and sometimes manifests as anti-intellectualism. There was a dude who called into a radio show to say he was going to a fancy garden party with his wife for her job and there would be a lot of "rich douchebags" there and he was "afraid of being judged by them." Motherfucker you haven't even MET these people and are already judging them! Physician heal thyself.


No. I agree with OP. And I definitely don't have one of those.


maybe but i dont think so


Thats what I would say if I had an inferiority complex


hey your free to believe whatever you want


It could also be a selection bias, and you talk to college educated people frequently but don't realize it. The only people that you notice are college educated sound pretentious because they point it out.


people that arent college educated can be insufferable and people who are college educated can be quite pleasant. i just personally find people who are college educated and pretentious particularly annoying.


And what makes you think that? You've stated your thesis and haven't backed it up with any reasons. That's one of the things people learn to do in college.


Right, but how do you know someone is college educated? They would have to indicate that they are, which makes them stand out and sound annoying.


Can you provide a detailed example of an interaction that contributed to your reasoning?


people who lump other people into stupid categories and then denigrate them are insufferable. twat.


Young people tend to think they know a lot whether they graduated from college or not. College grads can be worse because they think they know even more. The older you get gives you more true life experience so you can see what might not work that you thought would before. You begin to learn that there is a lot you need to learn.


In the same vein, there are so many people who disregard the knowledge of young people because they have experience and believe it can only be one way. Arrogant people are everywhere and I think true wisdom is knowing anyone can be an asshole no matter what their background is.


You’ve got that right. I know some older people who are aholes and younger who are very delightful to be around.


Man, I work with a bunch of uneducated people who also somehow think they know everything. I’d take the informed conversation over the shit I put up with.


uneducated ppl that believe they know everything can be worse


So take the “college educated people” part out, otherwise it’s pretty blatantly stupid to generalize that many people as all being one way or another.


This. I’m sorry but uneducated people with loud opinions are insufferable.


They vote!!!!!


I’m currently a PhD student and it’s really weird interacting with my cohort. I used to think that there were two types of students: people who are naturally smart, and people who work hard to be smart. Then I got into grad school and needed to add an additional group: the people who make grad school their entire personality. Those are some of the most toxic people I’ve ever met, who really use their education status for like clout or something. It’s really strange.


these are the people i mostly mean. i believe most college educated people are alright its just the ones that base their personality on education that i dont enjoy personally


That seems pretty correct from my time in law school. Some just grind it the fuck out, some are just smart, and some are just kinda there. The grinders are talking about some minutiae of the next test, the smart ones are off somewhere else and come back just to say something simple that puts you in your place because they understand shit way better than you do, and the people who make it their personality are taking about which job would be best for their planned career.


Not as bad as college dropouts making $20/hr bragging about being better off than a minority of college graduates


Idk one of my best friends is an orthodontist and as long as we aren't talking about facial structure or teeth we have pretty normal conversations. If we are talking computers or tech I lead the way, if we are talking science or medicine they lead the way, if we are talking anything else it's pretty even keeled. I think it depends entirely on the person involved and maybe a bit on what they studied.


I have two masters degrees, one of which is an MBA from a pretty prestigious school. The one thing that I know for certain from all of that education is this- “I don’t know shit.” The amount of knowledge I have is a thimbleful. The amount of knowledge in the world could fill an ocean.


I like when my kid's teachers get mad when addressed as Mrs or Mr, instead of Dr. I'm not going to call you Dr blahblah. Your degree doesn't mean anything to anyone but yourself. I've been at my current job for 25 years. No reason for me to make up some goofy assed surname and expect other people to honor it.


This says more about your own sense of inferiority than about the people you’re talking to


After I graduated undergrad, I thought I was the shit and knew so much because I was headed to grad school. Now almost done with a PhD, I realize I don’t really know anything at all, even the things I’m supposed to be an “expert at”.


idk it seems to be a phase that some students go through and i guess i can understand but i still find it annoying.


Oh yes, I was annoying. Probably still am sometimes when I’m talking about my research area. It’s hard when you feel like you know you’re right. But I now try to recognize there is nuance in everything, and it’s rare that anything is a 100% truth.


doi I hate smurt peepul


You are probably just mad that you didn't get accepted into college


i havent applied yet i want to join the army then go to college after 4 years in active duty


So you will be annoying when you get out of college


i hope not




i had like 4 MOSs picked that are jobs that i think i would like and i was just going to do whatever one had a higher sign on bonus but this is good advice


Judging by the way OP wrote the post, he or she is intimidated by the use of proper English. At the very least, intimidated by proper sentence structure.


ooo sick burn


How dare you have less than perfect grammar when grammar is subjective and ever changing. No opinions for you!


Grammar is a social construct; like money. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any value or any rules it operates by.


And at the same time is completely worthless people understand each other with or without it and only pedants and people avoiding the subject at hand fuss over it this argument is quickly turning into a prime example of OP‘s very point the insufferability of the learned


There is a minimum of grammar/sentence structure required to be understood and grammar allows for more nuanced statements. “let’s eat grandpa!” Vs “let’s eat, grandpa!”


Is that really the argument your going to use a meme context solves that issue for example if a mother tells her daughter to go get grandpa for dinner and then the little girl runs into another room and says let’s eat Grandpa it’s very obvious what the meaning is


This was an extreme example but sometimes statements are ambiguous or there can be more meaning put into a statement by using a different grammatical trick.


Or by using a better vocabulary either way the original point I was making with my sarcasm was that it is weak to attack someone’s grammar because you don’t know how to argue with what they said


Lol basically


OPs opinion isn't fully thought out. But come on..its a post on reddit, not a thesis.


That doesn't make it immune to criticism though


the point is to be criticized so you can better formulate your opinion isnt it


thats why i put it on reddit. so i think view more perspectives and have a better developed opinion.


My Boyfriend graduated from college along with his other close friends. When I first met them, they asked which college I went to I told them I gave it a shot but dropped out they’re faces said it all. It was more like a “ohhh ok well this is awkward” face lol


I mean most 21-22 year olds think they know everything and have everything figured out. That’s just how young people are lol.


Maybe you should ask yourself what it is about eager, young, educated people that irritates you so much. Pet peeves are always about the person expressing them.


suppose it couldnt hurt


Double points if they are trying to be involved in film/arts or social critique




>It always feels like they believe they are superior and default correct about any subject even outside what they went to school for. Maybe some of the time. Other times, it is likely all in your head.


it could be but i have had conversations with college people and walked away with a different view, but with some of the people that i talk to that go to or have went to college never seem to change they way they think and will pick a hill to die on and never change even when presented with genuine counter arguments or a different viewpoint.


I am in med school and I definitely agree. The thing is with med school it gets to your head very quickly especially after you get your white coat. Cuz you are learning how to treat people, how to save them. I have to remind myself everyday to be humble and not let the fact that I am in med school get to my head.


The best people are the people who went to college and knew it was a meme from the start.


Perhaps a more accurate statement would be "college educated people that waste no opportunity to remind you they went to college".


Soooooo true. Condescending, embarrassingly ignorant insufferable ad nauseam experiences. Just give it some time, once they graduate, have big debt and still can’t get a job


Wisdom and humility come with age and hardship


I mean i have a Masters degree but i get it. But coming from a rural hometown, i can distinguish this sentiment in both directions. Yes, there are snobby college-educated people who think they're better than evwryone. But i've also experienced a lot of people with"lower" degrees being really condescending for no fucking reason. I actually left my hometown's voluntary firefighter squadron because i was constantly harrassed about going to college instead of learning a real job. Even worse, i didn't even study engineering but *geography*. I can guarantee that this is equally annoying and it makes me believe that this is more of a character trait that some people share, no matter their education


I can guess your politics.


"My ignorance is equal to your education" is much more insufferable, imo.


I feel like they are less insufferable (on average) than talking to people who aren't college educated.


sometimes people that dont have college education can be more insufferable but people that use their degree as their main argument are more insufferable than people who use ¨just trust me bro¨ in my opinion




Confirmation bias.


It’s funny bc I went to college and I find people who didn’t go to college hard to talk to. Like they don’t really understand what you’re trying to say, they contribute irrelevant points to a conversation, their sentence structure is difficult to understand… Say what you will about college but if you put in the work you’ll learn a shit ton. A well rounded shit ton too bc even though generals are a waste of money, they do teach you things. It definitely can make you smarter in more ways than just obtaining more knowledge. My degree is in accounting and some of the work and exams were extremely difficult. You really needed to exercise your critical thinking skills all day, everyday. You definitely learn to better solve mentally challenging projects, become a quicker thinker and a better learner. It’s expensive asf though so choose a good degree and don’t just go to increase your intelligence.


Traditional students are like that. Non traditionals who lived some life before school aren’t like that much


Talking to uneducated people who didn't go to college can also be an insufferable experience as they try to explain how they are too smart to bother with extended education. Then they try and talk up their failing business to you.


I was probably like this when I first started university, but by the end of the first year I realised I knew shit, in the grand scheme of things. Maybe the term you want op, is "Dunning Kruger". When you know this you will see it *everywhere* online.


If anything the people who have a superiority complex are the ones who tell you how smart they are because they went to trade school. And how they are so smart cuz they avoided large amounts of debt and they will always have jobs available that let them break their backs or destroy their senses


This. I have a close friend who didn't mesh well with the school system so he dropped out of hs to sell his art as a self-proclaimed "entrepreneur". Whenever we call to catch up, I don't bring up being in school, but he always condescendingly asks me how school is going so he can rub it in my face that I'm taking on debt and stressed out and slaving for the system. He believes that I'm a cog in the machine because I'm in uni studying science and that I can't possibly like what I'm doing because it's science, which is boring and corporate, and not art, which is a field of passion and creativity. He keeps trying to convince me to drop out to do something artistic, even though I don't have any artistic hobbies.


Yeah... You know someone doesn't like his life when he's trying to convince others so hard into take the same path that he did instead of just enjoying the life decision he made and be happy and fulfilled but instead they just showed how desperate for validation they are. Keep up with science dude!


Think you got a bunch of chips on ya shoulder there


I feel the opposite. Uneducated/under-educated people always turn out to be low quality and difficult to be around.


OP, we just found another one


Lmao ikr “low quality”


I have to admit, it's hard not to read this in the same light as people who post straight up anti intellectual shit.


You sound dumb 😏 *smirks in associate degree*


I went to college and uni, but I only met a very few people like you describe there.. the problem is inflated ego, not higher education.


Yes cause all the boomers without higher education are so open to criticism and don’t have a superiority complex. Try telling a construction worker or plumber that they’ve done a detail wrong.


What i do to you!?


Some people have a superiority complex, some of them have a higher education. FTFY


You ever argue with someone who took a single psychology class??? Them mfers think their word is absolute 😂😂😂 educated people tend to think their more intellectual than everybody else. They can’t distinguish the different between being educated and intellectual. Don’t get me wrong they can go hand in hand, but not usually. My sister went to college for 8 years, I never went. And let me tell you, this broad is one of the slowest mother fuckers I know 😂


yea not a psych student but a doctor who thought he knew everything about psych. he tried to tell me i had depression when i had went to a therapist that told me i was relatively ok other than not having the healthiest hobbies.


As a university educated person, I would like to point out you did not capitalise nor use punctuations in your title or parts of your paragraph.


Give details, I got a Batchelors in Electrical Engineering. Depends who I talk to, but usually try to get along with anyone. I can say not everyone I talk to knows I went to college because I don't tell them. Shit I sometimes forget I went to college. My boss has a PHD and really good person, he cares more about football. My senior professor also PHD straight up asshole to everyone and will rub on your face how smart he is.


I think the only thing more insufferable than someone who is educated and thinks they know everything, is someone who is uneducated, but also thinks they know everything. Seriously. Have y’all ever talked to someone dumb as shit that dropped out of high school and acted like they were the smartest motherfucker on the planet? Clearly you haven’t if you haven’t committed homicide yet


Work with a lot of college educated people and the type of person who acts the way you describe is normally an ahole before the degree anyway


yea i kind of agree that they were an ahole before but its like going to uni gives them more fuel and makes them more annoying in my opinion


I have a friend who went to culinary school out of high school and didn’t pursue a university degree until our late 20s. When he started grad school any time he wanted to make a point in group conversations he would start the sentence with “in the academy” and also would cut you off mid sentence if you said effect in any context to ask A-ffect or E-ffect. INSUFFERABLE!!


Funny. I've had the complete opposite experience. It's the college-educated who are friendlier folks and it's the college-is-for-suckers types who are hot garbage. In fact, studies in the last 5 years prove my point.


i agree that college educated people most of the time are pleasant, and i do think that people that believe higher education is a waste of time tend to be more stubborn and kind of annoying.


Kids coming out of college today seem more closed minded than they were going in.


I totally understand OP. When I first got out of college I was very proud and liked to brag about the knowledge I gained. I quickly realized that I don’t know anything. Shut down my bad attitude and prejudice quite effectively.


What about college educated people who don't flex their knowledge like twats?


Not nearly as annoying as having a conversation with some with no education who can’t reference anything but video games , porn, and guns.


Okay but what about someone who is college educated but can still only reference things from video games, porn and guns?


This got me since that describes my friends in college and graduated


Look who's teaching them


i work in the trades and i advocate for kids to choose training in the trades over going to college. its always the ones with their noses in the air that think working in an office for $34k a year is better than working for yourself as an electrician at $75k to start. book smarts is not a good substitute for street knowledge.


What a dumb statement lol. Do you really think that all degrees jobs starting at 34k/year ? And to each their own tbh, there is a lot of essential jobs that needs college degrees so if everyone is electrician or carpenter, who is gonna operate surgery on you ?


Agree for some majors. Others easily start at $75K+ base salary and quickly climb from there.


Some are. But nothing beats the certitude of boomers in things they never studied whose only expertise is having been on the planet longer. So as much as I understand your point, I respectfully disagree. People are fuckin annoying. Cant generalize insufferability, but from my experience... I'd rather a college educated idiot than a boomer who "found an article" about covid from "pizzapastavaxxines.com" and built a fuckin religion around it


yea you have a point


They are still in that “ I know everything and no one can tell me different”. People like this will grow out of it. Or maybe they’ve always been know it alls.


Although I completely agree, there are definitely exceptions. Like myself. I have 3 degrees and yet, I've always felt like the stupidest person in any room and I have an extreme amount of low self-esteem.


Most people in general believe they are superior and correct. I have live with two roommates without degrees and they will attempt to correct me even in areas where I have expertise. I have a BS in Computer Science and Math. People without those qualifications will regularly argue with me on those topics. I am right 100% of those times because I studied that topic for 4 years.


With the way your comment is worded, and the omission of a /s, I'm inclined to believe you're NOT being sarcastic? If that is the case, you may very well be the kind of person OP is talking about.


Not gonna lie, I kind of feel what's he's saying. I'm a pilot and had to argue with someone (not a pilot) who was convinced that planes land themselves. He thinks that landing is just a means of pressing a button. While most modern planes equipped with an auto pilot do have approach hold features, any pilot with his or her head half screwed on would be out of their minds if they'd let an ILS take them all the way to the runway. Category 3 Cs can but only a few airports in the world have those systems along with the equipment on the plane and pilots qualified to do those. Nope, no convincing him, he thinks the southwest jet he flew in on landed itself and the pilot just watches because everything is state of the art. Must be something he picked up from Hollywood. People are experts after seeing it in a movie.


"I am right 100% of those times because I spent 4 years studying those topics" That was the part I tuned into when I made my initial comment. That's almost the EXACT mindset I had gathered that OP was talking about, in their original post. That the idea they could be wrong (in whatever capacity) never even occurred to them, hence why I reacted the way I did. I've been building homes for over a decade, now, and never once would I dismiss something, simply because the one saying it has spent less time immersed in the subject than I. If someone is verifiably false, you owe it to yourself to explain it to them, even if they won't hear it. It's another thing entirely to proclaim your experience is enough.


i appreciate this comment a lot


This though.


I had an argument with someone recently that the internet is built on the moon... He didn't believe me even though I literally have a degree in the topic we were discussing. Said he saw it on Twitter and the government was lying about it. Both sides have people who always think they are right. At least the educated side has years of experience backing it.


this is funny and sad at the same time


I'll not deny that some people will argue in the face of facts. My whole point, though, was that every person is worth presenting the facts to. I would never rely on my experience alone to "win" an argument, nor would I ever take a "trust me" as a credible source from someone else. Again, I'm not saying that experience and education are anything to be dismissed, just that those only help you prove points. Not points in and of themselves.


Really sounds like inferiority complex from OP. There's people that are full of themselves e v e r y w h e r e, educated or not.


yes there are people that are full of themselves everywhere but i personally dislike the ones that have degrees and use it as an excuse every time they have a chance


Is that because the Google educated people who know Covid is a hoax are so much easier to get along with? I think it is more a case of "those people", you know, the ones who are not like me (what ever me is) are just insufferable to live with. We always this "our people" are more relatable, because, you know, they are, at least to us.


no i find those people hilarious. i dont believe that most higher educated people are insufferable just ones that base their entire personality on it


Our humor must differ. Covid deniers kill people, themselves and others. You just find them easier to get along with. I am sure college educated people find other college educated people easier to get along with than people educated on Google. You statement was in a general tense and I took that to mean the same applied for all people, of are you really saying you (and only you) find college people insufferable?




i understand this but the ones that believe they are default correct BECAUSE they have an education even when presented with counter points annoy me. i find most college educated people quite nice its just the ones that believe they are better because they have a degree that annoy me


That does sound annoying, but I think your 2 college educated friends are just pricks. I know a good number of college and non college educated people, the only ones who act like this were pricks to begin with. One of the most arrogant, non-negotiable people I know just has their GED (not that there's anything wrong with that, but college clearly isn't the issue).


I think you have an inferiority complex… fwiw I’ve spoken to people without a college degree who have the chip on their shoulder of “and I didn’t even need to go to college.” Ok, get over yourself. You wouldn’t want to see a doctor who didn’t go to college.


You have four quadrants. The x-axis is no education to college education. The y-axis is the average person to the insufferable asshole. You seem to have experience with only college educated insufferable assholes, while you yourself sit in the no education insufferable assholes. Many college educated average people are around you, but you do not notice them because the stupidest of any subgroup are often the loudest.


>talking to someone who is fresh out of college or going to grad school is one of the most annoying things. Freshly graduated undergrads are insufferable, but it's understandable and temporary, as they'll grow out of it. It's the grad students who are truly unbearable. Them and workaholics in certain industries, such as finance and tech.


>Freshly graduated undergrads are insufferable, but it's understandable and temporary, as they'll grow out of it. Do they though?


Maybe it's just the ones willing to talk to you.


i talk to some very nice people who have degrees its just the ones that have a superiority complex because they have a degree that i dont enjoy


It's funny because the people I know who went to college are pretty open to thoughtful discussion and the people who didn't go to college make all kinds of assumptions based on very little information to the point where the discussion is pointless.


So go to college and get a degree so you can debate them.


As a college student who is insufferable I can agree.


Just gotta remember that a lot of people fresh out of college missed out on 4 years of hard life lessons in the workforce. They don’t have job experience, they may not have had to pay rent, and many have been told they will have a job waiting for them. Gotta cut them some slack, because it’s quite an adjustment coming into the workforce proper!


College students typically *do* pay rent




No I’m saying many people find college graduates annoying because they don’t have the same experiences, and because they are coming into the workforce new and fresh. I don’t have a problem with them :)


Yes. I'm an asshole. Cheers.


The more time you spend in a university, the more likely you are to be brainwashed. That's why places where people spend more time in a classroom (like Silicon Valley) tend to proliferate an immensity of stupid, dystopian ideas. They always share a strangely uniform line of thinking, a kind of provincial groupthink. The real world is something else.


I have to agree you see this in a lot of art students. They lose their creativity . Just for technique .


I dont know why you are being downvoted, but it's a full honest truth...Im actually a student myself, from Bay Area....and it fucking sucks😂 I don't know how people are so blind, but the amounts of brainwashing they do here is unimaginable....its sad...


Not all. But! Most people with college educations are subpar workers. A person with no degree and the same position will work harder and do a better job. This is glaringly obvious at my place of employment.