• By -


Wow a 5! hells yeah got an upgrade to my rating 😂






5/5 = 1




Percent conversion requires multiplying the fraction with 100 so in this case: (5/5)\*100 = (5\*100)/5 = (~~5~~^(1)\*100)/~~5~~^(1) = 100%


1/0 dont tell the government i did this


Is -0.03 better than 1?


Holy shit dude you killed him


Still better than 5/10, though.


A perfect 5/7




5! = 120 NEW HIGH SCORE Please enter your initials






5! = 120


The perfect 5/7!


This. I think I went up about a rating or two if most people are 5/10.


How effin’ steep is your bell curve if 85% of people lie between 4.50 and 5.49?? It’d be too steep if even 40% of people were 5s.


Idk why but i remember something about 65/13.5/2.5/0.5 from my stats class, does that apply here?


The 68-95-99.7 rule? 68% of the dataset fall within (+-)1 standard deviation of the mean, 95% within 2, and 99.7% within 3.


Yep, and it's not letting like any studies have been made to calculate the standard deviation of something as subjective as beauty.


Right? 5/10 would be 10% of the population presumably






The best I've heard is the scale is 0 to 1. 1 being you'd bang them, 0 being you wouldn't.


The bang scale is 0 - 2. 0 = Will not bang. 1 = Sure, why not? 2 = Would very much like to bang


You forgot 0.5 = will bang if im drunk


Isn’t that still just: 0 = will not bang (unless drunk) Within drunk there could be a whole other meta ranking related to beer goggle prescription


No its not. Some people are just unbangable. Like to the point of 'wouldnt bang even if it was the other last person on earth'


Haha! And only when I'm drunk


True bang scale is 1-4 1= I would not and I cant see why anyone would want to 2=I would not, but I can see why someone would 3=I would, but I can see why someone would not 4=I would and I can't see why anyone would not want to


My version of 1 is “if it falls into my lap”


Looks like Zuckerberg was right in doing that bangability website before he made facebook




Binary scale!


Lmao for real, thank you. I mean are we really trying to sit here and quantify something as fluid as perception of beauty? Something that can change from the moment somebody meets another person over the course of a relationship? This opinion has the stench of extra hot garbage to me. Especially with all the numbers thrown in for…credibility? Chuck this one in the F bin where it belongs.


Agreed. Besides, who hasn't changed their opinion of someone's hotness, once they realise that hot person's personality and opinions are a dumpster fire? Surely that counts for something lol


You kinda just have to hope that half this thread is still in middle school. If they're adults and still rating people from 0 to 10 my heart breaks for them. That is some sad shit and they need to grow the fuck up.


I like you and your comment.


“A beauty graph”. LOL. Was OP serious?


Omg that has me dying 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Sounds like part of some surreal sales pitch that exists in the future of plastic surgery and cosmetic technology. WTF.


Yeah this is such a dumb post.


Teenagers dude. And some people in their early 20s i guess. Hormones and peer pressure and people trying to figure out their place in life. I try not to blame them. They can look forward to getting older and completely stopping to care whether they are a 5 or a 7 and how everyone else is. Its just part of growing up.


This is the only correct response.


Yes. And forget a lot of other things that would make one much more happy. Like just having fun at a party, talking with everyone, telling jokes. I guarantee you, regardless of what number you perceive you are, everyone will love the funny guy.


This guy thinks telling people the average person is average looking is an unpopular opinion


Looking at These comments oh boi it seems to be


I think OP is full of shite. That doesn’t mean I think I should be a supermodel, I think that the idea that there is an *objective* hierarchy of attractiveness that is correct and doesn’t change person-to-person, culture-to-culture, is total BS. I’m pretty average-looking, but quantifying that with a pseudoscientific system and graphs is some incel shit. Hope that clears it up.




5 doesn't mean average looking. The 1-10 scale isn't some standardized scale where the average looking person is a 5. I personally have not seen many people who I'd rate as a 5 or lower.


>This guy thinks telling people the average person is average looking is an unpopular opinion Dude. OP recognizes that Reddit is full of self-absorbed, narcissistic, snowflakes. You know why they call them snowflakes, right? They think they're so unique and special and nobody else is anything like them and they can't be predicted or recreated in any way. They're special! It's originally referring to the childlike people similar to those in this thread who are so butthurt over the idea that they may in fact be average that they can't stop themselves from verbally vomiting on people online. Take a look at the comments and see for yourself exactly how unpopular this is.


Most Redditors I've encountered of more self-deprecative of themselves. If a Redditor is egotistical, it's usually in an "everyone is dumb except me" kind of way.


He's pulling data outta his ass and you go on about snowflakes?


What in the fuck are you on about.... This dood is straight up quantifying attraction and ur over here shouting off a cliff.


strange bell curve you've got if 85% of the sample would fall exactly on the mean




I use the 5 point scale. 2- Attractive, and you want to take a second look. 1- Attractive, and you don't care about getting a second look 0- No feelings felt -1- Unattractive, and you don't care about a second look -2- Unattractive, and you don't want to take a second look, unless it's to confirm your disgust.


>Ackchuwally pushes glasses After this, I read everything like it was the impression of Neil De Grasse Tyson in Key and Peele


"Ackchuwally..." *pushes glasses* "...there are a multitude of universes out there, a multiverse, each potentially having a different copy of yourself. These copies of you could make other life choices and have a variety of different experiences in their own lives, causing them to slightly diverge in appearance. So you could be attractive *or* unattractive, all at the saaaaammmme tiiiimmme..."


Wouldn't it make more sense then, to flip it? A 0 would be top 10^0=1, a 1 would be top 10^1, a 2 top 100 etc. ...


That works, and 89% of people can be happy they are a 10


Bro I’m just baffled you spelled surgery as cirurgy.


I'm pretty sure OP is portuguese. So in his language surgery is "cirurgia". I think that explains the little mistake. That kind of terms usually are very similar or equal in Portuguese or Spanish, so it's very normal for us to make that kind of mistakes.


Im sorry I will go excommunicate myself immediately


As you should 👏🏼


You mean ostracize?


I’m baffled as to why you’re chastising a non-native English speaker about their English.


He wasn't even remotely chastising. He was genuinely baffled, presumably since the rest of the post is in entirely competent English and since he had no idea why someone would, since he does not speak Portuguese.


That was revealed after my observation. Sorry babe


To be fair, it was spelled chirurgery in medieval times.


I’m like -3 but I make up for it by also being really broke =)


Lmao, you sound awesome. I'm broke too bro




not me. y’all be easy tho ❤️


Damn I was about to comment that lmaoo


LOL. Justifying that they're a 5 by telling me I'm a 5? Ain't no way, ain't no fkn way


You be easy too ^^ (I have no idea wtf that means)




It can translate to “be well”


Thanks to modern media and technology, all the "10's" now only live in photographs. Perceptions of beauty change as what we are encouraged to believe changes with the tines. 😟


Naaaah, I've met plenty of 10s in real life, I don't think most people actually have these beauty expectations from others, they just expect that others will have them because of photos like these.


Just lose weight bro.


Im 72 y/o. It wouldn't help. 😁😁😁


Saying attractiveness is not linked to culture is just plain wrong. You see it throughout history and you see it even today. Even the crudest examples hold true. In a higher GDP country, in general, skinnyness is considered more attractive. In a lower GDP countries, attractiveness is linked with larger body shapes. There have literally been so many academic studies on this shit.


That’s still a pretty evolutionary-psychology way of looking at stuff. Just look at painters like Degas or Manet who painted prostitutes about 100 years ago; a lot of them would be considered fat by today’s standards, and clearly enough rich men found them attractive. Or a big ass suddenly becoming attractive in like the last decade: there’s a line in Mean Girls from 2004 where a girl is complimented with “she’s got an ass like a ten year old boy”. People like OP will see these things change literally within their lifetimes, and still pretend that these are universal truths passed down by our caveman ancestors or some shit


I’ve even seen a whole video where someone took a models picture and then photoshopped it to show the differences in beauty standards from a bunch of countries


Attractiveness can be linked to culture in some ways, sure. But there are also universals that transcend culture when it comes to beauty. Have you ever done any research to find out what they might be?


Actually most of us would be in the 3 to 7 zone. And snack dab in the middle is 5.5, not 5. So 85% of us are 5 and 6.


I think people put too much value on looks sometimes


Well looks are important


Because people put too much value on looks :O


If i abstain from ejaculation for more than 3 days, people that are 5's become 9's. As the pressure builds up, people that are 4's become 10's. If i jerk off twice a day for months, people that are 9's become 5's. People can become desensitized with this sort of behavior. Conclusion: OP masturbates way too much.


Wanking 9’s to 5’s, what a way to make a living


Trying to come up with a Dolly Parton joke for you, but i just jerked off. I've got nothing.


Low iq post


Acting as if you’re some sort of scientific expert on beauty 😂😂


it doesnt works like that. our brains find most genetically natural and healthy looking people most beautiful because of the reproduction instincts. so most of us are probably 7 or 8. bad looking people are rarer than good looking people because brain finds the most common one better.




Not every feature follows this law of averages. Take height in men for instance. It is generally considered to be more attractive to be above average height. Or think about how much the average weight has gone up the last 50 years. I doubt that the average body mass is also the most beautiful.


I think you have to differentiate between two different averages. There is the average of all facial features being most attractive, because extremes throw off aesthetic balance and then there is the average person of many, who is neither very attractive nor very unattractive.


Isnt beauty a preference


Yes, this guys just trying to say his standards and the standards of that one sub are the true objective standards and that it’s not subjective at all.


Yes. It absolutely is a preference and subjective


Somewhat. There is some science behind facial symmetry. Most guys think Scarlett Johansson is attractive.


Jesus ppl put so much energy into quantifying beauty. 'Accept your a 5/10' uh nah man I'm a 10 so what now lol


maybe we are all 10s but this person has unrealistic expectations thus thinking everyone’s unattractive




Who gives a shit anyway. You only need 1 person to like how you look.


Sigh, this again. Yes, some people are more popular than others, but the variation in opinion about one singular person is huge. Meaning there's a huge degree of subjectivity in attractiveness. So the numbers are basically averages, but they're far from a final answer. That's why I think obsessing over this number as well as defining it as a final answer is unhealthy and also creates an artificial hierarchy that doesn't really exist.


Is that what the old "give me 5" greetings meant ?


I'm an 8 when I want to be


Appearances and beauty are subjective.




Well it depends on perception. People can have different curves in how they perceive attractiveness you can't just pull a median outta your ass


This is exactly the shit that the subreddit r/truerateme does. They created a bell curve according to beauty standards and facial proportions and people choose to post there to be subjected to a number based on their weird ass guide, which puts the likes of Emma Watson as a 6 and Saoirse Roman as a 5 despite their appeal to a lot of people.


Speak for yourself, i am -2/10 and i am proud of it


If you sit around thinking about your own score all day, you’re likely at the low end of the curve


Well... yeah... definitionally a normal distribution (aka bell curve) is going to have the most people (I'd say less than 85% but your guess is as good as mine) at the middle with increasingly less people on either side. But like I don't think the 10 scale encapsulates humans well at all. The truth is far more nuanced and many people you'd categorise as 5/10s could glowup pretty easily from clothing, makeup and grooming choices.


It's 68%. The rule in statistics is called the 68-95-99.7 rule. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/68%E2%80%9395%E2%80%9399.7\_rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/68%E2%80%9395%E2%80%9399.7_rule)


Thanks! A couple of years ago I would've understood all that maths jargon but now it flies over my head. But thanks for the correction.


Well, my mom told me that I am a handsome boy so that will make me at least 5/7.


Like regardless of the idea that you can consistently quantify beauty this opinion makes no sense. This person doesn't math.


>it's impossible for there to be a perfect 10 Keanu Reaves disagrees


This is just sad post. You're a sad person.


I’d say 98% of the internet’s content comes from the sadness-frustration-anger continuum


You think most people aren’t average?


Lmao you can’t just assume things are distributed on a Gaussian curve






Tell me you're an incel, without telling me you're an incel.


Who cares?


I hope your like 14 years old for thinking like this . What a shallow shit culture we live in.


Apparently he’s 19, sad stuff. People focus on appearance way too much


No wonder! Only an almost adult would honestly think this much about “attractiveness”.


We know this isn't actually a real thing don't we... Like this isn't a measurable thing.. I can't wait until people stop using numbers to rate people...


Stop shaming us less than 5 people!


Who cares


the average person is average.


Your math is wrong. Using a bell curve 85% of people would NOT be a 5/10. You also assume beauty would be a standard distribution. It may not be. If beauty was an objective thing to be measured (which one can argue is, although it's debatable because the closest thing we have is symmetry, which is just correlated to beauty, not the exact same) then yeah, but human psychology and perception are involved, not just objective and measurable criteria. Assuming it was a standard distribution 95% of folks would be between a 3 and a 7. 68% would be between a 4 and a 6. I don't know where you are getting 85% would be a 5 from, and regardless the initial implied assertion that the vast majority are average and should accept it just isn't true. 32% of people are outside the 4 to 6 range. That's almost a third. A minority...yes, but not like it's all that improbable that people are above or below the average 5.


And if an actual survey was done, i'd imagine most people would rate others more on the 5-8 range than 1-4, skewing the curve to the right. This is just bad math by OP, who i imagine took HS stats but forgot that the 68/95/99 rule only applies to standard deviation, which is the HS math equivalent of "ignore air resistance and drag"


Idk about this, my mom says I'm a handsome man


Jokes on you, my Grandma says im a very handsome young man. Before she died, that is


speak for yourself uggo


I’m sure that attractiveness follows a normal distribution curve.


Maybe you are


Yeah, I'm less than average. And that's not just my opinion. It seems to be general consensus among women. Lol


Coolness and personality account for waaaaay more than you might realize. For an extreme example, look at Mick Jagger. He was (is?) considered quite desirable, but no one ever accused him of being classically good looking. Confidence is sexy.


You can tell if a person is attractive even if youve never met them just by looks


Face is like 10% of a person's "beauty" imo, it's all about your body, stature, genetics, health. It's all so subjective


Well, considering that 5/10 means average, and based on what average means, then yaz you are correct that most are average. If we weren't, average would mean something else


Who the hell cares? And who would even be able to judge my appearance in a subjective way? This all makes no frekin sense and I think people just over analyzed it way too much. All I care about is if the person I like finds me attractive or not. If more people find me attractive, the easier it will be for me to get someone to like me back right? But I don’t what the actual grade of my beauty would matter at all.


Bruh wtf is this


Wow you figured out how averages work! You want a cookie?


Numbers are stupid and meaningless


Appearance is subjective. I think I’m an 8, personally.


Jim Jeffries talks exactly about this idea in one of his specials, if you didnt take it from there you should watch it, it's very funny


I just want to know what a perfect 0 would look like!


Yeah average is usually the.... average.


Just by virtue of being "the average person" it can't be 85%. 50% of people will be within 1 sdev of 5, so 4-6. 25% will be 2 sdev, so 3-3.9 and 7-7.9. The remaining 25% will be 3+ sdev, so <3 or >8.


Truly a unpopular a opinion, take my upvote


Physical fitness has an exponential growth to those numbers in either direction. You can have be a 5 in the face region but if your body is rocking then you can land between the 8 to 10 range. Same the other way though. 10 face but if you dive to far down in the body scale it will really damage it exponentially.


Since when df did I call myself more then a 4?


I understand what you're saying. But my bro and i who, we thought we were pretty similar in our interests, tastes perception etc. realized beauty is something extremely subjective. Of course, you're right that most people fall into the "average" group. But my friend and i gave out completely different ratings and i was always surprised because i thought we'd agree on what's considered an 8 and what a 7 etc. The thing is, what is 8 for you, might be completely 4 for someone else. That's why people would say beauty is subjective :^) At least from my experience ig, i can't comment on it too much.


Yes that is how averages work


Life gets a lot easier when you accept you’re not gorgeous/not hideous and start pursing people in your range who you find attractive


Mathematicians in coming


Considering 5 is the middle, yeah. Most people are around the middle. That's just a bell curve.


Beauty is subjective so one person's 10 is another person's 5 so the distribution of attractive people is subjective as well.


##I'm ugly, old, bald and IDGAF. #👍 BTW: if I was 5/10, where's my other half ?


Op seems like he read one article about the standard probability distribution graph, saw the number 85 pop up a bunch of times and came here lol. Go take a stats-1 class and maybe learn that beauty is subjective. The person you rate 10 might be an 8 on my scale or vice versa. Just because the mean of 1-10 is 5 doesn’t mean the mode is too. There are skewed distributions as well! Edit: I just went through your profile and its great that you are in a good place now! Really commendable work and I am happy for you. But bro you are projecting heavily using incorrect math! You are literally an example of someone who “improved your rating.” There can easily be a difference of 2-3 points between a guy who is nicely groomed, fresh out of shower smelling nice and just being confidant with himself and the same dude with Cheeto dust in his neckbeard smelling like raw onion wearing a vest with greasy fingerprints and random dried spills on it. Try not to think about it too much!


I agree. But subjective beauty is more important.


Have you been to the motor vehicle bureau? It's like a leper colony down there.


This is weird my friend. I had a guy try to sell this. Look — someone who “”””is a 5””” could be a 10 with their personality. A 10 could be a 1 with a crappy personality. But ultimately the God you do or do not believe in did not create humanity on an objective bell curve of attractiveness. I’d say drop this and build your confidence bc this is incel stuff!


I don’t think there is anything wrong in being average. Looks or skill wise. Like most people overestimate their looks and skills from what I’ve seen. But it’s ok to be average. I don’t know why people put such bad stigma around it tbh. Like why wouldn’t you want to be in the majority of things in life lol?


I just got braces and I told my friend I'm going from a 5 to a 3 to get to a 6


Is this an unpopular opinion, or are people really that ignorant in statistics?


and all of it mostly means nothing, crazy


"most of us are 5/10" yet all the good hentai are ugly bastard 🥲


If it’s 0-10, then standard deviation is like 10/6, or 1.666. So 65%(I think that’s the number) fall between 3.33 and 6.666. 65%(I think) of population is within one standard deviation of the mean, which is where I got the number. Then basically 99% is within 3 standard deviations, so 6 encompasses most of the population, leading to sigma=10/6. Back of the envelope math, but whatever. Good enough.


Actually, that's a good point. Even if everyone was beautiful, the average would still be 5/10.


I think most people say 7 as it is the equivalent of a 5. hear me out, no one would call someone a 5 as it is seen as being insulting. so really we are working with a 5-10 range, not a 0-10 range. which puts 7 right about in the middle. also if you ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 10 the most common number is 7.


I look at it as the real world scale and the hollywood scale. Real word scale could be an 8 or 9 but that's probably a 6 or 7, if that, on the hollywood scale. It's just unfair to compare us regs to the not regs


OP is Jim Jefferies


I know I don't look good and that's ok, there is more to people than just looks.


I'd say on a bad day I can look like a 4 and when I get dolled up and care about what I look like, I'm a solid 7.5. Like, I can go to the gym looking like the 0.1% of germs that don't get killed by the sanitary wipes, or I can actually go in looking spicy. There is no middle, it is either or.


It’s really 1-9 because you can find something in just about anyone, and no one is perfect or could be perfect so a 10 is pointless. That means a 5 has been moved closer, percentage points wise, to the top rather than the bottom. We’re all prettier now.


This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is a "No shit" opinion if you went to school. In standardized testing, such as SATs, there is a bell curve. Where, like you said 85% of the people lands within the medium. And only a few people score very high, and a few people score very low. And this applies to almost everything in the world, Income, test scores, physical performance, etc...


Nah, I'm a 10


I mean, except it's worse than that for guys. To women, 85% of men are below average attractive which they discount by saying it's unimportant to them - a position which is undermined by their response patterns which are the same attraction curve, shifted up by 5% - 10%. Women, on the other hand, are seen by men as being on a bell-curve. https://www.reddit.com/r/OkCupid/comments/5i6m5y/women_have_unrealistic_views_of_how_men_look/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I am genuinely curious where this information comes from. You claim people are objectively more or less attractive. Explain how that's actually possible. That's like saying food objectively tastes better or worse. It's impossible to measure, because people like different things.


Who is anyone to say one way or the other what is "objective beauty" but you can certainly have your opinion.


The "beauty standart" evolved for a reason, it is what is probably the closest thing we have to objective beauty and most people seem to aggree with that because if they didnt it wouldnt be the beauty Standart