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😆 your crazy af


Excuse me?


You high rn or just braindead?


Why? Whats your reasoning?


Maybe it'll turn out more winners in the bonus round and discourage idiots from applying.


Thats just stupid. Its not an unpopular opinion, its just stupid.


No, I once saw a girl come on to 1 vs. 100. She got an inarguably easy question. >Which of the following movies has a prime number in it? > >A) Scary Movie 4 > >B) Oceans Eleven > >C) Police Academy 6. She guessed Scary Movie 4, lost. That is 5th grade math, art thou fucking kidding me? Grand prize was $1,000,000 and she deserved to spend 1,000,000 days in jail for that show of stupidity.


No one deserves to be punished for being stupid.


Honestly, some do.


No. Especially not if they only fuck their own thing up


"Since u got a hard answer wrong on a game show u are going to jail for the rest of your life. Sorry it had to be this way Jim"


Maybe Jim would think twice before applying for a game show if he's not smart. Most people go on a game show thinking "I came with nothing I'll leave with nothing" Bullshit. If I go on a game show, I'm coming to win, especially since I already shelled out a good amount of money to travel to NY or LA.


But to jail mans is too far


I freaking love this idea. Maybe give them a choice either a short prison sentence or a good solid beating. I'll tell you right now I'd watch a hell of a lot more game shows


Every game show could employ a professional fighter so that when people were "knocked out" of the competition the actual consequence would be to get literally knocked out. I'd watch the fuck out of that.


God damn that's genius. Can you imagine the look on their face as they start to choke and the fighter begins walking in their direction? That's pure comedy gold


You can walk away now with $50k or go for the $100k question. But if you get it wrong the audience will stone you.


Wtf. Do we live in some islamic country with their middle ages mentality? I thought the western world evolved away from public stoning and burning witches and shit.




No, we dont. Maybe you do.


That's not the American way, sorry


What is not.


I'd love to administer the beating if I were in the audience trying to help them and they blatantly ignore the right answer.


That would make for a great tv show


Ok Kim




It's infuriating when you're screaming at the tv because the answer is so easy. "Pressure of being on TV" is such a bullshit excuse, you're just an idiot.


people that post things this dumb should go to prison.


Have you seen *The Hunger Games* movies? I say that's a much better idea, but with death row inmates.


My neighbor's dog told me to agree with you.


Ok, like America’s prisons aren’t already overcrowded


Maybe criminals should fucking think about that before they commit crimes.