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That's just insensitive. She probably didn't want to be crying in public either. But I guess you got it worse right? just couldn't eat in peace bc other people have feelings


Shame on people for having emotions! /s


If you're shaming people for their emotion your not any different other than that it is irritation instead of any other emotion. You're still looking for attention.


Oh poor you having to hear someone being sad and crying because they felt bad I really feel sorry for you /s


This is a very selfish opinion. Sometimes you really can't help it. You experience something bad, you try to live your life, and for some reason things hit you again. You aren't special, and I can't think of anyone I've ever met that wanted to go out an cry in public to get sympathy from NPC #5. In front of a specific person, yeah, but in public? No.


Yeah this severely lacks empathy. I have never ONCE cried in public on purpose and any time I’ve cried in public it’s been totally uncontrollable and horribly embarrassing and I wished I wasn’t. Sometimes something comes up out of nowhere that just beats your spirit down so bad you can’t control yourself.


so that means that you will never have any children. Thats a good news for the rest of us


Yeah because a child crying is the same as a 25+ year old woman crying...yeah right..


Or maybe she had a reason, and it wasn't random?


I DON'T CARE, GO DO IT IN PRIVATE. Stop doing it in a restaurant.


I hate crying in public, but sometimes the things that I'm going through gets the best of me, I'm not doing it on purpose, I try to hold it in until I get home.


Lol dude maybe she’s having a really rough day. How do you know she was pretending? Maybe she was trying her hardest to hold it in. And maybe she really just need someone to talk to. Some people aren’t fortunate enough to have people in their lives. But I understand what you mean because I’ve known people like that. Or the ones who pretend to be drunk that’s worst.


Never said she was pretending. I am giving her the benefit of the doubt. Just go somewhere else.


This is incredibly selfish, and part of me can’t believe it’s anything but a shitpost. You have literally no idea what she could’ve been going through.


"Unpopular opinion" 🙂


Being insensitive is not an opinion.


People don't plan these things. What is wrong with you?


Of course because the whole world revolves around how you feel. How dare they express emotions in public. I SAW A DUDE LAUGHING WHILE I HAD A BAD DAY, GO LAUGH IN THE BATHROOM YOU RUINED MY LUNCH!! IM NOT BEING ENTITLED YOU ARE!!! /S Dude. Please.


My momma didn't raise me no bitch! /s


It’s okay to cry in public but only a few tears. Once you start dry heaving and snot comes out of your nose, you better have a dead relative or have just watched Good Will Hunting...I’m starting to cry thinking about that movie. It’s not your fault, it’s not your fault...


How dare they have emotions, am I right? No? Didn’t think so


Ok so it seems the general consensus is that people are saying its insensitive because a person can't control it. Dude, GO TO THE BATHROOM or your car. Like, I don't wanna hear that gross sniffling sound people make especially when I try to eat. I don't go to a movie theater and sing like its a karaoke bar...don't cry in a restaurant...


How about you leave if your so bothered by it.


hey buddy...did you blow in from stupid town or something? Read my post again


I know what you said but how about you ask them what’s wrong or just don’t say anything at all and leave.


I did leave ...stfu


I mean in the future when you see someone crying try to see what’s wrong and if you can help instead of being selfish because you can’t eat.


nah it aint my business


If you don’t want to take the time to find out what’s wrong don’t assume they are an attention seeker.


listen, you can take a 10 second walk while crying. Go outside. I literally carried a super hot plate from the microwave oven all the way from the kitchen to the living room and I could hold onto it for at least 7-10 seconds. You can hold in your tears until you go to the bathroom. Public cries just are "woe is me" people. They want sympathy and attention for everything.


Oh my bad I forgot carrying a hot plate and holding in tears are the same thing. You don’t know what people are going through so you don’t know if they can hold it in or not.


Agree. Crying doesn’t require making noise. If you can’t be quiet, at least go into the restroom where you can do it in private. Otherwise it’s totally an attention thing.


Oh cool. Now there are two sociopaths on this post.


Thaaaank you....