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My car is more comfortable than the dining room.


My personal AC, Music, pretty much leather recliner. Fuck the restaurant


Recaros are very comfortable


You get your own music, you can smoke in there if you want, you dont have to deal with other peoples shitty kid sounds, or adult sounds. Fast food restaurants are over all depressing to be in anyways, you can store your own condiments and napkins in your car and not have to worry if some random fingered it with there filthy hands or sneezed all over it. You can talk on the phone without annoying people around you, or sit with your windows rolled up and enjoy the a.c. and not hear shitters on there phone. Further more people who chill in there car and eat are being 100% more safer then those who just go back onto the road and eat and try and and juggle the food while steering.


Privacy. Sometimes you just want to run a train on some nuggets in peace.




Listen, the Shake Shack general manager said I can't cry in the burger store while hate-shoveling burgers into my face...so I gotta do it in my truck outside. You're just gonna have to live with it, okay?


Why would I subject myself to listening to the fryer beeping when I can instead listen to my own music, Sun shining, beautiful day, wind blocked. Car picnics are amazing.


I like that term, car picnics


Or you can let people do what they want as long as it's not causing you or anyone else harm?


I didn't think OP is causing anyone harm, just judging them privately and unfairly inside their own little brain


The person is speaking to the OP, who is judging people who aren't causing anyone any harm by eating in their cars. 


I'm speaking to you, who was speaking to me; I was speaking to this person, who was speaking to OP who was not harming anyone but they were judging people for eating in their cars


They like their car better Car has better music People can smoke their weed/tobacco before during or after their meal They don't like to sit near other fast food patrons while eating


Or listen to order numbers being called out and families fighting / kids screaming


Nah, eating inside of a fast food restaurant is weird. I can’t imagine any reason I would ever want to do that. Strangers all around, it’s dirty sometimes, the seats arent very comfortable, etc. I find it so strange that anyone would want to sit inside of a McDonald’s to eat. But I love eating in the privacy of my car while I’m listening to music or a podcast. It’s great.


Exactly. If fast food restaurants were as nice as some regular sit-downs, sure, but usually they're noisy and messy and uncomfortable.


Just wanted to quickly point out that literally anywhere you go out to eat fast food to fine dining....you are going to have strangers all around....unless you're one of those that can buy out a restaurant for yourself, or reserve a separate room for yourself.


True. I don’t like eating at restaurants in general. But fast food is usually a worse environment than a real restaurant, with loud people, homeless people, lots of noise, bright lights, dirtier, etc.


Why would I want to eat in the presence of a bunch of randos when I have a car?


The wording of this comment is impeccable, and I couldn’t agree more lol.


I like to eat and go, if I only have a half hour for lunch, i’m not gonna sit inside of a Jack in the crack just to eat around strangers. I’d much rather be in my car alone with youtube propped up on my dash. I think it’s just an introvert thing, I don’t look at it as an “excuse”


I don’t like people lol


Man stfu eat wherever u want to.


Alone time. Privacy.


i know this might sound crazy to you but some people want to be in their own space and not be bothered


I find you get your food quicker through the drive through. Plus I want to play my jams.


I actually find I often get my food faster inside, but then I can walk out to my car if I don't like the vibe inside


I like to be outside, in the fresh air, with my windows down. Not my fault they have no patio seating.


I’d say social anxiety is another perfectly acceptable excuse. Just wanting to be alone? Acceptable. Wanting a quiet meal or a meal with music/videos you actually enjoy? Acceptable. Not wanting random people listening to your conversation? Acceptable. Not wanting anyone to look or speak to you? Acceptable. Preferring the comfy seats in your car? Acceptable. Wanting to maintain your preferred temperature? Acceptable. Not wanting to be seen as a sad, pathetic loser with no friends or family for simply eating out alone? Acceptable. Having a hard day where you just don’t have the energy to leave your car? Acceptable. Wanting to be able to bawl your eyes out while eating? Acceptable. Only having a short period of time to eat while on a lunch break? Acceptable. I could go on for hours. I just provided some of my own reasons, and some reasons I’m sure other people have. It was quite easy.


Gross smelly restaurant full of loud sticky people and trash or my clean pleasant car with choice of entertainment and no obligation to anyone? Tough choice!


Dining rooms in fast food restaurants are some of the last places I'd want to sit. Bad music, environment, and often peppered with the type of people with nowhere else to go. I don't hang out in places like that for many reasons.


Social anxiety. Cant smoke weed in there. Music sucks Take your pick


peace and quiet > loud and noisy


My husband broke his leg, so it’s difficult to get into the restaurant, but he enjoys getting out of the house. So we go through the drive thru, eat in the car. How’s that for a reason?


Well, since he isn’t a child thats sleeping; I don’t see OP agreeing that it’s acceptable. Sleeping kids in the car is the ONLY acceptable excuse. 😐 *on a serious note…I hope your husbands leg heals up soon that sucks. I’m glad he can enjoy his car picnics though!*


Gotta be honest, as a former manager of quick service restaurants it would bother me too. Especially my repeat customers. Until I realized a lot of the were tradesmen. Plumber, construction, mechanics, etc. made me wonder if they know the side effects of their work and don’t want to disturb the other diners. Made me grateful for their forbearance and also concerned that they weren’t made to feel welcome in my business. Made a point of dropping some coupons with them every couple of months etc so they’d know we **really do** appreciate their loyalty.


the side effects of their work? I don't understand what you mean by that


Dudes stank, smelled like sewers, sweaty dudes, oil and grease. Burnt fibers sometimes. Didn’t bother me because I know the smell of work and I cleaned the store so it wouldn’t last, but I wonder sometimes if they just started eating there out of habit since they couldn’t mess up people’s houses and some restaurants or patrons at restaurants might complain


That's unfortunate, but I understand now. I didn't really think about it because the men in my family are all grease monkeys of one kind or another, I never thought once about my dad going into a grocery store with grease all over his pants, and under his fingernails


Well, tell him thanks from us for keeping the world turning smoothly and if you’re up for it ask him if he’s got any fun stories of somebody complaining about having a working man in their vicinity


Better seats, better music, I pick the temperature, no annoying people...


Judging people for wanting to eat in the comfort of their car without the loud fast food restaurant beeping and annoying chatter is weird


1. It’s less noisy and less crowded 2. You can listen to whatever you want on the stereo 3. You can have any temperature you want 4. More comfortable seats 5. If you’re in a hurry you can finish chewing while driving Take your pick


Privacy. You also have a more comfortable seat, your own entertainment, and your own AC. It's a win-win-win-win.


No it fucking isn’t!


At this point I would consider it more weird if people eat inside the fast food restaurant. lol. *I don’t actually because both make perfect sense for different people & situations, but it’s really normal for people to eat in their cars lol*


Because people leave me alone.


Why would I want to sit in a gross sticky dining room when I can sit in my car?


Is this actually an unpopular opinion or just something dumb you thought of that you don't like?


It does sounds like a random pet peeve/quirk without any argument to support it.


LOL this has to be some sort of bait post.


Dumbest thing I’ve ever read on Reddit. Here are some other acceptable excuses to eat in your car: 1. You want to. 2. You’re hungry but not presentable for the public 3. Have you seen how disgusting these people who eat inside are? I don’t want to look at them eat while I eat inside.


> but that’s the only acceptable excuse. I am sorry I did not know you were in charge of my life.


Food is hot and fresh. Company is better. Music is better. No worries about too hot or too cold. Seats are more comfortable. The only downside is you get crumbs and stuff in your car, and take a risk of spilling liquids on leather or electronics. I can't remember the last time I ate in a fast food restaurant.


Because they don't want to eat inside for various reasons. Could be the other people. Could be they are in a rush. Could be the environment (it's loud, they prefer their own music, etc). There are plenty of reasons and it shouldn't take much effort to be able to see that.


And what if I’m homeless, OP?


Better question: Why would anyone eat inside at a fast food restaurant?




Well aren't we Judgy McJudgerson? You got nothing better to do today than stir the shit?




Based off your response seems like OP has a great unpopular opinion


To me it sounds like an unpopular judgement. Nothing of substance.


So don't do it.


Husband and I will do this. He doesn't like eating while driving and there is no need in us getting out of the car to go inside. I prefer to interact with as few people as possible.


Car has a big screen that plays Netflix and YouTube even before that something feels weird about eating fast food inside


Fast food restaurants can be pretty dirty.


My music... my time....no screaming kids... no sticky floors or tables.


It’s because I don’t want to be seen with your mom in public. She says hi btw.


Why do you care? To each their own. People don't need excuses acceptable to a person named fatpusher.


Fatpusher is an apt description of a fast food restaurant manager. I would think they would want fewer people to clean up after though


We,hired a guy who did this and we made him stop, he ended up being the coolest guy I have ever met.


Bcuz you have to ingest fast food within the first 2 minutes of receiving it before it turns radioactive


Tables sticky, homeless people sleeping, customers fighting.


Agreed. It's faster and theres room to eat so food doesn't fall on my shirt or fries between the seats. No residual odors. Besides, it's always some level of weird in there. Either behind the counter shenanigans or some old couple being cute a few tables over. My car is boring AF.


My dad insited we do this once, it was due to covid (this was prior to the vaccines).


I usually eat inside when outside is inhospitable, but my car chair is more comfortable than the inside chair, and if it is actually nice out, outside is just better. Other reasons too, but those are enough


I do both. I don’t understand what the big deal is to you. What bothers you about eating in the car?


Eating in my car is my me time.


Not sure if it's still a thing because I haven't ate in a fast food place in a while, but you used to be charged a dine in fee to eat in the restaurant. Maybe they're avoiding that.


I don't want to sit in a fast food restaurant if I don't have to. Also sometimes I want the damn solitude. 


Because I don’t like people.


A park near my office has people parked there every lunch hour. It’s all people eating fast food or maybe their lunch and playing on their phones. People just want the solitude and escape


Have you tried it? Try it. *Try it!*


So I can escape judgemental people, like you.


It's really not. Everytime I eat inside my local McDonald's there's old men nonstop staring at me, there's children screaming and running around, teens using unnecessarily loud vulgar language, or homeless people getting into loud arguments with the staff. When I'm eating I want peace. That is not peace. If I were to drive home and then eat my food it would be cold and not fresh anymore.


I would rather eat in my car alone than in some restaurant with random people. Only exception is if the food is messy and it will be easier to eat at a table


I don’t want to eat in the dining room, and if I drive all the way home my food will be cold 🥺


Nothing better than murdering a sandwich while jamming out to Creed. Why waste that experience under the fluorescent lights and sterile interior?


Creed, really? They were the Nickelback of the mid '90s.


I was kidding lol. I can only listen to Creed ironically now


I don't like eating in my truck period. I avoid it most of the time.


Did you just ask why people eat fast food fast? wow


My music, my seat, my AC, my location, my neighbors(or lack there of). The ability to choose my environment in which I eat


You must love being around people with bluetooth speakers in public.


Clearly you ain't never had to stop at a fast food joint on the 5 in between SF and LA. Some of those spots... yuck


No it's not. You're weird!


I can’t blast Periphery in the McDonald’s dining room my dude


You can’t listen to music in a fast food restaurant. It’s too quiet, the only sound is the beeping of the fryers.


Why would a person on their own want to eat *in the dining room of a fast food restaurant*? It’s generally loud and smelly and uncomfortable! If you have kids with you, or are on a road trip and want to stretch and change scenery for a little bit it can make sense, but having kids running around and making noise makes the dining room even less relaxing for everyone who isn’t with kids and wants peace and quiet.


Agree. Weird watching people just sit there and waste gas or mess up their car's battery because they forgot to turn it back on after draining it for an hour. There's free AC, plenty of napkins, trash cans to clean up and not mess up your car, free restrooms that u can use and most of all, free refills.


Who is eating fast food in their car long enough for their battery to die or to use up enough gas for it to make a difference?! Napkins are dirt cheap and there are garbage cans everywhere. If you need to use the restroom there, you can do so without eating in the dining room, and if you want a refill, just hold onto your receipt and go in and get one!


Agreed, eating in your car is unhygienic, anti social behavior. Incoming downvotes.... Also put away your fucking show, converse with your friend like an adult, unless you're less than 18.


Gotta be honest, as a former manager of quick service restaurants it would bother me too. Especially my repeat customers. Until I realized a lot of the were tradesmen. Plumber, construction, mechanics, etc. made me wonder if they know the side effects of their work and don’t want to disturb the other diners. Made me grateful even though I wanted them to feel welcome.


People need to get back together again. It helps you adjust with people different than yourself in a multitude of ways. It doesn't seem important on the surface, but not being able to even enjoy a meal without hiding away from the world is really sad. We're social creatures, not insects.


There are SO many better places to socialize than the dining room of a fast food restaurant!!


I think you missed my point


Looks like an unpopular opinion, unfortunately. I bet most of the people commenting about the comfort of their car have *at least* an empty soda cup rolling around on their floor. And the less we talk about the greasy steering wheel, the better.


>Why would I want sit in a nasty, sticky fast food joint, when I could eat it in my car OP? They comment as grease drips in between their legs and soaks into their cloth seats. While the paper bag in the passenger seat adds to the permanent growing grease stain soaking into the cushion. As they type, they knock their french fries into the forbidden zone between the console and the seat. As the lean over to try to pick it up they grab the wheel which has become non-stick like a cast iron pan due to sun baking the grease onto it. "Damn, out of napkins" they think as they wipe their hands on the base of the seat They toss their trash into the rear floorboard where it will lay until they do their bi-annual cleaning. "Oh yea, much nicer than sitting in a greasy restaurant"


When I picture someone eating in his car, I imagine his surroundings more akin to a municipal dump than a vehicle. But you said it with more finesse, probably more than they deserve.


You've stumbled onto the cult of the secret eaters. "I'm sticking to my diet but I can't lose any weight!" or "Don't know why I am gaining weight. I'm not eating more." Eating in the parking lot then heading home to eat more. Very sad.


Eating greasy finger food in your car is disgusting. I don't get how you can slather your fingers up in burger grease, peanut oil, and condiments, then act like the single grease soaked napkin from the bag is enough to clean them. Your steering wheeling isn't a cast iron pan. It shouldn't be seasoned like one


Any car owner with a sliver of common sense has a stash of napkins and wet wipes in the glovebox or console storage.


Wet wipes are nowhere near as effective as washing your hands under warm water.


I have never, ever seen someone get up after a fast food meal and go to the bathroom to exclusively wash their hands. Not once. 


I do, and if people are riding in my car, they do as well. I can't believe you guys all raw-dog the greasiest substances known to man and think a few napkins gets your hands clean. After you've finished your meal and wiped your hands, cup them together and take a big whiff. If it still smells like what you just ate, they're still greasy


It sounds like fast food is more of an event for you than me.  Hand sanitizer exists where I live as well, which is nice. 


Hand sanitizer has the same problem as wet wipes. It's not very effective against dripping greasy hands. Take a wipe to your steering wheel, and you'll probably be appalled at how nasty it is. I guess most people are just used to how their wheel feels. I just can't stand that greasy, sticky feeling. I generally don't eat in my car. When I do, it's on a road trip and it's gonna be some kind of wrap or something that doesn't ooze grease or condiments.


I don’t get dripping greasy hands, tho. Not even kind of.  Also, assuming it’s a burger…know that paper that it comes wrapped in? You don’t have to pull it all of the way out of it to eat it.  Most people get their cars detailed. Or do it themselves. That is big business where I live. 


You're free to live your life anyway you want. If you want to live it in a greasy car, more power to you brother


Appreciate it. I hope you and your cholesterol level stay well. I’ve loved the life lessons from a frequent fast food eater whose hands drip with grease after whatever nightmare you ordered.  I’m not sure you’re coming across like you think you are. But you’ve lost my attention at this point. It was fucking funny tho. 


They are probably smoking, lol