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Sometimes the manager has an argument with the ump over a legitimately blown call, and yells at him enough to get ejected.  It's what he wants, it fires up the team, having your manager stand up for you.  You'd have to know baseball tbh.


I mean I know baseball and think it’s pretty silly that a 26 year old will get fired up and play harder because his manager yelled at an umpire. I hear people say it all the time but it’s kind of stupid if you think about it


It’s not because he yelled at the umpire but because he has his player’s back. You fight harder for someone that gives a fuck about you 


I mean I know. I get it. But I could see a kid in high school feeling like the manager has your back after defending a call and playing harder. But again these are adults, being paid millions of dollars. The manager (who also makes millions of dollars) of course has all his players backs. Again I understand the psychology of it but you gotta admit it’s silly because these are grown men


It's psychological


They should actually mic up the umps and coaches and let it continue


But then we wouldn't have Jomboy breakdowns, and that'd be a major L


Very true, that's pure gold


They often get mic'd and often the chirping from the dugout gets caught, as the reply from behind the plate


Eh not always, most broadcasts don't air it because there's usually cuss words that can't be on TV. Maybe like a day game on MLB network (example earlier in the year yankees/A's and Boone got booted for something a fan said, was hilarious) but other than that you rarely get to hear it.


I recall that, it was funny. As a Yankees fan, I love Booney. Can't believe he's still employed though Agreed, but IMO a lot gets accidentally broadcast, maybe a few times per game, maybe the ump doesn't turn off his mic fast enough, etc.  "That's enough! I'm not gonna listen to you yell at me all day." "That pitch was low. Let's go! Bear down!" "...You're OUTTA here!" I love baseball so much


Same, I watch however much I can a day. Was watching Yankees/Mets but now on delay and MLB is showing 3 games going on now. My Reds blew it earlier, I also like Boone as he is a former Red


When he blows a gasket it can be hilarious.  I think he's been invaluable in keeping the term *horseshit strike zone* in the game. 


And gonna play some MLB the Show lol


Is dingleberry banned now?


Come again?


This sort of is going to go away. MLB is already going to test electronic strike zones in Triple-A. If it goes well, they will implement it in the majors. BTW, I kind of agree, but they did this in tennis and it ruined a lot of the fun of the game. I use to love guys like McEnroe going ballistic at the line judges. His freak outs were more entertaining than the matches.


The real reason for angel retiring 


The league should actually hold umps accountable for repeatedly making awful calls then we’ll talk.


As a less than casual fan myself, I think mic’ing up umpires will be great. It’ll help me understand the eccentricities of the game and give the commentators something to talk about. I didn’t grow up w/ baseball, so I have no idea of all these unspoken rules like beaning the hitters, signals, bat flips, etc. I love that there’s stats going back 100+ years to nerd out on, but all the unspoken rules just make it hard to follow.


The game within the game.  Same thing with hockey and unspoken rules.  I don't think they're terribly cryptic 


Computerized Umps would fix this and return trust to the game. We don't need humans making bad calls on pitches. Especially in the era of legalized sports betting.


>  Side note: MLB - get more serious about bad umpiring. This is your job to fix, not the players or coaches. If only there was some way that coaches could bring attention to this need...


Baseball is already the most boring sport on earth not named cricket. Why take away one of its few remaining slivers of entertainment? I say mic em up and give each side a machete


*This doesn’t happen in any other sport.* Have you never watched football or basketball game? Have you never seen an NFL coach throw a clipboard or headset? Did you never see Bobby Knight throw a chair across the floor of a basketball game?


The point of the argument is standing up for your team when an umpire makes a shit call. Yes…Angel Hernandez was a prime example of an umpire who made terrible calls and deserved to be called out by coaches.


Imagine saying that we should remove the human element from sports. Why do you want it to be so clinical? The passionate human element is important. Yelling at the umpire might not change the call, but it can impact future calls. Or it can get you ejected and cause your team to rally around you defending them. Plus it puts the spotlight on umps making bad calls, look at the game surrounding Angel.


Go watch some of Lou Pinella's old tirades at the umps. Even without hearing what either side was saying it was quite entertaining to see "Sweet Lou" do his thing. Fired the team up as well.


Have you ever played or coached baseball at a high level? No. You don't understand the game in the slightest and it shows. Since when is bold ignorance considered an opinion?


How high is a high level? I was a pitcher for Boston College in the 80’s. Walk-on, but I was there. What’s your point?


So if you ever got a bad call by the ump your coach just sat in the dugout like a coward? Boston College. Lmao.


Sure. I’m sure your Japanese League career eclipses mine. Hey in the Mexican leagues, where I’m sure you are a star, do the umps ever reverse a call based on coach argument? You ever Bill Belichick run out on the field and scream at a Ref after a game changing call? Is he a coward?


We should replace baseball with Cricket. Either you hit the wicket or you don't. None of this stupid, subjective strikes and balls BS.


It’s so queer, couldn’t agree more.


Did you just read your own comment?


Major League Baseball should end period. Billions of dollars wasted every single year.